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KnowledgeHut Building the Future of Learning

23rd Apr, 2024
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    KnowledgeHut Building the Future of Learning

    During the pandemic and its immediate aftermath, virtual took center stage as individuals and businesses alike began to depend on digital technologies at an unprecedented level. The learning and skills training space was no different. The impact of online learning has transformed the lives of professionals and made a dent in mitigating the skills gap faced by the industry.  

    A recent report by BCG states that job changes will be driven by new technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics. In line with that, 72% of people who work in IT and technology or in science and research professions spend a few weeks or more a year on learning.  

    To meet this new-age learning adoption and address the growing tech skills gap, we developed one of the most advanced learning solutions, which offers comprehensive learning by blending theory with hands-on learning. Through this flagship state-of-the-art Learning Experience Platform (LXP) that we call PRISM, KnowledgeHut delivers a truly Immersive Learning Experience.  

    Having worked with thousands of enterprises and government bodies across the world to reskill and upskill their talent, the learnings have driven the development of this unique platform. We have understood the shifts in global learning dynamics, and all of these learnings have been fed into the making of PRISM. 

    "Our immersive learning solution follows a simple approach: individuals get to learn, practice, assess themselves, get in-depth insights on their learning, and personalize their learning journey to achieve their skill goals. Our key differentiation is that we are offering a blended solution under one platform, whereas the current solutions available in the learning industry are scattered." 

    Subramanyam Reddy, CEO, KnowledgeHut

    We strongly emphasize taking the learner through a learning journey that is made up of three key components: (a) Great Content and Instructors, (b) Extensive Practice, and (c) Assessment and Reporting.  

    Here are some of the key factors that differentiate our platform:  

    Supports All Types of Learning

    Our platform provides a seamless learning experience for individuals, allowing them to choose either self-paced, blended, or live virtual class type courses. Most of our offerings allow the learner the flexibility to choose what mode works best for them. Learners can watch videos, join live sessions directly, and access 1 - 1 mentoring sessions with expert instructors easily, using a single dashboard. The curated mix of learning tools range from hands-on exercises to guided assignments, recall quizzes, assessments, and portfolio-worthy projects.  

    Outcome-Based Learning

    Courses are conceptualized and designed with an in-house Outcome-Based Learning Model, which calls for extensive research and mapping of skills and competencies along with adaptive testing and assessment across the journey of a course so that at the end, we are able to accurately map a learner’s acquired skill to actual job worthiness, all the way down to capabilities and job roles. This gives learners a practical edge as they’re able to get thorough assessment of their skills.  

    Integrated Cloud Labs

    Our learning platform offers a light and fast in-browser practice environment that allows the learner to practice essential coding skills directly in their browser. Exercises are designed to sharpen the learner’s skills and carry detailed instructions that learners can follow as they write code and see instant results. Not needing to download and install a program allows the user greater access and ease to a program and encourages them to practice more. On the platform, we offer a standardized development environment, thereby ensuring every learner gets the same learning experience.  

    Multimedia Learning Assets

    When it comes to self-paced programs, not only do we offer videos featuring rich animation and detailed explanations, but we also augment them with flashcards, interactive e-reading content, and quick recall quizzes that are designed to strategically reinforce learning. While flashcards give a holistic overview of the content that’s about to come, interactive reading material allows users to read fortified concepts and key content. And to top it all, the recall quiz offers a fast-multiple-choice test that not only lets the user validate learning but also course corrects by offering detailed explanations if a specific answer is incorrect.

    Diagnostic Tests and Assignments

    Our courses feature a unique diagnostic exam that learners take before they begin a course. This helps in gaining insight into their understanding and knowledge before they begin. This also allows learners to map their skills progression as they reach the end of the course. To organizations, it gives a clear and detailed insight into the learning progression of participants. Additionally, the courses also include module-end assignments. The result is a comprehensive insight into skills progression and learning, which allows learners to course correct and get the best out of the program.

    Gamified Learning

    Our platform offers a unique feature to learners through gamification in learning. Rewards upon successful completion of course milestones and everyday learning achievements motivate learners to give their best while also having an enjoyable experience learning a new skill. Leaderboards celebrate the accomplishments of learners who are leading in a particular program and encourage others to catch up and earn rewards.

    Social Learning

    Online learning doesn’t need to be an isolated experience. Learners should gain every bit of knowledge, and that includes learning for co-learners on the platform. Our social learning tools include a discussion board that features questions posted by other learners on the system and responses by both mentors and learners. Additionally, cohorts can be created as needed, allowing small groups to work closely with mentors for an enhanced learning experience. In such a case, the cohort can communicate between themselves and their mentor using a real-time chat feature.  

    Post-Training Mentorship

    Our platform offers learners a continued support system with mentorship post course completion. The vibrant and supportive community of subject matter experts and experienced professionals is passionate about solving problems and making improvements in the field. Access to learning materials and mentors together helps professionals with freshly acquired skills practice them confidently.  

    Work-Like Experiences

    The solution to effective online learning isn’t rooted in the gamut of tools but in how these tools and the learning content are woven together. Our ultimate objective is to provide true work-like and production-grade experiences while learning. Learners strengthen and fortify their skills using our adaptive outcome-based learning model, and right at the end of the course, learners get to work on a production-grade capstone project and a test, both of which are designed to complete the circle and make you job-ready from day one.  

    “When we planned to enter the tech learning space, we did not want to take the usual approach with conventional video-based learning or virtual meeting software. We decided that we were going to deliver an immersive learning experience that ultimately helps learners perform in their job roles. That means our learning platform will offer concepts for learning with the outcome-based curriculum — packed with learning tools for practical experience. We think that’s where we have arrived today.” Mr. Reddy said. 

    One-Size-Fits-All Vs Customized Upskilling Programs

    In an Accenture study of 2,000+ enterprise technology leaders and learners in the United States, Europe, and Asia, it was found that although technology leaders understood the importance of continuous learning and upskilling, fundamental differences existed which hindered skills development, and subsequently, the achievement of desired business results. 

    The study found that although most companies provided opportunities for employees to develop technology skills, a large percentage of programs did not meet employee needs. While 94% of respondents reported that upskilling programs were offered at their current employer, the report found divides between what leaders and learners identified as key barriers to upskilling. 

    KnowledgeHut Addressing the Divide with PRISM

    The key divide between what leaders and learners identified as a barrier to upskilling was the access to customized upskilling programs. KnowledgeHut seeks to address this divide through its flagship state-of-the-art immersive learning experience platform, PRISM. 

    PRISM fundamentally empowers technology teams to keep up with the pace of change, put the right people on the right projects, and boost productivity through outcome-based immersive learning.  

    The LXP provides an environment optimized for learning, equipping learners with immediately demonstrable hands-on skills. Learners get to Learn, Practice, Assess, and Gain Insights into their learning, and personalize their learning journey.  

    PRISM enables enterprises to identify the skills their teams need to master for specific roles and customize the training and courses corresponding to those skills, empowering them to: 

    • Get visibility into what teams know, where their skills stand today, and where they need to skill up 
    • Gain insights to track skills progression in critical areas 
    • Help teams track toward goals with insights into completion and engagement 
    • Align skill development to the most important business objectives 
    • Upskill and reskill employees into modern tech roles  
    • Build fluid teams that align business objectives with skill analytics 
    • Access the expertise of our network of 650+ trainers and course authors
    • Overcome roadblocks with powerful skilling strategy and onboarding services 

    As technology becomes the core of every interaction today, we are deeply committed to providing the best learning outcomes in the latest technologies and professional certifications and great learning experiences for professionals across the world by continuously evolving our Immersive Learning Solution and continually delivering new and enhanced offerings

    Step into the realm of top paying jobs in the world. Careers that offer more than earnings—a promise of success and satisfaction. Start crafting your future today! 


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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