HomeBlogDevOps7 Best Kubernetes Certifications in 2024

7 Best Kubernetes Certifications in 2024

11th Jun, 2024
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    7 Best Kubernetes Certifications in 2024

    As technology gets more advanced, cloud-native apps become more complicated. We need experts who can handle and set up these apps well. When I started as a new developer, I wasn't sure about learning Kubernetes. But working with different cloud apps showed me how powerful Kubernetes can be in managing and setting up my work.

    If you're in a similar situation, going for a Kubernetes certification is a great idea.

    Since Kubernetes continues to be the leader in managing containers, more and more companies like using this flexible system. This means there's a growing need for people who are certified in Kubernetes. In today's blog, I will take you through the best Kubernetes certifications in 2024, their requirements, exam format and more in detail. Let's get into all the insights on the exciting and most-awaited Kubernetes certifications!

    What is Kubernetes?

    Kubernetes, also known as "kube" or “k8s”, is an open-source container orchestration platform. It automates the processes involved in deploying and scaling containerized apps. It is a vital tool for cloud-native applications and microservices architecture. It is a highly efficient platform and provides an effortless scaling of applications along with simplified management of container resources. With its advanced features, Kubernetes gives container reliability, fault tolerance, and supports various cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, and Azure.

    Kubernetes can run any containerized application as it provides a flexible and consistent environment, making it easier for development and operations teams to collaborate efficiently. Its extensibility lets users integrate it with different types of tools.

    What are Kubernetes Certifications?

    Kubernetes certifications are designed for individuals to learn about container orchestration and deployment, management and scaling containerized applications.
    There are many different types of Kubernetes certifications available as shown below:

    • Certified Cloud-Native Security Expert (CCNSE)
    • The Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) certification
    • The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification
    • The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification
    • The Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) certification
    • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)
    • Kubernetes Certified Service Provider Program (KCSP)

    Kubernetes is becoming the de facto choice for container orchestration, and companies are always in need of skilled Kubernetes professionals. With Kubernetes certifications, you can demonstrate your expertise and proficiency in the platform.

    On top of that, these certifications open up new job opportunities and increase your chances of earning higher pay. Be it a system administrator or an application developer, Kubernetes certification is important to stand out in the market, get credibility, and build a prosperous career in the cloud-native space. Now that you know what is kubernetes certification and its types, let’s understand its benefits in detail.

    Best Kubernetes Certifications in 2024

    As companies continue the trend to use and focus on the cloud to move apps, the demand for Kubernetes expertise is also on the rise. In case you are also interested in pursuing this career, a certification is the ideal way. Here are a few of the best Kubernetes certifications to get in 2024.

    1. Certified Cloud-Native Security Expert (CCNSE)

    The Certified Cloud-Native Security Expert (CCNSE) certification is perfect for those who wish to validate their knowledge, expertise and skills in cloud security. This certification has several benefits within itself.

    • Skills: The CCNSE certification validates the knowledge and skills of IT professionals in cloud security. The certification's curriculum covers various topics, including container security, network security, and security automation.
    • Requirement: What makes the CCNSE certification convenient is the fact that there are no prerequisites for this certification. Anyone can earn this certification irrespective of their level of experience in the field of cloud security.
    • Duration: The duration of this certification is flexible, meaning you can study at your own pace. The time needed to pass the exam entirely depends on the individual and their level of commitment to studying.
    • Cost: It costs $999. However, the benefits of having a CCNSE certification outweigh the cost, as it adds value to an individual’s resume and qualifies them for higher-paying cloud security jobs.

    2. Certified Kubernetes Security Specialists (CKS)

    The CKS course is specifically designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and competence of candidates over best security practices during different stages of software development like build, deployment, and runtime. 

    • Skills: You have to be familiar with Cluster Setup, Cluster Hardening, System Hardening, Minimizing Microservice Vulnerabilities, Supply Chain Security, and Monitoring, Logging, and Runtime Security. 
    • Requirement: To sit for the CKS exam, the only prerequisite is that one should possess a valid CKA certification. 
    • Duration: The duration of the course is flexible, which means that candidates can learn and get certified at their own pace. 
    • Cost: The cost of the course is $395, which is a worthy investment for security specialists looking to expand their knowledge in Kubernetes security.

    3. Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

    CKA is one of the most in-demand Kubernetes certification types. This certification is an essential step in the career of any experienced Kubernetes professional. The certification course focuses on testing the knowledge, skills, and expertise of candidates in managing Kubernetes clusters and applications using various tools and techniques. 

    • Skills: Knowledge of YAML language and Basic knowledge and understanding of Docker. 
    • Requirement: None 
    • Duration: The CKA certification is valid for three years from the date of certification. After that, the candidate must retake and pass the CKA examination before the expiration date to maintain the certification's validity. The certification's duration is determined by the validity period of the certification. 
    • Cost: The cost of the CKA certification is $395.

    4. Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

    CKAD certification is a valuable credential for developers who want to enhance their expertise and build cloud-native applications through Kubernetes. 

    • Skills: CKAD certified developers possess competencies such as: Proficiency in developing applications using Go, Java, Node.js, and Python, aptitude in leveraging cloud-native application concepts and architectures, ability to use an OCI-compliant container runtime.
    • Requirement: To become a CKAD-certified developer, one should at least have a basic understanding of system administration, application development using Python, and Kubernetes.
    • Duration: Flexible. The CKAD certification is valid for three years from the date of issue.
    • Cost: The cost for the CKAD certification course is $395. This investment is worth it since it gives you an upper hand in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

    5. Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)

    The Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) certification is designed to test a candidate's basic knowledge of Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies. This includes deploying an application using basic kubectl commands, understanding the architecture of Kubernetes, such as containers, pods, nodes, clusters, and comprehending the cloud-native landscape and projects, such as storage, networking, GitOps, and service mesh.

    • Skills: This certification requires prior knowledge of Cloud, Networking, and Linux, as it covers topics like deploying applications using kubectl commands, understanding the architecture of Kubernetes, and the cloud-native landscape. 
    • Requirement: While there are no prior certification requirements for KCNA, it is recommended that candidates have familiarity with Linux commands.
    • Duration: The duration of video training for KCNA certification is 8 hours 
    • Cost: The fee for the certification is $250. This Kubernetes certification price represents a small investment for the significant benefits and opportunity to gain valuable skills in Kubernetes.

    6. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) 

    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service is a fully-managed Kubernetes service that helps to easily deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications with Kubernetes on both AWS and on-premises environments. This course provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) teaches learners and students to build these valuable skills effectively. 

    • Skills: This course is mainly for intermediate-level professionals who want to gain practical expertise in managing containers. The course covers numerous skills, including cluster management, security, networking, storage, and debugging.
    • Requirement: The Amazon EKS course doesn't require any specific prerequisites, but it's highly recommended that the participants have a basic understanding of containers and Kubernetes architecture. Moreover, candidates need to have some prior experience with the AWS services and Linux command line. 
    • Duration: The duration of this course is flexible and it varies depending upon the individual's pace and learning goals.   
    • Cost: You can opt for the online sessions easily for the Amazon EKS course.

    7. Kubernetes Certified Service Provider Program (KCSP)

    The Kubernetes Certified Service Provider program, or KCSP, is to provide enterprises with the necessary support to quickly roll out new applications. KCSP gives consulting, professional services, support and training to make sure that enterprises have the skills they need to succeed. 

    • Skills: The program gives candidates all the necessary skills to work with installation and configuration of Kubernetes clusters. Also, it covers advanced topics ranging from implementation of security measures to the management of applications on Kubernetes. 
    • Requirement: There is no hard requirement to fulfill. Still, it will be wise to have prior experience with containerized applications. Basic knowledge of Linux and basic networking concepts is also needed. 
    • Duration: The duration of this program is 2 hours, and certification is valid for 3 years. 
    • Cost: The cost for this program is $395.

    This Kubernetes certification list is great for professionals looking to get certified in 2024 and beyond. The certification exams are no doubt difficult, but they will boost your skills and knowledge in Kubernetes. Plus, you can take pride in being a certified Kubernetes professional.

    How to Prepare for a Kubernetes Certification?

    As I mentioned earlier, the best way to show your Kubernetes skills to employers is by getting certified. I've personally gone through the process of getting ready for and passing the exam. So, I understand how challenging it can be to practice and build the skills needed to succeed in the exam. Because it's so important, I want to give you 7 tips to help you get ready for the Kubernetes certification exam.

    1. Get Familiar with Kubernetes Concepts

    Kubernetes is a complex platform with several moving parts. A solid understanding of Kubernetes components and how they interact is necessary to pass the certification exams. Kubernetes.io is an ideal resource to get detailed documentation on Kubernetes. I recommend studying and experimenting with Kubernetes concepts for at least a few weeks before taking the exam.

    2. Focus on Kubernetes Networking

    Networking is a critical aspect of Kubernetes, and it’s a significant portion of the certification exams. Familiarize yourself with Kubernetes networking concepts such as Service, Ingress, and Network Policy. This will help you design and fix complex Kubernetes applications.

    3. Hands-On Practice

    Create a Kubernetes cluster, explore Kubernetes concepts, and deploy applications. Another option is to use online Kubernetes sandboxes, such as Katacoda, which provides interactive tutorials. Hands-on practice will help you become a Kubernetes expert and increase your confidence before the exam.

    4. Pick the Right Kubernetes Certification

    Several certifications for Kubernetes are available, with different focus areas and requirements. You can check the detailed list above.

    5. Time Management is Key

    Time management is a crucial factor in passing the exam. Before the exam, familiarize yourself with the exam structure and allocate sufficient time for each question. Take your time to read the questions thoroughly and prioritize the questions based on their point value.

    6. Practice Under Exam-like Conditions

    Practicing under exam-like conditions is essential to simulate the exam environment accurately. Use a terminal editor and practice without any external help as you would in the exam. Avoid using web search for exam-related queries during practice unless strictly allowed in the exam instructions. Simulated practice will help you manage the exam's timing and accuracy, giving you an idea of your readiness level.

    7. Join a Study Group or a Community

    You can join a study group or community to discuss exam topics and learn from others. You can join channels, attend Kubernetes meetups or join study groups on social media. Being part of a community not only enhances your understanding of concepts but also grants you access to individuals who have already taken the exam.

    How to Choose a Right Kubernetes Certification?

    As a Kubernetes certified individual, I aim to share essential tips to select the right certification. I have observed numerous individuals making the mistake of choosing the wrong provider, which wastes their time and money. Here are seven important points to consider when choosing the top Kubernetes certification:

    1. Start with the Basics: Choose the one that meets your interests, career goals and current skills. You should also have a clear idea about the fundamental concepts of Kubernetes, such as pods, deployments, services, and replication controllers. Once you understand the basics, grasping the more advanced concepts covered in the certification program will become easier.

    2. Review the Curriculum: Check out the syllabus of the certification, research what technologies and tools are covered in the course. Apart from the technical skills, consider whether the curriculum covers practical applications, troubleshooting, and best practices. It is also advisable to review the study materials and resources, including study guides, practice tests and online courses.

    3. Accreditation: Check if the Kubernetes certification is verified and accredited by a reputable body. If it is, then it surely guarantees that the certification is of top quality and ideally recognized across the industry.

    4. Exam Format: These exams need practical and theoretical knowledge of Kubernetes, so it's crucial to get through the exam's difficulty level. Research the exam structure and the type of questions asked. It is always recommended to go for a beginner course and then increase your learning along with expertise. 

    5. Cost: Certifications for Kubernetes are expensive. Consider the cost before taking any final call. Look for some other options that won't empty your pocket and give you the necessary knowledge and validation to succeed in your career goals.

    6. Career Growth Opportunities: Compare different options to find the top Kubernetes certification and get ideal career growth opportunities. Check the industry scope and present demand of this certification.

    7. Verify the Validity Period: Verify the validity period of the Kubernetes certification exam. Certifications are often valid for a set duration of time, after which you may need to reappear or recertify. Make sure to check the updated Kubernetes certification cost and the price is changed frequently.

    8. Certification Provider: Choose the certification provider after careful review, there are various renowned players in the market who provide certifications for Kubernetes. 

    For instance, KnowledgeHut Kubernetes certification online courses make you adept at deploying both stateful and stateless applications on the cluster. Additionally, you can learn how to expose your application outside the cluster and experience autoscaling apps. Furthermore, the course provides you with an opportunity to understand Kubernetes Cluster installation on Virtualbox, AWS, and Google Cloud Platforms. Sign up today and become a Kubernetes pro in no time!

    Career Opportunities in Kubernetes

    As a network engineer myself, I have witnessed the rising trend of Kubernetes in the industry. Here are five career opportunities in Kubernetes that are worth exploring.

    1. Site Reliability Engineer

    As a Site Reliability Engineer, your primary role is to check the availability, reliability, and performance of the Kubernetes platform. You will be responsible for maintaining Kubernetes infrastructure efficiently, including deployments, monitoring, and troubleshooting. To be successful in this career, you should have experience in container orchestration, service mesh, and automation.

    2. Software Engineer

    A software engineer with expertise in Kubernetes will have the skillset to build and design Kubernetes platforms to handle several applications. They have the responsibility in terms of coding, testing and deploying Kubernetes applications and infrastructure. They also work for the automation of the development pipeline.

    3. Network Engineer

    As a Network Engineer, you will do your work related to Kubernetes configuration, management, and security at scale. You must ensure that you give stability, scalability and performance. You should be adept in Kubernetes networking concepts, container networking and cloud computing. Expertise in working through network issues and scaling Kubernetes infrastructure will also be considered valuable.

    4. Systems Administrator

    A systems administrator manages the Kubernetes infrastructure to make sure that it delivers the expected performance and uptime. They regularly monitor the health of the Kubernetes platform, apply security patches and deploy new features.

    5. DevOps Engineer

    A DevOps engineer is for the integration of development and operations teams to automate the software development process. They deal with Kubernetes to manage and deploy applications regularly. For this type of career path, you need experience in deployment automation, CI/CD pipeline and containerization. top devops certifications. To outshine in the job market, it's also recommended that you pursue top DevOps certifications.

    Benefits of Kubernetes Certifications

    Kubernetes in modern software development is crucial in the current digital world, where continuous integration and delivery have become a norm. It has gained a tremendous acknowledgement in the tech industry, and its demand for certified professionals has increased dramatically with it. Let me explain how Kubernetes certifications can benefit your career.

    1. Enhance Technical Competence

    The certification process helps you prove your proficiency in Kubernetes configuration, deployment, and management. This certification helps potential employers assess the ability and knowledge of a candidate, which helps make recruitment decisions. You can improve your technical competence with these certifications and impress future employers with certification achievements.

    2. Increase Job Prospects

    Kubernetes is the de facto container orchestration tool in the tech industry, and its demand is increasing as organizations look to move towards a container architecture to achieve scalability and maintainability. Kubernetes certified individuals have better job prospects and are highly valued in the market. 

    The certification proves your technical expertise and displays your commitment to staying updated with the industry’s latest trends and innovations. The demand for Kubernetes-certified individuals is increasing in cloud-native service companies, tech startups, and multinational corporations.

    3. Boost Confidence and Credibility

    Kubernetes certification is a globally recognized and respected certification. Certification adds value to your resume and enhances your professional credibility. The examination process is rigorous, which validates your knowledge and skills in Kubernetes. As a certified Kubernetes professional, you become confident to handle complex tasks and challenges in cloud and container deployments. You can now make sound technical decisions using your new skills and certification.

    4. Competitive Salary

    Kubernetes certified professionals are paid well in the industry. These certifications prove that you are equipped with the skills and knowledge required for modern cloud-native environments. Kubernetes certified individuals are quite important to organizations that wish to drive towards a more efficient and scalable container infrastructure. A certification means a better showcase of your potential and gives you an advantage in the job market.

    5. Continuous Learning

    Kubernetes certification is not just about getting a professional certificate. This certification means you are dedicated and committed to continuous learning. The Kubernetes ecosystem is always growing, and the certification process encourages professionals to be updated with the latest innovations and technological developments in the field. With the continuous learning agile process, you will be familiar with the Kubernetes basics, fundamentals and the latest practices.

    Kubernetes-certified professionals easily get a good salary package and better job prospects than their non-certified peers. In fact, I have also completed this certification and it has been one of the wisest decisions of my rising career. It helped me get so many job opportunities as I got new skills and expertise to take on leadership roles in my company.

    Last Say

    After a deep research and analysis of different certifications for Kubernetes, I strongly advise to pursue the above mentioned ones in 2024. From the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) to the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD), all the Kubernetes certifications provide different types of benefits to professionals. 

    Every name in this Kubernetes certification list is highly respected and recognized by industry experts. Kubernetes fundamentals are explained, from installation to configuration to deployment of applications. Kubernetes certifications allow you to demonstrate your skills and expertise. Prepare yourself to be more marketable and desirable to employers. 

    As the demand for Kubernetes rises, it opens many doors to upskill themselves and pursue a career in this field. By investing in the best Kubernetes certification now, you can get success in the future and thrive in your career.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the Path of the Kubernetes Certification Exam?

    The Kubernetes certification space provides a developer path and an administrator path. The developer path focuses on building and managing applications for Kubernetes. On the contrary, the administrator path provides training on managing production workloads.

    2Which Certification is Best for Kubernetes?

    The best certification for Kubernetes is all dependent on the specific career goals, background and technology interests. The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) and the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) are widely recognized and known as the most popular certifications to show Kubernetes skills.

    3How difficult is Kubernetes Certification?

    The difficulty of this certification is as per the individual's experience with Kubernetes and their level of preparation. The exam is practical and tests hands-on skills, requires good knowledge of Kubernetes architecture, networking, etc.

    4How much does Kubernetes Certification Cost?

    The Kubernetes certification cost varies on the provider and the type of certification. As per the certification pursued, retake discounts or exam vouchers may also be available. It is wise to check with the exam provider and get the latest pricing information.

    5Is a Kubernetes Certification Worth it?

    Yes, a certification is worth it if you want to advance your career in cloud computing, DevOps or app development. It helps you gain skills and knowledge in using Kubernetes and makes you more presentable to potential employers.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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