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What is Application Software? Examples, Types and Functions

05th Sep, 2023
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    What is Application Software? Examples, Types and Functions

    With the advancements in computing and increasing reliance on computer applications in daily life, application software has become one of the most vital pillars of modern software technology. At its core, application software is a precise set of programs and commands that allow users to perform certain actions within the application on their devices, like computers, tablets, etc.

    To simplify, application software includes but is not limited to MS Word (a robust word processor), MS Excel (a comprehensive spreadsheet program to work with and organize data), Google Chrome (a leading search engine), etc. Whether for personal or professional use, application software enhances the scope of the functionalities of all applications, allowing the users to be more creative and productive.

    Before diving straight into the business utility of application software, it is imperative to understand what it is, some of its examples, and how it can simplify your tasks. Also, you can go for Software Developer certification to increase your value in the job market by learning multiple programming languages.  

    What is Application Software?

    Application software is a program designed to help users perform specific application tasks. These applications fulfill various purposes like word processing, data handling, data analysis, and much more, saving the time and resources that would be utilized manually.

    Some of the well-known examples of application software are Microsoft Word, Excel and search engines like Opera and Google Chrome. It also includes a class of mobile applications, including communication apps like WhatsApp and games like Subway Surfers.

    Many other applications let people connect with organizations and platforms that offer services like weather forecast or transit information. GPS, graphics, multimedia, presentation software, desktop publishing software, and other technologies are a few examples of such application software.

    Owing to the vitality of application software, businesses are actively seeking professionals with excellent technical expertise and a consumer-centric mindset to develop more practical application software systems that enhance customer experience.

    Examples of Application Software

    1. Hotel Management System: This system oversees various day-to-day hotel management operations devised and implemented to accomplish relevant tasks in the hospitality industry. It involves front desk management, accounting, billing, marketing, record-keeping and housekeeping.
    2. Payroll Management System: Payroll management systems  automate and simplify various payroll functions, such as generating paychecks, calculating payments, and creating and managing payslips. These systems also help employers track absentees and their respective leaves.
    3. Human Resource Management System: Commonly known as HRM, the human resource management system encompasses application software that oversees operations in an organization’s HR department. This application software system helps automate day-to-day HR functions like tracking absentees, recruitment and hiring, labor relations, etc.
    4. Attendance Recording System: Application software is significantly helpful in developing attendance recording systems. Two approaches can be used to manage attendance: Biometric integration or manual attendance integration. A person's or a student's presence in a group or institution is tracked and optimized by a piece of software called an attendance recording system. These days, consumers' current time/attendance tracking tools, such as biometrics or access cards, may be linked to attendance systems.
    5. Billing System: The billing software facilitates billing procedures, maintaining records etc. It records the designated goods and services supplied to a particular client or a customer base.

    Types of Application Software

    Below are a few types of Application Software:

    1. Word Processing Software

    The best example of a word-processing program is Microsoft Word. Text is formatted, adorned, and edited using word processing software. The word art tool allows you to customize the font, colors, and style. It supports functions like synonyms and antonyms. It also has grammatical and spell-checking settings.

    2. Spreadsheet Software

    Spreadsheet software is mainly used to make computations using numerical data more  convenient and store information in tabular form. In a spreadsheet, intersecting cells are provided to maintain different data fields, including date, time, text, and numbers. Microsoft Excel is the most ideal illustration of spreadsheet software.

    3.Presentation Software

    You can present your views and concepts as visual data using presentation software. This kind  Add movies, words, charts, graphs, and photographs to your presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint is the top presentation software example.

    4. Multimedia Software

    Multimedia is the collection of audio, video, graphics, and text. Consequently, multimedia software is the set of instructions that enable you to record audio and video, add text to it, etc. VLC player, MX Player, and Windows Media Player are three famous examples of multimedia applications.

    5. Simulation Software

    A monitoring application called simulation software enables a user to see an action without really conducting it. Such software is helpful when the current system's operation is not very precise, predictable, and risky. Engineering, robotics, aircraft systems, weather forecasting, testing, teaching, and video games use it extensively. The most effective simulation program is MATLAB.

    Need for Application Software

    By now, you must be familiar with what application software is and how crucial it is for any application to function correctly. In this section, you will understand why it is significant for users. Have a look.

    1. Assists User in Carrying Out Specified Tasks: An application software should, generally, be built with the end user in mind. For instance, Microsoft Word is a frequently used software that lets users create, edit, delete, and do other tasks with word documents. Helping end-users do specific tasks in various areas, such as education, business, and entertainment, will be advantageous.
    2. Manages and Manipulates Data: Application software is used in organizations to maintain and alter staff, customers, and other databases. Two such instances of application software are an enterprise resource planning system and a system for managing client relationships.
    3. Enables People to Efficiently Arrange Information: Individual users may quickly develop and manage data utilizing application software. For example, Microsoft Excel is an immensely popular program in companies and allows users to handle datasheets.

    Functions of Application Software

    Applications software is developed to assist with various tasks. Such instances are as follows:

    1. Data and information management
    2. Document management (document exchange systems)
    3. Creation of images and videos
    4. Several alternatives include audio and video conference calls, emails, and text messaging.
    5. Accounting, financial, and payroll management
    6. Resource management such as ERP and CRM systems
    7. Project management
    8. Business process management
    9. Education software such as LMS and e-learning systems
    10. Healthcare application software

    Advantages of Application Software

    There are many advantages of application software, some of them are mentioned below.

    1. Customization: Application software can be customized to add more functionality depending on the csutomer’s requirments. Moreover, if the application software is licensed, users will get frequent updates and virus protection as per changing requirements.
    2. The majority of application software supports multitasking. This implies that with a single application software, you do a number of tasks simultaneously. For instance, in MS Word, you can count words, format paragraphs, and spell check simulataneously.
    3. Application software facilitates speedy work. For instance, MS Word allows quick formatting and spell-checking. However, if you add on an additional application software like Grammarly, it can make your editing much faster and more accurate.

    Disadvantages of Application Software

    1. It can be expensive for developers to create and regularly update application software to meet changing requirements. This can significantly influence the revenue, especially if an excessively long time frame is invested in a project that is not typically valuable.
    2. A bug or other malicious activity can easily downgrade application software that is extensively used by many of us and then distributed online.

    Application Software vs System Software

    Application SoftwareSystem Software
    Application software is built to accomplish certain goals.This software's primary objective is to handle the system's resource pool. It acts as a valuable platform for the use of application software.
    High-level languages like Java, C++,.Net, or PHP are used to create application software.A low-level programming language, such as assembly or machine code, describes system software.
    Application software responds to user requests by doing the work given to it.System software typically starts once the computer is turned on and ends when the device is switched off.
    It is not necessary for a computer system to work.A computer system can only start with system software.
    The goal of the application software is to accomplish or carry out a certain task.The capabilities of the system software are quite diverse.
    Application software includes payroll software, accounting software, Microsoft Office, and so forth.Operating systems, compilers, interpreters,  and assemblers are examples of language processors that make up system software.

    What is Business Application Software?

    Business application software refers to a unique set of programs and instructions used by a business to perform several functions. It could be tailored to cater to numerous business functions, like accounting, finance, human resources, customer relationship management, etc. This application software helps streamline operations, enhance internal communication, and facilitate better data-driven decision-making. Business software handles a lot of functions, and hence, it requires proper, full-stack development. Software developers responsible for developing this software must be well-familiar with front-end, back-end, database management, and data pipelines. You can enroll in Full-stack Web Developer training to nail that Full-stack developer job.

    Types of Business Application Software

    Based on its cost and how the final user uses it, application software for businesses can be categorized. These are some business software examples:

    1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    CRM is a tool that organizes the company's communications and business dealings with current and potential clients. The ultimate objective is to improve business relationships. Businesses may maintain contact with customers, streamline processes, and boost income using a CRM system.

    2. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

    Accounting and resource management are two crucial aspects of an organization's operations that ERP software handles.

    3. Project Management Software

    Project management software is used primarily for the planning process, scheduling, distribution of resources, and change management. It enables project managers (PMs) to efficiently oversee and manage all official activities from a single location.


    An automated data-keeping system is what a database management system (DBMS) is. Users of the system are given specialized structures to carry out different operations on such a system, such as a database structure maintenance or manipulation of data in the database.

    5. Organizational Process Management

    Business process management software (BPMS) is a general term for an enterprise-level software system that allows repetitive operations to be automated, basic processing to be managed, and specialized method logic to be handled. Processes are accelerated and optimized using BPM systems, enhancing productivity.

    6. Resource Management Software

    Software for resource planning or management is used to manage an organization's program and human resources. When it comes to allocating and assigning employees to projects, a resource planning method will be helpful.

    7. Educational Software

    Any computer application software or program that enhances education qualifies as educational software. It has tools for managing lessons, tracking students' progress, learning languages, finding references, and more.

    8. Productivity Software

    Productivity software is a particular kind of software that enables users to create many types of content, including presentations, databases, charts, spreadsheets, and documents. Productivity software increases the company's efficiency, which mainly relieves employees of their duties.

    9. Custom Software

    The process of creating unique software applications is known as custom software development. These software packages are tailored to certain users, processes, and business needs.

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    How Do I Choose the Right Application Software?

    Below are 5 points that should be considered in order to choose the right application software:

    1. What is the value, and how much does it cost?

    Pricing is essential in every company choice, but it shouldn't be the only one. Software purchases based only on pricing may not provide your company with the best value. Remember that a software's price isn't necessarily a good indicator of its worth.

    2. Will You Require Help With Implementation?

    High-complexity software models that require a considerable amount of time to understand and master will have a negative impact on adoption rates. Spend valuable time looking into feasible software alternatives to help you choose the best solution for your team and company that will save time and resources for the project.

    3. Is the software company ready to address bugs? 

    You should be thoroughly informed of the software developer's standard processes for correcting defects whenever you buy any new application software for your company. Verify again with the business whether your company's problem with the software will be fixed whenever it arises.

    4. How frequently do they push updates?

    Talk to your software representatives about how frequently their software is updated as well as how the upgrades are sent to you.

    5. Is the System Flexible Enough to Meet Your Needs?

    High-level software customization may make it difficult and expensive to adopt, and the cost may increase as you make more and more changes to meet your needs. 


    In summary, application software is a foundational element of modern-day software technology as it powers all devices and enables users to run specific tasks. From productivity apps that help organize your day to entertainment apps that help you decompress, application software plays a crucial role. This blog has explored its utility, types, and impact on businesses and organizations. As technology advances, application software is looking forward to a promising future by playing an even more significant role in the world of web development. To learn more, check out KnowledgeHut Web Development best course and improve your knowledge and abilities in software development.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the difference between system software and application software?

    The task of system software is to manage system resources. It controls the OS, BIOS, drivers, and every aspect of the system. It connects the system to the application software and offers a foundation for other applications to execute. They are already included with the OS and don't communicate with users directly.

    On the contrary, application software aids in carrying out the precise task for which it was created. They give instructions to computers so they may do particular business tasks. They are set up to follow the needs and communicate directly with the users.

    2What are the different types of software?

    Software may be divided into three categories: system, utility, and application.

    • System software is the core of a computer system. It is responsible for managing all hardware resources and operations of a computer. Windows, macOS, and Linux are the most widely used system software.
    • Utility software is a set of programs and instructions that perform specific tasks catering to computer system optimization, maintenance, and management. This includes antivirus software, disk cleaners, file compression software, etc.
    • Application software is intended to perform specific application-based functions in a computer system. This includes various applications, like spreadsheets, word processors, databases, web browsers, multimedia players, graphic design software, etc.
    3What is the qualification for an app developer?

    The minimum qualification for an application developer must be computer science or a similar subject bachelor's degree. A practical understanding of programming languages like Java and ORACLE, software and application development knowledge, and programming and software design ideas.

    4What is the maximum salary of an app developer?

    The average yearly income for application developers in India is 7.0 Lakhs, with salaries ranging from 2.4 Lakhs to 16.0 Lakhs.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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