HomeBlogData ScienceNLP Engineer Salary Based on Location, Company, Experience

NLP Engineer Salary Based on Location, Company, Experience

07th Sep, 2023
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    NLP Engineer Salary Based on Location, Company, Experience

    NLP, or natural language processing, is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. As a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), NLP focuses on understanding and analyzing human language, enabling machines to comprehend and respond to us more naturally and intuitively. In those lines, NLP is at the forefront of this revolution, and tech corporations are eager to harness its potential. With the rising demand for NLP engineers, the tech world is buzzing with excitement. These skilled professionals play a vital role in developing intelligent systems that can decipher and interpret human communication like never before. From sentiment analysis to language comprehension, NLP engineers are shaping the future of AI and enabling businesses to make informed decisions based on the vast amount of unstructured data available today. In this article, we'll have a closer look into the NLP engineer salary ranges across companies and geographies.

    Who is an NLP Engineer?

    An NLP engineer is a professional who deals with speech patterns and recognition of AI speech. The processing and analysis of natural language data is made possible by engineers specializing in natural language processing. They combine linguistics, AI, computer science, and information sciences to develop software to comprehend human languages. Therefore, consider becoming an NLP engineer if you enjoy working with continually developing technology and want to ensure its future. To become an NLP engineer, enhance your skills by enrolling in certification courses like Natural Language Processing with Python certification.

    NLP Engineer Salary in 2023

    Are you considering a career in NLP and want to know how much you can expect to make? Looking for the NLP jobs salary. The NLP engineer’s salary depends on many factors, from experience to location and industry type. This article will help you to understand salary diversity and will help you to make educated decisions.

    NLP Engineer Salary: Based on Experience

    A natural language processing salary varies depending on the working experience.

    • A Beginner NLP engineer earns $126,050.
    • An Intermediate NLP engineer with 3-6 years of experience earns $160,000
    • An Advanced NLP engineer with 6-9 years' of experience earns $200,000

    NLP Engineer Salary: Based on Location




    Average Salary


    Gnani Innovations

    7.7 LPA

    Cosmic Strands

    3.5 LPA


    10 LPA

    Neukelp Innovation Technology

    12.7 LPA

    New Delhi

    Tech Mahindra

    5.8 LPA


    18.4 LPA


    25.6 LPA

    One Click Technologies

    12.4 LPA


    Light Information Systems

    7.4 LPA


    17.3 LPA


    13.8 LPA


    5.8 LPA



    8.1 LPA


    18.4 LPA


    4.6 LPA

    Vsigma It Labs

    5.8 LPA



    19.7 LPA


    8.1 LPA

    United States of America



    Average Salary

    Washington, DC



    Code Ryte


    Bank of America


    Los Angeles, CA



    Gum Gum


    Telepathy Labs


    Boston, MA





    Hosta Labs


    Dallas, TX

    Causeway Capital Management




    Citi Bank


    United Kingdom



    Average Salary

















    Daxtra Technologies


    Canada: Top Companies


    Average Salary

    ASL Distribution


    RSVP technologies








    Average Salary





    Byte Dance


    Factors Affecting NLP Engineer Salary

    An NLP engineer’s salary depends on various factors, including location, industry, experience, certifications, and individual skills. Location is essential in deciding salaries, from countries to cities. For instance, an NLP engineer in the US earns more than an Indian NLP engineer. As an NLP engineer, experience is vital because your income will be higher than your work experience. Various firms highly value skilled engineers with competence in specific languages and technology packages. The average salary for 3-6 years of experience as an NLP engineer is $1,60,000, and for 6–9 years, it is $2,00,000. The income of an NLP engineer is also affected by the industry in which they work. Working in proper software development and design will get you fantastic pay, and your compensation will be average if you work in any vendor company.

    How to Improve NLP Engineer Salary?

    NLP engineers are employed by technology businesses to develop sophisticated computers that can comprehend human language. NLP, or natural language processing, is a type of artificial intelligence (AI). It is particularly useful for extracting and analyzing unstructured data and public sentiment, greatly benefiting many businesses. Thanks to Amazon's voice-activated assistant, Alexa, and FitBit's voice-activated fitness tracker option. The public is becoming more aware of how valuable NLP gadgets can be and are utilized by many individuals regularly.

    There are numerous factors to consider if one wants to succeed in a career as a professional NLP Engineer. First, prepare yourself with the needed skills and certification courses by enrolling online for data science courses for working professionals. The NLP job salary depends on skills and expertise.

    Master Relevant Skills

    You will need to learn some essential soft and hard skills to pursue a career as an NLP engineer.

    Hard Skills

    • One should have comprehensive knowledge of text representation methods
    • One should be able to use Compilers and machine translation
    • One should be aware of different machine-learning frameworks and libraries
    • One should be able to do Text categorization and clustering
    • One should be proficient in different coding languages like Python, Java, and R
    • One should be able to do Statistical Analysis
    • One should be able to develop "robust and testable code."

    Soft Skills

    Employers frequently want NLP experts who can work well in a team, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Therefore, soft skills are frequently just as important as hard talents. Here is a list of soft skills you should master to get a good NLP master practitioner salary.

    One should be creative to explore new tools and techniques. Therefore, getting the best natural language processing engineer salary is important. The soft skills include:

    • Self-motivation is one soft skill one should practice to keep learning new methods.
    • Positive attitude
    • One should be able to do conflict management
    • Time management
    • Leadership skills

    Academic Degrees

    A degree in mathematics, computer science, or statistics is common among aspiring NLP engineers, while their educational backgrounds can vary. Some people have a bachelor's degree when they start their careers, while others finish their Ph.Ds. They develop their research techniques in a university environment before starting their careers.


    NLP is a new technology that is quickly gaining popularity in the sector. For example, language translators, grammar checkers, autocorrect, and targeted advertising are all powered by NLP technology. As a result, the demand for NLP expertise will significantly increase as NLP applications grow. Therefore, the time has come for you to enroll in an NLP certification course if you want to master the subtleties of NLP. Here is a list of certification courses to help you select the most suitable course.

    • Microsoft: Explore Natural Language Processing: This is an introductory NLP course using the Microsoft Azure platform. The primary goal is to introduce students to the fundamentals of NLP. After that, it's really simple to create NLP apps with Azure's wide range of services, including text analytics, translation, language comprehension, etc.
    • Microsoft: Azure AI Fundamental: Professionals can master AI and ML ideas and workloads by taking this high-level Microsoft certification course. It teaches them how to use Azure to deploy them. The course evaluates students' proficiency in five key areas:
      1. Narrating AI workloads and their considerations
      2. Outlining fundamental machine learning principles on Azure
      3. Outlining characteristics of workloads of computer vision on Azure
      4. Outlining characteristics of workloads of Natural Language Processing (NLP) on Azure
      5. Outlining characteristics of the workloads of conversational AI on Azure.
    • Google Developer Certification:This level-one certificate program will assess your fundamental understanding of utilizing and integrating ML methods into practical applications. Google provides this course in collaboration with TensorFlow. Candidates for this certification must be familiar with Natural Language Processing, Convolutional Neural Networks, and actual picture data.
    • Amazon: Machine Learning University course on Natural Language Processing: The Machine Learning University (MLU) was established by Amazon in 2016 to provide courses enabling ML practitioners to advance their skills. It also helps to increase their domain expertise. This course is taught by Cem Sazara (Applied Scientist), a specialist at Amazon. It aids students in developing a thorough understanding of data pre-treatment, model validation, and ML resources. They also receive hands-on experience with NLP-specific model training and applications.
    • Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning by Stanford University: Candidates must be fluent in Python and have a solid understanding of mathematics, foundations for machine learning, and statistics. They should be interested in applying their knowledge to advanced natural language processing. The course introduces students to:
      1. Computational features of natural languages
      2. Models of Neural networks for natural language interpretation,
      3. Other related ideas, including syntactic, word vectors, and semantic processing
    • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing by the University of Oxford: The newest developments in employing recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are included in this certification. It helps to analyze and produce voice and text and is the main subject of this advanced NLP course. Numerous mathematical ideas, including linear algebra, probability, and continuous mathematics, must be understood by students. They must also be conversant with fundamental ML ideas. The course guides students to comprehend the definition of various neural implementations of attention mechanisms, neural network models, and sequence embedding models. It also teaches how to derive and incorporate optimization algorithms for the models. Finally, students learn how to implement and evaluate the common models of neural networks for languages.


    An aspirant NLP engineer must identify their area of interest and earn valuable experience to land a position in that industry. It is because NLP is becoming more popular across many businesses. NLP is being applied outside of the tech sector, including in the healthcare sector, to speed up and improve the accuracy of medical record searches. For the legal sector, it is applied to aid in studying pertinent legal papers and financial institutions to lower the risk of fraud. Understanding how your work in NLP might be advantageous in a particular sector. It will help you to acquire expertise that will help make your job prospects even brighter.

    Why are NLP Engineers Paid so Much?

    NLP engineers make systems and tools that can comprehend human language. They break language down into simpler, shorter structures, trying to understand how those structures relate to one another. Then, the engineers examine how those structural parts come together to convey meaning. NLP engineers use these linguistic tools to build computers capable of carrying out valuable language-related tasks. People have grown to rely on Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri. It helps to carry out various daily tasks, making them common instances of how NLP engineering has impacted lives. Hence, a natural language processing engineer's salary is high. It is one of the most desirable career choices in recent years. If you want to work as freelancer, then you must look for freelancing NLP salary.


    With hundreds of new job posts appearing each day across the globe, the artificial intelligence sector as a whole is evolving fast. Investing in yourself is especially critical in a rapidly changing technological industry. Investing in your NLP Engineering abilities will help you advance in your profession. You may stay up to date on new technologies by enrolling in online courses like KnowledgeHut’s data science courses for working professionals. In addition, it will help in obtaining advanced certifications in AI areas such as NLP Engineering.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the lowest salary for an NLP Engineer?

    The lowest salary for an NLP Engineer can be close to $62,000 in the US. It varies based on the location and years of experience as well.

    2What is the highest salary for an NLP Engineer?

    The highest NLP salary for an NLP engineer is $185,000 in the US. Check the blog for more salaries in other parts of the globe.

    3What is the salary of an NLP Engineer in India and the USA?

    The NLP Engineer in India earns between 3 lakh-20 lakhs, and in the USA, $185,000.  

    4How does NLP Engineer’s Salary change with experience?

    An NLP Engineer's salary depends on experience, as the freshers earn 2.3 LPA. While with 7 years of experience, he can earn up to 20 LPA.  The numbers are proportional in other countries as well.


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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