HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow to Build the Perfect Full Stack Developer Portfolio?

How to Build the Perfect Full Stack Developer Portfolio?

24th Apr, 2024
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    How to Build the Perfect Full Stack Developer Portfolio?

    Thousands and thousands of developers approach the market every year to prove their mettle and to make the web a better place to visit. Every day a new web development technology hits the floor with a fix to existing and probable hurdles. You as a full stack developer can employ these technologies and get more interview calls, given the fact that you showcase your work in a proper manner. Taking about that point, this blog will help you create an attractive Full Stack developer portfolio and land on the best opportunities you are looking for in the field. Before we dive into building the FSD portfolio, let’s understand the top reasons to become a full-stack developer.

    Building The Perfect Full Stack Developer Portfolio

    A full stack developer portfolio should define you, your skill set, and your work. You need a portfolio to showcase your skills and land a job so that you can expose yourself as a better developer. It is important to create an impact on your career path as well. Here is an example and some basic guidelines for an impactful full stack developer portfolio.

    Full stack developer portfolio
    Full stack developer portfolio (Courtesy - Iconic Copy)   

    Full stack Developer Portfolio Guidelines

    Guidelines that can be accompanied on your full stack developer portfolio.

    1. List your skills
    2. Add an "About me" section to promote yourself
    3. Add your recent projects with links
    4. Include a quick introduction video
    5. Easy to navigate
    6. Provide links to download your resume, cover letter, and project documents
    7. Add all your full stack web development certification links

    A full stack developer portfolio is a website defining you and your work, but how the UI should look. To create an impressive portfolio, you can utilize the knowledge and skills gained from the best full-stack developer courses available. Whether you choose to build your own website or host it on platforms like GitHub, having a portfolio will serve as a reference point for potential employers or clients. Let's explore an example for reference purposes.

    Full Stack Developer Portfolio

    Now, let us have a look at some references of a Few Full Stack Developer Portfolios on the internet -

    1. Daniel Spatzek


    2. Matthew Williams


    Let’s suppose John is a Hiring Manager, and he is visiting your portfolio - what will be his visibility, better or worse? We will be visiting portfolio points one by one and reviewing both points of view (the Hiring Manager's and ours).

    Listing Your Skills and Projects

    1. List your skills in an immaculate way

    John goes through lots of portfolios each day at work. He is unlikely to spend too much time evaluating your profile. From his point of view, he will be looking for bullet points to understand your capability and strength. He would really care about the manner your skills are listed, with some quick informatics points over it.

    2. Promote yourself in the heading section

    Now that John is already impressed with your skills, he would like to know more about you. This also gives you a chance to prove your capabilities in a few more points, which will get John’s interest more towards your profile.

    3. Mention your full-stack developer projects

    Projects that you have worked on play a particularly key role in your profile getting selected or rejected. As an example, if I say that the portfolio belongs to me, I will prefer to write details of the projects in a recent first manner than the oldest first. Keep yourself away from giving too many details, as HRs usually have shorter attention spans and more attention to detail.

    Showcasing Your Full-stack Project 

    Assuming I have worked on three projects to date, let’s see how we can effectively put this on the portfolio.

    • You can add full stack developer portfolio GitHub links of your project for more clarity and where “John” can see all call their implementation.
    • It can be as easy as providing the project name first, trailing it with technologies used in it, and ending with a small and informative description.
    • And most important, try keeping it in tabular form, which separates all information in a clear and readable format. Here is an example.
    Project NameXXXXXXX
    Technology UsedJava, Angular, React, Mongo DB, XX, XX, etc.
    DescriptionABC product was created to solve problem on hospitality domain, Problem which were solved using this product are xx, xx, xx

    Now, what do you see here? First and foremost, it is clear and easily readable. As a hiring manager, John can easily list your achievements, like the difficulty involved in a project, the technologies used, and the hidden interpersonal skills you might possess. Now we also have a chance to add a few more points to this table, like your roles and responsibilities. Let’s visit the outcome.

    The below format representing project details is the trend of writing a resume.

    Project NameXXXXXXX
    Technology UsedJava, Angular, React, Mongo DB, XX, XX, etc.
    DescriptionABC product was created to solve problems on hospitality domain, Problem which was solved using this product are xx, xx, xx
    Roles and ResponsibilitiesAs an individual contributor role, I was accountable for blah, blah and blah.

    Isn’t it good, more understandable, and neater? Yeah, all good, but I am a fresher in this case; what should I do? No worries, go ahead, and still, you can add college projects, if any.

    Add all the informative information about your college project. The example is shown below.

    Project NameXXXXXXX
    Technology UsedJava, Angular, React, Mongo DB, XX, XX, etc.
    DescriptionABC product was created to solve problem on hospitality domain, Problem which were solved using this product are xx, xx, xx
    Roles and ResponsibilitiesAs an individual contributor role, I was accountable for (list your responsibilities)

    With coding/programming/developing, whatever you want to call it, becoming ever more popular, fewer people are going the traditional college route. Because of this, many people are taking online courses from platforms like KnowledgeHut, or are going to Seminars.

    What is web development course? Click on the link to resolve your queries and explore the curriculum.

    So, it's safe to say that John will recognize those full stack developer portfolio projects on your full stack developer portfolio as a class/college project. It is better to mention projects that you have contributed to and the outcome is showcased via links to the project repository.

    Why not discuss one more key point about having projects - Try to choose a project from recent technologies, going into the market. We know that information technology is being evaluated day to day. Every day a new technology pops out on the market. Let your recruiter know that you have the necessary tech skills and are open to upskilling as the trend changes.

    One example is the internet speed of KBPS when we first began, and we are now streaming data in the range of GB per second. We have seen multiple-page websites of an e-commerce site to single-page applications built with Angular. Yeah, that’s the evolution of information technology.

    Top Cities where Knowledgehut Conduct Full Stack Developer Bootcamp Course

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    FSD Bootcamp in ChennaiFSD Bootcamp in Singapore
    FSD Bootcamp in PuneFSD Bootcamp in DubaiFSD Bootcamp in India
    FSD Bootcamp in Hyderabad
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    Full-stack Developer Portfolio Examples

    If we take UI technologies, we started from HTML, CSS and Java Script to now having Angular React playing significant role in every UI project. The same is with the backend, it all started with C, C++ and now Java, Node and Python becoming the market leaders. You should always try to put some full stack developer portfolio projects on your full stack developer portfolio website that resembles the area of development you are going into.

    Such as being a full stack developer, you want to include your own e-commerce website, with the front-end and backend technologies used, with the fully functional website URL for reference. If you're looking to make an impact on your career path as a full stack developer, consider taking pay-after-placement Full Stack Developer courses to gain the necessary skills and create a strong portfolio that showcases your abilities and helps you land a job.

    Include a quick 30-sec introduction video, quick and constructive

    Does video intro make any difference, as I already have John’s attention toward my full-stack developer portfolio? Why not? What is the harm in getting 100 out of 100? And it makes your full stack developer portfolio a better full stack developer portfolio.

    Introduction video on a full stack developer portfolio 

    The Infamous Introduction Video - About Me

    Let me just start off by saying, "please don’t include anything too personal". I get it, we all come from different backgrounds, and some people are more open than others and just let this information fly.

    • Have a quick note about yourself, a few points about your skills, projects, roles and responsibilities and do not forget to add your strength along with an accomplishment in your career you are proud of.
    • Try adding a solution you have provided to resolve any issues with some crazy but amazing idea you had. To gain some extra points.

    A little personal touch is nice, like if you can play the guitar really well or some other achievements that you are really proud of. A few hobbies of yours can also be a deal-breaker. The major point here is talking about the professional you, what you like about the field you work in, why you are passionate about it, and what latest skills you have that make you desirable. The about me is a great place to organically explain all of that.

    Links to download all relevant Documents

    But why does John need this many details? Why not? John is looking towards you to be in his company, working and generating assets and revenue for the organization. Let’s look into one example...

    We have already provided all project details, but as said earlier, having your full stack developer portfolio github links included in your portfolio website will make more impact. 

    When talking to people, you might get to a point where you can slip in some business talk. So, it is a great idea to promote yourself a little bit. Well... You’ll give them your full stack developer portfolio site to check you out, right? It is a good idea to keep your resume on your full stack developer portfolio while you show your stellar website because if they like you, they might feel, “Hey, I might hire this guy”. At this point, your resume will be right there waiting for them to click and see or download.

    I hope you got the point of having download links. It is easy for anyone to get the right information anytime they want to check on the resources you put for download. 

    Here are a few examples of developer portfolios worth looking at.

    Alex Calia


    Afua Deborah


    Philip Turkiewicz


    Now let us discuss how to put more impact on your full stack developer portfolio. Why not go ahead and put up your KnowledgeHut’s Full Stack Web Development certification on the portfolio? Click on the link to resolve your queries about the program and how it will create more impact. Let's see a few FAQs related to a few topics as we close in.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Do I need a full stack developer portfolio?

    You do not necessarily need a full stack developer portfolio website, but it is always good to have one. You can have it hosted on your own domain or use platforms like GitHub. A portfolio will give you the best possible chance of getting hired.

    2What is a full stack developer portfolio?

    Your full stack developer portfolio is more than just your resume. It can include entire online presence — your LinkedIn, GitHub, Stack Overflow, social networks, personal website. Each of these individual elements should be consistent with each other.

    3How to create full stack developer portfolio projects?

    While creating portfolio projects, it is advised to only promote a handful of the projects you want to highlight (with images/thumbnails and descriptions), which describes your work in an effective manner.

    4What is a full stack developer portfolio?

    A full stack developer portfolio is a list of your previous projects or a webpage detailing your experience as a full stack developer. It helps you demonstrate your full-stack development skills and how you've applied them.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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