HomeBlogAgileProduct Manager Salary in India in 2024 [Fresher to Experienced]

Product Manager Salary in India in 2024 [Fresher to Experienced]

02nd Apr, 2024
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    Product Manager Salary in India in 2024 [Fresher to Experienced]

    With technology and innovation driving today's fast-changing corporate environment, the role of a product manager is crucial. Understanding the many aspects that influence a product manager's salary in India is vital for both experienced professionals and aspiring professionals. From what I've learned, grasping how a particular industry works involves examining how job titles influence salaries, exploring the impact of experience, and understanding how business knowledge is related to earning potential. By exploring these characteristics, product managers can gain crucial insights into how their careers can move forward and discover how much salaries they can command in the changing Indian market.

    In this blog post, I will walk you through the lucrative path of how much does a product manager earns in India. Also, I will focus on what factors are boosting salary growth for product managers in India and what they can anticipate in terms of pay in 2024. 

    Who is a Product Manager?

    Product managers play a crucial role in shaping product strategy, creating roadmaps, and ensuring that the end product delivers a positive experience for users. They are in charge of every step of making a product and putting strategic plans into action. They bring together teams with different skills to work towards the same goal, focusing on what customers want most. Typically, they are part of a team dedicated to a specific product. They often team up with analysts, designers, and company leaders to get their work done. Product managers stay informed about current business and consumer trends and behaviors that can affect the product or the company, whether it's through direct or indirect influence.

    The job of a product manager can vary a lot depending on the company and the product they're working on. Sometimes, it involves creating an entirely new product from scratch. Other times, it's about improving and updating an existing product to make it better or appeal to different customers. Regardless of the specifics, the essence of product management is consistently delivering quality across every stage of a product's life cycle. Completing the SAFe POPM course can equip product managers with the necessary skills to excel in Agile product development environments.

    Product Manager Salary in India 2024

    The rising demand for qualified individuals in the area is reflected in product manager salaries in India in 2024. When starting their careers, entry-level product managers should expect competitive pay. As they take on more responsibility and gain expertise in managing individual products or particular features, mid-level product managers see an increase in pay. Senior product managers are paid the highest product manager salary in India because of their significant experience driving product strategy and leadership positions. All things considered, the scenario of product manager salaries in India in 2024 illustrates how important expertise, aptitude, and leadership qualities are when deciding on pay scales.

    Average Salary in India

    Avg Salary per hour

    Avg Salary per month

    Avg Salary per year




    Product Manager Salary in India: Based on Experience

    Experience serves as the guiding force shaping the career trajectory of a Product Manager and significantly impacts their compensation. Obtaining the best Agile certifications can significantly enhance an individual's career prospects in project management and software development fields. Let's explore how experience influences a Product Manager's monthly salary:

    • Beginner: At the entry-level, Junior Product Managers, typically in their first or second year, focus on learning and supporting senior team members. Although competitive, their pay aligns with their novice status in the industry.
    • Intermediate: Moving to the middle level, Mid-level Product Managers oversee individual products or specific product components. As they gain experience, their monthly salary increases to reflect their expanding responsibilities.
    • Advanced: Finally, Senior Product Managers, possessing extensive expertise in managing product teams and shaping strategy, command some of the highest salaries in the field. This compensation reflects their leadership roles and depth of knowledge.

    Product managers become leaders through experience, which increases their pay and increases recognition of their knowledge and worth to companies. Ultimately, understanding the correlation between experience and salary is crucial for both employers and product management professionals seeking to navigate the job market effectively.

    Here's a breakdown of the average product manager salary in India at different levels of product management:







    Product Manager Salary in India: Based on Job Role

    Product manager salaries in India can vary depending on several factors. Here are some examples of average product manager salaries in Indian rupees based on job role, according to data from Glassdoor.

    RoleRole DescriptionSalary (Average)
    Associate Product ManagerThey assist in creating and overseeing the lifecycle of products within the product management team. ₹1,550,000
    Product ManagerThey are responsible for managing the complete lifecycle of a product, starting from its conception to its launch.₹ 1,900,000
    Senior Product ManagerThey provide leadership and direction to the product team, guiding them in devising and executing strategies for successful product development, launch, and growth.₹ 2,800,000
    Group Product ManagerA group product manager supervises multiple products and leads several teams of product managers.₹ 3,300,000
    Director of Product ManagementThey are responsible for setting the strategic direction of product development, overseeing and mentoring a team of product managers, and ensuring alignment with overarching objectives.₹ 6,000,000

    Factors Affecting Product Manager Salary in India

    Product management salary in India is influenced by various factors, including location, industry, experience, demand-supply dynamics, credentials, and skills. Understanding these factors can help professionals negotiate competitive compensation packages and advance their careers in product management. Let us look at these factors in detail:

    1. Location/Region-wise

    The geographical location significantly influences product manager salaries in India. Metropolitan cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi-NCR typically offer higher salaries compared to tier 2 or tier 3 cities. This discrepancy in salaries can be attributed to the higher cost of living and increased demand for skilled professionals in major metropolitan areas. For example, a product manager in Bangalore may earn an average salary of ₹ 1,500,000, while in a smaller city like Pune, the average salary might be around ₹ 1,200,000. The availability of tech hubs and corporate headquarters in major cities leads to greater competition for talent and drives up salary levels.

    2. Industry/Employer/Company

    The industry and employer play a crucial role in determining product manager salaries. Product managers in the IT and technology sector tend to earn higher salaries compared to those in the manufacturing or retail industries. This is because technology companies often invest heavily in product innovation and rely on skilled product managers to drive growth and competitiveness. Similarly, established multinational companies offer more competitive salaries than startups or small businesses due to their financial stability and market presence. Some of the highest-paying companies for product managers in India include multinational tech giants, leading e-commerce platforms, and established financial institutions. For example, a product manager at a leading tech company like Google or Amazon may command a salary upwards of ₹ 2,000,000, while at a startup, the salary might range from ₹ 800,000 to ₹ 1,500,000. The reputation and financial health of the employer also influence salary levels, with well-established companies typically offering higher compensation packages.

    3. Experience

    Experience is a significant factor influencing product manager salaries. As product managers gain more experience, their salaries tend to increase substantially. Product manager salary in India for freshers with 1-3 years of experience may be around ₹ 1,000,000, while mid-level product managers with 4-7 years of experience can expect a salary of approximately ₹ 1,800,000. Senior product manager salary in India with over 10 years of experience can be around ₹ 3,000,000. This substantial difference in salary reflects the value placed on experience and expertise in the field. Experienced product managers bring valuable insights, leadership, and decision-making abilities to the table, which command higher compensation packages.

    4. Demand and Supply

    The demand-supply dynamics also impact product manager salaries in India. With the increasing adoption of Agile methodologies and the growing importance of product management in the digital era, there is a high demand for skilled product managers. Consequently, professionals with in-demand skills and experience can command higher salaries. However, in regions or industries with an oversupply of product managers, salaries may remain stagnant or experience slower growth. Professionals seeking higher salaries may need to focus on acquiring specialized skills or pursuing advanced certifications to differentiate themselves in a competitive job market.

    5. Credentials/Certifications

    Credentials and certifications can significantly impact product manager salaries. Professionals with recognized certifications, such as Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) or Certified Product Manager (CPM), often command higher salaries due to their demonstrated expertise in product management practices. Additionally, advanced degrees such as MBA with a specialization in product management can also lead to higher earning potential. Employers value candidates with relevant credentials and certifications as they demonstrate a commitment to professional development and proficiency in critical competencies required for the role.

    6. Skills

    Specific skills and competencies play a vital role in determining product manager salaries. Skills such as strategic planning, market analysis, product development, and stakeholder management are highly valued in the industry. Product managers with strong leadership, communication, and problem-solving abilities are likely to earn higher salaries compared to those lacking these skills. Additionally, proficiency in tools and technologies such as Agile frameworks, project management software, and data analytics platforms can further enhance earning potential. Employers prioritize candidates who possess a diverse skill set and demonstrate the ability to drive innovation and deliver results in a fast-paced environment.

    How to Improve Product Manager Salary in India?

    While experience plays a significant role in product manager salaries in India, several other factors can influence your earning potential.

    1. Skills

    Enhancing relevant skills is crucial to get the product manager highest salary in India. Product managers should focus on honing skills such as strategic planning, market analysis, product development, stakeholder management, and leadership. Enrolling in training programs such as the KnowledgeHut SAFe POPM course provides valuable insights and practical skills for product managers aiming to thrive in Agile environments. Additionally, proficiency in tools and technologies such as Agile frameworks, project management software, and data analytics platforms can enhance earning potential.

    2. Certifications

    Obtaining recognized certifications can significantly boost a product manager's salary. Certifications such as Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) and Certified Product Manager (CPM) demonstrate expertise in product management practices and increase credibility. Various edtech platforms offer comprehensive courses for these certifications. For example, KnowledgeHut provides extensive training programs tailored for professionals aiming to acquire various product manager certifications:

    By enrolling in these courses, product managers can deepen their understanding of Agile methodologies, product development strategies, and stakeholder management, ultimately enhancing their skills and career prospects.

    3. Degrees

    Earning advanced degrees, particularly MBA with a specialization in product management can lead to higher earning potential. A degree provides in-depth knowledge of business principles, strategic management, and product development strategies, which are highly valued by employers.

    4. Experience

    Gaining relevant experience is essential for increasing the product manager's salary. As product managers progress in their careers and accumulate more experience, they become more proficient in their roles and can command higher salaries. Seeking opportunities for professional growth, taking on leadership roles, and delivering successful projects can accelerate career progression and lead to higher earning potential.

    Why are Product Managers Paid So Much in India?

    Several factors contribute to the high salaries of product managers in India:

    • Skillset and Demand: Product managers require a unique blend of technical knowledge, business acumen, and creative problem-solving skills. They are responsible for the entire product lifecycle, from ideation to launch. This makes them highly valuable to organizations seeking to build successful products and maintain a competitive edge.
    • Growing Tech Industry: India's booming tech industry has created a significant demand for skilled product managers. As the sector continues to flourish, the demand for skilled individuals is likely to increase further, pushing salaries upwards.
    • Limited Supply: Compared to the demand, the pool of qualified product managers in India is still relatively limited. This limited supply, coupled with the high demand, creates a competitive market for talent, driving up salaries.
    • Diverse Skillsets: High-paying product manager roles often require additional skills in areas like data analysis, user experience design, and marketing. As these skills add further value to the role, they can command a premium in terms of salary.
    • Globalized Market: The Indian tech landscape is increasingly interconnected with the global market. Indian product managers with relevant skills and international experience can potentially compete for global opportunities, leading to higher salary expectations.


    To conclude, in India, a career as a product manager presents promising opportunities for professionals across various industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, and more. The salary range for product managers is influenced by several key factors. Firstly, job titles and responsibilities within the role can significantly impact compensation, with senior-level positions typically commanding higher salaries. Secondly, experience plays a crucial role, as more seasoned product managers with a proven track record of success often earn higher salaries than those just starting out in their careers. Additionally, the reputation and size of the employer, as well as the geographical location of the job, also contribute to salary differentials. Therefore, understanding these salary trends and considering various factors such as industry standards, company size, and regional cost of living is essential for individuals to make informed decisions about their career paths and earning potential in the dynamic field of product management.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the salary range for entry-level product managers in India?

    The salary range for entry-level product managers in India typically falls between ₹3 lakhs to ₹ 5 lakhs per annum.

    2Are there any additional perks or benefits typically offered to product managers in India?

    Product managers in India receive competitive salaries, additional perks, and benefits tailored to the company's policies. These include performance-based bonuses, stock options, health insurance, retirement contributions, flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, and allowances for daily expenses. These benefits contribute to a comprehensive compensation package aimed at attracting and retaining top talent in product management.

    3Can product managers negotiate their salary, and if so, how?

    Product managers can negotiate their salary by researching market rates, knowing their value, and preparing talking points that highlight their accomplishments. Timing is essential, as negotiations are often initiated during performance reviews or when taking on new responsibilities. Effective communication, consideration of total compensation, flexibility, and ensuring agreements are documented in writing are critical aspects of successful salary negotiations for product managers.

    4What resources or websites can I use to research average product manager salaries in India?

    To research average product manager salaries in India, you can use platforms like Glassdoor, LinkedIn Salary, PayScale, and Naukri.com. These websites provide valuable insights into salary data, allowing you to gauge average compensation levels based on location, experience, and industry. By leveraging these resources, you can make informed decisions about your career path and salary negotiations as a product manager in India.


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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