HomeBlogCloud ComputingCloud Solution Architect Roadmap: 2024 Guide

Cloud Solution Architect Roadmap: 2024 Guide

22nd Dec, 2023
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    Cloud Solution Architect Roadmap: 2024 Guide

    Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular. According to Statista, the public cloud computing industry is expected to exceed $525.60 billion by 2024, up from $495 billion in 2022. With more organizations embracing cloud computing and digitalization, there has been a surge in the need for individuals who can design and manage the systems and services people rely on. So, it's the perfect time to search and find out the cloud architect roadmap and start your journey in the cloud industry.

    Cloud Solution Architect Certification Path

    Cloud architecture as a career option provides a wide range of employment in a number of sectors. This is why if you’re onto the journey of getting certified, you should ensure you have prepared well. In such cases, Cloud Computing online training can help you the most. 

    In this blog, I will explain how certifications can help you to build a great future for yourself. Learn what it takes to develop a successful career and decide if cloud architecture is the correct route for you.

    What is Cloud Architecture?

    Cloud computing refers to the distribution of on-demand resources (such as a server, database, or software) through the Internet. It is any service that can be provided without physically being near the gear. Netflix, for example, leverages cloud computing for its video streaming services. Another example is G Suite, which is totally cloud-based.

    Cloud computing also helps organizations to decrease or remove their dependency on on-premises servers and storage spaces. and networking systems. So, to understand how to become a cloud architect, I advise you to first focus on the roadmap for cloud architect.

    Who is a Cloud Solution Architect?   

    A cloud architect is an IT professional who oversees a company's cloud computing strategy. This comprises cloud adoption strategy, cloud application design, cloud management and monitoring, and cloud management and surveillance. 

    Cloud architects manage app design and deployment in cloud settings such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. They also serve as advisors to their organization and must remain up to date on the newest trends and challenges. Companies that engage cloud architects either use cloud services or intend to do so.

    A Cloud Architect is in charge of translating a project's technical needs into the architecture and design that will drive the final result. They are frequently responsible for bridging the gap between complicated business challenges and cloud-based solutions. Other members of a technology team, such as DevOps engineers and developers, collaborate with the Cloud Architect to build the correct technology or technologies.

    What Does the Solution Architect Do?

    Before I tell you the basics of a roadmap to cloud architect, you need to have a clear vision of what does a solution architect does:

    • Cloud Adoption: The architect's function is to assist in assessing the requirement for cloud infrastructure and manage its adoption if the organization does not currently utilize it. Managing the cultural shift in the organization that occurs with altering infrastructure, personnel responsibilities, and processes is a part of the cloud adoption process.
      Another consideration is vendor management. The cloud architect must be able to communicate successfully with cloud providers and third-party program participants.
    • Cloud architecture Development: Following acceptance, the architect is entrusted with designing the architecture, which includes developing applications, data management, and access and identity management. It is the architect's responsibility to guarantee that all of these parts function together harmoniously.
    • Cloud administration and monitoring: Once the architecture is in place, the cloud architect's role is to manage it and assess its effectiveness in relation to business objectives.

    Cloud Solution Architect Skills

    While you venture into the cloud solution architect roadmap, you need to have some skills that will help you to secure a certification ahead:

    1. Operating Systems

    To be a desirable candidate, you must have a thorough grasp of how operating systems function. Because cloud architects typically work in a variety of professional contexts, knowledge of operating systems such as Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, and Unix can assist them in improving their professional adaptability. Because they may work with system administrators, having this competence might help them recognize problems and discuss acceptable solutions.

    2. Fundamentals of Data Storage

    Another skill through the cloud architect road map is a basic understanding of data storage. Every software architect must understand when and how to use databases. In AWS, where there are several data storage alternatives, you must be able to choose when to employ each. You'll need to analyze alternative capabilities, performance, and pricing and pick the best option to store part or all of your company's data, from basic yet powerful bucket storage utilizing S3 to Relational Database Service (RDS) and all the way to fully equipped Hadoop clusters.

    3. Networking

    Without an understanding of networking, it is difficult to continue on the AWS cloud architect roadmap and to design a secure, scalable, cloud-based system. That doesn't imply you have to know what port to open for SSH access (but it helps). As an architect, you should be able to build your cloud networking utilizing public and private subnets, internet access, and VPC peering using services like Route 53 (DNS), CloudFront (CDN), and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

    4. C#, Python, and Java

    Learning one or more programming languages might assist cloud architects' success while Architecting on AWS certification duration because they may collaborate with developers or create programs. They may test alternative code combinations while building new solutions to discover what is technically doable or what they can correct. Cloud architects can employ languages such as Java, Python, and C#.

    5. Architecture and Design

    Cloud architects are experts in end-to-end system design since one of their primary responsibilities is to use technology to address client issues. A talented cloud architect can frequently construct a design that answers a business need. 

    A cloud architect is often knowledgeable about all existing and legacy systems in the network and data center. They also often understand through their journey of roadmap cloud architect of how cloud migration may function in each case, linking them to the best cloud-based solutions.

    6. Security

    Security is another critical aspect of cloud computing. The cloud provides physical and network security. Multiple services contribute to the network security of various cloud platforms. Cloud architects often understand how to manage identity and access management as well as network security via the use of firewalls and encryption. 

    7. Cybersecurity Knowledge

    Many cloud architects believe it is critical to understand cybersecurity fundamentals in order to secure their staff, clients, and intellectual property. Many cloud-based programs and networks include security features such as identity keys, firewalls, and other safeguards. Cloud architects may benefit from defining cybersecurity rules for businesses when developing solutions so that they contribute to a safe environment, such as restricting user roles or creating random passwords.

    You will need to acquire most of these skills if you want to obtain a professional certification in cloud technology.

    Who Should Go for Cloud Solution Architect Certification?

    The roadmap to becoming a cloud architect certification is intended for technology professionals who develop technology solutions to address changing requirements caused by cloud computing adoption and assist organizations in capitalizing on the possibilities that cloud computing creates. 

    Solution architects must understand the impact of cloud computing on business and IT architecture, application development, data management, and security architecture, as well as the topology and ecosystems that are emerging as a result of increased adoption of cloud services and operating models.

    Path to Become a Cloud Solution Architect

    Embarking on the path to becoming a Cloud Solution Architect is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth and learning. This roadmap outlines the essential steps to help you navigate this career path, from your educational foundation to acquiring certifications and gaining practical experience in the ever-evolving field of cloud computing.

    1. Get your High School Diploma

    If you want to work as a cloud architect, you must first complete your high school graduation. While in school, prioritize electives in areas related to your professional field, such as math, physics, and computer programming.

    Consider taking advanced placement (AP) classes to help you earn college credits before you graduate. While obtaining your education, you may want to explore working part-time at a firm that offers entry-level IT opportunities.

    2. Get a Bachelors Degree

    After completing high school, you can pursue a bachelor's degree to prepare for a job as a cloud architect. While cloud architects often have a degree in information technology or computer science, several colleges offer degrees or minors in cloud computing, especially as the sector grows.

    3. On-the-Job Training

    On-the-job training may help you flourish as a cloud architect by providing you with a more in-depth grasp of IT skills and professional responsibilities. You can start with entry-level employment to become acquainted with the industry and other experts in your sector. Before enrolling in a master's degree program, universities may need you to have relevant work experience. Therefore, these qualifications can also assist you in pursuing your education.

    4. Acquire Necessary Certificates.

    There are a variety of certifications you may pursue to assist you in learning more about the subject, boost your confidence in architecture, and demonstrate your talents and education to a hiring manager. While some certification programs concentrate on specific industry skills, others educate on specific cloud platforms. A certification can help you train for a senior-level role in IT, such as that of a cloud architect. 

    However, preparing for these certifications can be a hectic task. Though you can indulge in self-studies and free content available online, as per my experience, it’s best to get enrolled in a renowned course such as KnowledgeHut Cloud Computing online training as they would provide you with a structured way of experiential learning.

    Key Benefits of Cloud Solution Architect Certification

    In today's competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is crucial, and the Cloud Solution Architect Certification can be your key to success. Let's delve into the substantial benefits it offers, from enhancing your resume to unlocking new professional opportunities and earning a higher salary.

    1. Make Your Resume Stand Out

    Assume you are attending a job interview. There are 100 job candidates with the same credentials as you. So, what's the point of employing you above others? This is when a cloud certification comes in handy. You may discuss it during the interview, and it will help you stand out from the crowd.

    A cloud certification will show the interviewer that you have worked on and practiced these cloud services. If you do well in the interview and have a qualification, your chances of getting the job increase.

    2. New opportunities for professional development

    The growth of professional competence is the next inclusion on the list of the top AWS certification perks. As previously said, AWS certifications involve extensive research, practice, and dedication to mastering AWS technologies. As a result, you will need to demonstrate your knowledge in order to obtain the certification, as well as spend time in keeping the certification.

    3. High salary

    This is one of the main reasons individuals choose Cloud Computing as a career. According to Glassdoor India, Cloud Engineers may expect to start at 4 LPA and work their way up to 16 LPA. 

    According to Forbes, the highest earning qualification in 2020 is Google Cloud Certified Cloud Architect, with an annual salary of up to US$175,000. The AWS Solutions Architect Certificate is worth $150,000 per year.

    The financial incentive to pursue cloud certifications is significant, but it does not end there. There are several other causes. If you are seeking work, the interviewer can determine your talents by reviewing your résumé, which should include a mention of your certification. 

    In conclusion, the Cloud Solution Architect Certification not only sets you apart in job interviews but also fosters continuous professional growth and opens doors to lucrative salary prospects in the ever-evolving field of cloud computing. Investing in this certification is a strategic move toward a rewarding and distinguished career.

    Final Thoughts

    Given the broad acceptance of cloud services, the area of cloud computing is extraordinarily diversified. As a result, even within the same firm, multiple cloud architects may be assigned distinct tasks. Cloud Computing offers a number of prominent role-based credentials, one of which is Cloud Solutions Architect Certification. 

    If you want to seek this certification and want to know what skills you should learn, you've come to the perfect spot. Embracing the cloud creates new potential for innovation, development, and agility, allowing businesses to remain ahead of the competition and prosper in the ever-changing digital economy.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How long does it take to become a proficient Cloud Solution Architect?

    If you don't have any programming or IT expertise, learning cloud architecture from the ground up can take up to five years. Learning cloud architecture can take two to six months for people who are familiar with operating systems and coding languages.

    2Is it necessary to have coding skills to become a Cloud Solution Architect?

    To answer your question simply, no, you do not need advanced coding skills to become an AWS cloud professional. However, coding, in general, is now a required skill in the IT industry. Even if you only master one coding language, it will benefit you a lot while developing and deploying apps to the AWS cloud.

    3Can someone become a Cloud Solution Architect solely through self-study?

    Although formal schooling is not required to become a cloud architect, you will need to establish a strong set of applicable computing and cloud architect abilities. These three measures can assist you in advancing your profession.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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