HomeBlogCloud ComputingHow to Become an AWS DevOps Engineer in 2024?

How to Become an AWS DevOps Engineer in 2024?

22nd Dec, 2023
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    How to Become an AWS DevOps Engineer in 2024?

    Welcome to the AWS DevOps Engineer certification guide. Exploring the AWS DevOps certification roadmap has been invaluable for me, as someone dedicated to building a career in AWS DevOps and with the help of this article, I would love to share my experiences and learnings with you.

    This guide aims to assist you in navigating the AWS DevOps learning path, offering valuable tips, insights, and resources to support your certification objectives.

    Whether you’re starting your career or looking to advance your AWS DevOps expertise, this guide can be valuable to you, enabling you to follow the right career path as well as claim exceptional credibility for your resume with Amazon AWS certification So, let's proceed and learn more about the AWS DevOps career path.

    Who is an AWS DevOps Engineer and What Do They Do?

    An AWS DevOps engineer is a professional who understands the Software Development Lifecycle and possesses expertise in automation tools for creating digital pipelines. They collaborate with IT staff and developers to oversee code releases.

    DevOps is a well-known software development approach aimed at bridging the gap between IT and developers. It enables organizations to introduce small features based on feedback swiftly.

    An AWS DevOps engineer's role is to minimize software failures and reduce the time required for fixes. They eliminate the constraints of the traditional waterfall model and leverage various technologies for automated CI/CD pipelines in development, testing, and deployment.

    AWS DevOps Certification Path

    Based on my experiences, I’ve listed down the steps to follow on your pathway to becoming an AWS DevOps Engineer:

    Step 1: Master Skills 

    Top Skills Needed to Become an AWS DevOps Engineer

    Soft Skills
    • Communication: Effective communication is crucial for collaborating with cross-functional teams.
    • Problem-Solving: The ability to troubleshoot and find innovative solutions is essential.
    • Adaptability: Being open to change and quick to adjust to evolving technologies.
    Hard Skills
    • AWS Services: Proficiency in various AWS services, including EC2, S3, Lambda, and more.
    • Containerization: Familiarity with containerization technologies like Docker.
    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Mastery of IaC tools such as Terraform or AWS CloudFormation.
    • Version Control: Proficiency in Git for source code version control.
    Other Competencies
    • DevOps Methodology: A deep understanding of DevOps principles and practices.
    • Agile Development: Familiarity with Agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban.
    • Collaboration: The ability to work closely with development and IT teams.

    Top AWS DevOps Engineer Certifications / Degree

    • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer: This certification validates your AWS and DevOps skills.
    • AWS Certified Solutions Architect: Provides a broader understanding of AWS services and architecture.
    • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA): Useful for managing containerized applications.

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline 

    Start Learning in a Format That Suits You

    The AWS DevOps career path requires a commitment to learning and hands-on practice. Your ideal timeline depends upon your background, existing knowledge, and the learning approach you elect:

    • Full-Time Bootcamp (3-6 months),
    • Self-Paced Online Courses (6-12 months),
    • Part-Time Bootcamp (6-12 months),
    • A Bachelor's Degree (4 years), or
    • A hybrid approach with variable durations based on your preferences and commitments.

    While the provided boot camps can significantly fuel your career, check out the various Cloud Engineer certification courses to become a skilled multi-cloud engineer to learn more about the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer exam. Adding this certification to your candidature is bound to catalyze your skillset and the amount of lucrative opportunities you’ll navigate in the coming years! years!

    How Long Does It Take to Become an AWS DevOps Engineer?

    The time needed to traverse through the DevOps AWS Certification path varies based on factors like prior knowledge, learning pace, chosen path (e.g., bootcamps, online courses), and certifications.

    On average, it takes 6 months to 2 years with consistent effort. Continuous learning and staying updated with evolving technologies are vital in this field.

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio / Resume

    As you advance in your AWS DevOps journey, it's vital to start building your portfolio and resume, you can showcase some of the following in your portfolio/resume:

    • Personal Projects: Launch AWS DevOps projects to showcase your skills. Document your work, highlighting challenges and solutions.
    • GitHub Profile: Share code repositories on GitHub, collaborating on open-source projects to expand your visibility.
    • Certifications: Display your AWS certifications as concrete proof of your expertise, mentioning the skills acquired during preparation.
    • Professional Experience: Highlight relevant work experience, emphasizing tools, AWS services, and methodologies applied.

    Portfolio Example or Resume Template for Download

    PDF Download

    Step 4: Where and How to Find a Job?

    You can use online job boards, company websites, networking, recruitment agencies, coding platforms like GitHub and GitLab, the AWS Partner Network, online communities, networking events, specialized job platforms, direct outreach to companies, LinkedIn Premium, professional associations, and remote job platforms as part of your job search strategy.

    Top Companies Hiring AWS DevOps Engineer

    Some of the top companies actively hiring AWS DevOps Engineers are:

    • Capital One: Financial services company Capital One has embraced DevOps and hires professionals with AWS skills.
    • Apple: Apple hires AWS DevOps Engineers to work on cloud-related projects and infrastructure.
    • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Google Cloud also hires DevOps professionals with AWS expertise to support cloud deployments and services.
    • IBM Cloud: IBM provides cloud services and hires AWS DevOps Engineers to assist with cloud infrastructure and automation.
    • Microsoft Azure: Microsoft's cloud platform, Azure, offers various DevOps roles, including those focused on AWS.
    • Amazon Web Services (AWS): As a leading cloud services provider, AWS often hires AWS DevOps Engineers to work on their cloud infrastructure and services.

    Step 5: Ace the Interview

    Brief overview of interview process + Tips

    Overview of Interview Process

    The DevOps engineer interview process typically involves multiple stages to assess both technical skills and cultural fit. It may include:

    • Screening Interview: An initial conversation with a recruiter or HR representative to assess your qualifications and interest in the role.
    • Technical Assessment: This stage often involves technical tests or assignments to evaluate your hands-on skills and knowledge of DevOps tools and practices.
    • Technical Interview: Technical interviews delve deeper into your technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, and your approach to real-world DevOps challenges.
    • Behavioral Interview: In this stage, expect questions that assess your teamwork, adaptability, and communication skills. The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) can help structure your responses.
    • Panel Interview: You may meet with a panel of DevOps team members or cross-functional teams to gauge your collaboration and interpersonal skills.
    • Final Interview: This could be with senior leaders or managers to assess your overall fit within the organization.

    Tips to Ace Your Interview

    Based on my experience, here are some tips you can follow to ace your interview:

    • Study DevOps Concepts: I recommend reviewing core DevOps principles, practices, and tools to confidently respond to technical questions.
    • Demonstrate Technical Proficiency: Be prepared to showcase your knowledge of version control, CI/CD pipelines, containerization, and cloud platforms.
    • Practice Problem-Solving: I found that practicing problem-solving with coding challenges and scenario-based questions was immensely helpful.
    • Prepare for Behavioral Questions: Reflecting on my past experiences and using the STAR method to structure my answers for behavioral questions proved to be effective. You can check the DevOps IQA here.

    Who Can Become an AWS DevOps Engineer?

    Becoming an AWS DevOps Engineer is attainable for IT professionals, developers, cloud enthusiasts, recent graduates, and career changers through skill-building and certifications.

    AWS DevOps Engineer Requirements

    The requirements for an AWS DevOps Engineer position can vary depending on the specific job and company.

    However, here are some common requirements and qualifications typically sought after for AWS DevOps Engineer roles:

    1. Educational Qualifications: While a bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field is preferred, it's optional. Relevant certifications and practical experience often compensate for formal education.

    2. AWS Certified DevOps Engineer: This certification demonstrates expertise in AWS services and DevOps practices, making it a valuable requirement.

    3. Technical Skills: Proficiency in various AWS services, scripting languages, containerization technologies, CI/CD tools, version control, monitoring, security, and networking.

    4. Soft Skills: Excellent communication, problem-solving, and adaptability skills are crucial for collaborating with teams and addressing complex issues.

    5. Experience: Previous experience in DevOps roles, IT, or software development is beneficial but only sometimes mandatory. Practical experience with AWS services and projects is advantageous.


    Benefits of pursuing a career as an AWS DevOps Engineer:

    • High Demand: The demand for AWS DevOps Engineers continues to grow, ensuring ample job opportunities and competitive salaries.
    • Continuous Learning: The field evolves rapidly, providing opportunities for continued learning and skill enhancement.
    • Versatility: AWS DevOps Engineers work across industries, making it possible to explore various sectors.
    • Global Reach: AWS is used worldwide, offering opportunities for both local and international employment.
    • Collaborative Work: DevOps fosters collaboration between development and operations teams, creating a dynamic work environment.

    What’s the Demand for AWS DevOps Engineers?

    The demand for AWS DevOps engineers has seen a steady increase due to the following reasons:

    • Cloud Adoption: As more organizations migrate to the cloud, especially AWS, they require skilled professionals to optimize their cloud infrastructure and development processes.
    • Efficiency and Speed: DevOps practices enhance software development, deployment, and infrastructure management efficiency. AWS DevOps Engineers play a critical role in achieving faster development cycles and efficient operations.
    • Competitive Edge: Organizations that adopt AWS DevOps practices can release new features faster, respond to market changes, and gain a competitive edge.
    • Evolving Technology: The tech landscape continuously evolves, and AWS DevOps Engineers are essential for keeping infrastructure and applications up-to-date and secure.

    Salary Details For Top 5 Countries

    The average salaries for AWS DevOps engineers in top 5 countries are:

    • United States: USD 132,834
    • Australia: AUD 135,000
    • United Kingdom: GBP 76,685
    • Germany: EUR 70,188
    • Canada: CAD 77,840

    Wrapping Up

    The AWS DevOps Engineer certification path equips you with the knowledge and skills you will need to excel in the DevOps field. Taking the AWS DevOps certification exam is a valuable investment in your career, as it offers numerous growth opportunities.

    Learn more about the AWS certified DevOps engineer professional exam process with KnowledgeHut computing certification to further advance your career in this dynamic field!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which AWS certification is best for DevOps?

    The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer (CDE) certification is a well-known credential for DevOps experts. The AWS DevOps professional exam is specifically created to confirm your skills in various AWS DevOps areas.

    2Can I directly do AWS DevOps certification?

    Yes, you can directly pursue AWS DevOps certification without any prerequisites by taking the AWS DevOps Engineer exam.

    3Is AWS DevOps certification worth it?

    Yes, obtaining an AWS DevOps certification is often worth it. The AWS DevOps exam validates your expertise, enhances your credibility, and can open doors to better job opportunities along the AWS DevOps certification path.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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