HomeBlogData ScienceAI for Marketing: Use Cases, Benefits, Types, Challenges

AI for Marketing: Use Cases, Benefits, Types, Challenges

27th Dec, 2023
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    AI for Marketing: Use Cases, Benefits, Types, Challenges

    customized and digital buying experiences. By adjusting your marketing material to each consumer's tastes, this strategy improves segmentation and promotes fruitful interactions. We may anticipate a greater adoption of AI by both marketers and consumers as the benefits it offers to marketing become more widely known. Understanding how AI may help your company with marketing is becoming more and more crucial.

    AI for marketing is reshaping the advertising industry, automating operations, and refining campaigns to improve marketing efforts and save time. It enhances human abilities, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. In actuality, it is anticipated that the market for artificial intelligence in marketing would reach more than $107.5 billion by 2028, a significant increase from $15.84 billion in 2021.Therefore, in order to stay competitive, marketers need to stay up to date on the various applications of AI for marketing automation.

    Below is a post on the application of AI in marketing, types of AI in marketing, Artificial Intelligence prerequisites for marketing automation and how marketers may use it to stay informed and improve their marketing efforts.

    What is AI Marketing?

    Artificial intelligence for marketing refers to all the ways in which AI technology can help your marketing efforts succeed. These are primarily tools that use customer data to generate targeted messages and deliver them at the optimal time. It includes everything from AI that drafts blogs to chatbots that learn from conversations. For marketers, using AI for marketing saves a lot of time spent manually analyzing data and developing targeted campaigns. This makes consumers more likely to see content they like.

    Organizations can enhance their overall marketing initiatives with the help of artificial intelligence. AI can automate routine marketing chores like planning and delivering emails or forecasting the success of campaigns. Personalizing experiences for both marketers and customers takes it a step further. Today's customer journey is heavily influenced by speed, efficiency, and personalization, therefore leveraging AI to predict demand and make wise decisions is essential.

    To employ marketing with AI, the AI will often collect data, learn about client behavior, and analyze this data to aid a company in achieving its objectives. Even customers who perform particular actions on your website, like clicking a button or liking a social media post, can be contacted using AI. There are a number of AI technologies and programs that marketers can utilize to send automatic responses to their customers. Data analysis, media buying, content creation, personalization, and other tasks are handled by AI marketing.

    How to Use AI in Marketing?

    The use of artificial intelligence in marketing is transforming the industry in various ways, resulting in better strategy, more individualized customer experiences, and better decision-making. Before applying artificial intelligence for marketing, let us look at the steps to consider.

    Step 1: Assess Your Marketing Processes

    • Evaluate your current marketing workflows and identify areas that could benefit from automation.
    • Analyze data to understand customer behaviors, preferences, and trends.
    • Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) you want to improve through automation.

    Step 2: Finding Marketing Bottlenecks

    • Identify specific points in your marketing processes where inefficiencies or bottlenecks exist.
    • Pinpoint areas where automation can streamline tasks, reduce manual work, or enhance decision-making.

    Step 3: Look for Automation Solutions

    • Research and select suitable AI and automation tools or platforms that align with your marketing goals.
    • Consider tools for email marketing, customer segmentation, data analysis, chatbots, social media scheduling, and more.
    • Ensure that the chosen solutions are scalable and integrable with your existing systems.

    Step 4: Implement, Train, and Scale

    • Implement automation solutions gradually, starting with the most critical areas identified in step 2.
    • Train your team on how to use these tools effectively and maximize their benefits.
    • Continuously monitor and analyze the results to ensure the automation is delivering the desired improvements.
    • As you gain confidence and see positive outcomes, scale up automation to cover more aspects of your marketing processes.

    Examples of AI in marketing

    Types of AI Marketing Solutions

    There are four groups of AI apps in marketing today, including:

    1. Standalone Automation Apps

    Standalone automation apps are designed to simplify and streamline various tasks by automating processes and reducing manual intervention. These apps cater to a wide range of needs, from task automation to workflow management. This type of technology frequently does not interface with other AI technology and trends to have a singular purpose. Examples include automatic social media publishing capabilities and straightforward "Thank you" messages that customers view after subscribing to a newsletter or download. Stand-alone automation programs don't "learn" from their interactions, in contrast to more sophisticated kinds of AI.

    2. Integrated Automation Apps

    Integrated automation apps are designed to streamline and connect various applications and services within a single platform. They offer a centralized way to automate workflows, data transfers, and tasks across multiple tools. Apps for integrated automation typically have some kind of logic-based rule. An example of integrated automation would be a CRM that labels customers according to their actions.

    3. Standalone ML Applications

    Standalone machine learning apps are programs or applications that are specifically designed to do machine learning tasks independently without requiring a great deal of coding or integration into larger systems. These apps often cater to a wide spectrum of users, from non-technical professionals to developers, and are user-friendly. Through learning from its interactions, this technology supports human endeavors. Chatbots that can determine when to transmit a conversation to a live agent are the most popular application for this kind of automation.

    4. Integrated ML Apps

    Integrated machine learning (ML) apps are designed to incorporate ML capabilities and features within existing software applications, platforms, or services. They enable organizations to leverage ML without building ML models from scratch. Apps with integrated machine learning don't need daily input from users. The Netflix recommendation engine, one of the most well-known integrated ML apps, uses user behavior and viewing history analysis to provide recommendations.

    How to Select the best AI Platform?

    AI marketing automates and optimizes a variety of marketing tasks and strategies through the use of cutting-edge algorithms and data analysis. When selecting an AI tool for a particular use case the following aspects should be taken into account:

    • Accuracy: The tool's accuracy is one of the most crucial elements. For your particular use case, the tool must be able to deliver correct findings; otherwise, it may not be efficient or helpful.
    • Ease of Use: This is a crucial element as well. To ensure that the product is embraced by your team and utilized to its fullest potential, it should be user-friendly and simple to use.
    • Integration: Take into account the degree of integration needed for the tool to operate within your current technological infrastructure and work processes. To reduce friction and increase productivity, it is crucial that the tool works well with other applications and systems.
    • Cost: Cost must also be taken into account. Make sure the tool is within your price range and that its long-term advantages outweigh its short-term costs.
    • Technical help: Take into account the vendor's degree of technical help, including online resources, documentation, and customer service. In the event that you run into issues or require assistance with the product, having good support available might be beneficial.

    It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and that the efficiency of an AI tool can vary based on the unique AI use cases in marketing. TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, Google Cloud AI Platform, Amazon SageMaker, and Microsoft Azure Machine Learning are a few well-known AI tools that have shown to be successful in a variety of use cases. The optimal AI solution for your use case will, however, depend on your unique demands and constraints. By enrolling in artificial intelligence courses, such as KnowledgeHut artificial intelligence courses with certification and understanding KnowledgeHut Artificial Intelligence prerequisites will help your marketing team gain the necessary knowledge and skills needed to work in this rapidly evolving field.

    Benefits of Leveraging AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Marketing

    Artificial intelligence in marketing has a number of advantages that can improve organizations' marketing effectiveness. Among the main advantages are:

    1. Drive Marketing Automation

    AI-driven marketing automation streamlines processes while delivering personalized content and freeing up marketing team’s time for strategic and creative work. Live operators are replaced with AI chatbots, which lower expenses and increase ROI by using smart strategies. As demonstrated by systems like Levity, which automate lead generation and email tagging, it is scalable for enterprises of all sizes, enhancing overall performance with an average ROI gain of up to 30%.

    2. Smart segmentation to identify the target group

    Businesses may now easily identify and categorize clients based on their interests, demands, and actions by utilizing AI. This makes it possible for marketing initiatives to be targeted more precisely, which raises customer engagement and sales. The data AI delivers will surprisingly prove to be far more accurate, and the connections made with customers will be more lasting.

    3. Media Buying

    Media buying in marketing is revolutionized by AI, which foresees ideal ad placements for target audiences and higher ROI. AI-powered solutions automate and improve marketing efforts, cutting down on wasted advertising dollars and raising click-through rates. Media buyers are empowered by these data-driven insights, which improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their plans.

    4. Improved E-mail Marketing Engagement

    Automated email marketing has been around for a while. However, AI tools can assist in creating more interesting email content and discovering the behaviors of your email list. For example, when a customer abandons their shopping cart, automated emails can be triggered to remind them of the items left behind and encourage them to complete the purchase. Also, by using customer data and behavior you can send personalized product recommendations via automated emails.

    5. Marketing Content Creation

    The creation of content for marketers is being revolutionized by generative AI, which offers tools to improve engagement and carry out logical campaigns. Models like ChatGPT facilitate idea generation and provide fresh perspectives. From social media postings to email campaigns, AI can generate draft material that marketers can subsequently edit. Marketers can easily produce excellent content with tools like Writesonic, content.ai, and Jasper.

    6. AI Driven Chatbots

    Chatbots that use NLP help with customer support and lead nurturing thus improving the customer experience. Through a variety of communication methods, they provide prompt and personalized responses, delivering a smooth and practical customer experience. For instance, EliseAI provides human-like responses via email, text, and chat.

    Examples/Use Cases of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Marketing

    AI may be able to assist you in automating and enhancing the online marketing tasks that you or your employees complete. Here are some examples of AI in digital marketing and AI use cases.

    1. Enhance Customer Experience

    AI develops customized experiences through personalized content that increases customer satisfaction and adherence. It simplifies the purchasing process, reduces inconveniences, and improves customer service. Alibaba, a major retailer, has launched a physical "Fashion AI" store in Hong Kong to streamline the customer's experience with fashion retail by utilizing artificial intelligence.

    2. Faster decision-making Based on Data

    Starbucks collects and analyzes client data through a mobile app and its loyalty program. It analyzes data using a predictive analytics technique and gives clients personalized information via marketing emails and messaging. When approaching a nearby store, this content includes recommendations as well as offers that are meant to raise the average order value of the customer.

    3. Integrating AI with AR and VR

    Businesses like Snapchat, Nike, and Adidas are changing how they interact with customers because of the growing popularity of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. AI-enhanced immersive technologies are transforming communication and education. Also, the shopping experience is being improved by AI-powered virtual assistants.

    4. Build Customer Loyalty

    BMW has introduced a sports car with AI enhancements that is intended for customers who value exclusivity and early adoption of AI technologies. The driver-aware AI-enhanced technology first absorbs information about the driver before automatically modifying systems to improve the passenger experience. The goal of BMW's concentration on technologically advanced and connected vehicles is to maintain customer brand loyalty.

    5. Humanized Content

    Chase Bank, a prominent financial institution, has entered into a significant five-year partnership with Persado, a New York-based company specializing in artificial intelligence-driven marketing content. This partnership reflects Chase's commitment to leveraging the power of AI to enhance its marketing efforts. During the collaboration, Chase Bank conducted extensive testing of Persado's AI-driven copywriting technology. The results were particularly promising, as they found that utilizing machine learning and AI in the copywriting process allowed them to create marketing content that resonated more effectively with customers.

    6. AI-Powered Marketing Insights

    The consumer products company Unilever employs AI data centers located all around the world to combine insights from social listening, CRM, and traditional marketing research. With the use of this technology, Unilever identified a connection between ice cream and breakfast: at least 50 songs in the public domain mention eating "ice cream for breakfast," and establishments like Dunkin' Donuts already sell ice cream in the morning. Following this discovery, Unilever created a variety of cereal-flavored ice creams for the Ben & Jerry's brand, including Fruit Loop and Frozen Flakes.

    Challenges for AI Marketing

    Even though AI continues to grow in power, it still has some restrictions. Some of them are a result of ethical issues. Others are brought on by a lack of adequate financial and human resources. Let us examine each of these challenges and disadvantages of AI in marketing in detail.

    • Data Privacy Concerns: Collecting and analyzing customer data for personalized marketing can raise privacy issues. Marketers must ensure that they comply with data protection regulations and maintain consumer trust.
    • Data Quality: AI relies on data quality, and inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to flawed insights and recommendations.
    • Integration Complexity: Integrating AI tools and platforms with existing systems can be complex and may require significant changes to the marketing technology stack.
    • Costs: Implementing AI in marketing can be expensive, both in terms of technology investments and the need for skilled professionals.
    • Lack of AI Skills: Finding and retaining talent with expertise in AI can be challenging, as there is a shortage of AI professionals in the job market. Partnerships with third-party service providers that can assist with data collection, analysis, and maintenance as well as the necessary AI training programs such as Data Science for beginners course for staff members interested in Artificial Intelligence and data science are another approach to make AI work.
    • Ethical Concerns: Using AI for marketing raises ethical questions, such as how personalization can be perceived as manipulative or intrusive.
    • Algorithm Bias: AI algorithms may unintentionally perpetuate biases in marketing, potentially leading to discrimination or unfair practices.
    • Customer Resistance: Some consumers may be uncomfortable with the level of personalization AI enables, leading to resistance or opting out.

    AI Marketing Predictions and Trends

    Despite the numerous applications of AI in marketing that are already available, the field is still in its early stages. It is anticipated to increase from an estimated USD 15.84 billion in 2021 to over USD 107.5 billion in 2028.

    1. Creation and Development of Videos

    To save time and money, more and more companies are partnering with AI for video generation. AI for marketing gives companies the chance to produce massive amounts of content in a shorter amount of time while reducing costs of producing videos, which include hiring actors or anchors, writing scripts, making edits, transcribing, etc.

    2. Using Predictive Analytics to make better decisions

    It is now possible to predict future user behavior, thanks to AI. AI is able to gather huge amounts of data from websites and apps that it may utilize to forecast the user's future behaviors. In essence, AI assists in identifying trends in user behavior. This information also aids in user behavior prediction and the optimization of offers and advertisements. 

    3. More Effective Audience Segmentation

    In the past years, marketers have faced hurdles in implementing impactful audience segmentation strategies. However, with the rise of AI, companies are now able to overcome these issues to some extent. AI is now assisting businesses with audience hyper-segmentation. AI can produce greater insights about each and every customer by combining the data that has been gathered from them.


    To conclude, it has become harder to ignore the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing. Numerous businesses from a variety of sectors are embracing technology to enhance operations and workflows, acquire greater insights, and create business opportunities. AI can now provide insight into business and marketing decisions that were previously only relied on human intelligence. Though the journey will take a while, we think AI will ultimately change marketing. Building AI capabilities and managing any possible hazards will require long-term focus from the marketing department and the entities that support it, IT in particular. It is advisable for marketers to begin creating a strategy right away to benefit from AI's functioning right now and its anticipated future.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How is AI used in marketing?

    AI can help marketers understand consumers better, categorize customers, and move them to the next stage of their journey while giving them the greatest experience. By carefully analyzing customer data and being aware of their true desires, marketers may enhance ROI without spending money on fruitless endeavors.

    2Does AI work for marketing content?

    AI enables content marketers to provide content that is applicable to their target market at every point of the purchase cycle. With AI, content marketers can create, personalize, and optimize content in various ways. AI tools can also optimize content for search engines (SEO) by analyzing keywords and providing suggestions for improving search rankings. They can also help enhance content readability and structure.

    3What is the future of AI marketing?

    In the following years, AI-powered marketing and advertising will enable marketers to make decisions in real-time based on data and design more successful campaigns. Another area where AI is anticipated to make substantial advancements in the next years is predictive marketing. AI can identify which customers are most likely to make a purchase, churn, or develop a loyal following by evaluating customer data.

    4Which companies use AI for marketing?

    Netflix, Nutella, Spotify, Amazon, Volkswagen are a few companies who are using artificial intelligence for marketing.


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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