HomeBlogCloud ComputingTop Cloud Computing Skills You Should Master

Top Cloud Computing Skills You Should Master

08th Sep, 2023
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    Top Cloud Computing Skills You Should Master

    Cloud computing has become an essential part of modern business, and it's not hard to see why. Clouds eliminate the need for elaborate IT teams, maintenance of IT infrastructure, and investment in expensive IT equipment. This alone is reason enough for businesses to invest in cloud computing. Additionally, shared resources are cost-effective, and even if you do want your private cloud, you’ll invest far less in terms of local infrastructure.

    With the rise in the adoption of cloud computing, the demand for cloud computing skills has also risen. If you are aspirational in an IT career, one thing you definitely need is cloud skills. So, here’s a deep dive into the Cloud Computing syllabus and the skills you’ll need.

    Why Learning Cloud Computing is Essential?

    As you must have read, cloud computing is becoming increasingly prominent because of its ease of access, cost efficiency, and scalability. If these are not reason enough, here are some more reasons why learning cloud computing skills for beginners is essential:

    • Scalability: With cloud computing, businesses can easily scale their operations without having to worry about infrastructure or hardware limitations. This is because all the work gets done on the cloud, reducing the reliance on on-premises components and capabilities that might not do the work.
    • Cost savings: While it may seem otherwise, but cloud computing can be a cost-effective solution for businesses, as it eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software upgrades, maintenance, and support. Moreover, you do not need to hire experts to oversee the same operations if done on premises.
    • Accessibility: Cloud-based applications and services can be accessed from anywhere in the world if you have an internet connection. This allows people to work remotely and collaboratively, also saving up on office costs.
    • Security: Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures, including firewalls, data encryption, and access controls, making it a secure way to store and process sensitive data. On the other hand, it would take up a lot of time and resources to build security pipelines on premises.
    • Innovation: Cloud computing is constantly evolving, with new features and technologies being introduced regularly, allowing businesses to stay ahead of the curve and innovate faster.
    • Efficiency: Cloud-based service providers offer standard services that automate daily tasks and hence free up some human labor. This helps in streamlining the process and allows employees to use this valuable time on other high-value tasks.

    Top Cloud Computing Skills You Should Learn

    Are you ready to get started? Here are some highly sought-after cloud skills that are in high demand right now. Take a look!

    1. Cloud Security Skills

    One of the major concerns expressed by business owners and CXOs about the adoption of cloud computing is data security – particularly when it comes to sensitive or personal data. Top on our list of skills required for cloud computing therefore is cloud security skills.

    A course in cloud security skills or DevSecOps will teach you about encryption methods, access control, and security protocols. You’ll also learn about privacy regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) that lay down the rules for data privacy and security. Since you are dealing with data and databases, you’ll naturally need to know all about various databases, data formats, and data storage.

    2. Programming Languages

    Cloud application development and cloud DevOps have emerged as specialities in application development. If you are hoping to acquire cloud technologies skills, some of the programming languages you should consider learning are:

    • JavaScript: JS is widely used for building web applications and server-side development. A course in JS will help you kickstart your career as an app developer.
    • Python: Known for its simplicity, it is widely used for web development and data processing. If you are an aspiring data analyst or data engineer, learning Python is the way to go.
    • ASP.NET: A popular framework for building web applications using Microsoft technologies, a course in ASP.NET will help you boost your career as a DevOps engineer.
    • Ruby: A dynamic, object-oriented language often used for web development knowledge of Ruby is a job criterion for the likes of Apple, Twitter, and GitHub.
    • Golang: A statically typed, compiled language designed for system programming and concurrent applications and cloud networking. Big companies like Google and DropBox use Golang for cloud programming.

    Being versed with multiple programming languages and frameworks is an excellent way to showcase your dedication and cloud skills.

    3. Database Management

    Database management today has become a challenging career in its own right. Proficiency in databases like SQL and NoSQL, as well as database scaling, and server management are some of the important cloud technologies skills for beginners.

    4. Cloud Deployment and Migration Across Multiple Platforms

    Moving from legacy systems to cloud computing is a complex process beginning with the identification of the cloud platform up to writing, testing, and deploying cloud applications – all without disrupting existing processes. Cloud deployment and migration have therefore emerged as one of the many cloud computing skills in demand.

    5. Designing Distributed Systems

    A distributed system refers to software and databases that are located on different computers and at diverse locations, and work in sync as a unified system. Scalability in cloud computing is achieved through distributed systems. Certification as a distributed systems designer or architect can help your secure jobs with cloud service providers.

    6. Network Management

    A network manager is someone who manages cloud networks. With knowledge about different network architecture and infrastructure, you can work as a network manager for a private corporate managing their private cloud. You could also work with a cloud provider or as a consultant offering network construction and management services.

    7. Cloud Services and Providers

    Before diving straightforwardly into cloud skills, you must ensure that you have a clear understanding and knowledge of fundamentals. This includes learning about cloud providers like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google and their respective cloud services. Knowledge and specialization in infrastructure, application development, database management, and other functions on these platforms have consequently emerged as popular career options.

    8. Development and Operations (DevOps)

    DevOps is a framework and set of practices that enable development teams to work in collaboration and share resources. Construction of customized DevOps framework, management of resources, and maintenance of database, network, and other aspects of DevOps have gained popularity for those desirous of working on the periphery of IT.

    9. Managing Integrated Environments

    Cloud environments often involve integrating various tools and platforms. Management and optimization of these resources to ensure speedy, efficient, and seamless service deployment is challenging. Specialization in this area of cloud operations has great potential as a career starter.

    10. Migrating Data

    As businesses move their IT to cloud environments, they need help transferring huge volumes of multi-formatted data securely, accurately, and seamlessly to cloud databases. As businesses grow and set up on-premises or private clouds, the demand for data migration skills continues. Data migration is therefore one of the many cloud computing skills in demand.

    Top Job Roles with Cloud Computing Skills

    Having reviewed the top skills required for cloud computing, you might be wondering what the job roles that match these cloud skills are. So here goes:

    1. Cloud Architect

    A cloud architect is someone who designs, manages, and constructs cloud infrastructure and strategies. It is the job of the cloud architect to optimize cloud performance and offer speedy deployment to customers. You should consider taking Solution Architect Courses if you aspire to work in cloud environments.

    Skills required: Cloud service providers, DevOps, and cloud security knowledge.

    Salary: $81,996 - $101,800.

    2. Cloud Engineer

    A cloud engineer develops, maintains, and supports cloud systems, ensuring seamless integration and efficient functionality. Working as a cloud engineer, you’ll implement the infrastructural designs created by the cloud architect.

    Skills required: Knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, programming languages, and networking principles.

    Salary: $90,000 - $130,000.

    3. Cloud Security Engineer

    It is the job of a cloud security engineer to ensure the safety of cloud infrastructure, applications, and above all the security of data stored on the cloud. You’ll need knowledge of encryption systems, application programming, and access controls to do your job.

    Skills required: Cloud security frameworks, risk assessment, and incident response.

    Salary: $ 90,000 - $112,000.

    4. Cloud Developer

    A cloud developer is someone who writes application code for cloud environments. This requires an understanding of cloud infrastructure and databases. You might specialize in a particular cloud environment like AWS or Azure, or you may choose to work across cloud environments writing code in different languages.

    Skills required: Cloud platforms, programming languages, and knowledge of microservices architecture.

    Salary: $80,000 - $120,000.

    5. Cloud Consultant

    As a cloud consultant, you’ll offer guidance to small and medium-sized businesses desirous of using cloud computing. Your scope of work would include everything from the identification of the need to migration, development, and deployment.

    Skills required: Cloud platforms, project management, and strong communication skills.

    Salary: $90,000 - $130,000.

    6. Cloud Sales Representative

    This role saddles the fence between cloud services and marketing. As a cloud sales representative, you’ll work with a cloud services provider like Azure marketing their services to both SMBs and corporates.

    Skills required: Sales, communication, cloud platforms, and business development knowledge.

    Salary: $60,000 - $100,000 (plus commission).

    7. Cloud Support Specialist

    As a cloud support specialist, you might work for a cloud service provider helping their customers resolve any technical issues in cloud deployment, database management, development, or other areas. You might also consider working independently as a consultant offering your services across cloud service providers.

    Skills required: Cloud platforms, troubleshooting, and customer service skills.

    Salary: $50,000 - $80,000.

    Cloud Computing Certifications to Move Up in Your Career

    1. CompTIA Cloud Essentials Certification

    CompTIA Cloud Essentials certification focuses on foundational knowledge and skills needed for cloud computing, including cloud concepts, infrastructure, and security. It is ideal for individuals who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of cloud technologies and develop skills for various cloud roles, such as project managers, technical sales, and IT support professionals.

    2. Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

    Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course provides in-depth knowledge of creating microservices-based applications using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. It covers essential tools, such, as RESTful web services, and cloud-native deployment. This certification is suitable for developers who want to build scalable and efficient cloud-based applications using a microservices architecture.

    3. AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Certification

    Aimed at beginners, AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials certification focuses on foundational AWS cloud concepts, including core services, security, architecture, and pricing. It is a suitable starting point for individuals seeking to build their knowledge of AWS and cloud computing, making it ideal for IT professionals, managers, and decision-makers who want to understand AWS offerings better.

    4. Cloud Back-End Development Certificate

    Cloud Back-End Development certification offers essential skills and knowledge required for back-end development in cloud environments. It covers topics such as database management, API development, and server-side programming languages. This certificate is ideal for developers and software engineers who want to expand their expertise in creating and maintaining cloud-based back-end systems.


    Data is the business currency of the future. With ubiquitous digitization, data storage comes at a premium. Demand for cloud technologies and services as well as for the technical skills required for cloud computing is therefore expected to rise exponentially.

    Statistics show that more than 90% of businesses subscribe to SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms while IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is the fastest-growing cloud service deployment model. The total spend on public cloud services was a whopping $252.5 billion in 2020 and has risen to $304.9 billion since then.

    So, if you are contemplating a career in IT, take a look at the KnowledgeHut Cloud Computing syllabus which transforms your CV into a cloud computing skills resume. Meanwhile here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about cloud computing.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the key skills in cloud computing?

    The key skills needed for cloud computing include proficiency in major cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, knowledge of DevOps practices, data security, data management, and application programming. Good to have skills are knowledge of AI and machine learning. Soft skills such as effective communication and problem-solving abilities are also good to have.

    2What are the top 3 cloud computing products?

    The top 3 cloud computing products or cloud computing platforms are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Other popular cloud platforms include Oracle, IBM Cloud and Salesforce.

    3What are 4 popular cloud storage providers?

    Four popular cloud storage options are Amazon S3, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox. Apple offers 5GB of free storage on iCloud to all first-time users of Apple devices.

    4How to Get into Cloud Computing as a Fresher?

    You can kickstart your cloud computing career in three simple steps:

    1. Learn all about cloud computing
    2. Get Certified and build projects
    3. Curate a cloud computing skills resume
    5Which Cloud Platform Should I Learn?

    Learning all the cloud technologies skills in demand can be challenging because as clouds evolve, so do the skills required for cloud computing. Rather than taking a comprehensive course, you might want to specialize in a specific cloud platform like AWS, Oracle, or Salesforce and create a career growth path from there upgrading yourself as you go.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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