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ECBA Certification Cost Across Countries

17th Jan, 2024
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    ECBA Certification Cost Across Countries

    A certification in professional business analysis is one of the finest strategies for aspiring business analysts. It helps to strengthen their application for open opportunities. There is no formal educational requirement for the profile. However, earning a legitimate certification might assist in enhancing the abilities and emphasizing the business analysis expertise. ECBA certification will help you become a proficient business analyst and demonstrate core knowledge in the field of business analysis.

    What is ECBA Certification?

    The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) offers ECBA as its entry-level business analyst certification. The fundamentals of conducting business analysis are covered by ECBA certification. This is a beginner-level business analyst qualification. You can demonstrate that you are knowledgeable by earning a certificate from the IIBA, a recognized authority in business analysis.

    ECBA Certification Cost

    The ECBA certification cost differs in different countries, so first, look at the basic costs like application and exam fees. But it's important to know the IIBA ECBA certification cost.

    IIBA Member
    Non-IIBA Member
    ECBA Application Fee
    USD 45
    USD 45
    ECBA Fees for Exam
    USD 305
    IIBM Membership Fee
    USD 250 to 334
    USD 305

    ECBA Region-wise Certification Cost

    The entry certificate in business analysis ECBA cost comprises three fees: the application price, the exam fee, and the membership fee. The membership price is voluntary and may fluctuate depending on where you live. Hence, IIBM makes three regions by grouping the different countries. You will also get the ECBA certification cost in India below:

    Region 1: Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Italy, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Norway etc.

    Region 2: Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Turkey, South Africa, Argentina, China, Colombia, Greece, Portugal etc.

    Region 3: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Argentina, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Kenya, etc.

    Region 1
    Region 2
    Region 3
    USD 139
    USD 89
    USD 55
    USD 45
    USD 45
    USD 45
    Exam fees for members
    USD 150
    USD 150
    USD 150
    Exam fees for non-members
    USD 305
    USD 305
    USD 305
    Exam fees for corporate members
    USD 105
    USD 105
    USD 105

    ECBA Exam Retake Fee

    The ECBA certification exam retake cost is different for IIBM members and non-members:

    • Members: USD 95
    • Non-members: USD 250 

    Why Should you Go for ECBA Certification?

    Any business professional would benefit from having the Entry Certificate in Business Analysis qualification. Your proficiency in these areas demonstrates your readiness to excel in the commercial world. Thanks to this widely recognized business credential, you will distinguish yourself from the competition. This certification is also an excellent approach to advancing your profession. The top three reasons you should go for ECBA certification.

    It Demonstrates That You Have Essential Knowledge: A certificate can prove your dedication, love for studying, and foundational understanding of business analysis. There may be a training opportunity for some entry-level positions. However, you will stand out if you already understand business analysis.

    It Increases Your Marketing Value: A certificate can boost marketability by demonstrating your accomplishments and expertise in the sector's tools and methodologies to potential employers. In addition, the ECBA certificate may further prove your qualifications beyond a degree. Your certification demonstrates that you have attained the required level of expertise and are familiar with the primary standards. Also, opting for Business Management courses online will aid you apply risk management techniques to tackle unforeseen challenges.

    High Demand Across Industries

    Any sector needs a business analyst since they must use the data to ensure the business operations are working correctly. The position's basic responsibilities remain no matter what industry a business analyst works in. However, the duties change depending on the teams and projects they work on. Check the role and salaries of Business analysts in different sectors. 


    One of the responsibilities of a retail business analyst is to undertake quantitative and qualitative evaluations of customer behavior, retail trends, etc. The position entails aiding in the creation of programs that support company timelines.

    Average Salary:  $71,563


    They collect, verify, and document business needs. Furthermore, analyze business process models to find areas for process improvement. Finally, a business analyst defines business implications and presents current and new solutions' difficulties, dangers, and advantages. 

    Average Salary: $78,462


    The main responsibility of a financial business analyst is to increase a company's profitability through analysis of its financials and business strategy. You'll be responsible for reviewing the organization's finances, giving suggestions, and improving workflow and efficiency. 

    Average Salary: $77,497


    Within the aviation flight crew sector, they are in charge of organizing, leading, and supervising the study of highly complex business problems. They handled the issues using automated systems across functions and business domains. 

    Average Salary: $74,028


    Business analysts of the Healthcare sector conduct organizational studies and assessments. They create systems and processes besides performing job simplification and computation studies. The analyst also prepares operations and procedures manuals to help management operate more successfully and efficiently. 

    Average Salary: $73,076


    For business analysts, the goal should be the maximization of the organization's value for its stakeholders. Business analysts develop strategies, set objectives, and enhance business procedures, technologies, and systems. They operate at all organizational levels. 

    Average Salary: $70,351

    Who Should Attend ECBA Course?

    Those who are interested in succeeding in the field of business data analysis should take an ECBA course. It should be attended by the following professionals:

    • Who are fresh out of business analysis school and want to pursue this entry-level certification.
    • Functional managers that are tasked for overseeing a business analyst's operations. 
    • Those who wish to quickly understand the fundamentals of business data analysis in order to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for a career in business analysis.
    • ·IT Professionals
    • Sales Professionals
    • Data Analytics Beginners
    • Marketing Managers
    • Project Managers
    • Banking and Finance Professionals


    The BA Guide strongly endorses the ECBA as a qualification for prospective and newly certified business analysts. It helps strengthen the understanding of important BA ideas and procedures. It demonstrates to employers that you fully comprehend the standards necessary to be a successful Business Analyst. ECBA provides an advantage over competitors who do not hold a certification. Here, KnowledgeHut ECBA certification will help you master the core terminologies and practices of the business. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is ECBA certification hard?

    Exams at the ECBA follow a similar format to other competitive exams. Taking the exam confidently will only be possible if you practice for actual exams, such as simulators and sample questions. You must have adequate resources, practice exams, and simulators on BABoK to pass the exam.

    2How long does it take to study for ECBA?

    If you are fully committed to pursuing the ECBA certification, it takes six weeks to prepare.

    3How many times can I take ECBA?

    It's also common knowledge that passing the exam requires passing both the comprehensive test and each knowledge subject. After submitting your original application, you may retake the exam up to two more times within the following year by paying the rewrite expenses.


    Mansoor Mohammed

    Business Agility Expert

    Mansoor Mohammed is a dynamic and energetic Enterprise Agile Coach, P3M & PMO Consultant, Trainer, Mentor, and Practitioner with over 20 years of experience in Strategy Execution and Business Agility. With a background in Avionics, Financial Services, Banking, Telecommunications, Retail, and Digital, Mansoor has led global infrastructure and software development teams, launched innovative products, and enabled Organizational Change Management. As a results-driven leader, he excels in collaborating, adapting, and driving partnerships with stakeholders at all levels. With expertise in Change Management, Transformation, Lean, Agile, and Organizational Design, Mansoor is passionate about aligning strategic goals and delivering creative solutions for successful business outcomes. Connect with him to explore change, Agile Governance, implementation delivery, and the future of work.

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