HomeBlogAgileMajor Differences Between Design Thinking vs Agile

Major Differences Between Design Thinking vs Agile

19th Feb, 2024
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    Major Differences Between Design Thinking vs Agile

    Design Thinking and Agile are two popular approaches used in problem-solving and product development. They both focus on creating better solutions, but they have different methods and goals. Design Thinking and Agile manifesto are the same when getting user feedback.

    Design Thinking is a human-centered approach where problem-solving and innovation is given the utmost priority. It places people at the core of the process, recognizing that understanding their needs, desires, and experiences is crucial for creating meaningful solutions.

    Design thinking is often applied before the implementation of an agile process. It serves as a problem-solving and innovation methodology that helps define and understand the user's needs, generate ideas, and develop a deep understanding of the problem space. Hence Design thinking is required before Agile.

    Agile methodology is an iterative and incremental approach to project management and software development. It focuses on adaptability to change, collaboration, and continuous improvement. The Agile methodology prioritizes customer satisfaction and continuous improvement and aims at delivering high quality products. To gain a deeper understanding and enhance your skills in Agile, it is recommended to undergo the best Agile Training available.

    Following is a comparison of various aspects of Design Thinking vs Agile

    ParameterDesign ThinkingAgile
    DefinitionsUnderstanding user needs, problem-framing, innovationIterative software development, project management
    ProcessNon-linear, iterativeIterative, time-boxed sprints
    User Involvementdirect engagement with users through interviews, observations, and research methodsUser involvement through collaboration and feedback
    OutputFocused on understanding users, generating ideas, and creating prototypeOutputs center around delivering functional increments of a product and incorporating feedback
    PrototypingBuild prototypes for testing and validationDevelop working increments of the solution
    Risk InvolvementInvolves risk and embraces the potential of failureManages risks in iterative software development.
    User FeedbackUnderstanding user needs and pain pointsEmphasizes user feedback in development Adaptable to changing requirements
    Team StructureCross-functional collaboration, multidisciplinary teamsCollaborative, self-organizing teams

    Difference Between Design Thinking and Agile

    Design thinking and Agile are two popular approaches to project management and problem-solving. While design thinking focuses on user-centered innovation and empathy, Agile emphasizes iterative development and adaptive teamwork for efficient product delivery. Let’s find out more about the differences in the following sections:  

    Design Thinking vs Agile: Definitions

    Design Thinking and Agile are two distinct approaches with their own definitions and methodologies. Here are their definitions: 

    Design Thinking: Design thinking focuses on human-centric approaches. It involves understanding users' needs, defining the problem, generating ideas, prototyping, and testing to develop innovative solutions. Design Thinking keeps the users' needs and preferences at the center of the design process. The primary focus is on teamwork, innovative ideas, and a deep understanding of user emotions and motivations. By undertaking a Design Thinking course teams can greatly enhance their ability to solve problems in a user-centric and iterative manner.

    Agile: The Agile methodology emphasizes responding to change rather than strictly following a pre-defined plan. It emphasizes adaptive planning, self-organizing teams, regular feedback, and iterative development, enabling quick response to evolve requirements and delivering value to stakeholders. It encourages constant learning and improvement through retrospectives, where teams reflect on their work and identify ways to enhance their processes.

    Design Thinking vs Agile: Process

    Is Design Thinking and Agile manifesto same? While they have some similarities, they have distinct differences in their process and focus. Here are some key differences between design thinking and agile:

    Design Thinking Process:

    • Empathize: This phase involves understanding the needs, desires, and pain points of the users or customers through research, interviews, and observation. It aims to develop empathy for the target audience.
    • Define: In this phase, the insights gained from the empathy phase are synthesized to define the core problem or challenge that needs to be addressed. The team frames a clear problem statement that guides the subsequent steps.
    • Ideate: The ideation phase involves brainstorming and generating a wide range of ideas to solve the defined problem. The focus is on quantity and divergent thinking to encourage creative solutions.
    • Prototype: The ideas generated in the previous phase are translated into tangible representations, such as physical prototypes, mock-ups, or even role-plays. These prototypes are used to gather feedback and test assumptions.
    • Test: The prototypes are tested with the users or stakeholders to collect feedback and validate the proposed solutions. The insights gained from testing are used to refine the design and iterate on the solutions.

    Agile Process:

    • Product Backlog: The Agile process starts with creating a product backlog, which is a prioritized list of features, functionalities, and user stories that need to be developed.
    • Sprint Planning: The team selects a set of items from the product backlog for the upcoming sprint. They define the goals, tasks, and timelines for the sprint.
    • Sprint Execution: The development team works on the selected items from the product backlog, following short iterations known as sprints. They collaborate closely, build and test the features, and aim to deliver a potentially shippable increment of the product at the end of each sprint.
    • Daily Stand-up: The team holds daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and plan the work for the day. This fosters communication, transparency, and coordination among team members.
    • Sprint Review: At the end of each sprint, a review meeting is held to demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders and gather feedback. This feedback informs the next steps and potentially adjusts the product backlog.
    • Sprint Retrospective: The team reflects on the completed sprint, discusses what went well and what could be improved, and identifies actions for continuous improvement in subsequent sprints.

    Design Thinking vs Agile: User Involvement

    Agile and Design Thinking are same when it comes to user involvement.

    In both Design Thinking and Agile, user involvement is a crucial aspect, but they approach it from slightly different perspectives:

    Design Thinking prioritizes user involvement by empathizing with their needs, motivations, and pain points. It involves direct engagement with users through interviews, observations, and research methods. User feedback is continually sought, especially during testing with prototypes, to deeply understand their needs and create tailored solutions.

    Agile emphasizes user involvement through collaboration and feedback during development. Agile teams closely work with product owners, stakeholders, and end-users to gather requirements and receive feedback. User involvement is facilitated through ceremonies like sprint reviews and demonstrations, where the working product increment is presented for validation and feedback. Agile's iterative nature allows user feedback to shape ongoing development.

    Design Thinking vs Agile: Output

    Design Thinking outputs:

    • User-centric artifacts: Design Thinking emphasizes understanding user needs and motivations. The outputs include user personas, empathy maps, and journey maps, which help teams develop a deep understanding of their target audience.
    • Ideation and concept artifacts: Design Thinking encourages generating a wide range of ideas. The outputs include concept sketches, brainstorming sessions, and visualization techniques to articulate and communicate potential solutions.
    • Prototypes and mock-ups: Design Thinking promotes rapid prototyping to test and iterate on ideas. The outputs include physical or digital prototypes, wireframes, and mock-ups that represent the proposed solution. These prototypes allow for user testing and feedback.

    Agile outputs:

    • Agile focuses on delivering functional and tested increments of working software within short sprints.
    • Agile teams create user stories, which are descriptions of functionality from the user's perspective. These stories contribute to a prioritized product backlog that is constantly refined based on changing priorities and user feedback.
    • Sprint deliverables: Agile divides the project into sprints. The outputs of each sprint include completed user stories and potentially shippable product increments.
    • Agile includes regular demonstrations of completed work to stakeholders and users, resulting in valuable feedback and validation. This feedback guides future iterations and ensures alignment with stakeholder expectations.
    • Agile emphasizes continuous improvement through retrospectives. These retrospectives identify areas for improvement, capture lessons learned, and generate action items to enhance team efficiency and effectiveness.

    Design Thinking vs Agile: Risk Involvement

    Design Thinking and Agile methodologies approach risk involvement in product development differently: 

    Design Thinking:

    Design Thinking involves risk and embraces the potential of failure. It promotes learning from failures and using them as opportunities for improvement. Design Thinking encourages prototyping, testing, and involving users in the feedback loop to identify and mitigate risks. The iterative nature of Design Thinking allows for adaptation based on user feedback, reducing the risk of developing a product that doesn't meet user needs.


    Agile acknowledges and manages risks in iterative software development. Short sprints allow for early risk identification and mitigation. Agile prioritizes communication, collaboration, and frequent feedback to reduce misunderstandings and clarify requirements. Continuous integration and testing practices address software bugs and quality issues. Agile embraces user and stakeholder feedback for ongoing risk resolution.

    Design Thinking vs Agile: User Feedback

    Agile and Design Thinking are same in handling user feedback.

    Design Thinking:

    User feedback is central to Design Thinking. It prioritizes understanding user needs and pain points through methods like interviews and usability testing. This feedback validates assumptions, uncovers insights, and guides the iterative design process. Design Thinking maintains a continuous feedback loop with users, ensuring their perspectives shape the final product.


    Agile methodologies emphasize user feedback in development. Agile teams engage with stakeholders and end users during sprint reviews to gather feedback on completed increments. This validates product alignment with user needs and ensures customer-centric development. Agile promotes collaboration, communication, shared understanding, and continuous improvement.

    Design Thinking vs Agile: Team Structure 

    Design Thinking and Agile methodologies have different approaches to team structure:

    Design Thinking:

    Design Thinking typically encourages cross-functional and diverse teams that bring together individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and expertise. The team composition can include designers, engineers, marketers, and other relevant stakeholders. This multidisciplinary approach fosters collaboration and creativity, enabling diverse viewpoints to contribute to problem-solving and idea generation. Design Thinking encourages a flat team structure where all members actively participate and contribute their unique expertise throughout the process.


    Agile methodologies advocate for cross-functional teams with a specific focus on software development. These teams typically include developers, testers, product owners, and other roles necessary for software delivery. They are self-organizing and collaborate to deliver product increments within short iterations. Agile emphasizes clear roles and responsibilities within the team, ensuring that each member has a defined role in contributing to the project's success. Agile training programs, like KnowledgeHut best Agile training, equip participants to drive Agile excellence within the organization.

    How are Design thinking and Agile Similar?

    There are a lot of differences between Agile and Design Thinking. But there are some similarities too. Agile and Design Thinking are the same in their approach to problem-solving and iterative development. Let's have a look.

    • User focus: Design Thinking and Agile methodologies both focus on understanding user needs. They promote user involvement throughout the development process and prioritize user feedback for proper decision-making.
    • Iterative approach: Both methodologies promote an iterative and incremental approach to development. They understand the value of feedback, learning, and adaptation in improving the final product. Both Design Thinking and Agile encourage a mindset of continuous improvement and iteration.
    • Collaboration and cross-functional teams: Both methodologies emphasize collaboration and the importance of cross-functional teams. They promote a collaborative environment by promoting varied perspectives and experiences for better problem solving.
    •  Flexibility and adaptability: The need to be flexible and adaptable to changing requirements and circumstances is encouraged in both Design Thinking and Agile recognition. They prioritize responding to feedback and embracing change to deliver valuable and user-centric solutions.

    While Design Thinking and Agile methodologies share certain similarities, it is important to note that Design Thinking is not inherently an Agile process. Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving and innovation, emphasizing empathy, collaboration, and iterative prototyping. Although Design Thinking can be applied within Agile frameworks, it is not limited to them and can be utilized independently to address various challenges across industries.

    What Should You Choose Between Design Thinking and Agile?

    When choosing between Design Thinking and Agile, it's important to consider the difference between Agile and Design Thinking. Here are some factors to consider: 

    Nature of the problem: If you're dealing with a complex, ambiguous problem that requires deep user understanding and creative exploration of solutions, Design Thinking can be a valuable approach. It helps generate insights, ideate innovative concepts, and validate ideas through user feedback.

    Development process and delivery: If you're primarily focused on software development or product delivery, Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban can be effective. Agile provides a structured framework for iterative development, continuous integration, and delivery of working software increments.

    Organizational culture and readiness: Consider your organization's culture, level of agility, and readiness for change. Design Thinking often requires a more open and collaborative culture, while Agile methodologies may require more structured project management and a willingness to embrace iterative approaches.


    In conclusion, while Design Thinking and Agile methodologies exhibit overlapping characteristics, their divergent areas of focus and application necessitate careful consideration of project needs, context, and goals. Design Thinking's emphasis on human-centricity, empathy, collaboration, and iterative prototyping makes it well-suited for complex problem-solving and fostering innovation. On the other hand, Agile's iterative development, adaptive teamwork, and efficient product delivery make it ideal for software development and project management. Ultimately, the choice between these approaches should be guided by the specific problem to be addressed, the nature of the development process, and the organizational culture. By understanding the nuances and strengths of each methodology, organizations can make informed decisions to drive successful outcomes and meet their unique objectives.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is Scrum and Design Thinking the same thing?

    Scrum and Design Thinking are distinct methodologies. Scrum is an Agile framework for project management and software development, emphasizing collaboration and iterative cycles. Design Thinking is a human-centered problem-solving and innovation methodology applicable across domains, focusing on understanding user needs and prototyping solutions.

    2Is Design Thinking or Agile or Waterfall?

    Design Thinking is a versatile methodology that can be applied in both Agile and Waterfall approaches, adapting to the specific needs and requirements of a project. It can enhance user-centricity and iterative processes in Agile projects, while also informing requirements gathering and design in waterfall projects. The decision to utilize Design Thinking with Agile or waterfall depends on project characteristics and the desired problem-solving and innovation approach.

    3What are the two types of Design Thinking?

    Design Thinking encompasses two primary types: Human-Centered Design Thinking, which focuses on understanding user needs through empathy and engagement, and Systems Thinking, which takes a holistic approach by considering the larger context and interdependencies within a system for comprehensive problem-solving.


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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