HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentPopular Web Developer Jobs in the USA in 2024

Popular Web Developer Jobs in the USA in 2024

27th Dec, 2023
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    Popular Web Developer Jobs in the USA in 2024

    Web development has become a money-making profession for most individuals. The top companies in the USA always seek people with great skills for managing Web Stacks. Web developers with few years of experience can make a great income in the United States of America. A Web developer is not to be mistaken for a Web designer, who only deals with the aesthetics of a website or application; many professionals have both skill sets. Typically, a web developer is involved in the programming side of creating a website or Web application. 

    Who is a Web Developer?

    A web developer specializes in developing software and services specifically for the world wide web. They are in charge of using a range of computer languages and technologies to build and maintain websites and web applications. HTML, CSS, and java scripts are a few examples of web standards and protocols that most web developers are well versed in. They have also worked with databases, web servers, and other development and deployment tools for web applications which is more than enough to get a web developer job in USA. Web developers may collaborate with designers and other developers to develop new websites and applications. Additionally, they could be self-employed, developing their initiatives and doing contract work for customers as they have the proper Web Developer Certification and significant experience. 

    Types of Web Developer Jobs in the USA and their Demand

    There are many other duties and abilities involved in web development, and web developers might focus on things like front-end development, back-end development, or full-stack development. Back-end developers concentrate on server-side functionality and database management, whereas front-end developers concentrate on the website's user interface and user experience. Full-stack engineers can handle both client-side and server-side programming. The options for web developer jobs in USA are as follows. 

    1. Front-End Developer

    A website's design and management are the front-end developer's responsibility. They develop the user interface and make sure the website is aesthetically pleasing and straightforward to browse using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

    A front-end developer’s primary responsibility is to design and implement client-side web applications, which entails collaborating closely with the designers and other developers to bring a website’s visual components to life. 

    2. Back-End Developer

    A back-end developer is in charge of web development's server side and the website's logic and functioning. The web application is created and connected to the database using languages like PHP, Python, and Ruby. 

    Backend developers that can design and operate the servers and database that underpin these applications are becoming increasingly in demand as e-commerce, social media, and mobile devices gain popularity. 

    3. Full Stack Developer

    A web developer skilled in front- and back-end development is known as a full-stack developer. They are proficient in various web development technologies and web developer USA jobs require you to be a master of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails. 

    A Full Stack Developer training in USA will prove to be of greater benefit as developers with the necessary training and expertise can anticipate having a wide range of employment options in the US and for web developer jobs in the USA for foreigners. 

    4. Web Analyst

    Monitoring and maintaining the effectiveness and growth of web servers and their contents are the duties of a web analyst. Web analysts enhance the infrastructure and control web traffic to support channel tracking and business operation. To improve advertising campaigns and increase views on social media platforms, they work in tandem with the marketing and sales team. 

    Depending on the region and sector, different Web analysts are in demand. There is typically a significant demand for web analysts in fields like e-commerce, digital marketing, and technology. 

    5. UX Designer/ Developer

    A professional who creates and envelopes user-centered digital experiences and products is a UX designer/ developer, and they have the options for the highest paying jobs in web developer USA. They are tasked with comprehending customer requirements and designing user interfaces that are simple, effective, and visually appealing. 

    They collaborate closely with cross-functional teams of designers, developers, product managers, and stakeholders to produce digital solutions that match user wants and commercial objectives. There is a tremendous demand for UX designers/developers in the United States. 

    6. Web designer

    A web designer is a specialist who develops aesthetically pleasing and helpful websites. They produce layouts, images, and other visual components using several design software programs, such as Adobe Creative Suite. 

    They also keep up with the most recent trends and best practices in web design. Generally speaking, there is a great demand for web designers in sectors including technology, e-commerce, and digital media. 

    Remote/Freelance Web Developer Jobs in the USA

    In the year 2024, it is anticipated that there will still be a considerable need in the US for remote or independent web developers, which has created more options for web developer remote jobs USA. The COVID-19 pandemic has sped up the transition to remote work, and more businesses are accepting of hiring remote workers. Due to this, there is now a greater demand for web developers who can work remotely on projects, which has increased the chances for independent contractors and remote workers. 

    Depending on the particular abilities and technology that remote and independent web developers possess, the demand for their services varies for the web developer online jobs in US. Developers with expertise in a particular programming language or framework, for instance, can be in greater demand than those without. Based on the state of the economy, demand for remote and independent web developers may change. 

    It's important to keep in mind that remote and independent web developer jobs in USA may not be ideal for everyone and may present issues like isolation and a lack of a steady income. However, it may also be a terrific method for web developers to further their careers, develop a broad range of skills, and take back control of their work-life balance. 

    The following abilities are in high need for remote or contact web developers jobs in USA. 

    • The ability to code in web development languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP 
    • Angular, React, and Vue.js experience, as well as knowledge of other web development frameworks 
    • Expertise in best practices and trends for web development 
    • Knowing how to develop for mobile first and use responsive design 
    • Solid aptitude for resolving issues and debugging 

    In the US in 2024, there are several options to find remote or freelance web developer jobs in USA, including freelancing platforms, remote job boards, and contacting businesses directly. It's important to keep a watch on job postings from many sources as the demand for remote work increases and more businesses are expected to offer remote web developer jobs in America. 

    The Best Cities for Web Developer Jobs in the USA

    These cities, which considered parameters including median pay, cost of living, location quotient, and entry-level web developer jobs in USA, received the highest marks out of the 243 cities that provided data. Speaking of pay, the average annual compensation for the 121,020 web developers working in the United States in May 2014 was $68,670, or $33.02 per hour, even for the junior web developer jobs in USA. 

    1. San Francisco

    It shouldn't come as a surprise that San Francisco, the largest city next to Silicon Valley, the largest center of technology, should rank highest in web developers' minds. San Francisco is one of seven California cities in the top 25 despite having the highest cost of living in the nation (living here is 100% more expensive than it is in the typical American city) with more web developer jobs for freshers in US. 

    2. San Jose

    The second-best city in the US for web developers is San Jose, which is located just south of San Francisco and is home to both small startups and enormous corporations. It offers developers the highest yearly average compensation ($106,580) in the United States. 

    3. Seattle

    Seattle, the third of the three cities to receive a single digit in our grading, achieved this high ranking in part because of its top-five location quotient, a parameter that indicates the demand for a developer's skills in the city in comparison to other professions. Having Bellevue University, a prominent choice for aspirant developers, within its metro area also helps. 

    4. Washington, DC

    Behind only the typical suspects, New York City (7,140), and Los Angeles, the capital of the country have the third-highest number of developer employment in America (4,850). (4,710). There are a lot of full-time developers at this place, and they all have a tonne of freelance work with the highest web developer job salary in US. 

    5. Bethesda

    Bethesda performed admirably in each of the statistical categories we examined, making it the only mid-sized city to make it into the top five (population breakdown below). Bethesda outperformed the more populated Baltimore-Towson, Maryland, combination, which also includes the surrounding metro regions of Rockville and Frederick (No. 8). It helps that Washington, D.C., is only a 27-minute metro ride away. 

    6. Denver

    Denver, a city noted for its active outdoor lifestyle and burgeoning startup environment, is a digital powerhouse that is expanding quickly. With a high median wage for web developers, the city offers a comparably lower cost of living than the bigger coastal cities. 

    7. Boston

    Numerous prestigious universities, research centers, and a burgeoning startup environment may be found in Boston. Web developers can find a wide variety of job prospects in the city, and the median pay is very good. 

    8. New York City

    The tech landscape is growing in Chicago, a significant hub for commerce and finance. With a lower cost of living than the bigger coastal cities, the city provides a wide variety of web development jobs. 

    9. Austin

    Austin, a city with a thriving startup environment and a high concentration of tech firms, is a tech hub that is expanding quickly. In comparison to the larger coastal cities, the city has a relatively reduced cost of living and a high median wage for a web developer job in USA. 

    CityAverage salaryJobs(approx)

    San Francisco, CA 



    San Jose, CA 



    Seattle, WA 



    Washington, DC 



    Bethesda. MD 



    Boston, MA 



    Baltimore, MD 



    Portland, OR 



    New York, NY 



    Austin, TX 



    What are the Skills Required to Become a Web Developer in the USA?

    You must be knowledgeable about web development technologies and best practices if you want web developer jobs in the USA. Web development requires many essential talents, such as: 

    1. Language used in programming

    JavaScript, CSS, and HTML are the three main languages used in web development. The framework of a website is built using HTML, the layout and design are controlled by CSS, and the interactive features and dynamic content are built using JavaScript. Python, Ruby, and PHP are other popular languages used in web development. 

    2. Front-end development

    The design, layout, and user experience of a website's user interface are all created as a result of this. As well as being well-versed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, front-end engineers should also be familiar with user experience (UX) design and web design concepts. 

    3. Backend development

    Here, a website's database management and server-side logic development are concerned. Back-end engineers should have a solid grasp of server-side programming languages like Python, Ruby, and PHP as well as familiarity with database management systems like MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. 

    4. Version management

    A technique for tracking changes made to a codebase over time is version control. Version control tools like Git, which provide rollbacks and collaboration, should be familiar to developers. 

    5. Problem-solving

    Because solving complicated problems is a requirement of web development, you should have a thorough understanding of how to assess problems, come up with solutions, and troubleshoot problems. 

    6. Communication

    Since teams of web developers frequently work together, effective communication skills are crucial to ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that the project is moving forward without hiccups. 

    7. Library and framework

    Building more intricate and dynamic websites can be facilitated by experience with web development frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. 

    8. Flexible design

    For websites to function properly across a range of devices and screen sizes, understanding responsive design and mobile-first development is a requirement. 

    9. Database Administration

    You can deal with data and build dynamic websites if you have an understanding of database management systems like MySQL, MongoDB, and SQL Server. 

    10. Adaptability

    Web developers should be flexible enough to adopt new technologies and programming languages as they emerge because an area of web development is always changing. 

    11. Learning continuously

    Web developers should be dedicated to continual learning and professional development if they want to stay on top of the most recent trends, technologies, and best practices. 

    Top Certifications and Degrees Required to Get Web Developer Jobs in the USA

    Since there are many ways to enter web development, the certifications or degrees needed for a web developer career in the USA may vary depending on the employer and the role. To pursue a career in web development, you may find it helpful to obtain the following common certifications and degrees: 

    • BTech in computer science and related fields. 
    • A coding course or boot camp for web development 
    • Specialized web development technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and others, can be useful in getting a job as a web developer.  

    1. Certifications

    • Web development certifications, such as those provided by the W3C or the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), can show that a developer is knowledgeable about particular web development technologies and best practices. 
    • Expertise in a given programming language can be shown by certifications in that language, such as those provided by Oracle for Java or Microsoft for.NET. 

    2. University Degrees

    • A solid foundation in computer science principles, such as programming, data structures, and algorithms, can be obtained by earning a bachelor's degree in computer science or a closely related discipline. 
    • Specific training in web development technology and best practices can be obtained through a degree in web development or a similar discipline. 

    3. Course or Bootcamp

    • Online Bootcamp and self-paced courses can offer a more concentrated learning environment than a broad computer science degree and are excellent ways to quickly master web development skills. 

    4. Self-taught

    • Self-taught web developers have developed their abilities through coding exercises, internet tutorials, and personal projects. They can demonstrate their competence through a portfolio of projects, and the business they work for frequently verifies their abilities. 
    • Though they can be useful, certifications and degrees are not usually necessary for web developer jobs in USA. Many employers place higher importance on practical experience and a substantial body of work than on formal credentials. 

    In the end, getting real-world experience and assembling a portfolio of your work are the two greatest ways to become a web developer in the USA. Your chances of finding work as a web developer will increase as you build and practice more. 

    How to Find a Web Developer Job in USA? [Step-by-Step]

    It can be difficult to find a web developer job in the USA, but there are certain actions you can take on how to find a job to improve your chances. 

    Step 1: Create a reliable portfolio 

    Potential employers can see your talents and expertise more clearly if they have a look at a well-written resume and a portfolio of your work. Make sure your portfolio displays your greatest work and that your resume highlights your relevant experience and talents. 

    Step 2: Network 

    To succeed in getting a job, networking is crucial in every industry, including web development. Join online forums and communities, go to regional meetups, and use LinkedIn to interact with other web developers that will help you in getting jobs related to web developer in US. 

    Step 3: Refresh your knowledge. 

    Learn through online tutorials, enroll in courses, or pursue certifications to stay current with the newest web development technology and trends. 

    Adapt your CV and cover letter to the needs of web development positions. Emphasize your qualifications and work history that is pertinent to the position. 

    Step 4: Search for job openings. 

    Look for employment as a web developer jobs in USA with visa sponsorship on career sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor, and apply to those that fit your qualifications. 

    Step 5: Apply for jobs. 

    Look for web developer jobs in USA on career sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn for the best web developer jobs in US. Make sure to address the position and business you are applying for in your resume and cover letter. 

    Step 6: The interview preparation 

    Prepare a list of questions for the interviewer, do some research on the business, and practice responding to typical interview questions. 

    Step 7: Make use of employment agencies. 

    Recruitment firms can assist in connecting you with employment possibilities that fit your qualifications and expertise. Think about collaborating with a staffing firm specializing in the web development industry to get web developer job opportunities in US. 

    Step 8: Cold emails 

    Cold emailing is a successful method of contacting businesses that might not have any open positions. Create a personalized email, explain yourself, your qualifications, and research firms that interest you. 

    Step 9: Social media usage 

    Connect with businesses and recruiters via social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to know about the web developer job market in USA. Keep up with local businesses, recruiters, and web developers to network with possible employers and remain informed about job openings. 

    Step 10: Following up 

    Send a thank-you note to the interviewer following the interview and ask how your application is progressing. 

    The US Job Prospects for Web Developers

    In the US, there is a great demand for qualified workers in the web development industry, which is continually expanding. Web developer employment is expected to increase by 8% between 2020 and 2030, which is substantially faster than the average for all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and there are many options for web developer jobs in USA for Indians. 

    The rise in e-commerce and the ongoing development of the internet and mobile technology are the main drivers of this growth. 

    According to the BLS, the average annual compensation for web developers in the US is approximately $73,760. This makes web development a well-paying job. Senior web developer positions often require 5–10 years of expertise, whilst entry-level ones normally call for 1-3 years. 

    The following are the industries that pay web developers the most: 

    • Publishing software, $108,430 
    • $92,530 Management of businesses and enterprises 
    • Designing computer systems and associated services, $89,430 
    • $87,450 for financing and insurance 
    • Information, $85,510 

    Many types of jobs in web developer USA options are available in the diversified sector of web development, from full-time employment to freelance work, local businesses to multinational firms, and e-commerce to governmental organizations. Given the rapid advancement of technology, web development is a fascinating industry with many prospects for expansion and improvement. 

    It's important to keep in mind that demand for web developers may vary by geography, with some areas seeing more of a need than others. Furthermore, certain technologies or talents may be more in demand than others, and the need for web developers may change in response to monetary policy. 

    Final Thoughts

    Due to the growing significance of e-commerce, the continued development of the internet, and the rise of mobile technologies, the demand for web developers in the US is anticipated to increase through 2024 and beyond. A wide range of companies has open openings for web developers, which come with competitive pay and perks. 

    You can get a job as a web developer by having a degree in computer science or a related discipline, or a suitable certification obtained from a Software Development training program, knowledge of web development tools, and practical experience. When looking for a web developer job in the US, networking, creating a great portfolio, and getting ready for an interview are all crucial steps to consider.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which job search portals are best for Web Developers in the USA?

    The best job portals for web developers in the USA are, Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor, FlexJobs, Ladders, LinkedIn, and Getwork. These are some best portals where you can get vast job options.

    2What are the major selection criteria for a Web developer in a FAANG/MAANG company in the US?

    The major selection criteria in MAANG companies are quite rigorous, well the important things required are relevant technical skills, Experience, strong coding skills, problem-solving, attention to detail with proper teamwork, and a strong portfolio is what all need. 

    3To get shortlisted at US companies, what should a Web Developer include on their resume in the USA?

    To make your resume stand out as a web developer in the US, it is important to include Technical skills, professional experience, education, attention to detail, relevant achievements, and personal projects. 

    4In America, can anybody become a web developer?

    Web developers can be found anywhere. As long as you're enthusiastic about the industry and eager to learn, a career in web development is well within your reach. You don't need to be a tech whiz or have an endless number of formal certifications. 

    5Is the Web Developer well-paid in the USA?

    The median annual salary for web developers is between $78,000 and $88,000. According to Indeed, the average compensation for web developers in the US is $71,531, with senior developers making an average of $95,325. 

    6Do web developers have a future in the USA?

    Between 2021 and 2031, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 30.3% increase in employment for web developers. A projected 28,900 jobs should become available during that time. To construct software for building and maintaining websites and web applications, web developers need web-facing technology. 

    7Which is the best place to learn Web development in the United States?

    Online coding bootcamps and traditional college programs like those provided at the University of Washington and Georgia Tech are just a few of the top places to learn web development in the United States. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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