HomeBlogSecurityHow to Become a Network Security Engineer in 2024? [Step-by-Step]

How to Become a Network Security Engineer in 2024? [Step-by-Step]

15th Apr, 2024
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    How to Become a Network Security Engineer in 2024? [Step-by-Step]

    Anyone planning a career in the network security domain certainly has a bright future! One intruder attack can cause irreversible damage to the organization and might lead to permanent failure. Hence, the role of a network security engineer becomes crucial as they can create a safe environment and mitigate the risks of data theft or any other kind of intruder attack. As most businesses depend on online resources for data storage and operations, the demand for these professionals is high. If you can prove your worth, there will be endless opportunities with an excellent salary package. Moreover, your professional journey will be secure and sustainable if you know how to become a network security engineer and plan growth strategies in this domain. In this article, I will share all the information you should know to plan a career as a network security engineer. Use this information and enjoy all the perks of this career option.

    Who is a Network Security Engineer, and What Do They Do?

    A Network Security Engineer is responsible for ensuring the safety of an organization's computer networks and information systems. Their primary responsibility involves implementing safety practices to protect the integrity and confidentiality of data within the network infrastructure. These experts design and deploy security solutions to create a safety layer against a wide variety of cyber threats, including unauthorized access, data breaches, and malicious activities.

    These experts use various technologies, such as firewalls, virtual private networks (VPNs), and encryption protocols, to create a layered defense against potential attacks. They monitor the network traffic and identify vulnerabilities. Moreover, they keep a disaster management plan ready in case of an unexpected incident. As a network security engineer, you will collaborate with different teams working in an organization and with external vendors to ensure the entire infrastructure remains safe.

    How to Become a Network Security Engineer in 5 Simple Steps

    Knowing the demand and the monetary perks that come with this career option raises the inclination of many computer science graduates toward it. One question that I often get asked is how to be a network security engineer. I recommend the Cyber Security training courses online to those who are already working in this domain and wish to grow. On the other hand, for those who want to plan from scratch, the step-by-step process below will help.

    Step 1: Master Skills

    When you explore how to get into the network security engineering domain, the first step is to develop the right kind of skills. You would have to work on your personal and technical proficiency to grab your dream job and kickstart your career in the network security industry.

    Top Skills Needed to Become a Network Security Engineer 

    A. Soft Skills: Some of the soft skills or personality traits you should develop to plan a fruitful career as a network security engineer are:

    • Analytical Thinking: Develop the ability to analyze complex systems and assess potential risks.
    • Communication Skills: You should be able to convey security policies and vulnerabilities to other team members. Hence, work on developing better communication skills.
    • Problem-Solving: You will frequently encounter new challenges and threats. Make sure you have an excellent problem-solving ability to adapt to the evolving industry better.

    B. Hard Skills: As network security is a fast-evolving industry, you will have to be technically proficient to deliver your best work. Some hard skills you should work on are:

    • Learn Encryption Technologies: Gain thorough knowledge of encryption algorithms and protocols to protect data, including SSL/TLS for web traffic and disk encryption for storage devices.
    • Authentication and Authorization: Develop an understanding of authentication mechanisms and authorization protocols to ensure safe access to network resources.
    • Securing Operating System: Learn the security features and best practices to secure operating systems.

    Top Network Security Engineer Certifications / Degree

    The add-on certification courses can help gain the required soft skills and technical expertise. You can opt for a CEH certification course or other relevant programs based on your requirements, and it will help give a significant boost to your career. Some of the popular certification courses you can choose are:

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline

    Your journey to become a network security engineer will vary depending on whether you are planning after the 12th or it will be a career switch for you. If you are looking for how to become a network security engineer after the 12th, know that you require a strategic learning format to succeed. Do not follow anyone else’s footprints, as what worked for them might not work for you! So, plan your journey based on your learning capacity and the pace you can comfortably follow.

    How Long Does It Take to Become a Network Security Engineer? 

    If you ask me how long it takes to become a network security engineer after the 12th, I would say four to five years would be enough. The easy steps are:

    • Complete a four-year bachelor's degree in computer science or information technology.
    • One year of certification program to develop the right skill set. Explore the KnowledgeHut's online classes for cybersecurity to find a course that fits your timeline.

    All this is enough to build a successful career as a network security engineer.

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio / Resume 

    Once you are ready to explore the job market, start by building an impressive resume. The resume you send in your application for a job is your first impression of your potential employer. So, make sure you spend significant time curating a resume. Mention all the essential details in it to make it look attractive enough.

    Portfolio Example or Resume Template 

    Network Security Engineer Resume

    Step 4: Where and how to find a job 

    Most professionals trying to figure out how to be network security engineers don’t know where to find a job! If you are also sailing in the same boat, know that big multinationals across the globe hire security engineers and offer them handsome salary packages. On top of that if you have a renowned qualification, like Certified Information Systems Security Personnel (CISSP), the salary graph grows exponentially. I have listed the top companies with their salary packages to help you know where to find your desired job.

    Cisco Systems$111K

    Job Outlook for Network Security Engineer

    The job market for a network security engineer is promising and extremely positive. As the dependency on online networks is ever-increasing, the world will need more security engineers for a long time! So, if you plan a career in this domain, you will have countless opportunities to explore. Just prepare yourself well and keep completing the add-on certifications to sharpen your skills and grow significantly.

    Step 5: Ace the Interview 

    Acing your job interview is another significant step in the process of how to be a network security engineer. The hiring process may vary for different organizations, but a personal interview is something that everyone will conduct. So, you would have to prepare well for the interview to grab your desired job role. Listed below are some simple yet effective tips that can help you ace the interview.

    • Go through the sample interview questions for a network security engineer position. It will give you an idea about what you can get asked. (Interview question link: interviewbit
    • Dress well and present yourself professionally in your interview. Give your employer a reason to hire you over others.

    Who can Become a Network Security Engineer?

    When you explore how to be a network security engineer, know that it is not an industry for everyone. It is highly competitive, and you require an excellent skillset to enjoy a secure and monetarily impressive career. I have listed the network security engineer education requirements you should fulfill to plan a career in this industry.

    • You should have a bachelor's degree in computer science or information technology.
    • Make sure you have a relevant skillset; an add-on certification in your resume would prove your skills. 

    These requirements and the zeal to learn the latest technologies and tools make you a perfect fit for this industry.


    Throughout the discussion in this article, I have emphasized a lot on how fruitful your career can be as a network security engineer. You might wonder what are the benefits that make it worth it.

    • The first and most significant benefit of opting for this career is its high demand which will continue to rise for many years.
    • Another benefit is that this demand is global. So, you wouldn’t have to worry about ample opportunities even if you plan to switch locations or companies.
    • The career in the network security domain is also monetarily sound. You can expect an excellent salary package if you can prove your worth as a proficient expert.

    There are countless other perks, like an opportunity to learn something new every day! If all this sounds like something you have been looking for, start planning your career in this industry.

    What’s the Demand for Network Security Engineer? 

    The demand for a network security engineer is high. According to a report, there were more than 40K job opportunities in this domain, but the irony is there is still a skill gap of about 30%. So, anyone exploring how to become a network security engineer without experience can use this opportunity to establish a fruitful career in this industry. Make sure you enroll in some certification courses and develop relevant skills that can help you grab the best job opportunities and enjoy the best of this domain. I have listed the top 5 countries offering the best salary packages to the network security engineer. Use this information for your reference to curate a perfect strategy.

    Salary details for the top 5 countries

    IndiaINR 680K


    The journey of becoming a network security engineer is rewarding, but it comes with its own challenges. You require a dedicated approach and a strategic plan to learn the skills that are relevant to this career and grab the best job opportunities. You should know that it is crucial to obtain a strong educational background and earn certifications that can help prove your worth as a proficient security expert. Do your research and choose the certification that will help you achieve your career goals. Another aspect you should consider is that remaining abreast of the latest security threats and saving technologies is essential to enjoy a sustainable career. Ultimately, the perfect combination of your educational excellence and add-on certifications will help you fetch all the benefits of this ever-evolving industry. Use all the information I have shared about how to become a network security engineer, create a strategic plan to build your career and a safe, secure, and monetarily fruitful professional journey awaits you.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How to start a career as a network security engineer with no experience?

    To start your career as a network security engineer without any experience, you should kickstart by completing a bachelor's degree in computer science or information technology. Moving on, ensure you complete an add-on certification that trains you in the required skills and prepares you for the job market. 

    2Is a degree necessary to pursue a career in network security engineering?

    Yes. You should have a bachelor's degree in computer science or information technology before pursuing a career in the network security engineering industry. 

    3Are there any specific certifications I should pursue to become a network security engineer?

    There are specific certifications for growth in every industry, and network security is no different. Some of the add-on certifications relevant to this domain are: 

    • Cisco Certified Network Professional in Service Provider Operations 
    • Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Security 
    • The International Information Systems Security Certification 
    • Certified Information Systems Security Personnel 
    • CISM: Certified Information Security Manager. 
    4What are the typical job responsibilities of a network security engineer? 

    The primary job responsibilities of a network security engineer includes the following: 

    • Configuring and maintaining the firewalls
    • Testing hardware and software systems for vulnerabilities
    • Setting up security policies and protocols. 

    Vitesh Sharma

    Blog Author

    Vitesh Sharma, a distinguished Cyber Security expert with a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in the Telecom & Networking Industry. Armed with a CCIE and CISA certification, Vitesh possesses expertise in MPLS, Wi-Fi Planning & Designing, High Availability, QoS, IPv6, and IP KPIs. With a robust background in evaluating and optimizing MPLS security for telecom giants, Vitesh has been instrumental in driving large service provider engagements, emphasizing planning, designing, assessment, and optimization. His experience spans prestigious organizations like Barclays, Protiviti, EY, PwC India, Tata Consultancy Services, and more. With a unique blend of technical prowess and management acumen, Vitesh remains at the forefront of ensuring secure and efficient networking solutions, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the cybersecurity landscape.

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