HomeBlogProject ManagementHow to Become a Digital Project Manager?

How to Become a Digital Project Manager?

09th Jan, 2024
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    How to Become a Digital Project Manager?

    With the rise in digitalization of products, services, and solutions, there has been a profound change in the way businesses operate. With customers demanding quality digital services and experiences, there has been a significant rise in digital technology. The digital revolution has forced businesses to move to innovative digital solutions. In this article, we will discuss how to become a digital project manager, digital project manager jobs, their role and responsibilities, demand for digital project managers, salaries and much more.

    Who is a Digital Project Manager and What do They do?

    A digital project manager is responsible for the overall success of a digital project, from conception to completion. They work with a team of stakeholders, including clients, developers, designers, and testers, to ensure that the project meets the client's needs and is delivered on time and within budget. Digital project managers need to have a strong understanding of project management principles and techniques. They also need to have strong communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills. In addition, they need to be familiar with the latest digital technologies and trends.

    Digital Project Manager Skills

    How to Become a Digital Project Manager in Simple Steps?

    To become a digital project manager, you must have the technical and soft skills to perform the role. Below is a list of both the technical and soft skills you need to acquire. Choosing from the best online Project Management course will help you get the right skill set and knowledge.

    Step 1: Master Skills

    Top Skills Needed to Become a Digital Project Manager

    Soft Skills

    • Communication: Digital project managers must be able to communicate effectively with a variety of people, including clients, team members, and stakeholders. They need to clearly articulate project goals, requirements, and timelines to the project teams. They also need to be able to listen effectively and build rapport with others.
    • Problem-solving: Digital project managers must be able to identify and solve problems quickly and effectively. They need to think critically and creatively, and they must come up with solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders.
    • Leadership: Project management consultants must lead and motivate others. They must be able to set clear expectations, delegate tasks, and build consensus. They also need to be able to manage conflict effectively.
    • Interpersonal skills: Project management consultants must be able to work effectively with others. They need to build rapport, collaborate, and resolve conflict. They also need to have an open mind to understand different perspectives.
    • Flexibility: Digital project managers need to be adaptable. The world of digital technology is constantly changing, so digital project managers need to be able to adapt to new technologies and trends.
    • Time management: Digital project managers must be able to manage their time effectively. They must be able to set priorities and to meet deadlines.
    • Change management: Digital project managers need to be able to manage change effectively. They need to be able to communicate changes to stakeholders, and to ensure that everyone is on board with the changes.
    • Interpersonal skills: Digital project managers must be able to build relationships with stakeholders. They must be able to listen to others, to be respectful, and to be able to resolve conflicts.
    • Active Listening: Ability to attentively listen to feedback, concerns, and ideas from team members and stakeholders.
    • Presentation Skills: Skill in delivering engaging and informative presentations to convey project updates and findings.
    • Client Relationship Management: Maintaining positive relationships with clients, addressing their needs, and managing expectations.

    Hard Skills 

    • Project management software: Digital project managers need to be proficient in project management software, such as Microsoft Project, Workamajig or Jira. This software allows them to plan, track, and manage projects effectively.
    • Coding languages: Digital project managers need to have a basic understanding of coding languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This knowledge will help them to communicate with developers and understand the technical aspects of projects.
    • Design software: Digital project managers need to have a basic understanding of design software, such as Photoshop or Illustrator. This knowledge will help them to communicate with designers and understand the visual aspects of projects.
    • Testing software: Digital project managers need to have a basic understanding of testing software, such as Selenium or SoapUI. This knowledge will help them to test projects and ensure that they are working properly.
    • Basic digital marketing skills such as social media, SEO, and analytics to track digital marketing campaigns.
    • Basic content writing skills to create effective copies and content.
    • Knowledge of content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, Shopify, etc. This knowledge will help them create, edit, and manage website content without the need for specialized technical knowledge.
    • PowerPoint and Presentation skills: Digital project managers need to be able to create presentations that are clear, concise, and visually appealing. They also need to be able to deliver presentations in a way that is engaging and persuasive.
    • Strong Excel skills and ability to work with large databases

    Other Competencies:

    Having digital marketing knowledge, ability to use agile methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, etc. are some other skills a digital project manager should have.

    Top Digital Project Manager Certifications / Degree

    1. Project Management Professional (PMP)

    The PMP certification offered by the Project Management Institute is one of the best and most industry-recognized project management courses. With over 1 billion certificate holders, it is recognized as the gold standard certification in project management all over the world. 

    You should have at least 3 years of experience in project management. The project management certification tests your ability in conducting processes, managing people, and your knowledge of management principles. The PMP exam is a multiple-choice 200 questions exam that tests your knowledge of project management principles, practices, and tools. The exam is 4 hours duration. There are various institutes which offer courses for you to prepare for your PMP certification. You can choose the PMP prep course online from this list based on your preference.

    2. PRINCE2 Foundation and PRINCE2 Practitioner

    The PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environment) Foundation certification is an entry-level certification offered by Axelos that introduces you to the PRINCE2 methodology, principles, processes, etc. The PRINCE2 methodology provides a structured framework for managing projects effectively. The PRINCE2 Foundation exam is a multiple-choice exam that tests your knowledge of the PRINCE2 principles, themes, and processes. The exam is 2 hours long and there are 75 questions. The PRINCE2 Foundation certification is valid for three years. To maintain your certification, you must renew it by taking the PRINCE2 Foundation exam again. 

    PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environment) Practitioner is an advanced level of certification offered by Axelos to professionals who are responsible for project management. To become a PRINCE2 Practitioner, you must pass the PRINCE2 Foundation exam. Holders of the PMP certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI) are eligible to take the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam without taking the Foundation exam. 

    The PRINCE2 Practitioner exam tests your knowledge of the PRINCE2 principles, terminologies, processes, etc. The exam is 2 hours in duration and there are 120 questions. To pass the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam, you need to score at least 65%. The PRINCE2 Practitioner certification is valid for three years. To maintain your certification, you must renew it by taking the PRINCE2 Foundation exam again.

    There are various institutes which offer courses for you to prepare for your Prince2 certification. You can choose the online PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner certification from these course providers based on your research and preference.

    3. Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)

    Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is one of the best project management certifications for project managers. This certification encompasses project management core concepts and competencies. This exam-based certification offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) is useful for achieving high business performance and career growth. CAPM demonstrates your understanding of the principles of PMI and the PMBOK Guide. The CAPM certification exam is a 150 multiple choice-question test that checks your aptitude in Project Management Fundamentals and Core Concepts.

    4. Certified Scrum Master (CSM)

    CSM certification is offered by the Scrum Alliance. This certificate is focused on teaching Scrum best practices that are often followed in technical project teams. This certification is a 60-question, multiple-choice exam. To pass the exam, you must score at least 75% on the exam.

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline 

    An assessment of your current skills and knowledge in digital project management will give you a fair idea of the time you will take to prepare for your certifications.

    Start Learning in a Format That Suits You

    In my opinion, it is very crucial that you choose the learning format that suits your criteria. There are a lot of options available for learners to become digital project managers. Below is a list of learning options available for you to check:

    • Online Courses: Online learning platforms like KnowledgeHut, LinkedIn Learning, edX, etc. offer various project management online courses that are highly flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. You can choose KnowledgeHut Accredited Project Management online courses as they prepare you for the certification with necessary the knowledge and confidence.
    • University Programs: You could enroll in a university degree program like the Master of Science in Project Management. Having a master's degree will help you launch your digital project manager career path.
    • Webinars and Workshops: Attending webinars and workshops is a great way to enhance your project management skills. These short, focused sessions can provide valuable insights and practical tips.
    • Get hands-on experience: Doing projects is the best way to learn project management skills. Look for opportunities to volunteer or work on small projects. This will give you the chance to apply what you have learned and to gain valuable experience.

    How Long Does It Take to Become a Digital Project Manager? 

    To become a digital project manager, you must have the right skills, competencies and educational qualifications. It can take anywhere from 3 to 5 years to acquire the necessary skills and experience for you to get a role as a digital project manager.

    Here are some of the factors that can affect how long it takes to become a digital project manager:

    • Education: If you have a bachelor's degree in information technology, business management, business administration or a related field, you will be well-positioned to start your career as a digital project manager.
    • Work Experience: The more experience you have working on digital projects, the better prepared you will be in performing your role as a digital project manager. It is advisable to work on multiple digital projects of various budgets and sizes to get the hang of the process.
    • Soft and Technical Skills Development: To become a successful digital project manager, you'll need to develop skills beyond project management, such as communication, negotiation, problem-solving, and client management. This is an ongoing process that takes time and practice.
    • Your network: Having professional connections and network will play a major role in your aspiration to be a digital project manager. If you have connections with other digital project management professionals or with people who hire digital project managers, you will be more likely to find a job as a digital project manager.
    • Certifications: Certifications hold a very important place in a project manager's career path. Gaining the right certifications will make you job ready with all the competencies and skills.

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio / Resume

    Building your resume is one of the crucial steps in job hunting. It is very important to understand the digital project manager job description to match it with your skill sets and work experience. Always highlight your strong skills and competencies in your resume.

    An example of digital project manager job description

    Portfolio Example or Resume Template for Download

    Here is a template of a digital project manager for your reference.

    Digital Project Manager Resume

    Step 4: Where and how to find a job?

    There are various ways you can find a job. Let us look at each option in detail:

    1. Online Job Boards and Websites:

    • Utilize popular job search websites and job boards such as Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Monster, and CareerBuilder. These platforms allow you to search for job openings, upload your resume, and receive job alerts.

    2. Company Websites:

    • Many companies post job openings on their own websites under the "Careers" or "Jobs" section. If you have specific companies in mind, check their websites regularly for job listings.

    3. Networking:

    • Leverage your professional network to discover job opportunities. Inform friends, family members, former colleagues, and mentors that you are job hunting. Attend networking events, conferences, and industry meetups to expand your network.

    4. LinkedIn:

    • Create or update your LinkedIn profile to highlight your skills, experience, and career goals. Connect with professionals in your field, follow companies, and join industry groups. LinkedIn also has a job search feature.

    5. Professional Associations:

    • Join industry-specific professional associations or organizations. These groups often have job boards, networking events, and resources for job seekers.

    6. Recruitment Agencies and Headhunters:

    • Consider working with recruitment agencies or headhunters who specialize in your industry. They can help match you with relevant job opportunities.

    7. Alumni Networks:

    • If you attended a college or university, explore your alumni network for job leads. Alumni often help fellow graduates with job referrals.

    8. Job Fairs:

    • Attend job fairs in your area, whether they are general job fairs or industry-specific events. Prepare your resume and practice your elevator pitch.

    Top Companies Hiring Digital Project Manager

    IBM, Cognizant, Capgemini, Oracle, Honeywell are a few of the top companies hiring for digital project manager roles for their various functions and locations.

    Job Outlook for Digital Project Manager

    There has been a major digital transformation in products and services. This means that projects have to be structured and implemented to create digital products and solutions. This requires project managers who can effectively manage multiple digital projects and resources simultaneously. Also, digital projects are often more complex than traditional projects, requiring a deep understanding of digital technologies and processes.

    Hence the prospects for a digital project manager are huge. With a paradigm shift in businesses and customer demands, digitalizing products and services has become the new norm.

    Step 5: Ace the Interview

    Brief overview of interview process + Tips (Link to interview ques.)

    The interview process involves multiple rounds of interviews with senior management to gauge your knowledge and experience in digital project management.


    • Do your research: Before the interview, take some time to research the company and the position you are interviewing for. This will show the interviewer that you are serious about the job and that you have taken the time to learn about the company.
    • Be prepared to answer questions about your skills and experience: The interviewer will likely ask you questions about your skills and experience in project management. Be prepared to answer these questions in a clear and concise way.
    • Highlight your accomplishments: When answering questions, be sure to highlight your accomplishments in project management. This will show the interviewer that you have the skills and experience necessary to be successful in the role.
    • Be confident: Confidence is key in any interview. When you are confident, you will project a positive image and make a good impression on the interviewer.
    • Ask questions: At the end of the interview, be sure to ask the interviewer questions about the company and the position. This shows that you are interested in the job and that you have taken the time to learn more about it.

    Who can become a Digital Project Manager?

    Digital Project Manager Requirements

    Anyone with the right combination of skills, experience, and qualifications can become a Digital Project Manager. Here are the typical requirements and qualifications for aspiring Digital Project Managers:

    • Education: A relevant degree such as bachelor's and master's degree in computer science, computer engineering, information systems or information technology, business administration.
    • Project Management Experience: Experience in project management is essential. This could include roles such as project coordinator, assistant project manager, or project lead in any industry.
    • Digital Skills: Proficiency in digital tools and platforms relevant to project management and the specific industry is important. Familiarity with project management software (e.g., Asana, Trello), communication tools (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams), and relevant digital platforms is valuable.
    • Technical Knowledge: Depending on the role and industry, understanding basic technical concepts related to web development, digital marketing, content management systems (CMS), user experience (UX), and other digital areas can be beneficial.
    • Certifications: Earning relevant certifications enhances your credibility. Certifications like PMP (Project Management Professional), Scrum certification are highly beneficial.

    Why Become a Digital Project Manager?

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of project managers is projected to grow 12% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is being driven by the increasing demand for digital products and services. As businesses continue to invest in digital technologies, they will need project managers to help them plan, execute, and deliver these projects. Also, digital projects have an intricate and complex structure compared to traditional project management methods. A well-equipped digital project manager with expertise and the right work experience can help businesses take the big leap. So, as a digital project manager, your growth prospects are big, and this means that you will have many career growth opportunities, both within your current company and in other companies.

    Salary Details for the top 5 Countries

    As per Glassdoor, the salary details for the top 5 countries are:

    Avg Salary
    $107,189 per year
    $71,000 to $164,000
    ₹1600,000 per year
    ₹1000,000 to ₹2800,000.
    A$112,000 per year
    A$86,000 to A$144,000
    £40,442 per year
    £35,000 to £58,000
    C $79,939 per year.
    C$66,000 to C$101,000


    To sum it all up, digital project management has become one of the most sought-after jobs today. With the increase in digital products and solutions, the digital industry is growing rapidly. And like any other business change, digital project management needs to adapt quickly to the new technologies and developments. Digital technology is changing every second. So, to stay on the mark, digital project managers and professionals should upgrade their skills continuously. Organizations must emphasize the importance of digital transformation in how business is done.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What do digital project managers do?

    Digital project managers do a variety of tasks including but not limited to define project scope, develop project plans, manage budgets, monitor and oversee project teams, resolve project issues, communicate with stakeholders and deliver projects within set deadlines and within budget. 

    2Is digital project manager a good career?

    Yes, digital project manager is a good career. The demand for digital project managers is expected to grow in the coming years, as businesses continue to invest in digital technologies. Digital project managers typically report high levels of job satisfaction. They enjoy the challenge of working on complex projects and the satisfaction of seeing projects completed successfully.

    3Are digital project managers in demand?

    Digital Project Managers are in high demand because of businesses increasingly investing in digital technologies to create new products and services, improve their existing products and services, and reach new customers.


    Kevin D.Davis

    Blog Author

    Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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