HomeBlogBusiness intelligence and VisualizationHow to Become a Business Intelligence Analyst [Updated Career Path]

How to Become a Business Intelligence Analyst [Updated Career Path]

24th Apr, 2024
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    How to Become a Business Intelligence Analyst [Updated Career Path]

    Do you ever wonder how Spotify and Netflix can anticipate your listening and viewing preferences before you even realize it?

    The work of business intelligence analysts holds the key to such a solution. These experts are essential in today's data-driven world for assisting businesses in making wise decisions and remaining competitive.

    Read on to learn more about how to become a business intelligence analyst and what this career path encompasses if you want to work in business intelligence.

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    Who is a Business intelligence Analyst and what do they do?

    A business intelligence analyst is a specialist who enables strategic decision-making for businesses by analyzing large, complex data sets and provides insights that drive strategic decisions. BI analysts collaborate closely with stakeholders from a range of departments, including finance, marketing, operations, and sales, to identify opportunities for improvement, track key performance metrics, and create data-driven company growth strategies.

    BI analysts gather and analyze data from various sources, and design and develop dashboards and reports to present insights to key stakeholders. They build data, manage large databases, identify trends and patterns, and work with cross-functional teams to create solutions that address business and customer requirements.

    How to Become a BI Analyst in 5 Simple Steps

    Those interested in data analysis and strategy may find working as a business intelligence analyst a rewarding career path. Business intelligence analysts are highly sought after across businesses and industries and can make a good living.

    If you're interested in learning about how to be a business intelligence analyst, here are five simple steps that will help you understand what you need to do, what are the requirements, and how you can plan your schedule to achieve your goal:

    Step 1: Master Skills

    You need to master a variety of technical and soft skills to succeed as a business intelligence analyst.

    • Top Skills Needed to Become a Business Intelligence Analyst 

    The following are some of the top skill sets and abilities you'll need to become a BI analyst:

    • Soft Skills: To be a successful Business Intelligence Analyst, you must have strong collaborative, critical thinking, and communication abilities. As a BI analyst, you'll be working with various stakeholders from different departments of a business organization, and you will have to collaborate with them continuously, expressing data findings succinctly and clearly.
    • Hard Skills: In order to become a business intelligence analyst, you have to gain proficiency in data architecture, data mining, data warehousing, data modeling, data visualization, and data analysis techniques and software, along with programming languages such as Python, SQL, R, and others.
    • Other Competencies: Other traits that can aid in your success as a BI analyst include attention to detail, project management expertise, and the ability to work independently.
    • Top Business Intelligence Analyst Certifications / Degrees

    Certifications and degrees can distinguish you from other applicants and demonstrate your expertise in business intelligence. The following are some of the most important certifications to consider:

    • One certification that can be particularly helpful is pursuing a comprehensive Data visualization with QlikView course from knowledgeHut that helps you build expertise in various visualization techniques, objects, and operations using QlikView.This certification can improve your chances of landing a job by validating your business intelligence knowledge and abilities.
    • Other options include: Data analytics certificate and training from Google, Business analysis online training courses from LinkedIn, Certification for business analyst from Microsoft, and more.

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline

    Determine your schedule before you start learning to become a business intelligence analyst. Some people might aim to transition into this field as quickly as possible, while others would choose to do so more gradually. Knowing your optimum timeframe will allow you to begin studying in a format that suits your needs more aptly.

    • Start Learning in a Format That Suits You

    There are various formats in which you can learn and acquire the necessary skills needed to become a business intelligence analyst such as traditional classroom-based instruction format, Online courses, and self-learning, or you can combine any of these to master your proficiency further.

    While choosing a format for learning, consider your individual requirements, circumstances, and a more suitable and comfortable approach so that you can give your best without any hindrances in your learning process.

    • How Long Does It Take to Become a Business Intelligence Analyst?

    There are a number of elements that can affect the length of your journey to becoming a business intelligence analyst such as your educational qualification, work experience, and the amount of time you are willing to devote to the learning process. Usually, otherwise, it takes around six months to two years for mastering the necessary skills for this vocation.

    You could be ready to jump into a Business Intelligence Analyst career more quickly if you already hold a certification in a relevant discipline and have some professional experience. On the flip side, if you are starting from scratch, it might need you to spend much more time gaining the necessary skills and knowledge. In the end, the answer for how long it takes you to become a business intelligence analyst entirely depends on your individual circumstances and the amount of work and dedication you are putting in to become a business intelligence analyst. 

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio/Resume

    Once you acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and certification for becoming a business intelligence analyst, you should start building your resume/portfolio to attract employers. You can distinguish yourself from other job seekers and show prospective employers your knowledge and skills with a strong portfolio or resume.

    You should build a comprehensive portfolio that includes all the projects you have executed successfully and highlights your expertise in data analysis, visualization, and other necessary skills in business intelligence analysis.

    You can build dashboards and visualisations, as well as present the data models you've created. Be sure to draw attention to your involvement in each task and the outcomes obtained.

    Be sure to list any pertinent education, credentials, and professional experience on your resume. To emphasise any experience you may have with data analysis or business intelligence, list your major responsibilities and achievements from previous positions in bullet points.

    One thing you should always keep in mind is, always tailor your resume/portfolio in a way it meets the requirements of the job you are applying for in order to show that you have done your homework before attending the interview.

    • Portfolio Example or Resume Template for Download:

    Below are a few examples of how you should build a more attractive and to-the-point portfolio for yourself.

    1. Business Analyst Resume Template
    2. Portfolio - Harrison Jansma
    3. Portfolio - Cloudia Ten Hoop
    4. Portfolio- Naledi Hollbruegge

    Step 4: Where and How to Find a Job

    Once you have acquired all the necessary skills and completed building your resume or portfolio to work as a business intelligence analyst, it is time to start looking for job opportunities.

    Following are some suggestions as to where and how to find job openings:

    Make sure to go through the career pages of specific company websites in addition to job forums like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn while looking for employment opportunities. In order to find leads for jobs and establish connections, building networks with industry experts can also be beneficial.

    • Top Companies Hiring Business Intelligence Analysts

    There are many top players in the market who are always on the hunt for business intelligence analysts such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Netflix, Uber, and IBM. Moreover, you will find many small and medium-sized businesses looking for business analysts as well.

    • Job Outlook for Business Intelligence Analyst

    According to the Labor Statistics, the employment outlook for business intelligence analysts is significant, with an estimated growth rate of 11%. As more and more businesses are turning towards data analytics more improving business decision-making, the demand for professionals with skills and knowledge of data analytics and business intelligence is anticipated to grow further.

    Sometimes it can take longer time and effort to find a business intelligence analyst job opportunity, but if you have the qualifications needed and the right strategy, you can bag a job with ease and build a promising and successful career.

    Step 5: Ace the Interview

    The next step after submitting a job application is to get ready for and nail the interview. Here is a quick rundown of the interview procedure and some pointers to improve your chances of success:

    • Interview Process

    A series of conversations with HR reps, hiring management teams, and other members of the team will often be part of the business intelligence analyst interview process; however, it may differ based on the organisation and the particular post. A skills evaluation or work samples can also be required.

    You may anticipate being questioned on a wide range of topics relating to your experience, abilities, and qualifications throughout the interview. You can be asked to talk about particular projects you've worked on, your knowledge of tools and software for data analysis, and how you approach addressing problems. Be prepared to go into detail about your skills and expertise and to highlight any pertinent projects or accomplishments.

    • Tips for Acing the Interview

    It is very crucial to prepare for the interview properly in advance if you want to bag the job opportunity successfully. Here are some suggestions to help you land your job with the right strategy:

    1. Learn about the company and the Role: Spend some time finding out about the organisation and the particular position you are looking for by conducting research on both. It will help you tailor your answers and express your interest in the job you are being interviewed for.
    2. Practice answering some common interview questions: Prepare your answers in advance by researching typical business intelligence analyst interview questions. Where to find the common Business Intelligence Analyst questions and answers?
    3. Highlight your skills and expertise: Put together a comprehensive discussion of your abilities and experience, along with concrete examples of projects or accomplishments that highlight your knowledge.
    4. Highlight your passion: During the interview, let your passion for the area of Business Intelligence come through. Demonstrate your excitement for the job and your readiness to learn and grow in it.

    Remember that the interview is a perfect chance to show your skills and expertise and why you are the most suitable applicant. You can nail the interview and land your ideal job as a Business Intelligence Analyst with appropriate planning and strategy.

    Who can become a Business Intelligence Analyst?

    A profession as a Business Intelligence Analyst is ideal for people who enjoy data analysis and want to assist businesses in making data-driven decisions. If you're thinking about how do I become a Business Intelligence Analyst, let me tell you that nobody has a magic formula. However, having a passion for data analysis as well as certain skills and qualifications can help you succeed in the field.

    Business Intelligence Analyst Requirements

    The most basic necessities for becoming a Business Intelligence Analyst are as follows:

    1. Education: Qualification in computer science, business intelligence, or data analytics is needed to become a business intelligence analyst. However, with appropriate job experience or certifications, it is possible to get into the field.
    2. Technical skills: Data analysis software, programming languages, and tools such as Python, R, Tableau, SPL, and QlikView are required for Business Intelligence Analysts. A solid grasp of database design and data modelling is also required.
    3. Soft skills: Soft skills that are necessary and can help you with executing projects seamlessly such as communication skills, critical thinking capability, problem-solving abilities, and project management abilities are also required to become a business intelligence analyst.
    4. Certifications: There are various qualifications available to assist you further your career as a Business Intelligence Analyst., such as KnowledgeHut’s Business Intelligence and Visualization training and certification.

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    Benefits of a Business Intelligence Career

    Business intelligence analysts play a key role in business decision-making. They give insights into business operations, discover patterns, and uncover potential for growth by analysing and interpreting data. As a result, Business Intelligence Analysts are in great demand across sectors, making it a profitable and satisfying career path.

    What's the Demand for Business Intelligence Analysts?

    Demand for Business Intelligence Analysts is expected to raise at an 11 per cent annual pace, substantially greater than the average for all jobs. The demand for business intelligence analysts is really high in sectors such as healthcare, banking, and technology, where data plays a key role in decision-making. 

    Salary Details for Top 5 Countries

    Business Intelligence Analyst salaries might vary depending on region, experience, and industry. Below is the average annual salary a business intelligence analyst can earn in the top five countries.

    1. USA: In the USA, the average annual salary of a Business Intelligence Analyst is around $85,000.
    2. Canada: In Canada, the typical yearly compensation C$75,000.
    3. UK: In the UK, the average annual salary of a Business Intelligence Analyst is around £41,000.
    4. Germany: In Germany, the average yearly income for a Business Intelligence Analyst is roughly €58,000.
    5. India: A Business Intelligence Analyst's average annual compensation in India is roughly ₹750,000.

    A job as a Business Intelligence Analyst may be financially rewarding, with several prospects for growth and promotion.


    If you like working with data and have a strong desire to solve business problems, being a Business Intelligence Analyst can be a rewarding career path for you. You can become a successful Business Intelligence Analyst if you acquire the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience.

    In this article, we've provided a step-by-step approach on how to be Business Intelligence Analyst, including developing the necessary skills, calculating your optimum timeframe, building your portfolio, discovering career possibilities, and acing the interview process. By following these steps and remaining current on industry developments and technology, you may be a highly qualified Business Intelligence expert.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are some common tools used by business intelligence analysts?

    Some of the most common tools used by business intelligence analysts to deliver data-driven analytics and reports include QlickView, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Zoho Analytic, QlickSense, SAP Business Objects, Oracle BI, and many others

    2What are the career prospects for a business intelligence analyst?

    Business intelligence analysts can explore various career paths in analytical roles such as data analyst, data scientist, BI developer, BI consultant, BI manager, BI architect, and many other positions.

    3What industries hire business intelligence analysts?

    Today every industry is looking to hire BI analysts due to rising demands of personalized consumerism and data-driven decision making. However, business intelligence analysts are in high demand in industries like healthcare, finance, digital marketing, automotive, manufacturing, retail & e-commerce, and many others where data plays a key role.


    Utpal Kar

    Blog Author

    Utpal Kar, a seasoned Corporate Trainer, excels in conducting training programs encompassing Advanced Excel, Power BI, Python, SQL Server, and Unix/Linux technologies. Notably, he holds a Python Certification from LinkedIn, showcasing his proficiency in the domain. Currently serving as a Corporate Trainer at Innovative Technology Solutions, Utpal specializes in Python, VBA Macro, Advance Excel, Power BI, and PostgreSQL, along with a breadth of other languages like .Net and Java. Prior to this role, he made significant contributions at NIIT Ltd., providing technical support and solutions to Franchisee Centres. With over 4 years at Innovative Technology Solutions, Utpal remains dedicated to enhancing skill sets and driving performance for professionals across various industries.

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