HomeBlogSecurityEthical Hacking Eligibility Criteria: Certification Requirements

Ethical Hacking Eligibility Criteria: Certification Requirements

18th Jan, 2024
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    Ethical Hacking Eligibility Criteria: Certification Requirements

    In the 1960s, the term "hacker" was developed to characterise professionals who used their expertise to re-develop computer systems, by increasing their productivity and being able to multitask. Malicious actors who utilise their expertise to exploit computer system vulnerabilities to gain unauthorised access are referred to as black hat hackers. When employed for malicious purposes, a hacker's skills can damage network services and business operations. On the other hand, ethical hackers use the same technical skills to improve a company's security infrastructure.

    Before knowing about ethical hacking course eligibility and requirements, we need to know who ethical hackers are and a bit about the CEH certification. A clear understanding will help us go ahead better.

    Ethical Hackers

    Cybercrime is the second most documented financial crime, impacting 32% of businesses. According to Varonis, hackers target someplace in the globe every 39 seconds, with the estimated damages of a hack being $3.92 million! If hostile hackers get illegal access, they can gain a charge of or alter company websites, use malware to disrupt or lockdown backend systems, and acquire confidential information from employees.

    By concept, ethical hacking is an allowed procedure of circumventing system defences and safety protocols to find potential flaws and vulnerabilities that pose a network danger. Black hat hackers obtain classified information and cause harm, whereas ethical hackers are interested in using their skills to increase overall network protection. In the cyber security field, the old aged "attack is the best form of defence" undoubtedly holds true, which is why ethical hackers are well compensated.

    To be proficient in their professions, ethical hackers must understand how to detect and resolve network vulnerabilities by studying the attitude and practices of black hat hackers and testers. The variety of knowledge necessary to operate as an ethical hacker is wide, as it necessitates mastery of network processes, elements, and computer languages. White hat hackers specialise by enrolling in CEH training courses to work in organisations and ensure a comprehensive review of potential exploits.

    Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

    Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a certification that acknowledges a person's knowledge about systems and network safety, particularly in preventing unauthorized access and other assaults through proactive measures. The Certified Ethical Hacker certification is a vendor-neutral certification for IT professionals interested in detecting and stopping dangerous hackers.

    Private companies and government entities were recruiting reformed bad hackers even before CEH was developed because they thought it was the right strategy for defending their networks. The CEH certificate goes a step further by asking recipients to sign a written agreement promising to follow the law and adhere to the ethical standards.

    The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) is a member-supported professional body that sponsors the credential. Its mission is to build and promote ethical hacking with professional standards, who are qualified IT experts. To complement the CEH certification, the EC-Council presents many other certificates related to network security occupations, including secure coding, e-business, and digital forensics. The levels of certification proficiency range from beginner to expert.

    How to Become a Certified Ethical Hacker?

    To become a certified ethical hacker, one must clear the CEH test, which comprises 125 MCQs(multiple-choice questions) with a time limit of four hours.

    The certification tests' integrity is maintained through EC-provision Council's of various question sets. Under the guidance of security specialists, these question banks are assessed through beta testing for an appropriate sample set.

    It assists in guaranteeing that the exam questions are real-world relevant and fit the academic standards. The regulatory body determines the cutoff, which establishes the difficulty rating of every issue. Based on the set of questions you receive, it usually ranges from 60 to 80%.

    Who Should Take the CEH Exam? 

    "To catch a hacker, you have to think like one," the  EC-Council states when referring to ethical hacking. A CEH, a cyber security certification online, must use the same skills and tools as the white hat hackers, but legally and ethically. The CEH certificate can assist professionals in identifying and refreshing the knowledge required to do so.

    "The Certified Ethical Hacker certification will secure the application knowledge of security officers and security experts, auditors, site administrators, and all others bothered about the integrity of the network infrastructure," according to the EC-Council, which is vendor-neutral. The certification can assist individuals in standing out by demonstrating that they have the necessary academic knowledge and the practical abilities and expertise to harden a company's IT framework. Beyond what diagnostic software can indicate, a CEH must be able to use effective tools and approaches to detect issue areas. Anyone wishing to work in the cyber security industry, particularly those seeking professions such as penetration tester, social engineering specialist, information security analyst, and others, must pass the CEH exam to land in their dream job.

    Eligibility Criteria to Obtain CEH Certification

    There exist two types of CEH: CEH[PRACTICAL] and CEH[ANSI]  


    No specific eligibility criteria or required to appear for the exams. Interest candidates can apply by paying the required fees and appear for the practical exam.

    To begin, you can take an official EC-Council course at an authorized training centre or a recognized academic program. The CEH practical program tests your ethical hacking skills to every degree imaginable. It's a 6-hour practical exam that tests your ethical hacking skills. This certification verifies that you are well-versed in all major ethical hacking topics. You can take the EC-Council certification test without the application procedure in this scenario.


    A minimum of two years of experience is required in the data security field. Besides, one is expected to provide proof of the same. Candidates who have attended EC-Council accredited training centre or at any approved academic institution are also eligible for EC-Council exam; excluding the application process.

    Requirements to Become a Certified Ethical Hacker?

    Ethical hacking demands diverse technical abilities and first hands proficiency in IT systems management and cyber security. Experts advocate a solid understanding of common operating systems, Windows and Linux, complete knowledge of TCP/IP protocols. A thorough knowledge of programming wand coding languages like Java, C, C++, and Python, are required as a bedrock for ethical hacking.  

    Certified ethical hackers should be familiar with network design, Structured Query Language(SQL), and data storage systems.  

    Ethical hackers are aware of how systems and networks can be attacked, with worms, malware, DOS (denial-of-service) assaults, server takeover, network monitoring, and phishing. A thorough understanding  about employing various security tools, such as encryption techniques, firewalls, and debugging tools is a must. Ethical hackers basically practise penetration tests, diagnostic processes to protect an IT organization's functionality.

    White hat hacking is not explicitly covered in college or university. Degree programs in systems management, cyber security, information security,  and digital forensics can provide academic instruction to understand the techniques utilised by ethical hackers. Computer engineering knowledge, programming skills at the bachelor's and master's degrees can also help you become a certified ethical hacker. The options for developing ethical hacking skills include acquiring hacking techniques through self-learning, military training programs and tutorial material provided by professional organisations. Nevertheless, as cyber security is evolving, businesses are on the lookout for experts who have only completed the required training in data security and white hat hacking.  


    Employers want certified ethical hackers, also known as white hat hackers. Experienced IT workers are exploring this career as an economically beneficial choice, with a CEH certificate one is able to earn a huge income The major tech businesses in the industry prefer to support ethical hacking, praising and rewarding the hackers that strengthen their systems.

    Companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon have a record of asking CEHs to crack their security measures to assist them in identifying security flaws and promoting their service. Also, anyone who can find a loophole in these security protocols is paid heavily by these firms!

    Cybersecurity and ethical hacking have never been more crucial than they are now. The demand for ethical hackers and cyber security specialists is increasing. Enrol in KnowledgeHut certified Ethical Hacker certification online certified ethical hacker certification program today to remain current on crucial cybersecurity topics and industry trends.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the requirements to start ethical hacking?

    Knowledge of network security and a command of basic programming skills is a must to start ethical hacking.

    2Is Python necessary for ethical hacking?

     No, Python is not necessary for ethical hacking. However, being an open-source language, it is one of the ethical hackers' most loved programming languages.

    3Is a certificate necessary for ethical hacking?

    Most companies require an ethical hacking certification. Certification examinations verify that the white hat hacker knows not just the technology but also the moral duties of the profession.

    4Can I take the CEH exam online?

    You can take the CEH exam online, and a certified proctor will oversee it.

    5Can you be an ethical hacker without a degree?

    It is possible to gain the skills required for ethical hacking without a degree; however, a degree is necessary to get a job as an ethical hacker at a corporation.


    Vitesh Sharma

    Blog Author

    Vitesh Sharma, a distinguished Cyber Security expert with a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in the Telecom & Networking Industry. Armed with a CCIE and CISA certification, Vitesh possesses expertise in MPLS, Wi-Fi Planning & Designing, High Availability, QoS, IPv6, and IP KPIs. With a robust background in evaluating and optimizing MPLS security for telecom giants, Vitesh has been instrumental in driving large service provider engagements, emphasizing planning, designing, assessment, and optimization. His experience spans prestigious organizations like Barclays, Protiviti, EY, PwC India, Tata Consultancy Services, and more. With a unique blend of technical prowess and management acumen, Vitesh remains at the forefront of ensuring secure and efficient networking solutions, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the cybersecurity landscape.

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