HomeBlogCloud ComputingIs AWS DevOps Certification Worth It  in 2024? [With Benefits]

Is AWS DevOps Certification Worth It  in 2024? [With Benefits]

22nd Dec, 2023
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    Is AWS DevOps Certification Worth It  in 2024? [With Benefits]

    Maintaining an edge in the quickly changing world of technology is essential. I frequently find myself considering the relevance of credentials for a successful career in cloud computing and DevOps. Hence, a pertinent question that frequently surfaces is, Is the AWS DevOps certification worth it? While the landscape of cloud services and DevOps solutions constantly evolves, this certification is a benchmark for individuals aspiring to excel in the field. However, it is not the only contender in the ring. The rise of Online Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions certification adds an intriguing dimension to the equation.

    In this discussion, we delve into the nuances of these certifications, AWS devops certification benefits, and how they can shape one's career. So, get ready to decipher the value of these certifications in today's competitive tech landscape.

    Who is an AWS DevOps Engineer Professional? 

    A trained IT expert who develops and maintains DevOps processes and technologies in an AWS environment is called an AWS DevOps Engineer. They are in charge of streamlining and automating the pipeline for developing and deploying software, assuring the scalability, security, and dependability of applications. These professionals can simplify development workflows since they understand AWS services and DevOps best practices.

    • Using AWS DevOps to Learn Skills: Using AWS DevOps as a learning platform allows individuals to gain hands-on experience in cloud-native DevOps practices. This is possible by working with AWS's comprehensive suite of services.
    • Using AWS DevOps to Validate Skills: AWS DevOps certification validates a professional's expertise in cloud-native DevOps practices. It serves as concrete proof of their ability to design, deploy, and manage AWS-based DevOps solutions. 
    • Learning Key Skills: Key skills learned through AWS DevOps encompass cloud architecture, continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, security, and monitoring. These proficiencies are vital for implementing robust, scalable, and secure DevOps pipelines in AWS.

    Is AWS DevOps Certification Worth It?

    Those who intend to build careers in cloud computing and DevOps may consider the AWS DevOps Certification. In an age where quick development and deployment are critical, DevOps blends software development and IT operations. Hence, it is crucial. 

    • Skills in Demand: DevOps is highly sought-after in the IT sector, particularly with the growing use of cloud technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS). Your knowledge in cloud-based DevOps will be highlighted by this certification.
    • Career Advancement: The certification can boost your career prospects. AWS DevOps Certified professionals often command higher salaries and have access to more job opportunities.
    • Learning by Doing: The AWS DevOps certification programs provide you the opportunity to use AWS tools and services directly, providing you with real-world experience and practical knowledge.
    • Industry Recognition: This certification lends substance to your resume. Your dedication to cloud-based DevOps processes is demonstrated by your AWS DevOps Certification.
    • Continuous Learning: Cloud computing is dynamic, and certifications in AWS DevOps require you to stay updated with the latest technologies and best practices.

    Even while securing the AWS DevOps Certification may entail investing time and money in Cloud Computing online courses, the long-term advantages in terms of career advancement, earning potential, and cloud-based DevOps knowledge make the effort worthwhile. It positions you as a valued asset to firms using AWS and DevOps techniques and gives you the skills you need to succeed in an industry that is continually expanding.

    AWS DevOps Salary Country-wise

    Due to variances in demand, cost of living, and knowledge, AWS DevOps wages vary across countries. Salary levels range from $80,000 to $160,000 per year in the US, where AWS DevOps specialists are in demand. Experienced DevOps engineers can make more.

    AWS DevOps wages range from $50,000 to $120,000 per year in nations with robust digital sectors like the UK, Canada, and Australia. The normal salary range in India and other growing IT centres is between $15,000 and $40,000 per year, but as the demand for DevOps knowledge grows, incomes are rising quickly.

    Who Should Go for AWS DevOps Certification? 

    The AWS DevOps certification is ideal for IT professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in cloud-based development and operations. These include:

    • Network Architects: Network Architects responsible for designing and maintaining network infrastructures can benefit greatly from this certification as it equips them with the skills to deploy and manage scalable and resilient AWS-based networks.
    • Solutions Architects: Solutions Architects, who play a pivotal role in designing complex cloud solutions that meet business needs, can also find immense value in the certification. It offers the necessary insights to design, deploy, and manage secure and efficient AWS architectures.
    • System Administrators: System Administrators responsible for system maintenance and optimization can further their careers by obtaining this certification. It enables them to automate, monitor, and streamline system operations on the AWS cloud platform.

    Benefits of DevOps Certification

    Some benefits of AWS DevOps certification are:

    • Expand your knowledge: These courses provide comprehensive training across DevOps principles, practices, and tools.
    • You Don't Have to Prove You Know Your Cloud: Certification validates your expertise, eliminating the need to continually prove your cloud and DevOps proficiency.
    • Raising Your Value: A DevOps certification enhances your marketability and personal value in the job market. 
    • Boosting Esteem in the Community: Certification establishes your credibility within the DevOps community.
    • Risk Mitigation: DevOps practices focus on early detection and resolution of issues, reducing the chances of critical failures in production. 
    • Adaptability: Certified individuals are better prepared to adapt to changes and incorporate new tools and methodologies as they emerge.
    • Competitive Advantage: Organizations with a strong DevOps culture often outperform their competitors. By certifying their teams, companies can gain a competitive edge in the market.


    Pursuing an AWS Data Analytics Certification has been a valuable investment in my career. The rigorous training and certification has deepened my understanding of cloud-based analytics and enhanced my marketability.

    With this certification, I am well-equipped to tackle complex data analytics projects and leverage AWS services effectively. Moreover, it complements my existing skills, including the KnowledgeHut Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Certification, creating a well-rounded skill set. The advantages of AWS DevOps certification open doors to exciting job opportunities and validate my expertise in the ever-evolving field of data analytics. It is certainly worth the effort.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How useful is AWS DevOps certification?

    AWS DevOps certification is highly valuable as it validates your expertise in cloud-based DevOps practices, enabling you to efficiently manage AWS resources for continuous integration and delivery.

    2Is AWS-certified DevOps hard?

    While AWS DevOps certification can be challenging, adequate preparation and hands-on experience can help you succeed.

    3Is AWS DevOps in demand?

    AWS DevOps professionals are in high demand as organizations increasingly adopt cloud-based DevOps practices to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve agility.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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