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Python Full Stack Developer Salary in India

29th Feb, 2024
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    Python Full Stack Developer Salary in India

    A python full stack developer is a professional software engineer who can develop websites and applications on the front-end and the back-end (also known as client-end and server-end). Some of the popular front-end technical stacks are HTML, XML, CSS, Angular, React, JSON, jQuery, etc. While some well-known back-end technical stacks are PHP, C, Java, MongoDB, SQL, Python, etc. 

    The annual full stack Python developer salary in India depends on a lot of factors like job location, company, experience, skills, etc. Read the article to learn more about the full stack Python developer salary according to various factors. If you are interested in exploring FSD in-depth, we encourage you to sign up for full stack developer course with certification and upskill yourself. 

    What is the Salary Structure of a Full Stack Python Developer?  

    Below is the Python full stack developer salary in India: 

    • The average full stack Python developer salary in India is about ₹ 32,300 per month. 
    • The lowest Python full stack developer salary in India is about ₹ 14,900 per month. 
    • The highest Python full stack developer salary in India is about ₹ 51,400 per month. 

    Please note that this average monthly salary includes additional benefits such as housing, transport, etc. 

    Let us see the salary distribution of Python full stack developer in India: 

    • 25 % of Python full stack developers receive a salary of more than ₹ 46,600 per month. 
    • 50 % of Python full stack developers receive a salary of less than ₹ 46,000 per month and more than ₹ 24,400 per month. 
    • 25 % of python full stack developers receive a salary of less than ₹ 24,400 per month. 

    Python Full Stack Developer Pay Scale Based on Job Role  

    Job Role  

    Average Pay 

    Fullstack Python Developer 

    ₹ 4.4 LPA 

    Full Stack Engineer 

    ₹ 7.4 LPA 

    Python Developer 

    ₹ 4.3 LPA 

    Python Fullstack Developer 

    ₹ 5.5 LPA 

    Python Software Developer 

    ₹ 4.8 LPA 

    Python Engineer 

    ₹ 4.9 LPA 

    Python Full Stack Developer Pay Scale Based on Location  


    Salary Range 


    ₹ 2.0 LPA - 19.0 LPA


    ₹ 4.1 LPA - ₹ 5.2 LPA 


    ₹ 1.3 LPA - ₹ 8.6 LPA 


    ₹ 3.2 LPA - ₹ 7.2 LPA 


    ₹ 2.2 LPA - 10.9 LPA 

    Python Full Stack Developer Pay Scale Based on Companies  

    Below are some examples of salaries of python full stack developers according to the companies they are working for: 


    Average Salary 


    ₹ 5.2L 

    HCL Technologies 

    ₹ 8.9L 


    ₹ 7.5L 


    ₹ 9.6L 

    Tech Mahindra 

    ₹ 4.1L 


    ₹ 4.7L 


    ₹ 4.8L 


    ₹ 14.6L 

    Python Full Stack Developer Pay Scale Based on Experience  

    Below are some examples of salaries of python full stack developers according to their work experience: 

    • Average Python full stack developer salary for freshers: ₹ 320,000 per year 
    • Average Python full stack developer salary for professionals: ₹ 717,415 per year 
    • Average Python full stack developer salary for seniors: ₹ 1,221,707 per year 
    • Average Python full stack developer salary for team leaders: ₹ 1,400,000 per year 

    Full-Stack Developer Skills Breakdown

    Factors Determining Full Stack Python Developer Salary in India  

    Below are some of the factors that determine the full stack python developer salary:

    1. Location  

    Full stack Python developer salary varies in different countries and cities. The salary of a full stack developer who is working in a metropolitan city will be considerably more than the one who is working in a semi-urban or rural area. This is probably because of the varied cost of living in different locations and company policies. If you do not mind relocating, you could move to countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, etc to earn more money. In India, Bengaluru pays the highest salaries to full stack Python Developers. 

    2. Training  

    A full stack Python developer’s salary also depends on their academic training. If the candidate has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or any domain relevant to IT, they will earn more than the ones who completed their Bachelors in non-IT domains like Civil Engineering, Biotechnology, etc.

    Furthermore, if you have also completed further education like a Master's degree or Doctorate, your base salary would be higher than a graduate. Finally, if you have unexplained gaps in your academic training, this could negatively impact your salary as a full stack Python developer. 

    3. Type, Size and Domain of the Company  

    A Python full stack developer salary in India depends on the company they are applying to. If the company is a new startup with a few employees and no initial investment, your salary would be considerably low as compared to a full stack developer working for a multinational corporation. If you are working in an IT services company that hires full stack developers, you can expect to earn more compared to companies in other non-IT domains. 

    4. Work Experience  

    The seniority level or years of experience of the candidate is one of the most important factors that determine the salary of a python full stack developer. If you are a developer who just graduated from university, your salary will be significantly lower than that of someone who has 2-5 years of experience.

    A Full Stack developer's salary increases with experience. Seniority comes with time; therefore, you need to be patient to receive bigger paychecks. In the meantime, you can work towards learning new skills by pursuing online courses and certifications on KnowledgeHut. 

    5. Interview and Negotiation Skills  

    Most companies recruit employees through interviews. Candidates who excel in all steps of the recruitment process (telephonic interviews, quizzes, case studies, face-to-face interviews, etc) can expect a good starting salary.

    A full stack Python developer salary is mostly dependent on the in-person interviews with HR and the managers. Therefore, make sure that you answer all the interview questions with clarity and confidence to ace the interview. At the end of the interview, candidates should possess good negotiation skills to negotiate a good salary with additional perks. 

    6. Resume/CV  

    You should not take your resume lightly because it conveys the first impression about you to the recruiter. Ensure that your resume is up to date before sending it to the recruiter. Make sure that you use action keywords to mention your accomplishments.

    Refer to the company’s website to see if they have any specific requirements for the structure of the resume (in terms of the number of pages, photographs needed, etc). Finally, make sure that your resume is customized according to the job description of the position you are applying for. These steps will ensure that you are hired with a good salary as a full stack developer. 

    7. Skillset  

    The skill set of a full stack python developer is also one of the most important parameters that define their salary. The hiring companies are very picky about skills when it comes to hiring employees. Generally, if you are well-versed with all the technological stacks required by the company, they will have to spend less time and effort on your training. Therefore, they will prefer to hire you even if you demand a higher salary. Make sure that you learn all the important front-end and back-end technologies to get a potentially good salary. 

    Brush up your skills while earning certification with Java full stack developer training

    Full Stack Python Developer - Roles and Responsibilities  

    Some of the roles and responsibilities of a Python full stack developer are mentioned below: 

    • Web design on the front and back-end. 
    • Development and management of databases and applications. 
    • Writing technical documents with specifications, principles, methodology, etc. 
    • Creation of data security features to ensure data protection and privacy. 
    • Troubleshooting, debugging and upgrading the software. 
    • Testing of the features and functionalities of the application. 
    • Suggesting insights on the continuous improvement of the application. 
    • Ability to work with servers, Application Programming Interface (API), third-party apps, etc. 
    • Ability to work with the latest tools, approaches, frameworks and design relevant to software development.

    Top Cities where Knowledgehut Conduct Full Stack Developer Bootcamp Course

    FSD Bootcamp in Bangalore
    FSD Bootcamp in ChennaiFSD Bootcamp in Singapore
    FSD Bootcamp in PuneFSD Bootcamp in DubaiFSD Bootcamp in India
    FSD Bootcamp in Hyderabad
    FSD Bootcamp in DelhiFSD Bootcamp in Malaysia
    FSD Bootcamp in MumbaiFSD Bootcamp in CanadaFSD Bootcamp in USA

    How to Increase Your Salary as a Full Stack Python Developer?  

    The salary of an AWS Solutions Architect is not fixed, It depends on the experience, skills, and location of the person. If you wish to increase your starting salary as a Full Stack Python Developer, one way to do this is to upskill yourself.

    • Getting a degree and full stack Python certifications and gaining more and more experience is the one best way to do it as well.
    • Keep updating your social profiles 
    • Build a portfolio of work by writing blog posts 
    • Giving presentations at conferences 
    • Publishing articles on websites such as LinkedIn 
    • Start building up your portfolio with new projects and ideas you come up with on your own time 

    This way, people around you can be aware of all the certificates and projects you have completed. Overall, exposure is the best way to get the salary hike you deserve. 


    In this modern age of digitalization, it is wise to choose a career as a Python full stack developer. They are responsible for the development of the front and the back end of a website or application. The average Python full stack developer salary in India depends on a lot of parameters like company, job location, work experience, technical skills, etc. The average full stack Python developer salary in India is ₹ 440,000 per year. 

    If you are interested in becoming a Python full stack developer, you can take up KnowledgeHut’s online certification course in web development to develop new skills in the software development domain. KnowledgeHut offers a lot of online web development courses including an online full stack Bootcamp. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are Python full stack developers? 

    Python full stack developers are the ones who are proficient in the entire full stack developer skill set. These include front and back-end technical skills. Some of the important skills to become a Python full stack developer are Python, Java, IDE, SQL, CSS, HTML, etc. 

    2Is Python full stack developer a well-paid job? 

    Yes, Python full stack developer is a well-paid job with an average salary of ₹ 440,000 per year in India. 

    3What is the salary of a Python full stack developer with no experience?

    The salary of a Python full stack developer with no experience is about ₹ 320,000 per year in India. However, the salary might vary for candidates who are looking to work outside India. 

    4Does a Python full stack developer have a good future?

    With the advancement of digital goods and services, Python full stack developer is a great role to have. This role has a great future because new applications and websites are developed every year. The demand for Python full stack developers is also increasing every year. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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