HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentTop Applications of Linked List Data Structure

Top Applications of Linked List Data Structure

23rd Apr, 2024
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    Top Applications of Linked List Data Structure

    Linked lists, a fundamental concept in computer science and data structures. A linked list is like a chain of elements, where each element points to the next one, forming a dynamic structure that adapts to the needs of various applications. In this blog, we'll delve into the diverse application of linked list data structures, from efficiently managing memory to implementing data structures like stacks and queues.

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    Let’s start.

    What is a Linked List in Data Structure with example.

    A linked list is a dynamic-linear type of data structure that, unlike arrays, uses pointers to store elements dynamically which eliminates the wastage of memory. In this, we have nodes that store the data and unlike the address of the next node as in this data is not stored in a contiguous manner.

    Thus, it's safe to stay that in Linked list each node consists of two parts: data and a reference (or pointer) to the next node in the sequence. The first node is called the head node, which points to the next node, and the last node is called the tail node, which points to null, indicating the end of the list.

    Consider a train as an example of a linked list, it has an engine(head), carts(nodes) and a caboose (tail of the Linked list).

    Types of linked lists include:

    1. Singly Linked List: Each node points only to the next node.

    2. Doubly Linked List: Each node has pointers to both the next and previous nodes.

    3. Circular Linked List: The last node points back to the first node, forming a circular structure.

    Linked List

    Application of Linked List in Data Structure

    In the blog's introduction, we said there are many applications of the Linked list data structure not only in the world of computers but also in the real world.

    1. Application of Linked List Data Structure in Computer Science

    There are several applications of the Linked list in computer science. Some of them are as follows.

    • Implementing Stacks and Queues

    Using linked lists for Stacks and Queues brings notable benefits for developers:

    • No size limitation, we can put as many values as we want
    • Eliminates concerns about space, avoiding Stack Overflow errors by using only necessary memory.
    • Adding something new is super easy. It always goes on the top, and taking things out is quick.
    • Enhances code clarity.
    • Implementing Graphs

    Using linked lists to implement graphs, where the linked list nodes hold the nearby vertices, is one of its many useful uses. Known as the adjacency list format, this representation is frequently utilized in graph algorithms like depth-first and breadth-first searches.

    • Portraying a Polynomial

    A polynomial is an algebraic expression containing both coefficients and power and can be easily created using a linked list. We must store both coefficients and power in the data part of the node. That means that the list will have two data fields and not one.

    Let’s say we have a polynomial - 2x^3 + 3x^2 + 5. In a Linked list, it would be stored as shown below


    • Memory Management

    Dynamic memory allocation, or linked list allocation, divides system memory into equal-sized nodes with pointers to the next block, streamlining memory tasks. Here's how it works:

    1. Allocator checks for requested memory size.
    2. If a matching block exists, it's assigned.
    3. If not, the allocator asks the OS for more memory, adding it to the linked list.
    4. After changes like deallocation, the allocator updates the pointer for efficiency.

    2. Application of Linked list data structure in Real World

    Following are some of the Linked list Applications in the Real-life

    • Music Player

    A linked list is commonly used to manage and navigate through playlists. In this, each node represents a song in the playlist. The data part stores information about the song (such as title, artist, and duration), and two pointers: one pointing to the next node (next song) and another pointing to the previous node (previous song) is used for traversing between songs.

    • Web Browser

    Web browsers also use a doubly Linked list to store users' history allowing them to easily navigate between the next and the previous page, while the URL visited gets stored in the data part of the node.

    • File System

    Suppose we have a large file that we want to store on our computer. Now -

    1. It will be divided into separate memory chunks with no direct connection.
    2. A linked list is used to store these memory chunks in a block.
    3. Each block has a pointer pointing to the next memory chunk, connecting them.
    4. This approach minimizes space wastage and reduces the load on the directory.

    File system

    • Train or Bus Reservation System

    In a train or bus reservation system, a linked list can be utilized to manage the passenger queue or list of bookings efficiently. Here's how it might work:

    1. Each node holds the information of the passenger like name, destination, etc.,
    2. Each node is connected in order of their bookings
    3. New bookings dynamically add nodes to the linked list, while cancellations remove them, adjusting links to maintain sequence.

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    There are three types of Linked Lists – Singly, Doubly, and Circular. While we are discussing the application of Linked list data structure, it is also important to understand the different applications of each of them. Let’s start by understanding the application of singly linked list first followed by others

    3. Application of Singly Linked List

    Some Doubly Linked List Applications are as follows-

    • Job Scheduling

    Since each node in a linked list includes a pointer pointing to the next node in the sequence and contains information about a job (such as job ID, execution time, priority, etc.), using a linked list for job scheduling is far more effective and straightforward for handle the series of tasks or jobs. Depending on their arrival time or priority, the nodes are connected.

    • Hash Table Chaining

    It is a process used to handle collisions in a hash table caused by the mapping of different Keys to a single position. In this process, all the keys that are mapped to one index are stored in a table depicting a linked list.

    • Implementing Symbol Tables

    In the case of a symbol table, a singly linked list is used to manage the entries of the symbol table, like the symbol name and its data type, efficiently by storing it in the data part of the node while storing the address of the next node in the pointer.

    • Task Scheduling

    In operating systems, a singly linked list is often used to create a queue-like structure, where each node represents a task and points to the next task in the queue. It also allows easy insertion and removal of tasks in a first-come-first-serve manner.

    4. Application of Doubly Linked List

    Some Doubly Linked List Applications are as follows-

    • Undo and Redo functionality

    Imagine you're working on a document. Each change you make in the document is saved as a snapshot or picture of how the document looks at that moment. Now, a doubly linked list has two pointers sandwiching the data part of the node in the center. So, these two pointers will store the address of the previous and the next snapshot, while the data part will store the snapshot.

    • Navigation Systems

    Linked lists are employed in navigation systems to represent a sequence of locations, allowing easy traversal (both forward and backward) from one point to the next. Each node in the linked list corresponds to a specific location, containing information such as the geographical coordinates, street name, or any relevant details.

    Navigation system

    • Cache Management

    A doubly linked list helps efficiently manage cached items in cache management. Each node in the list is a cached item, and the structure allows easy insertion, deletion, and movement. It's useful for implementing the Least Recently Used (LRU) or Most Recently Used (MRU) caching policies.

    5. Application of Circular Linked List

    Some Circular Linked List Applications are as follows-

    • Round Robin Scheduling:

    Circular linked lists are used in operating systems for implementing round-robin scheduling algorithms. In this context, each node in the list represents a process, and the circular nature allows the scheduler to cycle through processes in a circular order.

    • Resource Allocation:

    Circular Linked lists can be employed in scenarios where resources are allocated cyclically. For example, in a resource allocation system where resources are allocated to different processes, a circular linked list can help manage the allocation order.

    • Game Development:

    Circular Linked lists can be utilized in game development to represent cycles or loops within a game. For instance, in games like Ludo, circular linked lists are like a helpful tool for managing player movement.

    Imagine each player's piece as a step in a circle. When it's your turn, you move your piece forward, and the circle keeps going around. This helps keep track of turns—like who's next—and makes it easy to see if someone has won. So, with circular linked lists, playing games like Ludo becomes more organized and fun because it's like following a path that loops back around, just like in the game!

    Now that we have understood different applications of linked list data structure in computer science and the real world, it's time to understand how are linked list better than arrays.

    Advantages of Linked List over Arrays

    • Dynamic size

    In the case of arrays, we must fix the size of the object at the time of declaration. But in Linked List, the size of the object scales automatically at runtime allowing for efficient memory utilisation.

    • Insertion and Deletion are Easier

    In the case of a Linked list, adding and removing elements is very easy, especially from the middle, as we only need to shift pointers to do so. However, in the case of arrays, shifting of elements is required.

    • No Need for Reallocation

    In the case of arrays, we have to change places when the size exceeds the initial memory allocation. While there is no need for that in the case of Linked list.

    • No memory wastage

    In the case of arrays, elements are stored in a contiguous way, which can sometimes lead to a waste of memory as those elements are also stored and are not used.

    In the case of a linked list, memory is only allocated for those elements that are being used. Thus, no waste of memory.


    In conclusion, the application of linked list data structure spans across various domains, showcasing its versatility and efficiency. From dynamic memory allocation to the implementation of complex algorithms like graph traversal and round-robin scheduling, linked lists offer a flexible and scalable solution.

    Their ability to adapt to changing requirements, support dynamic size, and facilitate easy insertion and deletion of elements makes them invaluable in scenarios where other data structures may fall short. As technology advances, the significance of linked lists persists, making them a fundamental and enduring tool in the realm of computer science and the real world.

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How can linked lists be used in game development?

    Game development is one of the applications of Circular Linked list data structure. As mentioned above, Circular Linked list and can be utilized in game development to represent cycles or loops within a game. For instance, In Uno, linked lists manage the deck, player hands, and discard pile efficiently. Each node represents a card or player, enabling easy manipulation.

    2Can linked lists be used for data compression?

    Indeed, linked lists can be utilized in data compression algorithms like Huffman coding, which creates a binary code for each character based on the frequency shown in a linked list.

    3Can linked lists be used for image processing?

    Yes, they are used to represent and manipulate pixel data where each pixel is represented as a node in the list., such as performing edge detection or image segmentation.

    4How are linked lists used in operating systems?

    Like task scheduling, process scheduling is also one of the applications of Linked list data structure in an OS. In this, a doubly linked list is used to manage the process scheduling. Each process waiting to be executed is represented as a node in the doubly linked list, and the operating system can easily traverse the list in both directions to manage the process queue.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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