HomeBlogSoftware TestingSoftware Testing Jobs in USA in 2024

Software Testing Jobs in USA in 2024

22nd Dec, 2023
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    Software Testing Jobs in USA in 2024

    Playing games or clicking shopping links on the internet often leads us to a web page alert saying, ”the software is at risk.” This risk happens due to the unnecessary entry of bugs or viruses from foreign links or simply because of weak software that is installed. Therefore, accurate software testing is necessary for debugging and checking all the defective components in the software before introducing it to the market.

    Another reason for software testing is to reduce the cost of fixing faulty software and implementing the right product from the beginning. No brand or company will like to invest money in defective software. Faulty software can break people’s trust in the company. Therefore, an efficient software engineer is required for the entire monitoring process.

    The United States is a technologically powerful country, and innovation of new software is seen almost every day. The demand for software testing jobs in the USA is on the higher side, and it will grow more in the coming 10 years.

    If you are planning to pursue a career in software testing, this article will help you understand the concept, salary, and tips.

    What is Software Testing?

    Software applications are a crucial component of every company or business. It improves the company offering and helps resolve many tasks in simple ways. With the help of software testing, it becomes a smoother task to understand the loopholes of the software before its usage. During testing, a software tester understands whether this software will be beneficial and meet the demand of the company or not. Both automated and manual tools are used while the software testing procedure is carried on.

    Faults can occur at any time during the lifespan cycle of a software development plan. The likelihood of operational and structural defects in the finished program is very large. With the help of software testing, a quality audit takes place before the delivery of the software product. The career in software testing is increasing with the growth of software applications, and enrolling in a Software Testing Certification Course will increase your chance of getting a job in the same. The software testing jobs in the USA are quite high in numbers.

    Who is a Software Tester?

    A software tester performs quality management and checks the software in the system. With the help of both manual and automatic controlling checks, these software testing techniques are done. The software testing job market in the USA is on the higher side due to new software innovations almost daily. Based on your skills, you can apply for different types of jobs in software testing USA to get high payment.

    Software Testing Jobs based on Experience Level in USA

    1. Entry-Level Software Testing Jobs (1-3 years)

    • Software Test Analyst – If you are applying for junior software testing jobs in the US, then your role will be to test and design the software, debugging and ensuring the product is error-free before it is delivered in the market. For this, you initially have to coordinate with an expert or senior. After graduation, if you have acquired the relevant skills, you can apply for software testing jobs in the USA for freshers.
    • Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst – Identifying the errors in the websites and providing the necessary solution is the main task for entry-level software testing jobs. Therefore, you have to observe the product testing. During entry-level, you will work under senior members to help you with the testing methods and tools.

    2. Mid-Level Software Testing Jobs (4-8 years)

    • Software Test Engineer – At a mid-level, your role will be to check the functionalities of the existing software. You may also have to work with the vendors and clients to understand the issues of the computer applications.
    • Quality Assurance Engineer – The task of this position includes close monitoring of the bugs and debugging methods before the product release. They will have to report to experienced managers and have to work closely with the front-end and back-end software developers. The high-level issues with the quality need to be examined thoroughly by the Quality Assurance Engineer at a mid-level position.

    3. Senior-Level Software Testing Jobs (More than 8 years)

    • Software Test Manager – This role includes reviewing data and presenting evaluation reports. For Software Test Manager, the database management system should be known deeply.
    • Quality Assurance Lead- As a quality assurance lead, you must plan automated evaluations and execute them before the product is released with other team members. Both written and communication skill, along with relevant technical knowledge, is required for this position.
    • Software Architect – A software architect is also a senior developer in certain companies. His vision regarding product structure and execution is important for a business. For this role, it is important to understand the business needs; accordingly, a software product is designed.
    Experience Level of Software TesterAverage SalarySalary Range

    Entry level 





    $49k- $93k 




     Remote/Freelance Software Testing Jobs in USA

    In the present world, when the work culture has turned into work from home, many companies are hiring people for full-time remote jobs. Therefore, you can either opt for freelancing or apply for remote software testing jobs in the USA to get an idea about the work culture. At your convenience, you can log in and work accordingly and learn the testing job if you are applying as a freelancer. The remote full-time job also gives you the benefit of working from home and understanding the process.

    • The average salary of remote software testing employees will be around $57000 to $119000 per year. 

    The Best Cities for Software Testing Jobs in USA

    The highest paying jobs in software testing USA cities are as follows in the table; 

    Experience Level of Software TesterAverage SalarySalary Range

    North Carolina 



    Newark, New Jersey 



    Houston Texas 



    New York, New York 



    Detroit, Michigan 



    Los Angeles 



    Atlanta, Georgia 



    Key Software Testing Skills to List on Your Resume

    If your resume contains the relevant testing skills, you will be more likely to be selected for the interview. Check the following information for more details;

    • Programming

    Evaluation of a program to identify errors is the basis of programming in software testing. Upskill your knowledge with the related programming tools to get hired for software testing jobs in the USA.

    • Automation Testing

    Automated testing is a process to evaluate errors with specific tools instead of human force. Your understanding and expertise in automated tools for software testing can surely help you to get handsome salaried jobs.

    • Test Management

    When it comes to the software development process, as a software tester, you should have a comprehensive understanding of Test management. This is mainly to check and closely monitor the risk factors associated with the software. Planning and execution are the two essential keys for test management.

    Education Requirements to get Software Testing Jobs in America

    To apply for software testing jobs in the USAyou should have a bachelor's degree in science, math, or computer. Again, specific training courses or boot camp certifications for software testing are also accepted by many companies. You can apply for Selenium Training by Knowledge Hut and get selected for a high-paying job in the US.

    Required Software Testing Certifications in USA

    If you have a certification in software testing, it can help you to land better-salaried software testing jobs in the USA or aid in a promotion if you are already working. You can consider the following top-class certification course in software testing;

    • ASQ Certified Quality Assurance Engineer

    The ASQ course contains 7 modules related to management, risk analysis, and testing. This course will help you to understand the core of quality control of services and products. This course is a certified program for entry-level testers to senior level and is popular worldwide. If you are looking for higher promotion in the software testing industry, it is apt for you.

    • GAQM Certified Software Testing

    The GAQM software testing is a certified and reputed course in the corporate sector worldwide. The contents of this certification focus on understanding core product testing, improving quality, awareness, etc.

    • ISTQB Software Test Management 

    The best part about this certification is that it is globally recognized by every company and is a popular course for software testers. The advanced modules will help you get high-paying salaries from entry-level software testing jobs in the USA and other roles such as software testers, analysts, QA managers, directors, etc. Again, if you are looking for entry-level manual testing jobs in USA, this certification can help you.

    Software Testing Jobs in the USA: Tips for getting Hired

    The scope and future of software testing jobs in America are remarkably high. The lucrative salary and quick promotion are the perks of a software tester. Now, to get hired by the employer, you should have a few elements that will help you get the high salaried opportunity. Let’s check these factors;

    • Get the Right Education

    Companies seek expertise while hiring for software testing jobs in USA. However, suppose you have a bachelor's degree in math, engineering, or any science subject related to computer and technology. In that case, that will help you in building your resume in a better way.

    • Build a Convincing Portfolio 

    Whether you receive an opportunity depends partly on whether you have an internet presence that displays your technical abilities and suitability for online software testing jobs in the USA.

    A professional portfolio is what you need.  

    Here are some tips for your online portfolio as a software tester;

    1) Case study 

    Talk about a testing case or a situation where you have invested your time and efforts in software testing. You can cite an example of any software app and talk about the features and the expected results. The main purpose of this scenario is to show recruiters what things you have implemented for quality checks.

    2) Check Bugs 

    Highlight an app and talk about the defects that you have found by reporting the bug. This will ensure your capability as a quality auditor. Check all the associated bugs if anything is present in the app.

    3) Blogs 

    You should start writing about your skills or sharing knowledge in blog posts and update it on social media. This will help you to make your work network strong. It can happen that you are trying for software testing jobs for freshers in the US but not getting any good opportunities. Your social networking skills can help you to get a job.

    •  Prepare a Professional Resume and Cover Letter

    To get software testing jobs in the USA, you should have a professional cover letter and resume that will speak about your core knowledge in the same. In this context, you should also know that numerous companies do hire selective candidates based on expertise and experience in software testing jobs in the USA with visa sponsorship. Therefore, your cover letter and resume should be impressive and dynamic to easily get the employer's attention.

    Things that are important to make a resume and cover letter are given below; 


    • Select the layout of a resume
    • Put a header specifying the job role you are looking for or applying for
    • Provide the necessary details like your name, contact number, address, etc. 
    • Select a section for education, skills, and knowledge
    • Check if your skills are matching with the job description even if you are applying for entry-level software testing jobs in USA. 
    • Put all your past job experience or projects if you have any
    • Attach the certification of any online course that you have done 

    Cover Letter- 

    • Read the job description well when you are writing a cover letter 
    • Write the letter with a good header
    • Write 2-3 lines about the company 
    • Give a concrete answer for why the company should hire you 
    • Talk about your skills, past experience, projects in the same field. Enroll your name for KnowledgeHut's Software Tester courses and learn with our experts in live classes giving you real-time job experience. 
    • Add a line about how excited you are to join the company and why 
    • Finally, write about why you see you are the correct fit for the role. 
    • End with a positive note 

    Identify Specialist Software Testing Job Sites

    If you are looking for software testing jobs in USA, your job hunting should be done properly. The first step is to find the job portals that show the requirement. For instance, if you are from India, check for software testing jobs in USA for Indian or maybe search for specialist software jobs in the USA you can check on the sites like Linkedin, Randstandus, gdit.com, and Indeed. 

    Join a Collaborative Software Testing Community

    A fantastic way to get through or look for software testing job opportunities in US is to join software testing communities. If you are searching for jobs or finding ways to learn more about software testing, this is an ideal option. The main aim of the collaborative software community is to get in touch with developers, testers, and analysts and share views. This will help you to create a strong social network for you. You may get opportunities for paid work or jobs as a software tester. Attending these events can help you to understand and gain skills about your specific job role. 

    Scope of Software Testing career in USA

    Over the past years, a phenomenal result has been observed in the software testing job market in USA . Every business or company understands the importance of testing before declaring their software products in the market. In this field, the growth option career-wise is also significant. Individuals can enter as entry-level testers and become senior engineers or lead analysts to managers in less time with their knowledge and expertise. 

    On the other hand, presently, software companies are largely involved in making innovative software applications. The demand for software testing jobs US is growing higher than before. Companies are looking for efficient employees who can provide quality testing of the products before release. 

    The jobs related to software testing USA, require effective and excellent quality executives who can provide zero-error software, monitor bug interference, and compare the features of the software with existing ones for better results. As people’s online activeness availability is developing at a steady pace, the software business is also increasing by 60-65% in the USA. As compared to other forms of jobs, the availability of the best software testing jobs US is considerably increasing in number. However, lack of awareness is responsible for vacant job positions in this field in the US. 


    The job role of a software tester is quite exciting and provides a huge scope of earning a lucrative salary. Many people might say testing is not an easy task. The only thing you will require is the essential skill, patience, and capabilities to fetch the job. 

    The USA is a growing and advancing country in terms of information and technology. This has influenced several software companies to come up with new ideas for their product. The use of the internet has led people to use different apps every day. The need for a software tester is increasing as no company wants their defective product to ruin their business. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which job search portals are best for Software Testing in the USA?

    The names of some amazing job portals for software testing in the USA are Careerbuilds, Monster, Dice, Zip recruiter, Hired, Linkedin, and Glassdoor.

    2What are the major selection criteria for a Software Tester in a FAANG/MAANG company in US?

    The major selection criteria for a Software Tester in a FAANG/MAANG company in the US are as follows; 

    • An individual should have a relevant bachelor's degree or master’s degree from the university. 
    • You should have a thorough skill set in software testing 
    • A previous internship in any software company as a software quality associate. 
    • Any certification or boot camp attended regarding software testing in the resume gives more weight to getting selected.
    3In order to get shortlisted at US companies, what should a Software Tester include on their resume?

    In your resume, you can add the following things; 

    • Add an apt Job Title based on the job role 
    • Include industry know-how like Jira and Software Quality Assurance. 
    • Your past employment experience should include your competencies. 
    • Describe your previous experience in software development and engineering. 
    • -Emphasize your expertise in software application testing, tools you have used, and process you have followed to meet your targets. 
    4In America, can anybody become a Software Tester?

    If you have an Engineering degree or bachelor's in computer science or math, you are eligible for applying in the job role of a software tester. However, some companies hire individuals without these degrees. In that case, the hiring process becomes difficult. You should have a certification or training degree in a Software testing job role with proper skills to get the job. 

    5Is the Software Tester well-paid in the USA?

    Yes, the average annual salary of a software tester in the USA is $ 93,011.

    6Do Software Testing have a future in the USA?

    Due to the growth and innovation of software application, the scope of software testers is in huge demand in the USA. The salary in this job role is well paid as well. 

    7Which is the best place to learn Software Testing in the United States?

    The Software Testing and Automation in University of Minnesota is well known for learning Software Testing in the United States.


    Mohan Jayabal


    Mohan Jayabal is a highly experienced senior corporate trainer and consultant with a strong background in software testing. With over 17 years of professional experience, he specializes in testing consultation and training, delivering comprehensive solutions to clients worldwide. Mohan has conducted testing training programs in various countries including Ethiopia, Tanzania, Vietnam, UK, and USA, covering both manual and test automation techniques. He has also served as a performance testing consultant for esteemed organizations such as City Union Bank and the Government of Tamilnadu's Public Distribution System. As an official accredited trainer for renowned companies like Accenture, Cognizant, Microsoft, IBM, and Deloitte, Mohan has successfully streamlined training processes and developed training materials for testing-related domains.

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