HomeBlogBusiness intelligence and VisualizationPower BI vs Excel: Which One to Choose?

Power BI vs Excel: Which One to Choose?

11th Jan, 2024
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    Power BI vs Excel: Which One to Choose?

    Power BI vs Excel, each developed by using Microsoft, are essential tools for facts-related tasks. While Excel is a versatile spreadsheet software frequently used for calculations, records entry, and primary visualizations, Power BI focuses on superior data visualization and enterprise intelligence. Power BI connects to diverse records assets, presenting interactive dashboards, custom visualizations, and actual-time collaboration for facts-pushed decisions. 

    Its records modeling prowess and overall performance with large datasets make it ideal for companies. Excel, at the same time as able to fundamental information evaluation and charting, is better acceptable for person use and easier tasks. Often, these gear supplement each other, with facts processed in Excel after which visualized in Power BI for extra comprehensive insights. Alongside, going for Microsoft Power BI certification course will help you prove your data analysis competence

    Power BI vs Excel: Head-to-Head Comparison

    Here we are going to mention the main difference between Excel and Power BI which will help us to differentiate the key points for power BI and excel differences.

    Power BI
    Data visualization and business intelligence
    Data organization and basic analysis
    Data Sources
    Wide range of sources (databases, cloud, etc.)Limited sources, often manual input
    Data Modeling
    Advanced capabilities with DAX language
    Basic relationships and calculations
    Interactive dashboards and custom visuals
    Basic charts and graphs
    Real-time sharing and collaboration
    Limited collaboration, file sharing
    Optimized for large datasets and complexity
    Limited performance with large data
    Use cases
    Business insights, complex analysis
    Small-scale analysis, simple calculations

    Differences Between Power BI and Excel

    1. Power BI vs Excel: Custom Visualizations

    Power BI dashboard

    Power BI: In customization we have definitely Advantages of Power BI over Excel. Power BI offers an extensive array of customizable visualizations, charts, and graphs that enable users to transform raw records into insightful visible displays. Users can select from a extensive variety of visuals to depict information, along with bar charts, scatter plots, maps, and extra. Additionally, Power BI lets in 1/3-celebration builders to create and percentage custom visuals, expanding the to be had options. 

    Excel: Excel gives basic charting and graphing options for visualizing statistics. While it could create not unusual charts like bar charts and line graphs, its visual customization skills are more constrained compared to Power BI. Excel's cognizance is on information manipulation and calculations, with primary visualization as a secondary characteristic.

    2. Power BI vs Excel: Dashboard Interactivity

    When comparing Power BI vs Excel dashboard in terms of dashboard interactivity, there are distinct differences to consider.

    Dashboard Interactivity Power BI: Power BI emphasizes interactive dashboards that allow customers to explore statistics dynamically. Users can create slicers, filters, and drill-via movements to permit deeper insights. Dashboards may be designed to assist various person interactions, facilitating actual-time exploration and evaluation of records traits. 

    Excel: Excel's dashboards are less interactive in comparison to Power BI. It helps simple filtering and pivot tables for simple facts exploration, however it lacks the dynamic interactivity and advanced filtering alternatives that Power BI provides.

    3. Power BI vs Excel: Size of Data

    Size of the Data Power BI: Power BI is optimized for coping with massive datasets effectively. It can connect to diverse facts assets, inclusive of cloud-primarily based offerings and databases, and handle real-time data streams. Its overall performance doesn't notably degrade with large datasets, making it appropriate for complex analysis. Excel: While Excel can deal with fairly sized datasets, its overall performance would possibly go through with very big datasets or complex calculations. It's highly appropriate for smaller-scale records evaluation and manipulation responsibilities.

    4. Power BI vs Excel: Accessibility

    Accessibility Power BI: Power BI gives cloud-primarily based and on-premises solutions. Users can get entry to report and dashboards via net browsers or cellular apps, allowing remote get entry to and actual-time updates. Collaborators can view and interact with shared reviews, enhancing accessibility and collaboration. Excel: Excel files are typically saved locally or on shared network drives. While cloud-primarily based answers like Excel Online exist, accessibility and collaboration functions are more constrained in comparison to Power BI, making real-time collaboration tough in a few cases.

    5. Power BI vs Excel: Formula Language

    Formula Language Power BI: Power BI makes use of the DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language for developing complicated calculations, measures, and custom columns. DAX is specifically designed for data modeling and evaluation, supplying functions that allow customers to perform advanced calculations and control information relationships. Excel: Excel uses formulation and capabilities written inside the Excel components language. While powerful for calculations, those formulas are extra oriented in the direction of traditional spreadsheet obligations and might not be as nicely suited for complicated information modeling and analysis duties as DAX.

    6. Power BI vs Excel: Data Security

    Data Security Power BI: Power BI offers robust protection features, which includes function-based access manager, row-stage safety, and records encryption. It allows administrators to manipulate who can get right of entry to particular reviews and dashboards, ensuring facts integrity and compliance. Excel: Excel's information security capabilities are extra limited in comparison to Power BI. While password safety and document-level encryption are to be had, controlling get entry to at a granular degree might be tough, especially in shared environments.

    7. Power BI vs Excel: Data Source

    Data Source Power BI: Power BI can connect to a huge type of information sources, along with databases, cloud services, online assets, and more. Power BI has huge benefits over Excel in term of data sourcing.  It gives connectors and integrations for seamless information retrieval from diverse structures, making it appropriate for centralized records evaluation. 

    Excel: Excel also can connect to numerous records resources; however, its capabilities are simpler compared to Power BI. It's often used for manual information access or importing information from easier resources, making it more suitable for smaller-scale information duties.

    How They are Similar?

    In this discussion on Excel vs BI tools, each evolved with the aid of Microsoft, proportion several similarities while serving wonderful roles in statistics analysis and presentation. These gears are regularly used in tandem to leverage their character strengths and create a comprehensive records analysis workflow. You might be thinking is Power BI similar to excel, check the following points: 

    1. Data Analysis: Both Power BI and Excel are equipment for data evaluation, permitting users to perform calculations, derive insights, and draw conclusions from their statistics. Excel's method language permits users to carry out a wide variety of calculations, while Power BI's DAX language enables complicated calculations and records modeling. If you are interested in learning Power BI dashboards and be an expert in Data analysis, then this certification will definitely help you to achieve it.
    2. Data Transformation: Both gears offer functions for information transformation and manipulation. In Excel, customers can easily arrange and manage facts using features and formulation. Power BI gives advanced information shaping capabilities, allowing users to merge, append, and rework data from various resources.
    3. Data Visualization: While Power BI is renowned for its superior statistical visualization abilities, Excel also gives fundamental charting and graphing alternatives. Users can create charts and graphs in both tools to visualize tendencies, patterns, and relationships inside the facts. 
    4. Data Connection: Both gear permit customers to connect with numerous data sources. Power BI gives a broader array of records connectors, facilitating connections to databases, cloud services, on-line structures, and extra. Excel additionally provides information connectivity alternatives, even though they might be more constrained in scope in comparison to Power BI.
    5. Data Modeling: While Power BI is specifically strong in information modeling with its talents to create relationships among tables and define measures using DAX, Excel additionally supports fundamental statistics modeling through cellular references and named levels. Excel's Power Pivot upload-in in addition complements its information modeling abilities.
    6. Integration: Power BI and Excel may be integrated to create a comprehensive records analysis workflow. Users can carry out initial information cleansing and calculations in Excel, and then import the delicate facts into Power BI for advanced visualization and enterprise intelligence reporting. 
    7. User-Friendly Interface: Both Power BI and Excel offer user-pleasant interfaces that allow people with varying tiers of technical know-how to paint with statistics. A wide range of consumers may use Excel because of its familiarity, while Power BI's intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes data visualization and record creation simple.
    8. Collaboration: Equipment support collaboration to a degree. Power BI enables real-time collaboration on dashboards and reports, permitting more than one user to work on the identical venture concurrently. Excel gives simple collaboration capabilities, together with co-authoring in Excel Online or sharing Excel files for evaluation. 
    9. Data Refresh: Both gears permit facts to be refreshed to make sure that analyses and reviews are up to date. Power BI gives extra superior options for scheduling and coping with records refreshes, at the same time as Excel additionally presents information refresh competencies, in particular while the usage of Power Query. 
    10. Versatility: Excel's versatility extends past information evaluation; it is typically used for financial modeling, budgeting, undertaking control, and more. Similarly, Power BI's interactive reports and dashboards have applications throughout numerous industries for commercial enterprise intelligence, monitoring, and choice-making. 

    Even in the world of Business Intelligence, Power BI plays an important role for finding all the key insights and here you can too by just enrolling yourself to the Business Intelligence classes.

    Power BI and Excel share a common floor as equipment for data analysis, manipulation, and visualization. While Power BI excels in superior information visualization and commercial enterprise intelligence, Excel's familiarity, versatility, and basic facts evaluation capabilities make it a valuable tool in its personal right. Often, the choice between the 2 relies upon the complexity of the challenge, the size of the statistics, and the specific wishes of the consumer or agency. 

    What Should You Choose Between Power BI and Excel?

    The choice between Power BI and Excel depends on your specific needs, the nature of the task, and the level of complexity involved in your data analysis and visualization. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

    Refer below points to understand why is power BI better than exceland why you should choose Power BI:

    1. Advanced Data Visualization: If you need interactive and visually compelling reports, dashboards, and custom visualizations for in-depth data analysis and business intelligence, Power BI is a strong choice.
    2. Large Datasets: If your data involves large volumes or complex relationships that require efficient data modeling, Power BI's optimized performance and data modeling capabilities make it suitable for handling substantial datasets.
    3. Real-Time Collaboration: If you require real-time collaboration on reports and dashboards, Power BI's cloud-based sharing and collaborative features allow multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously.
    4. Centralized Data Source: If you're dealing with data from various sources and need a centralized platform to connect, transform, and analyze data from different systems, Power BI's broad range of data connectors are advantageous.
    5. Business Intelligence: If your primary focus is on deriving actionable insights and making data-driven decisions for your business, Power BI's business intelligence capabilities and interactive visuals are well-suited for this purpose.
    6. All the above points point to the selection of Power BI, so without wasting much time get ahead of the crowd and update your skills by doing the Power BI certification.

    Refer below points to understand why Excel is better than Power BIand why you should choose Excel:

    1. Familiarity and Versatility: If you're more comfortable with Excel and the task involves simpler calculations, budgeting, financial analysis, or basic data manipulation, Excel's familiar interface and versatile functions are suitable.
    2. Small-Scale Data Tasks: For smaller datasets and straightforward data analysis tasks that don't require advanced data modeling or complex visualizations, Excel provides a user-friendly environment.
    3. Individual Use: If you're working on a project individually or don't require real-time collaboration, Excel's local file-based nature is convenient for personal tasks.
    4. Quick and Basic Visualization: If you need to create basic charts, graphs, and visualizations without the need for interactive dashboards, Excel's charting features can serve this purpose.
    5. Limited Learning Curve: If you're not familiar with Power BI's interface and DAX language, and the data analysis task is relatively simple, Excel's formulas and functions may be easier to work with.

    Consider Both If:

    In many scenarios, using both Power BI and Excel in tandem can provide the best of both worlds. You can use Excel for data preparation, cleaning, and initial analysis. Once the data is refined, you can import it into Power BI for advanced visualization, interactive reports, and more comprehensive business intelligence. The power bi benefits over excel become evident when considering these enhanced visualization and interactive capabilities.

    Your choice between Power BI and Excel depends on the complexity of your data analysis, the need for advanced visualization, collaboration requirements, and your familiarity with the tools. Both tools have their strengths, and in some cases, a combination of both might be the most effective approach to achieve your data analysis goals.


    In the end, how is power BI different from excel hinges at the particular requirements of your statistical evaluation and visualization duties. For complicated data visualization, business intelligence, and interactive dashboards, Power BI may become the go-to option.

    It excels at handling massive datasets, showcasing extensive data modelling capabilities using DAX, and facilitating group collaboration in real-time.

    On the other hand, Excel's adaptability and familiarity make it a reliable option for straightforward information tasks, individual use, and easy charting. Its component language is appropriate for traditional spreadsheet capabilities, though it might fall brief in handling elaborate facts relationships and advanced evaluation. In many instances, the synergy between Power BI and Excel prove useful. You can go for KnowledgeHut Microsoft Power BI certification course to keep your learning pace boosted.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the unique features of Power BI that Excel does not offer?

    Advanced Data Visualization, Interactive Dashboards, Data Modeling with DAX, Centralized Data Source, and Real-Time Collaboration.

    2Does Excel have any functionalities that are not available in Power BI?

    Cell-Level Formulas: Excel is designed for traditional spreadsheet calculations, making it more suitable for tasks that rely heavily on individual cell-level formulas and calculations.

    Versatility Beyond Analysis: Excel's functions extend to budgeting, financial modeling, project management, and more. It's not limited to data analysis and can be used for a broader range of tasks.

    3Which tool is more suitable for handling large datasets and complex data modeling: Power BI or Excel?

    Power BI is generally more suitable for handling large datasets and complex data modeling. Its optimized performance and DAX language enable efficient processing of substantial data volumes and intricate calculations. Excel might encounter performance issues with very large datasets and its data modeling capabilities are not as robust as Power BI's.

    4Can I use Power BI and Excel together in my data analysis workflow?

    Power BI and Excel can be used together in a data analysis workflow. Excel can be employed for initial data cleaning, transformation, and basic calculations. Once the data is refined, it can be imported into Power BI for advanced visualization, interactive reporting, and business intelligence. This combination leverages Excel's data preparation strengths and Power BI's visualization and analysis capabilities, creating a comprehensive and effective data analysis pipeline.


    Gauri Guglani


    Gauri Guglani works as a Data Analyst at Deloitte Consulting. She has done her major in Information Technology and holds great interest in the field of data science. She owns her technical skills as well as managerial skills and also is great at communicating. Since her undergraduate, Gauri has developed a profound interest in writing content and sharing her knowledge through the manual means of blog/article writing. She loves writing on topics affiliated with Statistics, Python Libraries, Machine Learning, Natural Language processes, and many more.

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