HomeBlogothersGraphic Designer Salary in Singapore in 2024: Complete Earning

Graphic Designer Salary in Singapore in 2024: Complete Earning

23rd Apr, 2024
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    Graphic Designer Salary in Singapore in 2024: Complete Earning

    Looking for a graphic design job in Singapore? Well, Singapore has many companies hiring graphic designers at lucrative salaries.

    Among all other careers, graphic designing is also said to be booming over time. Many media houses and entertainment industries are looking for graphic designers. Graphic designing is a skill that everyone must possess. To be a great graphic designer, you must be proficient and know what you are doing. You must be able to copy and make your client’s vision come true with the help of images, infographics, and videos. A career in graphic designing requires skills in tools like - Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Animation, Motion Graphics, Web Design, and many more.

    In this article, we discussed all the necessary skills required to be an excellent graphic designer and a graphic designer’s salary in Singapore.

    Who is Graphic Designer?

    Graphic designers are the visual communicators of an organization who create business concepts using graphical tools or software. The goal of a graphic designer is to create communication ideas to inform, inspire, and captivate consumers through images, videos, and infographics. They ensure their designs appropriately represent the intended meaning and effectively communicate information by maintaining continual interaction with clients, consumers, and other designers. Their work process is divided into several stages -

    • Develop brainstorming ideas.
    • Make the first draft on a piece of paper.
    • Get it finalized by the manager, client, or team leader.
    • Design and redesign (if necessary)

    Graphic designers create graphics by merging art with technology using various design elements to achieve artistic effects for creating layouts and production designs for advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports. The responsibility of a graphic designer includes the following -

    • Creating company logos
    • Creating product images
    • Formalize the print ad layout.
    • Developing images and posts for social media
    • Creating flyers, banners, and business cards
    • Retouching old photos
    • Designing web pages for a better customer experience
    • Create video game graphics.
    • Design layouts for book covers, magazines, etc.

    To be a talented graphic designer, you must nurture your skills even if you are great at the job. This is because, with the evolution in technology and the market, the requirement for extraordinary graphics is rising. Below are a few skills that you must know to hone skills that would help you get a hike in graphic design salary in Singapore:

    1. Color Theory

    A graphic designers must understand color theory, which helps them create aesthetic images. This involves learning how color affects people and choosing different colors for different audiences.

    2. Computerized Sketching

    Several tools help a graphic designer create professional images. Also, these tools help you to design and make changes quickly.

    3. Typeface Design

    If you are willing to work as a graphic designer in Singapore, you must learn typeface design. It lets you use the proper types of fonts and typography to create suitable, aesthetically beautiful narratives and is simple to read.

    4. Website Development

    Though not necessary, a simple knowledge of CSS, HTML, and a few more programming languages would be great. These might be handy if you are asked to design a CMS (Content Management System). A UI and UX Design Course will be beneficial in learning the art of designing a web page.

    5. Communication Skills

    Good communication will help you understand the clients’ needs, solve problems, and communicate effectively with them to deliver the best graphics.

    How much is Graphic Designer’s Salary in Singapore?

    A graphic designer salary in Singapore per month typically is around 3000 SGD to 7500 SGD on average. The lowest salary of a graphic designer in Singapore is 3000 SGD, while the highest can go up to 9500 SGD per month. The median salary of a graphic designer in Singapore is around 5600 SGD.

    This salary includes all the benefits such as - housing, food, transport, etc. Their salary varies depending on their experience and skills. Also, the region they are working in affects their salary.

    Educational Qualification for Graphic Designer

    We all know higher education means a higher salary. That’s true. But how much money can a degree add to your income? We will discuss the graphic designer jobs in Singapore salary based on the certification the degree they have -

    1. High school

    Having a high school certificate means you can work a part-time job - if you have skills and creativity. You can also freelance with any company in Singapore. The salary of a graphic designer in Singapore for a high school student is 3390 SGD per month.

    2. Certificate or Diploma

    A candidate holding a diploma or certificate earns 18% more than the high school candidate. Graphic design salary in Singapore per month for a diploma holder is 3000 SGD - 4000 SGD.

    3. Bachelor's degree

    Most big companies in Singapore prefer candidates holding bachelor’s degrees in design and graphics (B.Des). The salary of a graphic designer holding a bachelor’s degree earns between 4700 SGD to 6000 SGD.

    4. Master's degree

    A candidate holding a master's degree in design (M.Des) has the potential to earn more than 6000 SGD per month. Also, a graphic designer’s salary in Singapore per month varies depending on the experience and skills they possess.

    Education QualificationSalary

    High School 

    3390 SGD 

    Certification or Diploma  

    4000 SGD 

    Bachelor’s Degree 

    6480 SGD 

    Master’s Degree 

    8700 SGD 

    Graphic Designer Salary Range Based on Roles

    If you are naturally creative, a graphic designer role will suit you the best. Based on your skills and roles, the salary of a graphic designer in Singapore varies. Below is the salary of graphic designers in Singapore as per their roles in an organization.

    1. UI/UX Designer

    The career of a graphic designer is very flexible and lets you work in any industry. Working as a UI or UX designer can be great for upskilling your career. They are responsible for creating visually appealing and user-friendly layouts and designs for software, application, software, etc. To learn more about this, you can join UI UX Design Bootcamp to help you boost your knowledge and earn well as a web designer. UI and UX design are very much in demand in Singapore, where they earn 4000 SGD - 9000 SGD per month.

    2. Junior Graphic Designer

    A junior designer helps produce drafts, prototypes, and engaging design solutions. They listen to feedback to hone skills and improve the design. They do not get any individual projects. Instead, they participate in the completion of a project. They work under the supervision of a senior graphic designer and learn in the process. An average salary of a junior graphic designer is 3000 SGD to 4000 SGD.

    3. Senior Graphic Designer

    Senior graphic designer in Singapore manages all the design projects from concept to delivery. They ensure the artwork is original and review the drafts to see if they are okay to deliver and of good quality. They are also responsible for creating creative ideas for projects. They communicate with the client and guide the junior graphic designer to provide quality work. In Singapore, a senior graphic designer earns between 7000 SGD - 8000 SGD.

    4. Illustrator

    The main job of illustrators in companies in Singapore is to create visuals combining design, art, and creative skills. They connect with clients, customers, and product specialists to create visuals in accordance with the product. They also create images for magazines, books, advertisements, posters, greeting cards, flyers, and business cards. They usually make between 3000 SGD to 6000 SGD per month.

    5. Multimedia Artists or Animators

    An animator is in charge of making animations and cartoons. Entertainment companies hire animators to make animated movies. You will have to hone skills of artistic aptitude to work as an animator. Hence, if you love storytelling, this could be a great career option for you. Also, not all graphic designers have the artistic quality to make animated movies - if you master it, you can rule it. An animator or multimedia artist earns between 5000 SGD to 7000 SGD per month.

    6. Creative Director

    A creative director sets the creative vision for the production. To comprehend the general tone and flow of the story, they evaluate the screenplay. When designing ad strategies for created material, he mentors the team members to produce high-quality art and animation assets. A creative director in Singapore may expect to make between 6000 and 7000 SGD per year.

    7. Production Artist

    A production artist is responsible for assisting his team in producing graphic materials, display, packaging, and advertising projects. They sometimes communicate with the graphic designer - a production artist also has graphic design skills. They ensure the quality of the ad banner, social media ads, etc., are met. The salary of the production artist in Singapore is 4000 SGD - 8000 SGD.

    8. Product Developer

    A product developer works around developing products like T-Shirts, goods, etc. They create visuals for goods and products like - Soccer balls, pens, bottles, etc., to make them more attractive. They even design visuals for credit cards. As a product developer, you might also work as a UI or UX designer - if the product is software or an application. A product developer in Singapore makes 4000 SGD to 7500 SGD every month.

    9. Art Director

    Several graphic designers aim to be Art directors. However, to be an Art Director, you must start as a multimedia artist and rise through your rank. As this is a senior position, this job requires more than creative skills. You will be required to proofread the content and check if the images are relevant to the content and the tone of the website, magazines, etc. An Art Director in an organization ensures the brand image is maintained, especially in the advertising, gaming, and media industry. A graphic designer pays Singapore for Art Directors is between 7000 SGD to 9000 SGD per month.

    RolesSalary Range Per Month

    UI/UX Designer 

    4000 SGD - 9000 SGD 

    Junior Graphic Designer 

    3000 SGD - 4000 SGD 

    Senior Graphic Designer 

    7000 SGD - 8000 SGD 


    3000 SGD - 4000 SGD 

    Multimedia Artist or Animator 

    5000 SGD - 7000 SGD 

    Creative Director 

    6000 SGD - 7000 SGD 

    Production Artist 

    4000 SGD - 8000 SGD 

    Product Developer 

    4000 SGD - 7500 SGD 

    Art Director 

    7000 SGD - 9000 SGD 

    How Much Do Graphic Designers Earn Based on Experience?

    Based on their experience - the salary of fresher graphic designers is between 3000 to 5000 SGD per month, as their responsibility is less, and they are in the junior position. When they develop enough skills and move up in the hierarchy chart, their salary increases eventually. A mid-senior graphic designer earns 6000 SGD to 8000 SGD a month, whereas a senior graphic designer makes around 8000 SGD - 9000 SGD a month.

    Years of ExperienceSalary Per Month

    0-2 Years 

    2700 SGD - 3500 SGD 

    2-4 Years 

    3500 SGD - 4600 SGD 

    4-6 Years 

    4600 SGD - 6900 SGD 

    6-7 Years 

    7000 SGD - 8000 SGD 

    7-10 Years 

    8000 SGD - 9000 SGD 

    Top Graphic Designer Companies in Singapore with Salary

    Many companies in Singapore hire graphic designers at lucrative packages. Below are some top companies in Singapore hire graphic salary-


    Diseno Advertising Pte Ltd  

    4888 SGD 


    4166 SGD 


    4688 SGD 

    5ive Media 

    4396 SGD 

    MeetAnders Unlimited Graphic Design 

    4788 SGD 


    3510 SGD 

    Global Dot Com  

    5489 SGD 


    5332 SGD 


    3461 SGD 

     Artnexus Design Pte Ltd  

    4610 SGD

    Graphic Designer Salary Based on Industries in Singapore

    Below are a few industries that hire graphic designers in Singapore along with the salary -

    1. IT Services and Consulting

    IT services and consulting hire graphic designers in Singapore for many reasons. They communicate with the consumers in the form of visuals, banners, infographics, etc, to tell a story to consumers about the product. In short, they make your project come to life. The IT service industry involves cloud computing which allows designers to create applications and software without downloading any software onto their PC.

    2. Media and Entertainment

    Media and entertainment industry mostly hire graphic designers to help them complete a film by creating graphics the same as outlined in the script. For example, the movie Avatar - the entire movie is based on graphics - from the background to the facial structures. Hence, they play an important role in the success of a film. They require searching and research, sometimes taking references from the past and replicating the exact same thing. Sometimes, it is all the imagination of the director that they need to replicate.

    3. Internet Based Companies

    Today anything with low-quality graphics is not accepted. The world has moved on to higher graphic-resolution user interfaces. If your website does not have an attractive graphic, nobody would visit your website and you will eventually lose traffic which includes your potential customers, clients, and even sponsors.

    As per the current report from BLS, the demand for graphic designers will increase in the coming few years as internet-based companies are increasing in number. This means you have ample opportunities in hand if you have skills and creativity in you. A Web Development Complete Course can help you get an upper hand in getting into internet-based companies.

    4. Advertising/PR/Events

    You must have watched flashy advertisements on television and social media - all of those are made by skilled graphic designers. They understand what is going to be loved by the consumer and make the imagination come true. Better advertisement images and videos mean more people will watch those, which ultimately will lead to higher sales. Thus, boosting the company's revenue.

    In Singapore, many companies such as L’Oreal, Octavia Enterprises, Delitier and Co. etc. want to hire graphic designers because they understand and know how to combine the company's logos, slogans, and promotional shades along with the company’s tone and make the design the same as imagined by the company. The two main reasons employers hire graphic designers in Singapore are – to make the brand visible and to spark communication, which results in business growth.

    5. Software industry

    The software industry is always looking for graphic designers to make their software and applications attractive and unique. Also, the software industry requires the 3D models of the product or the prototype before starting to manufacture the actual product. Here, you as a graphic designer can help them with your multimedia skills - 2D and 3D design.

    IndustryPay PercentageSalary Per Year

    It Services and Consultancy 


    33,600 SGD 

    Media and Entertainment 


    35,770 SGD 

    Internet Based Companies 


    57,880 SGD 



    43,709 SGD 

    Software Industry 


    63,990 SGD 

    Top Paying Companies for Graphic designers in Singapore

    Almost every company in Singapore hires graphic designers for online and print media. Even the cosmetic companies hire graphic designers to design their product to make it more appealing and pleasing to the customer - better the product design, higher is the sale. Below are some of the top paying companies for graphic designer in Singapore -

    CompaniesSalary (Yearly)


    64,840 SGD 

    DBS Bank 

    68,665 SGD 


    80,756 SGD 

    National University of Singapore 

    59,087 SGD 


    62,000 SGD 

    Singapore Press 

    68,773 SGD 


    45,480 SGD 


    89,056 SGD 


    72,983 SGD 

    Resort World Sentosa 

    88,600 SGD 

    City Wise Graphic Designer Salary in Singapore

    Different cities in Singapore have different wage ranges. Below are some of the cities that pay a good salary to graphic designers.

    CompaniesSalary Per Month


    4600 SGD 

    Tanjong Pagar  

    5089 SGD 


    4550 SGD 

    Ang Mo Kio  

    4298 SGD 

    Toa Payoh 

    5038 SGD 


    4900 SGD 


    4780 SGD 


    4501 SGD 


    4584 SGD 

    How to Negotiate a Better Graphic Designer Salary?

    If you have joined a company or are trying to increase your salary after several years on the job, a little guidance could be helpful to you. Some companies keep a salary range and disclose it later. So, to help you negotiate your salary as a graphic designer in Singapore, we have curated a list of tips and tricks below -

    1. Know Your Worth

    Do some research to determine what a professional in your situation should be paid in Singapore. There are several methods you might use to get this information. It's best to start by conducting an internet search first. You may search for compensation ranges for the job title you're considering on websites like Glassdoor, Salary.com, or PayScale, depending on your region, experience, and other factors.

    You can also ask your friends to help you with the salary ranges offered by the companies in Singapore.

    2. Ask About the Budgeted Salary

    It might be possible the recruiter will not disclose the wage range, but it is your responsibility to insist on knowing it. When asked about salary expectations during your first phone screen or initial conversation with an employer, always ask, "What is budgeted for the position?" This will reveal the price range they are prepared to provide and can serve as a basis for negotiations.

    If the interviewer does not mention this at the beginning, you can proactively ask them at the end of the interview, when they say - "Do you have any questions for me?"

    3. Provide Evidence of Your Expertise

    If you ask for a raise, ensure you have enough potential and skills to prove your worth. Keep track of all your records, achievements, and projects. Also, keep noticing the changes happening in the industry globally. This will help you create an impression of your knowledge and skills.

    4. Be Bold to Walk Away

    Many companies do not offer a fair salary per your experience and knowledge. Here, you must understand what is best for you and be able to say no if you think the salary does not justify the amount of work you will be doing. Once you do this, this will be a marker for your salary standard that you must not cross.

    It's crucial to remember that certain possibilities are worth less money. Taking a job with a small company may be worthwhile in the long term, where you may quickly pick up extremely useful skills. You might be able to learn at a breakneck pace for a year, then transfer your abilities to a firm that pays better and advances your position.

    5. Accept the Extras

    Extras can include incentives, bonuses, extra vacation days, and other non-salary compensation. When a company denies a huge package, they might offer you several perks and benefits that you must accept. This makes the salary package competitive.

    6. Understand the Negotiation Happens in Stages

    Salary negotiation does not happen in one stage. The first stage is when you reveal your expectations. If you choose a low range for your salary, the final salary might be lower than that. Always keep your margin so that you get your fair pay.

    7. Get the Discusses Salary in Writing

    It is important to get that in writing if you are discussing the salary. Ask HR to share a formal offer letter stating your salary hike. This is because a chat with the manager would be different from a letter.


    With the information mentioned above, you know all about Singapore's graphic designer jobs. To summarize, the role of a graphic designer varies from industry to industry. They have diverse roles and responsibilities in a company which determines their salary. Additionally, years of experience, gender, region, and many other factors affect their salary.

    However, with proper skills and knowledge about the field, you can easily move upward, automatically increasing your salary. If you have a low-paying job, do not stick to it for your entire life. Upgrade your skills, learn from your past companies, and be open to further opportunities that boost your salary. You must know that graphic design is not only about creating flyers. Technology development and people’s love for high-end graphics have increased the demand for graphic designers in entertainment, media, game development, etc. So, take your advanced graphic design courses and skyrocket your career to another level.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is a Graphic Designer internship a good way to get a job in Singapore?

    It is always recommended to do an internship before going for a full-time job. Companies in Singapore also offer internships to freshers. 

    2What is considered to be a good Graphic Designer salary in Singapore?

    A good salary for a graphic designer is 5640 USD per month. 

    3Who gets paid more Graphic Designers or Interior designers in Singapore?

    A graphic designer and an interior designer do not get paid on the quantity of the work but on the quality of the work. Hence, the salary depends on the organization and the industry.  

    4Do Graphic designers make more than engineers in Singapore?

    As graphic design is different from engineering, the salary varies depending on the expertise and experience of a candidate. 

    5What month do Graphic Designers get appraisals in Singapore?

    Appraisals in companies in Singapore are very common, which happens twice a year or sometimes annually. 

    6Is Graphic Designer a high-paying job in Singapore?

    A graphic designer salary Singapore is one of the highest paying jobs in Singapore. The salary starts from an average of XXX USD per year. However, the salary of a graphic designer also depends on the area and the city you live in.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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