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What Is Cloud Computing & How Does It Work?

08th Sep, 2023
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    What Is Cloud Computing & How Does It Work?

    Cloud technology was the brainchild of two IT geniuses: John McCarthy and J.C.R. Licklider. Almost half a century has passed, and the cloud has become vital to all individuals and businesses. However, most people are unaware of how cloud computing works! 

    If you, too, are one of those people, today we will add a big chunk of information about the cloud to your knowledge so that you can be aware of cloud computing and how it works! 

    What Is Cloud Computing? 

    Cloud computing involves sharing resources via a network, making them accessible to everyone, regardless of location. Data and resources are stored on servers which can be either physical or virtual and are maintained by a cloud computing company. 

    To acquire in-depth knowledge of what cloud computing is and how it works, as well as to excel in a career in this field, it is crucial to explore the intricacies of cloud computing. Moreover, understanding the cost of obtaining the AWS Solution Architect certification plays a pivotal role in charting a successful professional journey.

    Cloud Computing Service Types 

    Depending upon the requirements of businesses and their business models, three types of cloud computing have been developed in the market to suit their varying needs. Let us dive deep into how does the cloud work, the three cloud computing service types, and understand how do cloud servers work. 

    • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

    The most prominent and extensively used cloud computing service is SaaS or Software-as-a-Service. It is a subscription-based model, and you can get cloud computing services if you pay the subscription fee. 

    Some platforms are free to use or have a limit on free usage, while others require a setup fee. You can use massive amounts of storage depending upon the type of subscription you choose, and you can pay monthly or annually for the same. 

    • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

    PaaS is a service platform used to create and deploy web applications. Organizations and individual developers use it to develop websites or web applications. 

    With a PaaS platform, users can complete the full lifecycle of an app or a website. Development tools, middleware tools, business intelligence solutions, and other tools in a PaaS platform help users create, test, manage and update their applications. 

    • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

    IaaS is a service that allows users to access virtual computer resources online. The cloud provider hosts computer infrastructure components such as servers, storage and networking hardware, hypervisor layer, etc., traditionally found in a physical or on-premises data center. 

    An IaaS provider offers users various services, including monitoring, security, log access, clustering, backup, replication, and recovery. The end user can implement policies depending on their desired level of automation and control for each task or service. 

    How Does Cloud Computing Work? 

    The previous section discussed the market's diverse types of cloud computing services. In this section, we will elucidate the entire process of how does cloud computing work step by step. 

    Overview of Cloud Computing Architecture

    Cloud computing architecture plays a key role in cloud computing and how it works. It offers high security, improved disaster recovery, and reduced IT operating costs. Moreover, scalability and reliability are enhanced through a well-designed cloud computing architecture. Enroll in a Cloud Computing online training course to learn how does cloud technology work.

    Let us read about the two parts of cloud computing architecture and how cloud computing work in detail. 

    1. Frontend- The frontend refers to the client side of the cloud system. This part contains the user interfaces and the applications like web browsers, which the client uses to get access to cloud services. It offers a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that enables users to interact with the cloud.
    2. Backend- The backend is the cloud computing setup used by the service provider. It manages and offers security to the cloud mechanism and its resources. 

    Components of Cloud Computing

    Cloud computing shapes organizations by offering virtual services and resources. How do clouds work depends upon these several components present in the cloud computing architecture. Such as:

    • Application- The platform software the client accesses from the Backend is called the application. 
    • Service- manages the type of service you choose, including SaaS. PaaS and IaaS. 
    • Infrastructure- offers GUI to the clients, which helps them interact with the cloud. 
    • Security- helps implement several security mechanisms which keep the systems and resources safe. 
    • Runtime Cloud- provides virtual machines with a suitable runtime and execution environment. 
    • Storage- offers extensive storage capacity to the clients. 
    • Management- manages all the other components in the backend and creates coordination between them. 
    • Internet- connects the front and backends to allow interaction and communication. 

    Types of Cloud Computing Delivery Models 

    Four major cloud computing delivery models depend on their infrastructure and availability. Let’s explore them:

    1. Public Cloud 

    The public cloud is the most used and sought-after cloud model. It allows multiple people to collaborate and access the same resources in real-time. With the right web app and accurate login credentials, anyone can access the resources on this cloud. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple are some big companies offering users public cloud services. 

    2. Private Cloud

    The Private Cloud model also offers flexibility and accessibility like the public cloud. In this model, the end user manages the infrastructure, such as data storage, IT staff, and hosting. This means there is restricted access and hands-on management by the users. However, the level of security on this type of cloud is higher, as the end user gets to set the security parameters in motion. 

    3. Hybrid Cloud 

    A hybrid cloud is a combination of different types of cloud models, including public and private models. Here, both the cloud types are linked via the internet, allowing users to access the files and services from any one of the clouds. For example, if the storage on the public cloud is exhausted, you can shift to the private cloud and start storing the vital files there. 

    4. Community Cloud

    A community cloud is a collaborative effort where several organizations from the same background share the cloud infrastructure. It can be managed internally, externally, or by a third-party host. For example, lawyers, doctors, IT professionals, etc., of the same firm or other professionals with a common establishment can access all the files stored on the community cloud.

    Benefits of Cloud Computing 

    The previous sections elaborated on the major components of cloud computing and how they work. Let us find out about its benefits now.

    • Security- Cloud computing protects data against hacking, accidents, natural disasters, or unanticipated loss. 
    • Easy Access- The cloud allows access to files from anywhere, anytime, and on any device. This easy accessibility enhances the productivity and efficiency of the employees and makes work and collaboration easy for everyone. 
    • Scalability- With cloud computing, businesses can scale their resources without limitations. 
    • Cost-Savings- Unlike the traditional resource-keeping system, cloud computing allows users to access and manage resources securely with much fewer costs. 

    Challenges of Cloud Computing 

    There are several challenges that cloud computing needs to overcome for businesses to trust them completely, such as- 

    • A third-party vendor stores the data, and thus it is difficult for businesses to trust it with important credentials, account information, and other vital data. 
    • The password becomes vulnerable when many people use it; thus, there are high chances of a data breach. 
    • Transferring data to a cloud computing system or getting a subscription is sometimes costly, especially for small businesses. 
    • Cloud computing depends upon high-speed internet, and businesses with connectivity issues cannot make the most of it. 
    • Technical glitches often disrupt the functioning of a cloud computing system. 

    Wrapping Up 

    While there is still scope for improvement in cloud computing, it has become an inevitable technology without which businesses cannot thrive today. This makes a career in cloud computing one of the best in the present and in the coming time.

    While this article tells a lot about what is cloud technology and how does it work, you must know some important concepts to become a cloud computing professional. KnowledgeHut’s certification for Cloud Computing is your guiding partner. 

    Understand more about the course and the career options it bestows you with. Visit the website today! 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What Is an Example of Cloud Computing?

    Dropbox, Google Cloud, and iCloud are prominent examples of cloud computing that individuals generally use. Conversely, companies use bigger services such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, etc., offering more professional services with high data storage options.  

    2What is the difference between cloud computing vs grid computing?

    The architecture of cloud computing is streamlined as it follows a direct client-server architecture. Grid computing, on the contrary, follows a distributed architecture similar to a grid. Also, resources are managed centrally in cloud computing and a collaboration pattern in grid computing. 

    3How is cloud different from traditional development?

    While in traditional development, the software is tested and run in a real environment, in cloud development, the software is developed and tested in a cloud environment before running it in a real environment. 

    4Why is cloud computing more flexible than grid computing?

    The direct nature of cloud computing (client-server architecture) makes it more flexible than the distributed architecture that grid computing follows. Also, cloud computing is highly accessible due to its easy structure, while grid computing is complex as it uses grid middleware. 


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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