HomeBlogCloud ComputingAzure Data Engineer Resume in 2024 [Examples & Guide]

Azure Data Engineer Resume in 2024 [Examples & Guide]

22nd Dec, 2023
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    Azure Data Engineer Resume in 2024 [Examples & Guide]

    Due to its on-demand scalability and cost-effectiveness, Microsoft Azure is one of the most widely adopted cloud computing platforms worldwide. Businesses are always moving their data to and fro from clouds and on-premise, thus creating a high demand for Azure Data Engineers. 

    As a result, there is high competition in the job market for this specific role. Thus, aspirants should leave no stone unturned when it comes to preparing themselves for this position. An excellent way to gain a competitive edge over other candidates is a well-composed Azure Data Engineer resume

    Find out how you can make your own by reading this blog!

    What is Azure?

    Microsoft Azure is a public cloud computing platform that allows users to store and manage their data using 200+ products and cloud services. It supports hybrid data storage – cloud and on-premise, along with a wide array of programming languages, frameworks and Microsoft-specific third-party apps. 

    Having a basic idea of Microsoft Azure is essential before you start making your Azure Data Engineer resume. Doing so will help you highlight those skills, certifications and previous experiences that are specifically required for this job role. 

    Resume Format: Azure Data Engineer

    Here are the points you should follow while framing your Azure Data Engineer resume:

    1. Create Solid Azure Data Engineer Resume Structure/Template    

    To create a professional-looking CV, having a solid resume structure is essential. You can include the following headers in your resume:

    • Header (name, job title and contact details)
    • Summary
    • Job Experience
    • Skill Sets
    • Educational Qualifications
    • Extra Sections

    2. Work Experience Section  

    While adding your work experience, make sure to do it in reverse chronological order. Each entry should contain the company name, location, your job title and starting and ending dates. Furthermore, list down your roles and responsibilities for each organization using bullet points and start each with an action verb.

    Azure data engineer work experience

    What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?   

    Even if you do not have work experience, there are a lot of ways you can make up for it. You can include your high school, graduation and post-graduation results (if any) and mention if you got any certificates or awards.

    Apart from this, you can list down all your relevant skills which align with the employer’s requirements. They may include:

    • Proficiency in MS PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc. 
    • Programming languages like Java, C++, etc. 
    • Written and verbal communication. 
    • Proficiency in foreign languages like German, Spanish, Mandarin, etc. 

    Now, if you have had any part-time jobs or taken part in internships or volunteering activities, it is worth mentioning that too. You can also include extracurricular activities like participating in hackathons, bug bounties, learning new tools, etc. 

    Pro Tip: Opt for Cloud Computing training and placement. By doing so, you can gain the necessary skills and knowledge to start your career as a cloud professional. 

    3. Contact Information       

    While entering your contact information, make sure to enter your full name, phone number, e-mail ID, city and state name, along with your professional social media handles. 

    contact information

    4. Add Your Education      

    In this section, provide details regarding your latest degrees, along with the institute's names in reverse chronological order. Here is a format you can follow:

    • School/college/university name
    • Location
    • Degree Name
    • Dates
    • Results
    • Any relevant coursework, certificates or awards

    Educational details

    5. Include Azure Data Engineer Skills Tailored to the Job       

    Now, you may have gained several skills while working in your previous companies. However, in this part of your Azure Data Engineer resume, you must focus on highlighting only those skills that align with your new job role.

    6. Summary or Objective     

    Your resume summary highlights all your skills and qualifications. Thus, framing it rightly is essential for your recruiter to understand that you are qualified for the job. 

    Resume Summary Formula: [Adjective] [job title] with [number] years of experience in [industry], a proven ability to [relevant, measurable skills], and a strong background in [relevant context of your work experience] seeks a position as [the job title you’re applying for].

    7. Use Action Words to Strengthen your resume    

    Action words help emphasize your job role and add a certain level of weightage to your resume. 

    Some of the commonly used ones are:

    • Directed
    • Coordinated
    • Designed
    • Engineered
    • Achieved
    • Improved, etc. 

    8. Add Extra Sections to Your Resume       

    Adding extra sections to your resume helps showcase the type of person you are outside your professional life. It is an excellent way to ensure that the hiring manager understands that you are a cultural fit for the company. 

    Here’s what you can add in this section:

    a. Awards & Certification: Listing down your awards is a great way to highlight your impact on the previous organizations you worked for. They may include prizes for team performance, employee of the month and other achievements. 

    Alternatively, certifications help show that you have the necessary skills that are required for the job role. Here are a few which you can add:

    1. Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate
    2. Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate
    3. Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate

    Pro Tip – Having certifications in Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure can increase your chances of getting an interview call.

    b. Languages: Nowadays, most organizations work on an international level. Thus, your proficiency in foreign languages can be a huge plus point in this regard. These are some languages you can add in this section:

    • Mandarin
    • Spanish
    • Arabic
    • German 

    c. Interests & Hobbies: Including your hobbies and interests enables HR to connect with you on a more personal level and understand you better as a human being. In this regard, you can include the following:

    • Reading
    • Hiking
    • Learning new languages
    • Playing guitar/violin/piano
    • Cycling, etc. 

    9. Write an Azure Data Engineer Cover Letter       

    Including a cover letter with your resume is an excellent way to add a personal touch to your resume. It highlights your skill sets and qualifications, which align with the job role and portray why you are a perfect fit for this position. 

    Azure data engineer cover letter

    Best Practices to Make Your Resume Easy to Scan 

    Nowadays, HRs use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to sort resumes. Thus, while framing your Azure Data Engineer resume, you have to follow certain dos and don’ts to ensure that it is easily scannable. 

    Find them mentioned below:



    Select file format as PDF, .docx, .txt, .rtf or .doc. 

    Use too much unique formatting like boxes, tables, graphs, etc. 

    Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. 

    Put too much information in the header or footer. 

    Use regular bullet points. 


    Ensure there is adequate space between your name and job title. 


    Incorporate the resume keywords.


    Azure Data Engineer Resume Example/Sample       

    Here are some Azure Data Engineer resume samples which you can use as a reference: 

    1. Entry Level Resume    

    Entry Level Resume
    2. Senior Azure Data Engineer Resume

    Senior Azure Data Engineer Resume
    Top 10 Skills for an Azure Data Engineer Resume

    You need to include both soft skills and hard skills in your Azure Data Engineer CV:

    1. Soft Skills

    Listed below are the soft skills which you can consider adding to your resume:

    • Leadership
    • Communication
    • Project Management
    • Problem-Solving
    • Critical Thinking
    • Time Management
    • Collaboration
    • Adaptability
    • Creativity
    • Attention to detail

    2. Hard Skills

    These are the hard skills which you need to include in your resume:

    • Azure Data Factory
    • SQL
    • Azure Synapse Analytics
    • Azure Stream Analytics
    • ETL
    • Azure HDInsight
    • Azure Databricks
    • Data Integration
    • Data Modeling
    • Data Warehousing


    Now that you know how to frame an Azure Data Engineer Resume, all you need to do is start applying. However, given the sheer competition for this job role, having Data Engineering certification is a must. 

    To do so, you need to choose a reliable platform that provides cloud computing certification courses. In this regard, KnowledgeHut Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure can be an excellent choice. 

    Our Microsoft-certified trainers conduct a unique mix of classroom and practical sessions, which will help you clear the exam with flying colors.

    So, visit KnowledgeHut today and take your career to new heights! 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is it necessary to include certifications on an Azure Data Engineer resume?

    Adding certifications allows you to showcase your skill sets and your level of proficiency in them. Furthermore, it is an excellent way to show the recruiter that you are the ideal candidate for the job.

    2What are the essential sections to include in an Azure Data Engineer resume?

    The essential sections of an Azure Data Engineer resume are the header (name, job title and contact details), summary, job experience, skill sets, educational qualifications and extra sections.  

    3What technical skills should an Azure Data Engineer highlight on their resume?

    Azure Data Factory, SQL, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Stream Analytics, ETL, Azure HDInsight, Azure Databricks, Data Integration, Data Modeling and Data Warehousing are some of the main technical skills that Azure Data Engineers should have on their resume.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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