HomeBlogProgrammingSoftware Skills for Resume: Top Development Skills to Master

Software Skills for Resume: Top Development Skills to Master

19th Jan, 2024
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    Software Skills for Resume: Top Development Skills to Master

    One must have strong software skills, including knowledge from an online Programming course, to flourish in the technologically driven workplace. Do you want to work as an administrative assistant or a sales manager? If yes, technology use will be a part of your daily tasks. There is a successful future in the Information Technology field. It might encompass everything from resolving a worker's Wi-Fi issues to creating a business's new cloud infrastructure. The skills you need to know to acquire a job in the IT business vary greatly. It depends on your role because the work is so diverse. Employers, therefore, want job applicants to possess at least fundamental software skills. 

    What are Software Skills?

    Software skills are the technical knowledge required to build effective programs and applications. They typically involve writing source code and the collection of words and symbols. In addition, it enables a program to run using mathematical expertise and problem-solving capacity. There are many software skills to learn, including those for computer systems and digital tools. They are taught in many computer science degree programs and certification courses for software developers

    Everyone wants to join the application development industry. It offers some excellent pay professional opportunities. It includes web development, artificial intelligence, data science, and others. However, you should select a programming language well before starting a career route and developing your initial application. 

    Here is a compiled list of the programming languages you should learn to make a career in information technology.  Proficiency in software skills is a must for tasting success. 


    One of the most well-liked and often-used programming languages worldwide is Java. Java may be used for a wide range of tasks. It can be from complicated desktop applications to creating apps for Android smartphones. Although Java borrows some of its fundamentals from C++, Java is simpler to learn and use, especially for beginners. 

    For instance, one of the primary concepts behind Java was to develop a programming language. The one that would enable developers to run their code on two completely different devices. 

    There are many devices, operating systems, and platforms that support Java. Thanks to its flexibility and adaptability, Java is one of the most in-demand and well-paid programming languages worldwide. 

    Where Java is used?

    • Android Mobile Development 
    • Cross Platform Software 
    • Game Development 
    • Big Data 


    PHP is a server-side programming language. It is used to build HTML-based websites. It is a widely used programming language that is easy to learn. 

    Currently, PHP is used by 80% of the top 10 million websites. Interestingly, PHP wasn't meant to be a programming language. It was initially developed as a set of tools to aid its inventor. Like Python or Perl, PHP is a server-side language that can create login sites, photo galleries, discussion forums, and more. 

    Where PHP is used?

    • Back-end Development 
    • WordPress 

    It is one of the in-demand software skills.


    C# (pronounced "C-sharp") is a programming language created by Microsoft to run on the .NET framework. It is based on C and C++. The original goal of C# was to be simple to use and learn. However, C# is a high-level language; therefore, it has a similar reading experience to English. Additionally, it abstracts away many of the complex tasks required to make sure the computer can understand and use your code. 

    Where C# is used?

    • Game development 
    • Microsoft, Windows Application development 
    • Web services 


    Python is one of the easiest for beginners to learn among all programming languages. Python has been a widely used programming language globally since Guido van Rossum first created it in the 1990s. Python is ideal for learning programming fundamentals if you are new to coding. It has a similar reading style to English, making learning and picking it up quite simple. You can use Python, a flexible programming language, for various coding projects. Python provides a significant selection of modules, packages, and frameworks that aid in project completion.

    Where Python is used?

    • Data Visualization 
    • Artificial Intelligence 
    • Machine Learning 
    • Back-end development frameworks 
    • Data Analysis 


    SQL is the most popular language for managing data. How much data businesses now keep in their databases is beyond comprehension. A valuable talent in the job market is managing and analyzing enormous amounts of data using SQL. Companies require individuals who can go through databases and assist them in concluding. This language helps to understand customer behavior by understanding the data. 

    Where MySQL is used?

    Database Management 


    The oldest still-used programming language, C, is the foundation of C++. Although C++ is a strong, high-performance language, it is relatively low-level. Low-level programming languages employ a lower level of abstraction, making them more challenging to "read" than high-level languages. When learning a low-level language, you must invest more time in learning the language's fundamentals. As a result, less time is needed to study the fundamentals of computer programming. However, C++ is very scalable and effective. Many resource-intensive programs, including some of the most beautiful 3D games, frequently use C++. 

    Where C++ is used?

    • Mobile Apps 
    • Gaming Engines 
    • Web Application 
    • Desktop Applications 

    Ruby on Rails

    An extremely high-level, versatile programming language called Ruby was initially introduced in 1995. It's one of the most entertaining and imaginative programming languages since you can usually devise multiple solutions to a given issue. Moreover, there is little doubt that learning Ruby will pay off with a high learning curve and speedy results. For instance, you can quickly create a web application from scratch using the Ruby on Rails framework. Hence, Ruby is the best programming language for startups and small enterprises to utilize to create web apps swiftly. 

    Where Ruby is used?

    • Back-end web development 


    Apple created its own programming language, Swift, back in 2014. Objective-C was previously the default language for iOS programming. As a result, Swift is focused on iOS and OS X developers, providing them with the tools they need to create the next big thing in the app market. Given the high demand for mobile apps, it's no surprise that Swift rose to prominence quickly. It scales well and is quick. In addition, Swift is primarily influenced by Ruby and Python, making it ideal for beginners. 

    Where iOS /Swift is used?

    iOS mobile app development 

    Software Skills for Your Resume

    Software developers play a crucial role in shaping how computers impact every aspect of life. They are responsible for developing, designing, testing, writing, modifying, and debugging software based on specific requirements. Therefore, there are many software skills to learn which will help a software aspirant to succeed in this field. Furthermore, in the coming time, many software engineers will be hired to meet the world's ever-increasing demand for new and improved computer programs. Hence, here is a software skills list that will help you to make your resume desirable. 


    The underappreciated champions of the tech world are databases. Both businesses and people use electronic data storage. Databases are electronic systems that let people arrange and categorize information, especially records, for a business. Software engineers must be able to do research, enter new data lines in a table format, and update a system with further information. In addition, they know how to protect a database and create data backups to keep a company's information safe from unforeseen events. 

    Centralized databases, cloud databases, blockchain databases, and database architecture are a few types of data storage or database management. As database knowledge is highly valued, experience in any of these fields will surely be a considerable skill. 

    Examples of database management are MYSQL, Oracle, Toad, etc. 


    Individuals can organize data sets and perform calculations using spreadsheet software. A corporation can demand software developers to track their data and project progress. Therefore, learning how to utilize a spreadsheet tool might be beneficial. Before uploading data to a bigger database system, you can organize it in a spreadsheet and solve any relevant equations. Excel proficiency is frequently highlighted by employers, who list "working knowledge of Excel" as a job criterion. Therefore, you must show off key skills to differentiate your CV from the competition. In the project section of your resume, you should highlight the specific skills you applied for. Also, list the spreadsheet programs you are familiar with. As an illustration," Created visually appealing dashboards in Excel using pivot tables and VLOOKUP" might be an excellent place to begin. 

    Examples Knowledge of spreadsheets, Excel, google sheets, Airtable, etc. 

    Coding Skills 

    Almost everything we communicate with computers and mobile apps is built on coding languages. Coding creates instructions for machines (computers) to follow using numbers and letters. Coding is needed to work on a computer day-to-day basis. Computers scan code rapidly, resulting in a smooth user experience. Programmers make "instruction manuals" for computers. They use one or more coding languages to exchange information with the computers. Since most tech jobs require some coding knowledge, learning these languages can be a considerable advantage when applying. 

    For example, computer programmers utilize code to instruct and communicate with computers. Writing in coding languages like JavaScript and C++ is called coding. Humans can communicate with these devices thanks to coding. Modern technology, like traffic signals, smart TVs, calculators, and automobiles, uses Internal coding systems.

    Presentation Software 

    It is important to present your work and thoughts thoroughly and clearly. Generally speaking, engineers are skilled at discussing technical details. Still, in many cases, it is vital to abstract ideas to enable their ideas to reach the general public. You'll need to present abilities to work for a startup or advance into management. Having experience speaking in front of an audience is a big help, but so are high-quality presentation materials. Anyone can create slides and click through them, but a presentation of exceptional quality stands out. Your presentations will stand out from rivals' presentations if you have advanced presentation skills. These abilities range from putting action buttons to installing video files, syncing music to the presentation, and more. 

    Examples: PowerPoint and Adobe are tools that will help enhance presentation software skills.

    Word Processing 

    Most office professions need word processing. It includes writing in electronic documents; this is so commonplace that it may not be particularly mentioned in job descriptions. Basic processing abilities include writing, formatting, and creating write, format, and documents. Mail merges, making of reference tables, and using a macro are examples of advanced abilities. 

    Example: Microsoft Word and google drive

    Project Management 

    If you aspire to work as a project manager in the future, then project management is the best software skill to learn. This skill helps to manage the clients and workflow of a team. It supports project managers in keeping their teams and projects on schedule. The greatest way to show that you have project management skills is to give examples of how you have used software. Mention the name of basic software skills of project management in your resume. 

    For Example, Gantt Pro, Zoho, Asana 

    Graphics and Design 

    This is the most in demand software skill by employers. Many small businesses desire to benefit from online and social media advertising. But the quality of writing and design is costly. Hence, you may be a strong candidate if you know graphic designing and tech skills. It is highly coveted to have both tech and design knowledge. An ideal applicant might have a working knowledge of design principles, software, and languages, including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. 

    Example: iMovie, Adobe creative suite 

    Social Media 

    Social media skills are more desirable among top software skills in demand in 2023. Social media is a useful tool for businesses to create brand identities. Social media managers prepare material for social media posts by adjusting it for marketing objectives. They time it for target audiences and use SEO keywords to attract new followers. In addition, social media managers evaluate a post's performance after publication and inform other team members. Data analytics and search engine optimization (SEO) are two advanced social media abilities you may need to work in content management. 

    Example: WordPress, Hootsuite 

    Computer Programming 

    This is one of the important technical software skills an aspiring software engineer possesses. Most positions that need computer programming expertise are web development or quality assurance engineering. Having programming knowledge may help the candidate do the job more efficiently. Computer programming focuses on algorithms, which have permeated our daily lives. There are many computer programming languages, and employment requirements can vary based on the position you're seeking for. 

    Example: Some programming languages are in demand below: Java, Python, Ruby, etc. 

    What is the Importance of Software Skills?

    Employers are looking for candidates with strong computer abilities as new technologies emerge and reliance on digital platforms grows. Whether you work as a software developer or graphic designer, excellent software skills can help you increase your productivity. Software skills for software engineers improved the chances of getting good career opportunities. In today's changing world, strong software abilities in IT are necessary. There are various highest-paying software skills. You will improve your personal and professional life if you actively and continuously increase your IT skills. You can level up your career by going for Software Engineering bootcamp. Also, get proficient in front-end, back-end, and database programming tools, and technologies to launch your software engineer career.

    Improved Productivity

    You will feel more comfortable utilizing new technologies and work more quickly if you develop these skills. For instance, resolving a technological issue on your own will enable you to save time and money. There is no need to pay a hefty hourly rate for an IT specialist. Your productivity will soar when you learn software skills to discover keyboard shortcuts, debug programs, or boost website traffic. Even your confidence will improve. 

    Better Understanding and Team Communication

    Developing new skills will also make you a better team leader by enhancing your collaboration ability. For example, learning a few coding and programming skills will be advantageous as the web becomes more complex. It is because they are becoming increasingly important to any organization. Understanding the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and CMS will help you to work more effectively with your web and IT teams. In addition, understanding other departments can help cross-functional teams collaborate and communicate more effectively. 

    Allow Versatility

    Every sector and job, regardless of size, is becoming increasingly technology-focused and software-reliant. For example, Farmers have used GPS, mapping, and sensor technologies. It has resulted in increased efficiency in how they work daily. For example, the use of GPS and mapping technologies has aided in tracking equipment and operations. Furthermore, agricultural sensors or drones have helped collect livestock, soil, seeds, and crop data. Grading has also become more efficient in the education industry. It is due to the change from manual grading by hand to documents now being digitized. 

    Learning IT skills will help you become a well-rounded employee regardless of your business. You will be considered an asset and distinguish yourself from other candidates fighting for the same job. You can remain relevant as technology and the IT sector evolve. Early upskilling will give you a competitive advantage in the job market. It will also demonstrate your urge to learn and your commitment to go above and beyond. As a result, you can perform better and advance into newer roles and opportunities that demand the new set of abilities that you have acquired.

    Certifications to Enhance Software Skills

    There is a significant demand for programmers, and this trend will be around for a while. You may maintain a competitive edge in the market by distinguishing yourself from your competitors. You can do that by earning a software developer certification, web developer certification, or programming certification. Finally, you can apply for jobs or get that significant promotion with the best credentials and certifications. Let us check the certifications to learn the latest software skills in demand

    1. Microsoft Azure Developer Associate Certificate: Microsoft certificates are among the most well-known in the IT business and come with much prestige. Discusses cloud services to resolve business and organizational difficulties. Azure will create, manage, and employ scalable, performant, and highly available online apps. 

    Course duration: Two hours 

    Fee: $165 

    2. AWS Certified Developer Associate: Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers scalable cloud computing to develop Web applications. This course is intended for software engineers designing, creating, and running Amazon Web Services platform applications. 

    Course duration: 130 minutes 

    Fee: $150 

    3. Google Professional Cloud Developer: The most well-known brand in cloud computing is probably Google. If you're serious about developing on the cloud, take Google's Professional Cloud Developer certification test. 

    Course duration: Two hours 

    Fee: $200 

    4. Oracle Java Certification: Oracle Java certifications are available at the:

    • Associate, Professional (OCP)
    • Master (OCM)
    • Expert (OCE) levels. 

    As a prerequisite for the professional-level qualifications, you must hold the OCP Java Certification for Programmer. In addition, you may also go for a Sun Certified Oracle Java Certification for Programmer certificate. 

    Course duration: Varies

    Fee: $95 

    5. Professional Scrum Developer: The Scrum Alliance is known as a membership-based organization. It promotes Scrum adoption through advocacy, education, networking, and collaboration. The Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Developer (CSD) entry-level certification is aimed at software engineers. The ones who comprehend Scrum concepts and understand particular Agile engineering abilities. The Professional Scrum Developer - I (PSD - I) certification is for developers with experience producing Scrum software. It includes development processes, and support tools, efficiently applying Scrum in your specialization—for example, coding, testing, and design. 

    Course duration: Varies 

    Fee: $200 

    6. PMI Agile Certified Practitioner: This credential validates engineers' understanding of the principles of agile project management, tools, processes, and techniques. 

    Course duration: 3 hours 

    Fee: $435

    How to Explain the Level of Proficiency of Your Software Skills?

    After learning the top software skills and coding language, it is time to know how to explain the software skills in the resume. Here are a few points that will help you build an influencing resume:

    • By providing a list of bulleted points, you might make a specific part on your resume, such as a sidebar, to list your software skills. 
    • List the skills you are familiar with and can easily use. Employers will most likely ask questions based on the talents and technology you listed. So don't mislead them and be honest about your expertise. 
    • List any relevant courses and diplomas/certifications you have obtained to further your career. 
    • Do not include a metric bar showing your proficiency level and skills list. 
    • Please be specific. Include more than "Advanced knowledge in Microsoft Excel," for instance. Instead, give concrete examples of your Excel prowess, such as listing the sophisticated functions and formulae you are familiar with. 
    • Instead of simply stating talents, emphasize your accomplishments, milestones, KPIs, and how your computer skills aided a company. 
    • To make your message clearly understood, keep it brief. Employers and recruiters don't spend much time reading résumés, so relevant information must be highlighted and presented briefly. 


    Software engineering is a position that can entail various duties. It can be from leading a team of developers through projects to imparting your expert knowledge on a specific program class. Therefore, employers look for specific skill sets when looking for software engineers. Expanding your skill set is one of the best things you can do to develop your software engineering skills. Therefore, it is critical to include your software and computer talents in your resume. They give you an advantage over applicants and show the full range of your skills, increasing your employability. Moreover, going for KnowledgeHut online Programming training will help you impress top recruiters and hit the ground running with an extensive job-ready portfolio. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are five popular IT skills?

    Five popular IT skills are critical thinking, teamwork, strong work ethics, good communication, and leadership. These skills make an IT aspirant desirable for positions in good companies.

    2What are basic computer skills?

    The majority or all of the following are included in basic computer abilities, which cover most of the computer usage. The skills include:

    • Knowledge of the fundamentals of computer manipulation
    • Management of computer files
    • Word processing
    • Use of spreadsheets and databases
    • Creation of presentations
    • Information gathering and communication
    3What software skills does an employer want?

    Every employer wants a skilled software engineer. A few basic skills like coding, project management skills, database, and teamwork are much needed by an employer.


    Ramulu Enugurthi

    Blog Author

    Ramulu Enugurthi, a distinguished computer science expert with an M.Tech from IIT Madras, brings over 15 years of software development excellence. Their versatile career spans gaming, fintech, e-commerce, fashion commerce, mobility, and edtech, showcasing adaptability in multifaceted domains. Proficient in building distributed and microservices architectures, Ramulu is renowned for tackling modern tech challenges innovatively. Beyond technical prowess, he is a mentor, sharing invaluable insights with the next generation of developers. Ramulu's journey of growth, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence continues to inspire aspiring technologists.

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