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Top 10 PL/SQL Tools for Every Developer in 2024

23rd Apr, 2024
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    Top 10 PL/SQL Tools for Every Developer in 2024

    With the growth of data-driven applications, PL/SQL has become an essential skill for developers working with Oracle databases. It allows developers to create efficient and secure database-driven applications. As the demand for strong and scalable applications increases, it is important for developers to leverage the best tools available for their PL/SQL development needs. They should also consider enrolling in an online PLSQL course to further enhance their skills. In this blog, we will be discussing the top 10 PL/SQL tools available in 2024 and how you can choose the right one for your needs.

    What is PL/SQL Developer Tool?

    PL/SQL Development Tools are specialized software applications and utilities designed specifically to facilitate the development, debugging, testing, and optimization of PL/SQL code. These tools cater to the unique requirements of PL/SQL developers working with Oracle databases, helping them improve productivity, code quality, and maintainability.

    What is PL/SQL Tool Used For? 

    PL/SQL unit testing tools serve a variety of purposes, helping developers in creating and maintaining high-quality, efficient, and secure database-driven applications. Some of the primary uses for PL/SQL tools include the following:

    • Efficient code writing: PL/SQL tools help developers write code more quickly and accurately by offering features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and code templates.

    • Debugging and troubleshooting: Developers can identify and resolve issues in their PL/SQL code by leveraging debugging features, such as breakpoints, step-by-step execution, and variable inspection.

    • Code optimization: Performance optimization tools help developers identify problems and implement performance-enhancing techniques to improve the overall efficiency of their PL/SQL code.

    • Code quality maintenance: Formatting and refactoring tools ensure that code is consistent, readable, and well-structured, making it easier to understand and maintain.

    • Collaboration and version control: PL/SQL performance tuning tools with integrated version control systems enable developers to work collaboratively. This maintains a history of their codebase, reducing the risk of conflicts and data loss.

    • Streamlined database object management: Tools that manage database objects simplify the process of creating, modifying, and maintaining database structures, improving overall development workflow.

    • Automation of repetitive tasks: PL/SQL tools can automate various tasks, such as code generation, schema synchronization, and test data generation, reducing the risk of human error and increasing productivity.

    Top PL/SQL Developer Tools

    Listed below are some of the PLSQL developer tools preferences:

    1. CAST Workbench 

    CAST Workbench is a comprehensive PL/SQL development tool that offers a wide range of features to analyze, optimize, and transform PL/SQL code. It includes code quality analysis, data lineage, and impact analysis capabilities, providing deep insights into your application's architecture. CAST Workbench helps developers identify and fix code quality issues, reduce technical debt, and improve overall application performance.

    2. FROG (Funky Resource for Oracle Gorillas) 

    FROG is a browser-based development and database management Oracle PL/SQL tool. It offers an intuitive interface for managing and developing Oracle databases, with support for PL/SQL development, data modeling, schema management, and data migration. FROG is designed to be lightweight, easy to use, and suitable for both beginners and advanced developers.

    3. Oracle Procedure Builder 

    Oracle Procedure Builder is a component of the Oracle Developer Suite that provides a visual interface for creating and managing PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, and triggers. It includes features like code completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging capabilities. Oracle Procedure Builder allows developers to efficiently create and modify database objects, streamlining the development process.

    4. PLEdit 

    PLEdit is a versatile PL/SQL editor that offers an intuitive interface and a powerful set of features, such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and an integrated debugger. It supports multiple file formats, making it easy to work with different types of source code. PLEdit is designed to improve productivity by simplifying code editing and debugging tasks.

    5. PL/Formatter

    PL/Formatter is a dedicated code formatting tool that helps maintain consistent code formatting and improve code readability. It supports customizable formatting rules and can be integrated with other PL/SQL development tools, such as PLEdit and SQL Navigator. PL/Formatter ensures that your code follows best practices and coding standards, making it easier to understand and maintain.

    6. SQL Navigator 

    SQL Navigator is a powerful PL/SQL development tool that streamlines the development process by offering features like code completion, syntax highlighting, code templates, and integrated debugging. It also includes a built-in version control system for effective collaboration. SQL Navigator helps developers write, debug, and optimize PL/SQL code more efficiently, resulting in higher-quality and better-performing applications.

    7. SQL/Expediter 

    SQL/Expediter is a comprehensive PL/SQL code analysis tool and a development environment that offers code editing, debugging, and performance tuning features. It also includes an integrated test data generator and support for code analysis. SQL/Expediter is designed to improve productivity by providing a wide range of tools and functionalities in a single environment.

    8. SQL Object Builder

    SQLObject Builder simplifies the process of creating and managing PL/SQL objects, such as packages, procedures, and triggers. It includes a graphical interface and supports features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging. SQL*Object Builder helps developers efficiently create and modify database objects, reducing the time spent on manual coding tasks.

    9. TOAD (Tool for Oracle Application Developers)

    TOAD is a widely used PL/SQL development tool, offering a powerful set of features like code editing, debugging, performance tuning, and schema management. It also supports collaboration and version control, making it an ideal choice for teams working on Oracle projects. TOAD is known for its robust functionality, user-friendly interface, and extensive community support.

    10. Dockable and Floating Tools 

    Dockable and floating tools are customizable PL/SQL online practice tools that can be added to your development environment to offer additional functionality and flexibility. Examples include code snippets, performance analyzers, and schema comparison tools. These tools can be easily integrated into your existing development setup, providing a more tailored and efficient workflow.

    How to Choose the Right PL/SQL Tool for you?

    Selecting the right PL/SQL tool is crucial for enhancing your productivity, code quality, and overall project success. To make an informed decision that best suits your requirements, consider the following factors:

    • Features and Functionality: Evaluate the features offered by each tool and ensure they align with your requirements. Some developers may prioritize debugging capabilities, while others may focus on code formatting or collaboration tools. Make a list of must-have features and compare different tools based on these criteria.

    • Ease of Use: Choose a tool that is user-friendly and easy to navigate, especially if you are new to PL/SQL development. The learning curve should be manageable, allowing you to become proficient quickly. Look for tools with intuitive interfaces, clear documentation, and helpful tutorials to make the transition smoother.

    • Compatibility: Ensure the tool is compatible with your existing software and hardware infrastructure. This includes compatibility with your Oracle database version, operating system, and any other development tools you may be using. Incompatible tools can lead to potential issues and reduced productivity.

    • Scalability: As your projects grow in size and complexity, you need a tool that can scale accordingly. Select a tool that can handle large codebases and multiple projects without compromising performance. This will ensure that your chosen tool remains useful and effective as your needs evolve.

    • Cost: Consider your budget when choosing a PL/SQL development tool. While some tools are available for free, others require a subscription or a one-time purchase. Weigh the costs against the benefits each tool offers to make an informed decision. Keep in mind that investing in a more feature-rich tool may lead to long-term savings in terms of productivity and code quality.

    • Support and Documentation: Choose a tool with comprehensive documentation and an active community or support team. This will ensure that you have access to the necessary resources when you encounter issues or have questions. Look for forums, community groups, and online resources where you can find help and learn from the experiences of other users.

    • Customization and Extensibility: Choose a tool that can be customized and extended to meet your specific needs. This might include support for custom plugins, integration with other development tools, or the ability to tailor the tool's interface and functionality. A flexible tool will enable you to adapt your development environment to your unique workflow and preferences.

    Wrapping up

    Selecting the right PL/SQL development tool is crucial to enhance your productivity, code quality, and overall project success. You can make an informed decision that best suits your requirements by considering the factors mentioned above and reviewing the top 10 PL/SQL tools we discussed. Furthermore, you might consider enrolling in KnowledgeHut’s PLSQL course to deepen your understanding and refine your skills. With the right tools in place and the knowledge gained from a comprehensive course, you can focus on building strong, efficient, and secure database-driven applications, ensuring a successful outcome for your projects.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the 3 parts of PL/SQL?

    The 3 parts of PL/SQL are declarative, executable, and exception-handling. The declarative part declares variables and cursors used in the program. The executable part contains the program logic and statements. The exception-handling part handles errors and exceptions that occur during the execution of the program.

    2What are any 4 PL/SQL data types?

    PL/SQL has several data types, including NUMBER, VARCHAR2, DATE, BOOLEAN, CLOB, and BLOB. NUMBER is used for numeric values, VARCHAR2 is used for string values, DATE is used for date and time values, BOOLEAN is used for logical values, CLOB is used for large character data, and BLOB is used for large binary data.

    3What are the 4 blocks in PL.SQL?

    The 4 blocks in PL/SQL are the anonymous block, the stored procedure block, the function block, and the package block. An anonymous block is a block of code that can be executed immediately. The stored procedure block is a block of code that can be stored and executed at a later time. The function block is a block of code that returns a value. The package block is a block of code that contains related procedures, functions, and variables.


    Monica Gupta


    I am Monica Gupta with 19+ years of experience in the field of Training and Development. I have done over 500 Corporate Trainings. I am currently working as a freelancer for several years. My core area of work is Java, C++, Angular, PHP, Python, VBA.

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