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Difference Between Data Type and Data Structure

24th Apr, 2024
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    Difference Between Data Type and Data Structure

    Data is the primary focus of computer programming. The flow of data is what makes an application or project functional, and it is over this data that all business logic is built. For optimal utilization, it is therefore essential to arrange and store the data and use a solid data model for efficient programming. 

    The ideas of data types and structures are essential cornerstones in computer science and software engineering that support the development, application, and optimization of algorithms and methods for manipulating data. Data type defines the kind of value that can be stored in a variable or expression, acting as a classification system for data. Data structure, on the other hand, is a way to arrange and store data in computer memory so that it may be accessed and altered quickly. 

    This blog will emphasize the difference between data type and data structure. Before we discuss the distinctions, let's take a quick look at the two.

    What is Data Type?

    Data type in computer programming refers to a classification system for variables or data objects, defining the type of value it can hold and the operations that can be performed on it. Essentially, it specifies how the data will be interpreted, stored, and manipulated within a program.

    Common data types include:

    • Integer: Represents whole numbers without fractional parts (e.g., 1, 10, -5). 
    • Floating-point: Displays numbers that have fractional components. (e.g., 3.14, -0.5).
    • Character: Symbolizes specific characters or symbols (e.g., 'A', 'b', '$'). 
    • String: Represents various sequences of characters (e.g., "hello", "world"). 
    • Boolean: Indicates if a value is true or not. (e.g., True or False)
    • Array: Represents an assemblage of elements belonging to the same data type.
    • Structures/Objects: This represents a composite data type that can hold multiple values.

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    What is Data Structure?

    Data structure is a method for effectively accessing and manipulating data by arranging and storing it in a computer's memory. Data structures are made to make it easier to handle and manipulate data so that different tasks like searching, sorting, adding, deleting, and updating data may be done efficiently.

    Some common types of data structures include:

    • Arrays: A collection of elements stored in contiguous memory locations, accessed using an index.


    • Linked Lists: A sequence of elements where each element points to the next element, forming a chain-like structure.

    Linked List

    • Stacks: A Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure where elements are added and removed from the top.


    • Queues: A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure where elements are added at the rear and removed from the front.


    • Trees: A hierarchical data structure consisting of nodes connected by edges, with a single root node at the top.

    Difference Between Data Type and Data Structure

    The key differences between data type and data structure are shown in the following table.


    Data Type

    Data Structure


    Classifies data based on the type of values it holds.

    Organizes and stores data for efficient operations.


    Specifies the nature of the data.

    Deals with the arrangement and relationship between data elements.


    Applies to individual variables.

    Applies to a collection of variables.


    Int, Float, Char, etc.

    Arrays, Linked Lists, Trees, etc.


    Defines permissible operations on data.

    Specifies algorithms for data manipulation.


    Limited, as it depends on the programming language.

    High, as various structures cater to diverse needs.

    Memory Management

    Deals with the size and type of memory allocated to a variable.

    Focuses on efficient utilization of memory for entire datasets.

    Primary Goal

    Ensures data integrity and correctness.

    Enhances performance and speed of data manipulation.


    Narrower scope, concerning individual variables.

    Broader scope, involving relationships between variables.

    Example Code

    int num = 5;

    struct Point {int x, y};

    Data Type vs Data Structure: Detailed Comparison

    Let’s dive into a detailed comparison of difference between data type and data structure:

    1. Data Type vs. Data Structure: Memory Representation

    Data Type

    • Data types define the type of data a variable can hold.
    • Examples: ‘int’, ‘float’, and ‘char’ in languages like C or Java.

    Data Structure

    • Data structures organize and store data in memory.
    • Examples: Arrays, Linked Lists, and Trees.

    2. Data Type vs. Data Structure: Access and Retrieval Efficiency

    Data Type

    • Accessing data in simple data types is usually fast.
    • Example: Accessing an integer variable.

    Data Structure

    • Efficiency varies; arrays provide fast access; linked lists may require traversing.
    • Example: Accessing elements in an array vs. a linked list.

    3. Data Type vs. Data Structure: Insertion and Deletion Operations

    Data Type

    • Limited flexibility for inserting or deleting elements.
    • Example: Adding a new element to an array may require shifting others.

    Data Type Insertion and Deletion

    Data Structure

    • Specialized structures facilitate efficient insertion and deletion.
    • Example: Inserting/deleting nodes in a linked list.

    Data Structure Insertion and Deletion

    4. Data Type vs. Data Structure: Flexibility and Extensibility

    Data Type

    • Limited in structure and flexibility.
    • Example: An integer can only represent whole numbers.

    Data Structure

    • Offers greater flexibility and extensibility.
    • Example: A dynamic array can grow as needed.

    5. Data Type vs. Data Structure: Memory Management Overhead

    Data Type

    • Minimal memory management overhead.
    • Example: Allocating memory for a single variable.

    Data Structure

    • Requires additional memory for structural organization.
    • Example: Allocating memory for each node in a linked list.

    6. Data Type vs. Data Structure: Operations and Complexity

    Data Type

    • Operations are straightforward and simple.
    • Example: Arithmetic operations on numbers.

    Data Structure

    • Operations may involve complex algorithms.
    • Example: Searching for an element in a binary search tree.

    Operations and Complexity

    7. Data Type vs. Data Structure: Impact on Programming Paradigms

    Data Type

    • Primarily influences procedural programming.
    • Example: Integers, floats in a procedural language like C.

    Data Structure

    • Crucial for data-centric and object-oriented programming.
    • Example: Objects and classes in object-oriented languages like Python.

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    How Are They Similar?

    Despite being distinct concepts in computer science, there are several similarities between data types and data structures:

    • Organizing Data: Both data types and data structures involve organizing and structuring data in a systematic way to facilitate efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation within a computer program.
    • Classification: Both concepts involve the classification or categorization of data elements based on certain criteria. 
    • Memory Management: Both data types and data structures require memory allocation and management to store data efficiently in computer memory. They determine the size and layout of memory required to store data elements.
    • Operations: Both data types and data structures define operations that can be performed on the data they represent. 
    • Language Dependency: Both concepts are influenced by the programming language used. 
    • Abstraction: Both data types and data structures provide a level of abstraction to programmers, hiding the underlying implementation details and complexity of data representation and manipulation. 
    • Foundational Concepts: Both data types and data structures are fundamental building blocks used in various algorithms, data processing tasks, and software development projects.

    What Should You Choose Between Data Type and Data Structure?

    The choice between data type and data structure depends on the specific requirements and objectives of your programming task or application. 

    Here are some considerations to help you decide:

    When to Choose Data Types

    • Use data types when you need to specify the kinds of values (integers, floats, characters, etc.) that a variable can store
    • Select the appropriate data type for a single variable or a small group of related variables.
    • You might concentrate on data types in scenarios like setting up variables to store strings, boolean values, characters, and numbers.

    When to Choose Data Structures

    • The use of data structures is necessary when managing and organizing groups of data items. 
    • Choose Data Structures in situations when you need to store, retrieve, or handle huge amounts of data quickly. 
    • Implementing search or sorting algorithms, organizing lists of objects, or modelling hierarchical relationships between data elements are a few scenarios where you would concentrate on data structures.

    It is to note that many times a combination of both data types and data structures is necessary to effectively address the requirements of a programming task. For example, using data types to represent individual elements within data structure like an array or linked list combines the simplicity of data types with the organizational capabilities of data structures.


    The primary difference between data type and data structure may be found in the basic programming objectives each has. The fundamental descriptor that characterizes the kind and nature of data is known as data type. It makes the information easier to understand by outlining the features and limitations of specific data elements. In contrast, data structure serves as a flexible container that can hold a variety of data types. It is a data organization, manipulation, and optimization tool that makes it possible to create effective programming logic and actions.

    Writing well-structured and efficient programs necessitates a deep comprehension of these concepts and application of them. Thus, it becomes mandatory to undergo Online Data Structure training to completely understand these concepts along with their applications.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1What are the advantages of data structure?

    Data structures improve productivity by facilitating logical data organization, effective retrieval, and simplified manipulation. They reduce resource consumption and temporal complexity by optimizing algorithm performance.

    2What is the data structure used for?

    Data structures are tools for methodically managing and organizing data, enabling effective manipulation, retrieval, and storage. They provide a basis for creating software solutions and algorithms that are faster and more scalable.

    3How do data types differ from data structures?

    Data types define the classification and characteristics of individual variables, specifying permissible operations. In contrast, data structures organize and store data collections, determining relationships and optimizing operations on sets of variables.

    4How do data types and data structures impact memory usage?

    The size and representation of individual variables are determined by data types, which have an impact on the total memory footprint of the program. Data structures affect memory by determining how collections are arranged and arranged, which affects access patterns and storage effectiveness.

    5What is the difference between primitive and non-primitive data types?

    Primitive data types (integers, floats) are simple, predefined types with straightforward operations; non-primitive data types (arrays, structures) are user-defined and enable more intricate data organization and manipulation, which affects memory use and programming flexibility.


    Geetika Mathur


    Geetika Mathur is a recent Graduate with specialization in Computer Science Engineering having a keen interest in exploring entirety around. She have a strong passion for reading novels, writing and building web apps. She has published one review and one research paper in International Journal. She has also been declared as a topper in NPTEL examination by IIT – Kharagpur.

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