HomeBlogData ScienceTop 10 ChatGPT Limitations and Risks You Should Know

Top 10 ChatGPT Limitations and Risks You Should Know

15th Dec, 2023
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    Top 10 ChatGPT Limitations and Risks You Should Know

    In late 2022, ChatGPT suddenly came into the limelight and there is no doubt that ChatGPT has generated a lot of buzz ever since it became available to the public. Early in December 2022, ChatGPT, which was free at first, drew more than a million users thanks to its features. It became the fastest-growing application to attract 100 million users in just one month.

    ChatGPT can produce responses in range of languages, even though it is most often used in English. Having said that, it can be problematic in specific situations where the responses lack in depth or meaning. So, in today’s post, we shall discuss its rise and popularity, advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT, limitations of ChatGPT4 and other ChatGPT versions, risks associated, and much more. Let’s get started!

     Limitations of ChatGPT

    Understanding ChatGPT’s Capabilities

    ChatGPT is a new language model that is built on the GPT-3 architecture. It can be utilized in a variety of applications and produces text that resembles human speech.

    Here are some of the ChatGPT’s capabilities:

    • Natural language generation: Because ChatGPT can produce text that sounds like human speech, it can be used for a variety of tasks such as content development, customer service, and virtual assistants.
    • Answering questions: ChatGPT is perfect for knowledge-based applications like educational platforms and search engines since it can answer inquiries on a variety of subjects.
    • Restyle writing: ChatGPT might be of assistance if you love to write but are unsure how to infuse your words with a little extravagance and elegance.
    • Sentiment analysis: ChatGPT is beneficial for applications like social media monitoring and customer feedback analysis since it can analyze text to detect the sentiment of the author.
    • Write code and debug: ChatGPT is capable of understanding, writing, and even debugging code. This was previously unimaginable, yet ChatGPT just appears to get it when contrasted to other AI text production systems.
    • Test translation: Text translation is possible with ChatGPT, which is helpful for multinational corporations and other foreign organizations.
    • Development of chatbots: ChatGPT can be used to build chatbots that converse with users and offer tailored responses based on their requirements and preferences.
    • Content creation: ChatGPT can be used to create content for a range of applications, including blogs, articles, and social networking posts.
    • Image caption: ChatGPT is valuable for applications like social networking and e-commerce since it can be used to create image descriptions.
    • Text summarization: ChatGPT can be used for applications like news aggregation and research since it can be used to summarize vast amounts of text.
    • Text completion: ChatGPT can be utilized for applications like email automation and customer care since it can be used to finish text based on a provided prompt.
    • Personalization: ChatGPT may offer tailored responses depending on user information, which makes it valuable for e-commerce and marketing applications.

    Top Limitations of ChatGPT

    While artificial intelligence has made significant progress, it still has a long way to go before it can fully replace humans. The following are some Chat GPT limitations:

    1. No Access to the Internet

    ChatGPT is unable to access the internet. This means that it is unable to offer its users real-time information. For instance, ChatGPT won't be able to deliver correct information if you ask it about the upcoming weather or the current gold price. Since ChatGPT is a language processing tool rather than a search engine like Google, this is obvious. It can therefore only pull data from the internet and cannot offer results in real time.

    2. No Latest Data

    ChatGPT's knowledge is limited to up until September 2021, and it does not have the capability to access or retrieve information from the internet or update its knowledge with current events or developments beyond that date. As a result, its responses may not always reflect the most up-to-date information, and may not be aware of recent events, trends, or changes that have occurred since then.

    3. Incorrect answers

    ChatGPT is a language model that is always changing, so errors are certain to occur. It is imperative to double-check your work while using it because it has a history of producing grammatical, mathematical, factual, and reasoning problems.

    For complex inquiries about specialized subjects like grammar or mathematics, it is important to keep the questions simple as they are not always accurate. Check the responses it provides to any more specific questions against reliable sources a second time. In addition, the chatbot occasionally struggles to admit when it doesn't know certain answers and instead creates a solution that sounds convincing. This way, it emphasizes giving what it considers to be a more "complete" response over factual accuracy.

    4. Lack of human insight

    ChatGPT is a machine and cannot produce the depths of complexity, thinking, and emotion that people do. This is one of the greatest limitations of Chat GPT API. Your queries can be answered by ChatGPT, but not in the same emotive way that a human would. Since it is a machine, the chatbot cannot use emotive language and hence you won't detect any emotion in the answers because of the formal tone that is maintained throughout. They will be written in simple terms. For instance, ChatGPT will immediately produce a story on life if you request it. However, the story will be unexpressive and won't include any feelings. It doesn't properly comprehend how intricate human language is. Words are generated using ChatGPT based on input. As a result, comments may come off as superficial and lacking in profundity. Therefore, it's crucial to make sure that you still bring your own perspective, tone, and voice to the information that is being created if you use ChatGPT. You can differentiate yourself from the competition and avoid creating what everyone else is.

    5. Not A Multi-Tasker

    ChatGPT works best when given a specific task or goal to concentrate on. It will struggle to prioritize jobs if you ask it to complete several at once, which will reduce its efficiency and accuracy. Only one query can be answered by ChatGPT at a time. If you ask it to carry out multiple actions, it will respond with a meaningless response. For instance, the platform will generate an error if you ask it to run a code and do a math problem at the same time.

    6. Provides Biased Answers

    The vast amount of text data used to train ChatGPT may be biased or prejudiced. Accordingly, the AI may occasionally produce unintentionally biased or discriminating responses. The limitations of ChatGPT OpenAI are such that it leads to biased responses which often arise from the data used for training. Users should be careful of AI-generated responses and consider the context and potential biases when using AI systems for important decisions or sensitive topics.

    7. Trouble generating long-form

    Currently, ChatGPT struggles to produce long-form organized material. The model can write sentences that are grammatically acceptable and coherent, but it may have trouble writing lengthy pieces of text that adhere to a specific structure or storyline. As a result, ChatGPT is currently most effective at producing condensed content, such as summaries, lists, or concise explanations.

    8. Lack of In-Depth Information

    Despite having a lot of information at its disposal, ChatGPT cannot access all of the human knowledge. It might not be able to respond to inquiries regarding extremely specialized or narrow subjects, and it might not be up to date on recent advancements or changes in particular disciplines. ChatGPT can provide you with information on a topic, but it won't go any further than that. The "so what?" won't be available or the question "why?" The intricacy of human language and communication is something that ChatGPT struggles to properly comprehend. It has only been taught to produce words in response to input, and it is unable to fully understand the meaning of those words. As a result, whatever answers it elicits are probably going to be superficial and lacking in depth and insight.

    9. Computational costs and power

    Due to ChatGPT's high level of complexity and sophistication, running the model can be costly and may call for access to specialized hardware and software systems. ChatGPT also requires a significant amount of processing resources to function effectively. Furthermore, ChatGPT may work poorly when run on outdated hardware or computers with little computational capacity due to sluggish processing times, decreased accuracy, and other performance concerns. Before utilizing ChatGPT, organizations ought to give considerable thought to their computational resources and skills.

    10. Need for fine-tuning

    You might need to fine-tune the model if you need to use ChatGPT for highly specific scenarios. It might take a lot of time and resources to fine-tune a model by training it on a particular collection of data in order to maximize its performance for a given job or purpose.

    What Are the Risks of ChatGPT?

    In the modern world, there are many different types of threats, and the risks are not always connected to technology. Many threats involving people, reputation, and the law can result from a technological innovation solution.

    1. Data Privacy Concerns

    It is vital to keep in mind that ChatGPT is trained with a complex language model that contains a lot of data from the Internet and, perhaps, data input by its users, despite OpenAI's assurance that it won't sell user data from ChatGPT. Due to ChatGPT's ability to save sensitive material, learn from it, and then problematically exploit it in subsequent settings with other users, this raises legitimate concerns about data breaches. It is now further clearer why using ChatGPT constitutes a violation of contract when confidential information is shared with outside parties. As a result, users should never divulge any firm information that might be sensitive or secret.

    2. Undue Reliance on ChatGPT

    While ChatGPT has significant benefits, it is easy for staff members to become overly dependent on it at some time. Assuming ChatGPT's output to be true or using it as the only basis for important decisions could undermine critical thinking. While ChatGPT can assist with some administrative duties, it's crucial to keep in mind that higher-level jobs, like policy refinement or quality control, still require human input. Too much ChatGPT in one's routine may also cause employees to be more "mentally idle."

    3. Overlooking ChatGPT's Ethical Obligations

    Ethics are yet another facet of ChatGPT that is frequently disregarded. ChatGPT 'recycles' information to create new content because it was built on a base of enormous volumes of human language data. As a result, it is difficult to detect if the content that ChatGPT creates for you is sufficiently unique for commercial use, potentially violating third parties' intellectual property (IP) rights without your knowledge. Conversely, ChatGPT has the same potential to misuse your intellectual property.

    4. ChatGPT Results Could Affect Google SEO Ranking

    Concerns have surfaced regarding the prospect that ChatGPT's automated outputs may negatively impact a company's SEO score, however this is still a topic of discussion. Google is constantly working to make its search results more user-friendly, thus spam-like content (like the unfact-checked content of ChatGPT) may be censored and not receive the best possible SEO score. Theoretically, Google could identify ChatGPT output by examining its textual patterns and 'call out' websites that make use of ChatGPT.

    5. Misuse by Cybercriminals

    ChatGPT is frequently used by cybercriminals to generate ideas for malicious software. Cybercriminals are experimenting with its capabilities by creating phishing emails, malware, and data extraction routines.


    Reforming technologies like ChatGPT have the potential to make a lasting impact on our future generations. Innovation can be exciting with a lot of benefits and bring comfort and ease. But it is very important to step back and carefully consider how it affects our daily lives, the risks it poses to us, our businesses, and our societies. Like most software programs, ChatGPT also includes certain risks. Consider any potential hazards carefully before introducing this item into your company. You can guarantee the responsible and efficient use of ChatGPT in your company by completely comprehending the risks involved and offering thorough training for staff.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the limitations of ChatGPT compared to Google?

    ·         Restricted to its training and programming data, ChatGPT is not as thorough or relevant as Google.

    ·         ChatGPT may give inappropriate or unrelated answers to questions with more complicated requirements. Because the results are based on data it finds online, Google offers more precise responses.

    2What are the disadvantages of ChatGPT for business?

    ·         Lack of domain knowledge

    ·         Producing undesirable or biased results as well as inaccurate or absurd conclusions

    ·         Inability to perceive subtleties of discussion, which can lead to misconceptions or insufficient results, despite its capacity to interpret spoken language and respond accordingly.

    3What tasks would not benefit from ChatGPT?

    ·         Businesses can't rely solely on ChatGPT to handle all of their company operations.

    ·         It lacks access to information and events that occurred after 2021. Because ChatGPT has access to outdated data today, a company that uses it for day-to-day operations risked losing credibility.

    ·         Instances where sensitive information might be exploited to identify or damage someone can raise concerns about copyright infringement and privacy. It is unable to confirm the legality or morality of the information it generates.


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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