HomeBlogDatabaseThe Future of SQL: Databases Meet Stream Processing

The Future of SQL: Databases Meet Stream Processing

24th Apr, 2024
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    The Future of SQL: Databases Meet Stream Processing

    The future of SQL (Structured Query Language) is a scalding subject among professionals in the data-driven world. As data generation continues to skyrocket, the demand for real-time decision-making, data processing, and analysis increases. Recently, the advent of stream processing has unlocked the door for a new era in database technology. As a result, we can now analyze big chunks of data in real time, offering valuable opportunities and insights to make well-informed decisions.

    In today’s data-driven world, the future of SQL is entwined with the future of databases and becoming highly significant. According to recent studies, the global database market will grow from USD 63.4 billion in 2022 to $154.6 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 11.8%.

    How is SQL Being Utilized?

    SQL is a powerful tool for managing and manipulating relational databases, and it continues to be widely used in the industry today. Companies of all sizes and across various sectors utilize SQL for data analysis and reporting as the volume of data generated daily increases.

    SQL helps businesses to query and extract data from big datasets, offering insights into market trends, customer behavior, and other crucial elements that drive decision-making. SQL is also popularly employed for transactional data management, such as inventory management, online purchases, and financial transactions.

    However, SQL is more comprehensive than these traditional uses. The future of SQL developers lies in utilizing it in more advanced ways. As big data and machine learning have become more prevalent, SQL is increasingly being used to train and query predictive models, which may help businesses make better decisions.

    Moreover, SQL is used in combination with stream processing tools like Apache Kafka to deal with massive amounts of data in real-time and deliver quick insights that might be essential for company success. As such, the future of SQL developers is bright as the demand for their expertise continues to grow in this ever-evolving industry. SQL Certification Course will help you leverage data to extract useful business insights through data analytics using SQL.

    Benefits of Using SQL 

    SQL is essential for managing and manipulating relational databases (where data is stored in a tabular format) because of its numerous advantages.

    • One of its most significant benefits is its ability to quickly process a vast amount of data. SQL operations like inserting, updating, and deleting data are lightning-fast, making it ideal for handling large datasets.
    • Most database management systems, such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and SAP Adaptive Server, are compatible with SQL. This compatibility makes it simple to create new tables and move old tables to new databases. Moreover, it also contributes to SQL's superior scalability.
    • The language also has excellent transaction support, allowing it to handle multiple transactions simultaneously while supporting massive records.
    • SQL's security features enable businesses to keep their data safe and manage permissions easily.
    • It has a flat learning curve, with simple syntax and statements mainly consisting of English words. It is a standardized language with an active developer community, ensuring frequent updates, troubleshooting releases, and ample documentation.
    • Moreover, SQL is highly portable, allowing it to be used across multiple devices.
    • It is also integrable with other programming languages like Python and R.

    Such advantages position SQL for an exciting future, with its continued use in data analysis, reporting, transactional data management, machine learning, and stream processing.

    Future of SQL Databases: Streaming SQL 

    The demand for data management and analysis drives the future of databases and SQL, as they are closely knotted. The role of the SQL developer is also evolving as new technologies and approaches emerge.

    • One of the most significant trends in the future of databases is the rise of NoSQL databases, which offer more flexibility and scalability than traditional relational databases. However, SQL is still widely used and will continue to play a vital role in data management.
    • Another area of growth in the future of databases and SQL is the use of cloud-based platforms, which provide easy access to data storage and processing resources. SQL developers must adapt their skills to work with these platforms and utilize their features.
    • Streaming SQL is also emerging as a powerful tool for real-time data processing and analysis. As the volume of data generated continues to increase, streaming SQL will become even more critical for businesses to gain real-time insights and make data-driven decisions.
    • In terms of the future of SQL developers, the demand for professionals with SQL skills will continue to grow. However, SQL developers must be proficient in new technologies and approaches such as NoSQL databases, cloud-based platforms, and streaming SQL.

    The future of databases and SQL is bright, with new opportunities and challenges emerging as the field continues to evolve.

    What is the Significance of SQL in Real-time Streaming?

    Real-time streaming is becoming increasingly important in the era of big data, and SQL plays a crucial role in managing and analyzing these streams.

    According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global streaming analytics market size is expected to grow from USD 15.4 billion in 2021 to USD 50.1 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 26.5% during the forecast period. This growth is being driven by the following:

    • Increasing demand for real-time analytics
    • The rising adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and
    • The proliferation of big data.

    In real-time streaming, SQL queries help to process and analyze data as it is generated, allowing organizations to make timely and informed decisions. For instance, streaming SQL queries can detect anomalies in real-time data streams, trigger alerts when certain conditions are met, and perform real-time customer behavior analysis to personalize experiences.

    Based on a survey, Striim expressed that 66% of enterprises plan to invest in real-time streaming analytics within the next two years. PL SQL developers are crucial in building and maintaining these real-time streaming systems. They need a strong understanding of SQL and experience with stream processing technologies such as Apache Kafka and Spark Streaming.

    As the demand for real-time streaming analytics continues to grow, the future of PL SQL developers looks promising.

    Types of Queries in a Streaming Database

    There are two types of queries in a streaming database:

    • Continuous queries
    • Ad-hoc/Snapshot queries

    1. Continuous Queries

    These are ongoing queries that run continuously on a stream of data, and they are used to monitor and analyze real-time data.

    Continuous queries are designed to process and analyze data as it arrives. Therefore, they are often used in applications that require real-time monitoring or processing, such as financial trading, IoT devices, or social media sentiment analysis.

    2. Ad-hoc/Snapshot Queries

    These are one-time queries that run on a stream of data to answer specific questions or perform specific analyses.

    Ad-hoc queries help perform exploratory analysis or troubleshooting. They can also help to identify patterns or trends in the data.

    Both queries are essential in streaming databases, allowing users to extract meaningful insights and value from the data in real time.

    As the future of SQL DBA continues to evolve, we expect to see even more advanced query capabilities and tools for analyzing and processing streaming data.

    What is the Process for Querying a SQL Stream?

    Querying a SQL stream includes steps that allow you to extract meaningful insights from the continuous data stream. Below is the general overview of the process. Alongside you can go for the Database Certification Program and explore the most popular databases to help you with your process for querying.

    Step 1: Connect to the Stream

    To begin, you must first establish a connection to the data stream. This may involve using a specialized tool or a dedicated API to connect to the stream.

    Step 2: Define the Query

    Once you've established a connection to the stream, you can define the query you want to run. This may involve selecting specific fields or data points you're interested in analyzing.

    Step 3: Set Query Parameters

    After defining the query, you can set any necessary parameters that will help refine the data you receive. This may include filtering by date range, location, or other relevant variables.

    Step 4: Execute the Query

    With the query and parameters defined, you can execute the query to retrieve the relevant data from the stream.

    Step 5: Analyze the Results

    Once you have the data, you can analyze it using various tools and techniques to gain insights into patterns, trends, or other relevant information.

    As the future of SQL server DBA evolves, querying SQL streams is becoming increasingly significant for businesses looking to gain insights from real-time data.

    By understanding the process of querying a SQL stream, you can leverage this technology to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions based on the latest data.

    Differences in Traditional Querying and Streaming Databases

    The difference between the two lies in how they handle data and how quickly they can deliver insights.

    1. Traditional Databases

    Traditional databases use a query-based approach to retrieve and analyze data.

    In such databases, data is stored in tables and queried using SQL. This approach works well for relatively static data stored in a structured format.

    However, this approach quickly becomes cumbersome when dealing with rapidly changing data, such as sensor readings from IoT devices.

    Traditional databases need to be optimized to handle complex event processing.

    2. Streaming Databases

    Streaming databases utilize a continuous data stream for real-time analysis.

    Such databases ingest and process data in real-time, allowing for immediate analysis and action.

    Rather than waiting for a query to be executed, streaming databases continuously analyze the data as it comes in, allowing for real-time decision-making.

    Streaming databases excel at handling and analyzing complex event-processing data. This means that streaming databases are better suited for use cases such as fraud detection, anomaly detection, and real-time monitoring.

    While traditional databases have their strengths, there are better solutions for real-time data analysis. Streaming databases offer a more efficient approach to rapidly changing data and enabling real-time decision-making. As the demand for real-time insights continues to grow, the adoption of streaming databases is likely to increase in the coming years.

    Here’s a table of comparison between traditional querying and streaming databases for a better understanding:


    Traditional Databases

    Streaming Databases

    Data Type



    Data Model



    Data Flow

    Batch Processing

    Real-time Streaming


    Vertical Scaling

    Horizontal Scaling


    High Latency

    Low Latency

    Use Case

    Business Intelligence

    IoT Data Processing

    Use Cases for Streaming SQL

    Streaming SQL has a wide range of use cases in various industries. Here are some examples:

    1. Cyber Security

    Cybersecurity is a perpetual concern in technology, but with smart cyber-defense decisions and advanced defense technologies, cyber attacks can be combatted.

    Leveraging the power of streaming data to detect anomalies in real-time data streams can identify security issues as they happen, isolating potential threats. Stream processing provides several benefits, including filtering data from storage and integrating data into a more robust analytics platform.

    By implementing real-time stream processing, DDoS attacks can be identified by analyzing traffic to see if an abnormal amount of traffic is coming from a single IP address or user profile.

    2. Fraud Detection

    The fight against fraud requires real-time detection and prevention, which is where streaming technology comes in. By processing transaction data as it comes in, anomalies can be quickly identified, and fraudulent transactions can be stopped in their tracks.

    Sophisticated machine learning algorithms can help analyze patterns and detect fraud in real-time. These algorithms are trained to analyze large datasets and make binary classifications to determine if a transaction is fraudulent.

    Once fraud is detected, notifications can be sent through various communication channels like email, SMS, or social media. By using these advanced technologies, the future of fraud detection looks promising.

    3. Log Analysis

    Real-time log analysis is a crucial aspect of IT operations, allowing for in-depth analysis and visualization of logs to gain insights.

    The use of stream processing technology enables querying of continuous data streams and processing of received data to detect anomalies and incidents in real-time.

    This approach allows for generating analyses of streams and transactions and creating new streams for additional use cases.

    Network logs and router logs can be analyzed to monitor activity and detect attacks; log analysis tools such as Splunk and Elasticsearch, when used with stream processing tools like Upsolver, provide the necessary capabilities for effective real-time log analytics.

    4. Database Migration

    A modern cloud data stack is recommended for organizations to handle data processing needs efficiently. Moving from traditional on-premises database architecture to the cloud can be complex and challenging. However, a streaming architecture can ease migration by providing schema-on-read, automatic partition and compaction capabilities, and built-in transformation functions.

    With the native Change Data Capture (CDC) support, the latest data view can be accessed in near real-time. Minimizing the complexity of data processing and maintenance requirements is essential when transitioning from a traditional database to a cloud data lake architecture.

    5. Sensor Data

    Real-time data processing from sensors and devices is a crucial use case for stream processing. For instance, it can be applied to Aircrafts to gain insights into faults as they occur, reducing maintenance delays and improving flight safety.

    In the oil and gas industry, stream processing can help monitor various processes in petroleum production and refining, such as temperature and pressure, to ensure the integrity of oil and gas production.

    Modern IoT applications typically deal with real-time data streams, and stream processing enables near real-time analysis for accurate inventory and supply chain management. This can be achieved using powerful databases and analytics engines that handle real-time calculations with minimal processing latency.

    6. Online Advertising

    Stream processing is a precious technique in the online advertising industry, particularly for social networks that track user behavior, clicks, and interests to create user profiles. This data is then used to promote ads that align with users' interests. By leveraging stream processing, advertising campaigns can process user clicks and interests in real-time to display sponsored content that is highly relevant to the user, ultimately improving the effectiveness of ad campaigns.

    Wrapping Up 

    The future of SQL is bright with the advent of stream processing, which offers a range of benefits for businesses looking to gain insights and make decisions in real time. As data grows unprecedentedly, mastering SQL skills will be crucial for professionals in various industries.

    By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, you can position yourself for success in a rapidly-evolving job market. To level up your SQL skills, join the KnowledgeHut SQL certification course and take your career to new heights. Get hands-on training from industry experts and become a certified SQL professional.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which SQL is best for the future?

    SQL Server, Open-Source Relational Database Management Systems, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle are some of the most in-demand SQLs and will likely be in the future.

    2Will SQL be replaced by AI?

    Saying that AI will replace SQL will need to be corrected. SQL is complex, and organizations use it to retrieve complex databases. AI may fetch data, but not the way SQL developers do. However, AI will surely help SQL developers to enhance their productivity by working faster and more efficiently.

    3Is SQL a good skill to have?

    Since it is an in-demand skill and companies pay handsome salaries to programmers with in-depth knowledge of SQL, it’s a great skill to possess.


    Monica Gupta


    I am Monica Gupta with 19+ years of experience in the field of Training and Development. I have done over 500 Corporate Trainings. I am currently working as a freelancer for several years. My core area of work is Java, C++, Angular, PHP, Python, VBA.

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