HomeBlogData ScienceHighest Paying Data Analyst Jobs in United States in 2024

Highest Paying Data Analyst Jobs in United States in 2024

27th Dec, 2023
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    Highest Paying Data Analyst Jobs in United States in 2024

    Not very surprisingly, the amount of data used and shared between networks is infinite. This has led to data analysis being a vital element of most businesses. Data analysts are professionals who manage and analyze data that give insight into business goals and help align them. More than 2 quintillion data is being produced every day, creating a demand for data analyst professions. The openings for entry-level data analyst jobs are surging rapidly across domains like finance, business intelligence, Economy services, and so on, and the US is no exception. Data analyst experts can also enjoy the luxury of working remotely for top recruiters in the US at considerably high pay scales. 

    What is Data Analysis?

    Data analysis, by definition, refers to collecting data and transforming it into beneficial forms. Though data analysis seems simple and can be defined in one line, it involves several steps and technical processes. Data analysis starts with identifying prospectively benefiting data, collecting them, and analyzing their insights. Further, data analysts tend to transform this customer-driven data into forms that are insightful for business decision-making processes. 

    Data analysis comprises the following elements: 

    • Data collection 
    • Data screening 
    • Data analysis and inspection 
    • Interpretation and visualization 
    • Data management for future usage. 

    Most businesses offering data analyst jobs for freshers are looking to achieve at least one out of the following things from data analysis,

    • Knowing Target Audience

    Data analysts help comprehend what the business’s target audience like, dislikes, and expects from the brand. Analysts also gather data like how a specific product/service performs among the target audience, insights into appropriately pricing the products, etc. As a result, businesses enjoy the benefits of being a customer-oriented brand. 

    • Problem-solving

    Even entry-level remote data analyst jobs require employees to have impeccable problem-solving skills. Analysts also have to examine available data and use it to solve any business queries, which helps make informed decisions. 

    • Minimize operational expenses

    While data analysis may often be associated with the collection, examination, and management of informational data, it also targets minimizing business operational costs as one of the significant milestones. The extraction of valuable data must give awareness about vulnerable areas that need to be improved. 

    Who is Data Analyst?

    A data analyst is a professional who works on live data within a business network. Data analysts operate to gather and collect informational data. Such data needs to be examined and processed in a way that they are useful in solving a business problem. 

    Data analysis is a broad domain and is not limited to a general data analyst job profile. Here are some most popular data analyst types (based on the industry), 

    • Business analyst 
    • Healthcare analyst 
    • Market research analyst 
    • Intelligence analyst 
    • Operations research analyst. 

    Most remote data analyst jobs require fulfilling several responsibilities. Some of the most significant ones are: 

    • Mining data: Data mining is an essential skill expected from potential candidates. Mining data includes collecting data from both primary and secondary sources. 
    • Data organization: Organizing data includes converting the raw data into meaningful and beneficial forms. 
    • Data interpretation: Interpreting data is the first significant step toward final data analysis. Data interpretation requires adept knowledge of statistics and technical usage of these stat tools to get vital data insights. Results from the interpretation must aim to answer business concerns or help make significant decisions. 
    • Presentation: Data analysts must also be capable of effectively delivering these results and impressions to other team members or even stakeholders. Presentation must usually be done via visual representations like graphs and charts. However, appropriate communication is equally necessary at this stage. That is why even entry-level data analyst jobs remote demand excellent communication skills. 

    How to Get into a Data Analyst Job Role?

    As the demand for remote data analyst jobs entry level is surging rapidly, it is pretty natural to feel inclined towards this particular field. You have to begin by equipping yourself with the necessary skill set and begin an effective job search to get there. So, here is a step-wise guide on how to get a data analyst job in the US, 

    1. Start by enrolling in a course

    Suppose you are new to the world of data analysis or switching your career from a related/unrelated field. In that case, the first step is to understand the basics of data handling and analysis. Most people may not have a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in data analysis. You can still learn from Data Science courses as it gives a broader view of the subject. It is preferable to choose online courses that offer hands-on training in data handling and analysis. This will give you the perk of experiencing practical working with data rather than just theories. 

    2. Master the skills

    As you start, you will come across various junior data analyst jobs remote, which again demand having some basic data analysis skills. Apart from the technical skills, recruiters look for personal traits and behavioral skills required to manage the work. Some vital skills you can master include, 

    • Communication and networking, 
    • Critical Thinking ability, 
    • Problem-solving, 
    • Numerical skills, 
    • Leadership 

    3. Consider taking a certification or advanced degree

    Being a certified data analyst gives you an edge in grabbing high-paying remote entry level data analyst jobs. It is always better to choose certifications that are globally recognized and build skills like data cleansing, data visualization, and so on. You can attend any Data Analyst Bootcamp Certification in USA to grab knowledge and an accreditation simultaneously to ace advanced-level job interviews. 

    4. Prospective job search

    Once you develop the knowledge and skills of data analysis, set down to hunt for the best jobs around you. Fortunately, data analysts can enjoy working from home in remote conditions. Ensure that you first start by hunting remote entry level data analyst jobs to acquire a minimum on-site work experience and then switch to an intermediate or expert level position. 

    Required Skills for Data Analyst Jobs in USA

    The number of entry level data analyst jobs in the USA is estimated to rise in the next five years significantly. So, does the number of candidates competing for the role. To prepare to compete in such a scenario, the first step is to master the required skills in the field of data analysis. We have curated the top five skills recruiters look for in data analysts. They are: 

    1. Microsoft Excel

    As an entry-level data analyst, you will be looking for smaller data sets or quick analysis/reupdates. In such cases, Microsoft Excel is the preferred choice for data analysis. Excel has a wide range of tools apart from being a spreadsheet, like an index match, conditional formatting, and so on. So, it is the first skill to master to grab entry-level data analyst jobs. 

    2. Data Visualization

    As already mentioned, data analyst jobs are not limited to collecting and analyzing data but also delivering insights. Thus, data visualization is the most sought-after skill. Communicating your data insights via visual charts, graphs, and pictures is vital. Keeping your audience engaged while presenting the data interpretation is necessary, which you must master using tools like heat maps, chart blocks, Fusioncharts, etc. 

    3. Data cleansing

    Data cleansing is an important stage in data analysis as it involves filtering out unwanted or incorrect data. Data cleaning is an essential skill because managing uncleaned data can be time and resource-consuming. Large raw data can often be mislabeled, which can lead to other complications with data handling. Thus, data cleansing simplifies avoiding the usage of corrupt or incorrect databases. 

    4. SQL

    SQL stands for Structured Query Language. All of the remote junior data analyst jobs require the usage of SQL, as it is the standard language to operate with databases. It is an upgrade to your excel skills since Microsoft excel cannot deal with huge databases. Yet, SQL is easy to learn and master. Mastering SQL allows you to update and modify data structures and queries in a relatively larger data set. 

    5. Programming

    Knowing programming languages assists in handling databases. A programming language refers to a set of unique instructions aimed to give a desired output. There are several programming languages specific to data science, like Python, Scala, JavaScript, etc. Learning Data Science with Python training can give access to all levels of data analyst jobs, as python is the most commonly used data science language. 

    Tools for Data Analyst Jobs

    With vast amounts of data available today, data analytics is evolving. This has made it necessary to use advanced data analysis tools that can save time and resources in handling data sets. Data analyst jobs from home demand the usage of analytic tools to get insightful interpretations. Here is a list of the most commonly used tools and platforms, 

    1. Microsoft Power BI

    It is commercial software that covers all aspects of data analysis- from prediction to interpretation and visualization. Microsoft BI is one of the best tools used for data visualization by allowing the creation of engaging graphs and visual reports. Recent upgrades in BI now allow data to be securely handled and managed across various platforms, making it a valuable tool for data analysts. 

    2. Sisense

    Sisense is another business intelligence software used to gather and organize data from a different set of sources. Sisense also allows data visualization by creating charts and generating a smart analysis with the fed data. It also helps monitor key performance indicators and unify data from multiple data sources. Knowing how to use Sisense plays a vital role in improving productivity while managing data. 

    3. SAP BusinessObjects

    SAP BusinessObjects operates as a web-based data analytics software and allows reporting of data insights. Essential components of SAP BusinessObjects include data reporting, data discovery, administration, visualization, and dashboard building. Various fortune companies like Apple (Ireland) operate their data management using this tool, making it one of the most predominantly used analytics tools.

    4. Jupyter Notebook

    Data analyst jobs entry level remote use Jupyter Notebook to organize and compile various data aspects at a single point. This tool is commonly used in instances where large databases must be filtered and analyzed. It is a web-based live analytics tool. It is commonly deployed due to its versatile language support system. Jupyter Notebook supports various programming languages like Python, Scala, etc. 

    5. ThoughtSpot

    ThoughtSpot is, again, an AI-oriented data analytics tool. It is dominant in use and widely accepted by various organizations as it generates quick and vital insights of billions and billions of data. ThoughtSpot provides answers to data questions and also allows downloading these answers. Like most other tools, ThoughtSpot also allows sourcing data from different sources and unifies them to enhance accessibility. 

    6. TIBCO Spotfire

    Spotfire is another commonly used data analytics tool. It is easy to learn and master Spotfire as this interface is user-friendly. Spotfire focuses more on data visualization. It operates on plotting engaging maps during visualization. This tool is best for beginners and entry-level candidates from a non-analytic background.

    7. SAS Business Intelligence

    SAS is an integrated data analytic software. It is a data analytics and predictive tool and is often used for advanced data interpretation. SAS allows data prediction and presentation from scratch and has features that allow data mining, forecasting, and data statistics via visualization tools and a graphical interface. 

    8. Tableau

    Tableau is a leading data analytics tool. It focuses on data prediction, analysis, and interpretation of live data sets. It is simple to use but provides a versatile range of options to extract valuable data information and has an excellent speed rate to generate engaging visualizations. Due to its simplistic design and easy user interface, most work at home data analyst jobs involve the usage of Tableau. 

    9. Qlik

    Qlik is a self-service data analytics software that provides various unique features to enhance productivity. Top companies like Samsung, CISCO, etc., use QlikView in their data analytics space. It gives access to features like data literacy, integration, and so on. 

    10. Excel

    Excel is a predominantly used spreadsheet tool for data storage and analysis. Though excel does not consist advanced features, it is still the world’s top-rated spreadsheet software. Most data analysts and business organizations work with excel in at least some phase of the entire data analysis process. Usage of excel is inevitable as it provides basic features to sort data and tabulate it. 

    Top Companies Hiring for Data Analysts in the US

    When it comes to landing the best data analyst jobs, it is also necessary to consider choosing companies that offer competitive salaries and professional growth. Luckily, most fortune companies and top recruiters have openings for data analyst professionals. Part time data analyst jobs pay you slightly less. Here is a list of the top ten companies hiring for data analysts and what they offer - 


    Bloomberg L.P.




    JPMorgan Chase & Co






    Capital One 


    Kaiser Permanente




    Wells Fargo 


    Bank of America


    Top Industries Hiring for Data Analysts Job Roles

    According to a recent estimate, more than 3 lakh job openings exist for data analysts in the United States. Entry level data analyst jobs are easy to access as several industries hire data analysts offering various positions. Here is a list of the top five industries in the US that are looking for data analysts, 

    1. Business intelligence

    Business intelligence is a relatively new field (launched in the 1990s). Since business intelligence operates on customer-driven data to increase sales, it is inevitable to avoid data analytics in this field. Organizations within business intelligence offer a wide range of data analyst positions like customer data analyst, marketing data analyst, data engineer, and so on. 

    There are currently nearly 35,000 business intelligence analyst job openings in the US, with an average salary offer of $65,000 per year. 

    2. Finance

    The finance industry always requires data and more data, which also raises the need for data analysis and interpretation. Finance companies like PayPal, Barclays, etc., hire expert finance data analysts often. The role of finance analysts involves majorly building algorithm-based protection systems. 

    There are more than 40,000 finance analyst jobs in the US, offering an annual pay of $64,000. 

    3. Sharing economy services

    Sharing economy services like Uber and eBay are highly customer-driven and require data analysts to provide them with beneficial customer data. Such data helps them make the pricing right and produce goods/services which have a demand in the market. 

    In the US, you can find a considerable number of part time data analyst jobs remote in this sector. The average annual pay ranges from $70,000 (entry-level/ to $91,000. 

    4. Healthcare

    Healthcare is an industry that cannot operate effectively without data insights. Client data like health status, disease rates, etc., help healthcare organizations to align their services like teletherapy, doctor-on-call, and so on. Thus, the top healthcare service providers like Humana, CarePatners, etc., in the US are offering entry level healthcare data analyst jobs. The average annual salary of healthcare data analysts is $70,000. 

    5. Entertainment

    The entertainment industry is rapidly growing with digitalization. With the growth of digital entertainment platforms like Netflix and Hulu, the need for data analysts has also surged. Data analysts in this domain are required so that such platforms can be more audience-oriented and enhance user experience. Entertainment data analysts can make nearly $1,07,000 annually. 

    Top City-based Data Analyst Job Openings

    While you hunt for data analyst jobs in United States, various factors decide the pay scale and can affect your decision. Though data analysts are required across almost all domains in the US, job profiles and salary slabs may vary due to area of location- which can be the city or state, cost of living there, and so on. So, to make it easier, we have curated a list of top cities with hundreds of openings for data analyst jobs and what they offer - 


    New York










    Certification Helpful to Get a Data Analyst Job in the US

    To make a career in data analysis and have better access to high-paying data analyst jobs in the US, it is better to have some accreditations. Here is a list of globally-recognized data analyst certifications that top recruiters look for, 

    1. IBM Professional certificate

    This is an online certification course with a duration of 11 months. It comprises classes on vital analytics tools like SQL, python, excel, and so on. Basic requirements include passing high school with good scores and knowledge in math and computer. The course cost is $234. 

    2. Google Data Analytics Certificate

    Data analytics professional certification has a course duration of six months. It gives a productive overview of data analysis and visualization, crafted just for beginners in this field. There are no requirements to join this certification program. This certification costs around $98. 

    3. Power BI Data analyst certificate (By Microsoft)

    This certification program aims to cover all aspects of data analysis under business intelligence. This data analyst certification by Microsoft is crafted for intermediate or expert-level data analysts with prior knowledge about data repositories. Requirements to enroll in this program include having passed the Exam PL-300 with a score of 700 (minimum). This certification costs around $165. 

    Are Data Analyst Jobs in Demand in the US?

    When you search for entry level data analyst jobs near me, you will find more than 3 lakh openings currently across cities in the states. Data analytics is a booming career domain across the world, especially in countries like the US. The data analytics market is estimated to achieve a market size of 329 Billion USD in the coming years. The market revenue is expected to surge to $655 billion by 2029. Thus, data analysts are highly in demand in the US to meet the growing market needs. 


    The rise of data analyst jobs in the US is increasing rapidly due to the fact that it is accessible to beginners without much knowledge in the field. Fortunately, various fortune companies offer all levels of data analyst jobs with a competitive salary package and other advantages like remote work settings. If you are looking to make a career in data analytics and enjoy the luxury of a high-paying and growing job, start by equipping your knowledge and upskilling today!

    Data Analyst Jobs FAQs

    1Which job search portals are best for Data Analysts in the US?

    The best job search portals for data analyst jobs in the US include LinkedIn, Monster, DataJobs, and MachineHack.

    2What are the major selection criteria for a Data Analyst in a FAANG/MAANG company?

    Important selection criteria for data analysts include technical knowledge, data management and visualization skills, certifications, previous work experience, knowledge of programming languages, etc. 

    3In order to get shortlisted at US companies, what should a data analyst include on their resume?

    You can include vital skills like networking, leadership, communication, and technical skills like SQL, Programming, and Data visualization. Adding certifications can also help stand out among the crowd.

    4In America, can anybody become a Data Analyst?

    Yes. Without any basic knowledge of data analysis, one can become an entry-level data analyst with adequate training. 

    5Is the Data Analyst well-paid in the US?

    Yes. Data analysts are in demand in the US across various industries. Thus, they are well-paid and get an average annual salary of data analysts ranges near $72,300. 

    6Do Data Analysts have a future in the US?

    Yes. As the digital world is growing, organizations get access to loads of data that must be interpreted and beneficially used by data analysts. 

    7Which is the best place to learn Data Analytics in the United States?

    If you are looking for a degree in data analytics in the US, top universities like the University of Chicago, Cornell University, etc., are the best choices. Alternatively, you can also earn US-based certifications in data analytics via CareerFoundry Data Analytics Program or take up a Harvard University Business Analytics Course. 


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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