HomeBlogSecurityCISSP Certification Salary in Canada in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

CISSP Certification Salary in Canada in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

22nd Dec, 2023
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    CISSP Certification Salary in Canada in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

    If you're exploring the world of cybersecurity, you've undoubtedly come across the term CISSP. Wondering what CISSP is and how it can impact your career in Canada? Well, I've got you covered. Join me as I delve into the realm of CISSP certification and its influence on salaries for both freshers and experienced professionals in 2023.

    Whether you are just starting out or looking to upskill, understanding the potential financial rewards of CISSP certification, especially when combined with the convenience of CISSP course online, is crucial. Let's study the numbers and trends to see how CISSP can shape your journey in the Canadian cybersecurity job market.

    What is CISSP Certification?

    Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is a globally recognized certification for information security professionals. It validates expertise in designing, implementing, and managing cybersecurity programs. In Canada, the CISSP certification holds significant value due to the following reasons:

    • High Demand: The demand for CISSP-certified professionals in Canada has been consistently high, reflecting the growing importance of cybersecurity.
    • Lucrative Salaries: CISSP holders in Canada enjoy competitive salaries due to their specialized skills. On average, CISSP-certified individuals earn around 15-20% more than non-certified counterparts.
    • Mandatory in Many Roles: Many top-level information security positions in Canada require CISSP certification. This includes roles in government, finance, healthcare, and other key sectors.
    • Preferred by Employers: Employers often prioritize CISSP certification when hiring for roles such as Security Analyst, Security Consultant, and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
    • Continuous Growth: With the increasing complexity and scope of cyber threats, the demand for CISSP certification is expected to continue growing in Canada, offering strong career prospects.
    • Professional Network: CISSP-certified professionals become part of an exclusive network, enhancing opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing within the cybersecurity community.

    CISSP Salary in Canada

    In Canada, CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) certification can lead to attractive salaries. The earnings vary based on factors like experience, location, and expertise level.

    1. Average CISSP Certification Salary in Canada

    Here's an approximate breakdown of CISSP certification salaries in Canada:

    Time Period 


    Per Hour 

    $40 - $100 

    Per Month 

    $6,000 - $12,000 

    Per Year 

    $70,000 - $150,000  

    2. CISSP Certification Salary in Canada: Based on Experience

    CISSP salaries in Canada tend to increase with experience. Here's an overview by experience level:

    Experience Level 



    $60,000 - $80,000 


    $80,000 - $110,000 


    $100,000 - $150,000  

    3. CISSP Certification Salary in Canada: Based on Cities

    Salaries can also differ based on the city you work in. Here's a glimpse of CISSP salaries in top cities across Canada:


    Average Salary 


    $90,000 - $140,000  


    $85,000 - $130,000  


    $80,000 - $120,000  


    $85,000 - $130,000  


    $85,000 - $130,000  

    4. CISSP Salary in Canada: Based on Industry

    CISSP salaries in Canada vary across industries. Sectors like finance, healthcare, and IT tend to offer higher salaries due to the critical nature of security. Here's an industry-wise overview:


    Average Salary 


    $95,000 - $150,000  


    $90,000 - $140,000  

    IT Services 

    $85,000 - $130,000  


    $85,000 - $130,000  


    $80,000 - $120,000  

    5. CISSP Salary in Canada: Based on the Job Role

     Job roles significantly impact CISSP salaries. Positions like Security Analyst, Information Security Manager, and Security Consultant often offer higher pay due to their responsibilities. Here's an overview by job role:

    Job Role 

    Average Salary 

    Security Analyst 

    $80,000 - $120,000  

    Information Security Manager 

    $100,000 - $150,000  

    Security Consultant 

    $90,000 - $140,000  

    Network Security Engineer 

    $85,000 - $130,000  

    Chief Information Security Officer 

    $120,000 - $180,000  

    6. CISSP Salary in Canada: Based on Skills 

    Skills play a vital role in determining CISSP salaries. Proficiency in areas like risk management, cloud security, and penetration testing often commands higher pay. Here's a skill-based overview:


    Average Salary 

    Risk Management 

    $95,000 - $145,000  

    Cloud Security 

    $100,000 - $155,000  

    Penetration Testing 

    $90,000 - $140,000  

    Security Architecture 

    $95,000 - $150,000  


    $85,000 - $130,000  

    Remember, these figures can vary based on the specific company, location, and other factors.

    7. CISSP Salary in Canada: Based on Education 

    Education also influences CISSP salaries. While a bachelor's degree is often the minimum, advanced degrees like master's or relevant certifications can lead to higher pay. Here's an education-based overview:

    How much does a CISSP make in Canada

    Education Level 

    Average Salary 

    Bachelor's Degree 

    $85,000 - $130,000  

    Master's Degree 

    $95,000 - $145,000  

    CISSP Certification 

    $90,000 - $140,000  

    Other Relevant Certifications 

    $85,000 - $130,000  

    Top 10 CISSP Certified Professionals Hiring Companies and Their Salaries in Canada

    1. IBM Canada: IBM has a strong presence in the cybersecurity sector and frequently hires CISSP-certified professionals for various roles. Salaries can range from $90,000 to CAD 130,000, depending on the role and experience.
    2. Deloitte Canada: As a leading consulting firm, Deloitte values CISSP expertise for its cybersecurity consulting services. Salaries here generally start around $100,000 and can go up to CAD 150,000 or more for experienced professionals.
    3. TD Bank: The financial sector places a premium on security, and TD Bank is known to hire CISSP-certified individuals to enhance their cybersecurity teams. Salaries can range from $85,000 to CAD 120,000 on average.
    4. Bell Canada: With the increasing need for secure telecommunications, Bell Canada often seeks CISSP-certified professionals. Salaries here range from $80,000 to CAD 110,000, depending on the role and experience.
    5. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC): Similar to TD Bank, RBC highly values security in its operations. CISSP-certified professionals can expect salaries ranging from $90,000 to CAD 130,000 or more.
    6. Amazon Canada: As e-commerce and cloud services become more vital, Amazon hires CISSP-certified experts to maintain the security of their platforms. Salaries can start around $100,000 and climb to CAD 150,000 or higher.
    7. Scotiabank: Another major player in the financial sector, Scotiabank, offers competitive salaries to CISSP-certified professionals. Salaries usually range from $85,000 to CAD 120,000 or more based on experience.
    8. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC): CIBC is no exception to the rule that banks highly value security. Salaries for CISSP-certified professionals can fall between $90,000 and CAD 130,000.
    9. TELUS: With its significant presence in the telecommunications industry, TELUS seeks CISSP-certified experts to bolster its security measures. Salaries typically range from $80,000 to CAD 120,000.
    10. Microsoft Canada: As a technology giant, Microsoft hires CISSP-certified professionals to enhance the security of their products and services. Salaries can start around $100,000 and go up to CAD 150,000 or more, depending on experience and role.

    Factors Affecting CISSP Certified Professional Salary in Canada

    Several factors contribute to the salary of a CISSP-certified professional in Canada, with location, industry, experience, demand and supply, credentials, and skills playing significant roles.

    • Location: Salaries can vary greatly depending on the city or province. For example, CISSP professionals in Toronto and Vancouver tend to earn higher salaries due to the higher cost of living and increased demand for cybersecurity expertise. Salaries can be 15-20% higher in these major cities compared to smaller towns.
    • Industry / Employer / Company: The industry or sector in which a CISSP professional works can impact their salary. Sectors like finance, healthcare, and technology often offer higher salaries due to the critical nature of their data. Working for top-tier companies can also lead to higher earnings, with Fortune 500 companies paying 10-15% more on average.
    • Experience: Experience is a key determinant of salary. Professionals with more years in the field generally command higher pay. On average, each additional year of experience can translate to a 2-5% increase in salary.
    • Demand and Supply: The demand for CISSP professionals compared to the available supply affects salary levels. With the increasing frequency of cyber threats, the demand for skilled cybersecurity experts is consistently high. This drives employers to offer competitive salaries to attract and retain talent.
    • Credentials/Certifications: Possessing additional relevant certifications alongside CISSP can positively impact salary. For instance, individuals with Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification might earn 5-10% more due to their comprehensive skill set.
    • Skills: Continuous improvement of skills, including taking relevant IT Security training courses, demonstrates dedication to staying updated in the field. Demonstrable skills in areas like cloud security, threat detection, and incident response can lead to salary increases of 5-10%.

    How to Improve CISSP Certified Professional Salary in Canada? 

    As a CISSP-certified professional in Canada, I've discovered several effective strategies to enhance my salary potential. KnowledgeHut CISSP certification training online played a pivotal role in my journey. Here's how I've managed to boost my earning potential:

    • Skills: Continuously improving technical and soft skills is crucial. Staying updated with the latest cybersecurity trends, threat landscapes, and emerging technologies demonstrates expertise and adaptability.
    • Certifications: Beyond CISSP, acquiring additional certifications like CISM, CISA, or CompTIA Security can broaden your skill set and make you a more attractive candidate for specialized roles.
    • Degrees: Pursuing higher education, such as a master's degree in cybersecurity or a related field, can provide a competitive edge and open doors to higher-paying positions.
    • Experience: Gaining hands-on experience in complex security projects, leadership roles, and exposure to diverse environments showcases your ability to handle real-world challenges.
    • Networking: Building a strong professional network within the cybersecurity community can lead to potential job referrals, mentorship, and insights into high-paying job openings.
    • Negotiation Skills: When considering new job offers or salary discussions, honing negotiation skills is essential. Research industry salary standards and confidently articulate your value.
    • Soft Skills: Effective communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills are essential for career progression into management and higher-paying positions.

    Why Are CISSP Certified Professionals Paid So Much in Canada? 

    In Canada, I've noticed that CISSP-certified professionals like me are commanding high salaries due to the increasing demand for cybersecurity expertise. As technology evolves, businesses realize the critical importance of safeguarding their sensitive data and systems. The CISSP certification, recognized globally, demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of information security. With cyber threats on the rise, the need for skilled professionals to combat these risks has surged. Moreover, the limited supply of certified individuals further drives up the compensation.

    Salary Growth and Projections in Canada

    As I grow my career in cybersecurity, I anticipate the trend to continue, making CISSP certification a lucrative investment in terms of both skill development and financial rewards. The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification is highly sought after in Canada's cybersecurity sector. Salary growth and projections for CISSP-certified professionals in Canada are promising. With increasing cybersecurity threats, the demand for skilled experts continues to rise. On average, CISSP holders can expect competitive salaries, often exceeding $100,000 CAD annually. As the field evolves, salary projections remain positive, offering a lucrative career path for those with this certification, making it a wise investment for aspiring cybersecurity professionals in Canada.


    In conclusion, delving into the realm of CISSP salaries in Canada has been an eye-opening journey. Through meticulous research and analysis, I've uncovered how this highly-regarded certification can significantly impact one's earning potential in the Canadian cybersecurity landscape. The data showcases a promising trend of substantial compensation for CISSP-certified professionals, reflecting the industry's recognition of their expertise.

    As I reflect on these findings, it's clear that investing in a CISSP certification not only enhances one's knowledge and skills but also opens doors to rewarding financial prospects. As I consider my career aspirations, this exploration serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward professional growth and prosperity in the dynamic field of cybersecurity.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the starting salary for a CISSP in Canada?

    The starting salary for a CISSP in Canada can vary widely based on factors such as location, experience, and industry. On average, it might range from $70,000 to CAD 90,000 per year.

    2How does the CISSP salary compare to other cybersecurity certifications in Canada?

    CISSP holders generally command higher salaries compared to other cybersecurity certifications in Canada due to their overall expertise and comprehensive coverage of security domains.

    3What are the job prospects for CISSP professionals in Canada?

    Job prospects for CISSP professionals in Canada are promising, with increasing demand for skilled cybersecurity experts across various industries, making it a sought-after qualification.

    4Are there any additional benefits or perks offered to CISSP professionals in Canada?

    CISSP professionals in Canada might enjoy benefits like flexible work arrangements, health insurance, professional development opportunities, and potential bonuses due to their high-demand skills.

    5What industries in Canada pay the highest CISSP salaries?

    Industries such as finance, healthcare, information technology, and consulting in Canada tend to offer the highest salaries for CISSP professionals due to their critical need for robust cybersecurity measures.


    Vitesh Sharma

    Blog Author

    Vitesh Sharma, a distinguished Cyber Security expert with a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in the Telecom & Networking Industry. Armed with a CCIE and CISA certification, Vitesh possesses expertise in MPLS, Wi-Fi Planning & Designing, High Availability, QoS, IPv6, and IP KPIs. With a robust background in evaluating and optimizing MPLS security for telecom giants, Vitesh has been instrumental in driving large service provider engagements, emphasizing planning, designing, assessment, and optimization. His experience spans prestigious organizations like Barclays, Protiviti, EY, PwC India, Tata Consultancy Services, and more. With a unique blend of technical prowess and management acumen, Vitesh remains at the forefront of ensuring secure and efficient networking solutions, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the cybersecurity landscape.

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