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Top 20 Cyber Security Certifications in 2024

11th Jan, 2024
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    Top 20 Cyber Security Certifications in 2024

    In this digital age, I've come to realize just how invaluable data truly is. Everywhere I turn, there's a new cyber threat lurking, making the digital landscape feel a bit like the Wild West. For someone like me, passionate about the digital realm, this highlights the critical need for skilled, certified cyber guardians. How do I gauge the value of these certifications, well, it's a mix of the reputation of the issuer, the skills they teach, their alignment with my ambitions, and the respect they command in the industry. Believe me, not all certifications are made equal. So, before diving in, I always make sure to vet them, ensuring I'm learning from the best, aligning with my career aspirations, and gearing up to be the best cyber sentinel I can be.

    What is Cyber Security?

    In our daily lives, we're often hopping from one online system to another - social media, e-health records, you name it. It's super convenient, but it also opens us up to cyber threats. This is where cyber security comes in. It's like the bodyguard for our data, keeping the bad guys - hackers and malware - out. From finance to healthcare, industries far and wide are waking up to their importance. After all, good cyber security keeps our data safe, sound, and accessible, building trust in our ever-growing digital world.

    What Are Cyber Security Certifications?

    Diving into the world of cyber security felt like stepping into a vast ocean. As a newbie, I knew I needed some tools to navigate. That's when I stumbled upon cyber security certifications - my compass in this vast digital sea. Just like badges of honor, these certs validated my skills, and oh boy, there's one for every stage! I began with the basics, understanding the cyber-ABCs. But as I grew, so did my hunger for knowledge.

    I've had my eye on the Ethical Hacking Certification from KnowledgeHut. Its global recognition speaks volumes. And guess what? With the beauty of technology, I've been considering the CCSP Certification and CISSP Certification, which I can pursue from the comfort of my couch.

    However, trust is paramount for me. I've learned to choose certs like the CISA Certification, known for its comprehensive coverage of info security auditing. As I continue my journey, I'm not just collecting certifications; I'm curating my path, ensuring every badge I earn genuinely represents a new skill or perspective I've mastered.

    Essential Skills for Cyber Security Certification

    Navigating the realm of cyber security feels like piecing together a vast, intricate jigsaw puzzle. Earning those coveted certifications? That's my personal quest to master this puzzle, one piece at a time. I began by grasping the fundamentals, like deciphering network blueprints and identifying lurking threats. But soon, my ambitions soared towards the adrenaline-packed world of ethical hacking and intrusion detection. Stellar certification programs like the CISA Certification, are meticulously crafted by the industry's maestros. But here's the magic: these aren't just knowledge markers. Every cert I bag, especially gems like the CISSP Certification or CCSP Certification, is my emblem, my beacon. They don't just vouch for what I've learned, but they shout out to the world that I've got the mettle to master the ever-evolving enigma of cyber security.

    Top 20 Cyber Security Certifications in 2024, That Pays You Well

    As I've journeyed through the unpredictable world of cyber security, I've realized it’s not enough just to stay afloat; I've got to surf the waves. Cyber security certifications are my surfboards, helping me ride the high tides and prove my prowess.

    In my 2024 playbook, there's a myriad of certifications, each beckoning me closer. Whether I'm reviving my foundational flames or scaling expert peaks, there’s a badge waiting to be earned. I've got my eyes set on the shining stars, like the Ethical Hacking Certification and CISM Certification, both endorsed by the cyber realm's giants.

    However, it's not just about adding feathers to my cap. Trust, after all, it is my North Star. Powerhouses like the CISSP and CCSP Certification, don’t just enrich me, but they also whisper to the world: "Watch out! Here's a cyber knight ready for battle." But remember, these are my 2024 picks, and the cyber tide is ever-changing.

    RankCertificationApproximate Annual Pay (USD)
    1Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)$120,000
    2Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)$115,000
    3Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)$105,000
    4Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)$112,000
    5Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)$110,000
    6Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)$120,000
    7Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)$110,000
    8CompTIA Security+$98,000
    9Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Security$90,000
    10Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP)$105,000
    11CyberSec First Responder (CFR)$95,000
    12Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE)$115,000
    13GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)$105,000
    14Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)$95,000
    15Certified Cyber Threat Hunter (CCTH)$110,000
    16Certified Internet Webmaster – Security (CIW-S)$90,000
    17Certified Network Defense Architect (CNDA)$100,000
    18Certified Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+)$105,000
    19CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+)$100,000
    20Palo Alto Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE)$115,000

    Entry Level Cyber Security Certifications

    1. Microsoft Certified: Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals

    Stepping into the vast expanse of the cyber realm, I felt like a wanderer searching for a compass. It was during this quest that I stumbled upon the Microsoft Certified: Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals certification. It wasn't just another course; it was my North Star. Guiding me through the intricate tapestry of Microsoft's cloud labyrinth, I delved deep into risk management's enigmas and pirouetted around the company's identity solutions. And being a Microsoft beacon, I knew I was aligning my rhythm with the industry's pulse and the cherry on top - Its flexible online format seamlessly blending with my routines.

    Key HighlightsDetails
    EligibilityMicrosoft suggests familiarity with its services. No mandatory prerequisites.
    Skills AcquiredRisk management, Microsoft's identity solutions, cloud basics.
    Certification CostFees vary by location, but details are available on Microsoft's official site.
    BenefitsSolid foundation, industry recognition, access to advanced Microsoft courses.

    2. ISACA Cyber Security Fundamentals

    Venturing into the vast cyber cosmos, I felt adrift in a sea of options. But then, a beacon: ISACA's Cyber Security Fundamentals. Suddenly, this newbie was delving into cyber threats, mastering secure networks, and navigating incident responses, all under ISACA's tutelage. Everywhere I looked, ISACA's reputation as an IT giant shone brightly. They had me rolling up my sleeves, readying for real-world cyber duels, not just paper battles. 

    Their flexible, at-home learning format. Each lesson boosted my confidence, and soon, the towering summits of CISM and CISA beckoned. For newcomers like me, ISACA isn’t just an educator; it’s your guiding star in the thrilling cyber expedition.

    Key HighlightsDetails
    EligibilityFamiliarity with IT basics; more on ISACA’s site.
    Skills GainedCyber threats, secure network architecture, incident response.
    Certification CostSpecifics vary, check on ISACA's official page.
    BenefitsSolid foundation, global recognition, pathway to advanced certifications.

    3. CompTIA Security+

    Stepping into the cyber realm, I felt like a fish out of water. But then, CompTIA Security+ shimmered on my horizon, a perfect lighthouse for a newbie sailor like me. What made it sparkle? Its global acclaim and the robust backing of CompTIA. 

    On this voyage, I traversed through: 

    • Threats & Attacks: Delving into dark waters, grappling with varied threats.
    • Tools & Tech: Equipping my sailor's toolkit with essential security gear.
    • Architecture: Sketching unbreachable fortresses and learning the art of secure design.
    • Identity & Access: Controlling who boards my ship and how.
    • Risk Management: Charting treacherous waters, always staying a step ahead.
    • Cryptography: Unlocking codes and secrets of safeguarding treasures.

    Culminating in a thrilling exam, the euphoria after crossing the 750-mark out of 900 was beyond words!

    Yes, some suggested other starting points or a prior voyage in IT, but I began here. It wasn’t just handed over; it was an investment. And in 2024's vast cyber seascape, my Security+ certification shone brilliantly. Tailoring my learning journey with its flexible format, I'm now eyeing the next horizon. Setting sail? CompTIA Security+ is your trusted compass. 

    EligibilityIT fundamentals; details at CompTIA's Eligibility.
    Skills ImbibedCyber threats, network architecture, cryptography, etc.
    Certification CostExact rates at CompTIA's Pricing.
    BenefitsGlobal validation, foundational expertise, a gateway to advanced certs.

    4. GIAC Information Security Fundamentals (GISF)

    Navigating the vast cyber sea, I felt lost, until the GISF certification beacon illuminated my path. Backed by the esteemed GIAC, I was drawn like a moth to a flame. 

    The GISF voyage unraveled: 

    • Cyber Defense: Grasping the art of digital shield and sword.
    • Business Ties: Learning that every security choice had business echoes.
    • Info Assurance: A pledge to guard invaluable data treasures.
    • Law & Ethics: A compass guiding through the do's and don'ts.
    • Tech Tools: My digital Swiss Army knife for online fortresses.

    Facing a 2-hour challenge, deciphering 75 digital conundrums, and aiming for that 71% - my golden key!

    Key HighlightsDetails
    EligibilityGISF Details
    SkillsCyber protection, Business decision implications, Data integrity, Ethical considerations, Tech proficiency
    Certification CostGIAC Certification Pricing
    BenefitsGlobal recognition, Advanced skills, Access to premium resources, Opportunities in top IT firms.

    This journey isn't free, but the best ones rarely are. Tackling it from any corner of the globe, online, was pure magic. Embarking on this cyber odyssey, the GISF became my Rosetta Stone in 2024's digital saga.

    5. (ISC)2 Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)

    Once my thirst for cyber tales grew intense, the glittering path of the Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) unveiled. Presented by the illustrious (ISC)², it wasn't just another feather in the cap; it was a radiant beacon pointing towards the grand CISSP. On this cusp, I felt like an apprentice wizard, eager to dive deeper into the arcane.

     My SSCP adventure whisked me across:

    • Access Controls: Crafting keys to knowledge vaults.
    • Daily Safeguards: Steering the helm of everyday cyber protocols.
    • Risk Alchemy: Detecting shadows and morphing them into harmless wisps.
    • Cyber Firefighting: Mending breaches and reviving digital realms.
    • Cryptography: Weaving intricate protective spells.
    • Secure Communes: Guarding our digital dialogues and pathways.
    • Fortress Crafting: Ensuring our daily digital tools stand tall.

    A 3-hour saga of deciphering 125 enigmas, with 700 out of 1000 being the coveted score.

    Key HighlightsInsights
    EligibilitySSCP Experience Requirements
    Skills AcquiredKey crafting, Risk deciphering, Spellbinding, Digital defense, Enigma weaving.
    Certification CostExam pricing
    BenefitsGlobal nod, Deeper insights, Gateway to CISSP, Proof of cyber mastery.

    The SSCP became more than a symbol. It was my compass, affirming my prowess to dance gracefully through cyber storms and serenades.

    Intermediate Cyber Security Certifications

    1. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

    In the vast expanse of cyber security, I stumbled upon what seemed like the North Star: the CISSP from the esteemed (ISC)². It wasn't just another certification; it felt like a calling. 

    My journey took me through eight captivating modules: 

    • Security and Risk Management: Grasping the art of safeguarding information.
    • Asset Security: Nurturing and safeguarding our data jewels.
    • Security Architecture and Engineering: Crafting impenetrable digital fortresses.
    • Communication and Network Security: Ensuring our digital chats stay private.
    • Identity and Access Management: Playing the gatekeeper, choosing who sees what. 
    • Security Assessment and Testing: Seeking and strengthening system vulnerabilities.
    • Security Operations: Navigating the bustling life of a security squad.
    • Software Development Security: Crafting software that's safe from its first line of code.

    Then came the trial by fire: a grueling 3-hour exam of up to 150 questions. 

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityReal-world experience in multiple CISSP domains.
    Skills AcquiredSafeguarding information, Data protection, Crafting digital defenses, ensuring private digital communications, Access management, System testing & strengthening, Navigating security operations, Secure software development.
    Certification CostVaries based on region and membership status. Exam Registration
    BenefitsBadge of Commitment, Professional Recognition, Career Advancement, Personal Pride.

    2. Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

    Diving deep into the hacker's psyche? That's what the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) from EC-Council did for me. Beyond the prestige of being one of 2024's top cyber badges, CEH illuminated the righteous path of hacking.

    From ethical hacking basics to the mysteries of cryptography and cloud realms, I journeyed through 20 captivating domains. The intense 4-hour exam with 125 questions wasn't just a test, but an adventure I eagerly embraced.

    Yes, it cost a bit, but the value is immense! The CEH's online convenience was the delightful icing on my learning cake.

    For me, CEH wasn't just a badge. It was a lens, refining my digital prowess for a brighter cyber future.

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityCEH Requires foundational knowledge in IT Security
    Skills AcquiredEthical hacking basics, Cloud mastery, Cryptography arts.
    Certification CostCEH Costs vary; depends on region & training package.
    BenefitsPrestige, Professional enhancement, Online flexibility, Skill sharpening

    3. Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

    Lured by the mystique of the cloud's vast expanse, my heart zeroed in on (ISC)²'s Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP). More than just a trending 2024 cyber tag, it was my map to deciphering cloud enigmas.

     Journeying through its captivating sectors, from the core of Cloud Essentials to the intricate dance of Laws & Risks, each step felt like an epic. In three intense hours, I battled 125 puzzles, feeling every bit the knight of the CCSP realm. And with its online mode, my quest was seamlessly smooth.

    To me, CCSP was no mere acronym. It was the wings for my digital ascent.

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityFor CCSP Eligibility, prior cloud & IT experience required.
    Skills AcquiredCloud Foundations, Data Security, Governance, Risk insights, Legal Protocols.
    Certification CostCCSP Cost varies based on region and other factors.
    BenefitsEnhanced prestige, Mastery in Cloud, Digital advantage, Flexible learning, Career elevation.

    4. Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)

    Intrigued by the vast world of cyber security, the Certified Incident Handler (GCIH) from GIAC shone brightly for me in 2024. No longer just a watchful guardian, with GCIH, I became the knight, springing to action at the hint of a breach.

     I ventured through six mesmerizing tales, from the thrill of Incident Responses to the detective sagas of Network Attack Identifications and mastering the defenses of Windows and Linux citadels. The journey was made effortless, thanks to online avenues.

    Facing a 4-hour showdown of 150 riddles was my final hurdle. Emerging on the other side, I felt the GCIH wasn’t just a badge—it was my key to reigning supreme in cyber defense.

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityGCIH refers to knowledge of TCP/IP and familiarity with Windows and Linux
    Skills AcquiredIncident Handling, Network Attack Identification, Windows and Linux Defense
    Certification CostGIAC costs varies; depends on package and region
    BenefitsElite Recognition, Hands-on Expertise, Enhanced Career Prospects, Cyber Mastery

    5. Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP)

    On my journey through the vast expanse of cyber security, the shining emblem of the Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) beckoned. Curated by the prestigious International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), this unique certification offered me a world map of privacy laws. With variants like CIPP/E for Europe and CIPP/US for the States, it was like unlocking the secrets of regional data protection.

    A 2.5-hour quest with 90 riddles, testing my grasp of these global privacy tales. Though the journey came with a cost, the prestige and rewards of CIPP, especially for coveted roles like Data Protection Officer, were worth their weight in gold. By the end, I realized that in the 2024 digital landscape, CIPP wasn't just a badge, but a testament to my commitment to global data privacy.

    EligibilityCIPP/US or CIPP/E does not require any formal prerequisites, though knowledge in U.S. private-sector privacy laws advised
    Skills AcquiredU.S. Privacy Environment, Limits on Private-sector Collection, State Privacy Laws, etc.
    Certification CostCIPP Costs vary based on IAPP membership and region. General range: $550-$695
    BenefitsGlobal Recognition, Enhanced Career Prospects, Networking Opportunities, Privacy Expertise

    Advanced Cyber Security Certifications

    1. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

    Diving deep into the realm of cyber security, I was entranced by the allure of the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) challenge, a gem offered by the esteemed ISACA. More than just paper, it felt like a map, guiding me to the treasures of information system mastery.

    My odyssey unfolded through five intriguing tales. I began by weaving through the intricate dance of Information System Audits. Then, I scaled the heights of IT Governance, navigated the waters of System Acquisitions, and battled the tempests of System Operations. My final confrontation? Guarding the precious Information Assets.

    A 4-hour marathon with 150 riddles awaited me. Aiming for 450 out of a towering 800, the quest was daunting.

    Yet, CISA wasn’t just a medal on my chest. It became my testament to expertise, a shining beacon of my commitment, and a compass to brighter horizons.

    EligibilityRelevant work experience in IS audit, control, assurance, or security. 
    Skills AcquiredInformation System Audits, IT Governance, System Acquisitions, System Operations, Information Assets
    Certification CostCISA Price Varies; often around $575 for members and $760 for non-members
    BenefitsGlobal Prestige, Mastery in IT Governance, Enhanced Career Opportunities, Networking Access

    2. Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)

    In the vast cyber wilderness, a glint caught my eye: the CISM badge by the renowned ISACA. Not just a trinket, it promised the alchemy of blending info security's magic with business's pragmatism. 

    My quest whisked me across four vivid realms. I charted the vast expanse of Security Governance, crafting firm guiding principles. I then trekked the unpredictable cliffs of Risk Management, learning to align peril with purpose. Amidst the vibrant streets of Security Program Development, I spun intricate protection webs. In the shadowy groves of Incident Management, I became the ever-watchful sentinel. 

    Then came the grand challenge: 150 enigmas in a four-hour dance. But CISM? It wasn't just a sharpened tool; it was the bridge connecting tech dreams to business realities. 

    With CISM by my side, I'm no mere traveler; I'm a pathfinder, echoing the evolving cyber tales of 2024 and basking in its rich legacy.

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityCISM requires Five years of work experience in information security management.
    Skills AcquiredSecurity Governance, Risk Management, Security Program Development, Incident Management
    Certification CostCISM costs typically $575 for members and $760 for non-members.
    BenefitsGlobal Recognition, Enhanced Leadership Capabilities, Career Advancement, Networking Opportunities

    3. Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)

    In the enigmatic maze of cyber security, a clandestine trail whispered secrets of the revered OSCP, crafted by the masters at Offensive Security. This wasn't a mere quest of memory; it was a call to wrestle with the cyber beasts head-on. 

    I began at the threshold of the Penetration Testing with Kali Linux inn, where I learned the mystic chants of Kali Linux, honed my skill to unearth concealed treasures, and mastered the sorcery of forging exploits. 

    OSCP? Not an academic riddle. It was a 24-hour marathon, challenging me to conquer fortresses and claim my deserving badge. 

    Though the journey demanded its price, its weight in gold was undeniable. Renowned worldwide, OSCP refined my prowess in ethical ambushes. Each trial, triumph or setback, only fueled my passion further. To me, OSCP wasn't just 2024's prized jewel; it echoed my dedication and practical wizardry in cyber offensives.

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityOSCP refers to completion of PWK course and hands-on familiarity with Kali Linux
    Skills AcquiredKali Linux, Information Gathering, Exploit Crafting
    Certification CostOSCP starts from $999 (includes course + exam voucher)
    BenefitsGlobal Recognition, Hands-on Penetration Testing Expertise, Career Enhancement

    Emerging Cyber Security Certifications

    1. Certified Incident Manager (CIM)

    As I continued my exploration in the vast cyber security realm, I stumbled upon a shining beacon in the darkness, the Certified Incident Manager (CIM) certification. It was a jewel that the Crest forged, a testament to professionals’ prowess in managing cyber security incidents.

    From the moment I delved into the curriculum, I felt like a warrior preparing for battle. Each module was a new lesson in my training: Incident Response Planning, Detection and Analysis, Containment, Eradication, Recovery, and Post-Incident Review. Every lesson was a strategic maneuver, an arrow added to my quiver.

    The certification exam, a gauntlet of multiple-choice questions, demanded every ounce of my gained wisdom. It wasn’t a mere test; it was a battlefield where I had to demonstrate my grasp on incident management principles.

    The CIM was my key to new doorways in cyber security. Perfect for rookies like me, trying to carve their niche in this field, it ranked among the top cyber security certifications of 2024.

    In this ever-growing digital landscape, having the CIM in my credentials was like carrying a shield, one that employers sought, one that yielded a high return. Its omnipresence online and holistic approach crowned it as a noteworthy contender among top cyber security certifications. It was more than just a course; it was my stepping stone, my token of skill in incident management, my mark in the world of cybersecurity.

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityThis course covers the core areas of cyber incident management and assumes a basic understanding of technology, networks, and security.
    Skills CoveredNavigating incidents involves scoping, team management, communication, countermeasures, and resolution
    Certification CostCIM refers to CREST Course
    BenefitsRecognition in the industry, Potential for higher pay, Access to a network of certified professionals, Continuous learning opportunities

    2. Certified Red Team Professional (CRTP)

    I remember the first time I stumbled upon the Certified Red Team Professional (CRTP) offered by Altered Security. It wasn't just another certification on the shelf; its sparkle was different. Why? Well, let me paint you a picture. 

    Imagine walking into a world of cyber security, where everyone talks about firewalls, encryption, and a host of other things. But then, there's this alley, not hidden but less traveled, called Active Directory exploitation. That's where CRTP thrives, like an artist with a unique medium. 

    When I dove into its modules, it wasn't just about jargon-filled lectures. It was an interactive journey through topics like figuring out Active Directory secrets, hopping from one system to another (they call it 'lateral movement'), and sneaky ways to gain more control (privilege escalation)

    It's not just about collecting certificates; it's about honing skills. It wasn't a walk in the park, but the challenge is what made it so rewarding. The world is noisy with countless cyber security certs, but when someone whispers "CRTP," ears perk up, and for a good reason.

    Now, while I did have to invest some cash to grab this gem, the doors it opened for me, the paychecks it added zeros to, made every penny worth it. For anyone like me, who's been in the cyber trenches and wants a fresh, valuable edge, CRTP is like finding the North Star in the vast cyber sky.

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityAltered Security's Certified Red Team Professional (CRTP) is a beginner friendly hands-on red team certification. It is one of the most popular beginner Red Team certification
    Skills CoveredComplete Red teaming Activity
    Certification CostCRTP refers to CREST Course
    Source Link for CostCRTP Cost
    BenefitsRecognition in the industry, Potential for higher pay, Access to a network of certified professionals, Continuous learning opportunities

    3. Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA)

    Let me tell you about a personal quest of mine. Ever glanced up at the vast digital sky and wondered about the invisible threats lurking in the shadows? I did. That curiosity led me straight to the doors of EC-Council's Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA)

    Diving into CTIA felt like embarking on an adventure. It wasn't just about reading and learning; it was about truly understanding the world of cyber threats. The journey took me through the basics of threat spotting, gathering nuggets of data, making sense of it all, and then painting a clear picture for everyone else to see.

     Every module felt like a chapter in an enthralling detective novel, each more gripping than the last. And let me tell you, wrapping my head around all those pieces and preparing for that big exam? Challenging, yes, but oh-so-rewarding!

    As I navigated my way through the cyber maze in 2024, holding the CTIA was like having a golden compass. It's not just another shiny badge; it's a testament to understanding the intricate dance of cyber threats and defenses.

    For anyone standing where I once stood, curious and eager, CTIA isn't just a certificate; it's a journey. And believe me, it's one worth taking.

    Key HighlightsDescription
    EligibilityTypically, there is no strict eligibility for CTIA, but prior experience in cybersecurity or a related field may be beneficial.
    Skills CoveredThreat intelligence lifecycle, Intelligence data collection and analysis, Strategic, operational, and tactical threat intelligence, Cyber threat countermeasures
    Certification CostCost varies depending on the region and mode of examination.
    Benefits- Recognized expertise in threat intelligence<br>- Increased job opportunities in cybersecurity roles<br>- Enhanced ability to protect organizations from threats<br>- Ability to provide strategic guidance based on threat landscapes

    4. Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE)

    In my journey through the maze of cybersecurity, I stumbled upon a gem: the Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE). Not just another certificate, this one spoke to me, whispered of the marriage between tech and privacy.

    Guided by ISACA, I dove deep. Each module was an adventure: from crafting privacy designs, understanding the life journey of data, to ensuring everything stays compliant. They weren't just subjects; they were stories, each hinting at the importance of keeping data sacred.

    Now, I won't sugarcoat it: CDPSE wasn't a free ticket. But every dime felt like an investment in my future, a future where data privacy is king. Preparing for that exam? A rollercoaster! But as I tackled each question, I realized how equipped I was to ensure data's sanctity in this digital age.

    With the world waking up to the value of privacy, my CDPSE isn't just a badge; it's my sword and shield. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, if data privacy speaks to you as it did to me, this journey might be the next chapter in your story.

    Key HighlightsDetailsSource Link
    Eligibility5 years of work experience in the fields related to the three CDPSE domains. Can be reduced by 2 years with a related degree.ISACA's CDPSE Eligibility
    Skills- Privacy architecture, Data discovery & classification, Data protectionVarious costs depending on membership, type of registration (early, standard, etc.)ISACA's CDPSE Job Practice Areas
    Certification CostVarious costs depending on membership, type of registration (early, standard, etc.)ISACA's Certification Pricing
    Benefits- Recognizes technical skills in data privacy, Demonstrates expertise in the privacy field, Increases job opportunities.ISACA's CDPSE Overview

    5. Certified Blockchain Security Professional (CBSP)

    I've always been fascinated by the enigma of blockchain. As it grew, so did my curiosity. One day, I stumbled upon the Certified Blockchain Security Professional (CBSP), a beacon offered by the Blockchain Council.

     It wasn't just another course. Journeying through it felt like unraveling mysteries—from grasping the basics of blockchain security to diving deep into how consensus works and the intricate art of advanced safeguards. 

    Now, I'd be lying if I said this was a beginner's trail. But with my roots in blockchain, it felt like the next summit to conquer. And the exam? A testament to every nugget of knowledge I'd gathered. As I walked away, not just with a certificate but with recognition, I could see doors of opportunity swinging open. 

    For anyone out there, like me, passionate about blockchain's future, the CBSP isn't just a certification; it's a tale of expertise, waiting to be told.

    EligibilityTypically, CBSP certifications require a foundational understanding of blockchain and associated security measures. The exact prerequisites can vary.
    SkillsUnderstanding blockchain technology, Security measures for blockchain, Smart contract security, Risk management
    Certification CostVarious costs might be associated with the certification. This often depends on whether there are membership benefits, region-specific pricing, etc.
    Benefits- Demonstrates expertise in the niche of blockchain security. Recognized by industry peers. Potentially opens up new job opportunities or career advancements.

    6. Certified Internet of Things Practitioner (CIoTP)

    The digital realm is like an ever-evolving puzzle. Just when I thought I had a grip on cyber security, along came the Internet of Things (IoT), sweeping me off my feet. My journey took a turn when I chanced upon the Certified Internet of Things Practitioner (CIoTP) by CertNexus. It felt like the key to a new world.

     Embarking on the CIoTP voyage, I unraveled the basics of IoT, explored the ins and outs of its hardware and software, and dove deep into how it connects and secures everything. Every lesson felt like a piece of the puzzle falling into place.

    Clearing the CIoTP exam was no cakewalk, but the challenge was the thrill. Every correct answer was proof of my newfound expertise. Sure, the certification wasn't free, but the doors it opened? Priceless.

     For someone hungry to grasp the future of cyber, CIoTP isn't just a badge; it's a testament. As IoT continues its dance, I'm right there, groove and all, thanks to CIoTP.

    EligibilityCIoTP open to anyone, but intended for those seeking a career in IoT or professionals working in roles that require an understanding of IoT.
    SkillsFundamental IoT concepts, IoT general challenges, IoT business challenges, IoT design considerations and architectures, Basic IoT security and privacy concepts
    Certification CostCost may vary based on the region, training providers, or if one is taking a course + exam bundle.
    BenefitsValidates one's knowledge and skills in IoT, Provides a competitive edge in the growing IoT industry, Recognized globally across industries. Opens avenues for job roles related to IoT.

    7. Certified Artificial Intelligence Professional (CAIP)

    Let me take you on a journey, my journey, with the Certified Artificial Intelligence Professional (CAIP). Offered by the GAQM, it's like the secret sauce for securing AI systems.

    What drew me to CAISP wasn't just the shiny badge. It was the promise of exploring uncharted territories—from the ABCs of AI, to understanding its soft spots, building secure AI systems, and even mulling over ethical dilemmas.

    The journey wasn't free, but boy, did it pay off! With AI ruling the roost, my CAISP certificate had me on the fast track to the big bucks. This wasn't just about joining a club; it was about carving my niche in a landscape that's changing at lightning speed.

    Whether you're starting your journey or looking for the next big thing, CAISP is a treasure map. With AI's growing prominence, this gem of a certification is sure to be a game-changer in 2024 and beyond.

    Key HighlightsDetails
    EligibilityThe Certified Artificial Intelligence Professional (CAIP)™ Certification has no prerequisites
    SkillsPresents a solid foundation in the principles and technologies that underlie many facets of AI, including logic, knowledge representation, probabilistic models, and machine learning
    Certification CostCAIP Cost
    BenefitsBenefits of obtaining the certification, such as industry recognition, job opportunities, etc.

    How to Choose the Right Cyber Security Certification for You?

    Navigating the maze of cyber security certifications felt daunting at first. For me, it started with a look in the mirror. As a newbie, I was drawn to CompTIA Security+, but I saw friends with years under their belts diving into CISSP or OSCP. My passion? AI security. So, naturally, I was tempted by the allure of CAISP. Through it all, the reputation of the institution was my compass; names like (ISC)² or EC-Council were beacons of trust. My advice to my fellow explorers: align the cert with your dreams. Whether chasing top-dollar creds or just dipping your toes with online options, your perfect match is out there in the vast cyber certification universe.

    Resources and Study Materials for Cyber Security Certifications 

    Stepping into the world of cyber security certifications, I quickly realized it wasn't just about picking a course. It was about choosing the right allies on this journey.

    • My first stop? Online training platforms. KnowledgeHut became my go-to hub, a sort of online mentor. With options like Udemy and Cybrary, I felt like a kid in a candy store, each course tempting me with new horizons. These weren't just classes; they were gateways to mastery.
    • But knowledge isn't just about lessons, right? So, I dabbled with Kaplan IT Training and Boson, where mock tests became my rehearsal grounds. Each test was a challenge, a prelude to the big day, helping me measure my strengths and areas to polish.
    • Yet, the magic truly began when I reached out to my peers. Platforms like LinkedIn and Reddit were more than just social networks; they became my think tanks. The exhilarating discussions, the shared journeys, and those "Aha!" moments turned strangers into allies, making the learning experience more vivid.
    • In essence, if you're like me, hungry for growth, it's not just about the content. It's the blend of training, testing, and camaraderie. Together, they form the map to the treasures of cyber security certifications.


    Diving into the tech world, I quickly learned the value of cyber security badges. From the eager beginner in me to the budding expert, these certs became my medals of honor. In 2024, I set my sights on the top-shelf certifications, seeing them as my ticket to the big leagues. For tech aficionados like me, they're our golden key to dream gigs.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which Cybersecurity Certification Should I Get First?

    The answer depends on your experience and career goals. For beginners, entry-level cyber security certifications like CompTIA Security+ or Cybersecurity Certified Network Defender (CND) are often recommended. These provide a solid foundation in the basics of cyber security.

    2Can I pursue multiple Cybersecurity certifications simultaneously?

    Yes, although it may be challenging. Each cyber security certification has its own curriculum and exam, and studying for multiple certifications simultaneously could divide your attention and efforts.

    3Does Cybersecurity Require Coding?

    While not all roles in cyber security require coding, understanding how to code can be beneficial. Knowledge of programming languages can help in tasks like scripting, automating processes, and understanding the nature of certain cyber threats.

    4How Long Does It Take to Get Certified in Cybersecurity?

    The time it takes to get a cyber security certification varies. It can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on the certification's complexity and the candidate's commitment and prior knowledge.

    5Are there any online or self-paced options available for Cybersecurity certifications?

    Yes, many institutions and organizations offer online cyber security certifications. These courses are self-paced, allowing you to study at your convenience. Some of the best online cyber security certificate programs are offered by organizations like CompTIA, EC-Council, and ISACA.

    6How long is a Cybersecurity certification valid?

    The validity of a cyber security certification varies. Some certifications, like the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), require recertification every three years. Others, like CompTIA Security+, are valid for three years but can be renewed with continuing education units (CEUs). Always check with the issuing authority for specific recertification requirements


    Koushik Dutta


    Koushik is an MCA, CISM and CFE with 13+ years of multi-faceted global experience in Cyber Security, Information Security, Data Privacy, and IT Audit across BFSI, Automobile, and IT industries. Koushik handled various technical positions to provide consultancy for strengthening the cyber security posture of multiple large organizations.

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