HomeBlogCloud ComputingMicrosoft Azure: Benefits, Use Cases

Microsoft Azure: Benefits, Use Cases

09th Jan, 2024
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    Microsoft Azure: Benefits, Use Cases

    Nowadays, the adoption of cloud computing solutions has become the norm for most companies. It allows them to seamlessly manage their data, build and deploy applications and enhance the overall performance of their business.

    This also creates ample demand for cloud computing professionals, acting as an excellent career option for individuals with a data science or computer science background. Now, there are several cloud computing solutions in the market, among which Microsoft Azure is one of the most popular ones. Aspiring individuals must have a fair idea of the Azure benefits in order to realize the potential for career growth in this particular field. 

    What is Microsoft Azure? 

    Microsoft Azure is a leading global public cloud computing platform. It comes with over 200 cloud services and products that can help companies perform virtual computing, analytics, networking, storage, etc.

    This cloud platform offers its services across all industries and allows organizations to design, deploy and manage applications depending on their industry-specific business challenges. A significant Microsoft Azure benefit is that it has the largest compliance coverage in the industry. Furthermore, it offers unmatched security features and provides unparalleled productivity to developers. 

    Why is Microsoft Azure so Important? 

    Microsoft Azure offers its services in around 140 countries and has been present in the cloud computing industry since October 2008. Companies can avail cloud solutions like platform as a service, software as a service, and infrastructure as a service. They can also opt for serverless computing, which allows them to upload their codes, while Microsoft Azure handles all the background processes.

    This unique range of Azure benefits makes this cloud computing platform a go-to for most companies around the world. Thus, for individuals who aspire to have a successful career as a cloud professional, having Microsoft Azure certification is a must. 

    Benefits of Microsoft Azure

    Here are some of the Microsoft Azure benefits which make it a leading global cloud computing platform:

    On-Demand Scalability Options

    One of the biggest advantages of Microsoft Azure is its on-demand scalability. The platform allows organizations to scale their resources up or down based on their needs. This is because all the applications and data of a company are clustered out, thus mitigating the chances of server space shortage.

    Thus, Azure is extremely beneficial for businesses that deal with varying traffic volumes around the year.

    Vast Product Integration Capabilities

    Another significant advantage of Microsoft Azure is its integration with a wide variety of products. They include applications related to Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Active Directory, Visual Studio, and more. Thus, clients can integrate their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with Azure and take their business operations to the next level.

    Furthermore, Microsoft Azure allows the integration of several third-party applications. Thus, companies can connect to any such software as per their use case. 

    Hybrid Environments (Cloud and On-Premise)

    Now, not all organizations are in a state to migrate their entire operations to a cloud computing platform. But does that mean that they cannot reap the immense benefits that cloud solutions have to offer?

    The answer is No. Microsoft Azure provides hybrid cloud services that can cater to the needs of such companies. This means businesses can opt for cloud and on-premises infrastructure and seamlessly transfer data between the two depending on their needs. 

    Big Data Applications

    Today, most organizations use Apache Hadoop to handle large volumes of data. Thus, Microsoft Azure enables companies to use this application on their platform as a cloud solution via Azure HDinsight.

    Furthermore, due to the integration of data visualization tools like Excel and PowerBI, organizations can seamlessly create visualizations whenever they desire. Here, Cloud engineer certification will help you become a skilled multi-cloud engineer.

    Scheduling and Automation

    The Microsoft Azure platform also comes with the power of automation. Thus, businesses can easily schedule recurring tasks, thus saving both time and resources. They may include fetching data, scaling resources, setting triggers, and more.

    Apart from this, users can integrate AI services and models into their projects. Some of the available options are Azure Machine Learning, Azure Data Bricks, and Azure Cognitive Services.

    Storage and Security 

    Now, as companies handle large volumes of data each day, storage can be a critical issue. Additionally, they come in different formats across various sources. Thus, a company’s storage solutions should be innovative enough to handle such challenges. Apart from this, there should be adequate measures to safeguard this data from breaches and cyber-attacks.

    Microsoft Azure allows data storage in several forms, like structured and unstructured data, files, objects, etc. Coming to security measures, this platform safeguards client data with the help of 256-bit AES network encryption and firewalls. Furthermore, clients have authentication and access management options for added security. 

    An excellent example in this regard is Azure Key Vault. Organizations can use this tool to securely store high-risk data like passwords, API keys, cryptographic keys, certificates, etc.

    Data Backup and Recovery

    Apart from advanced security features, having proper data backup and recovery measures is also essential. Thus, Microsoft Azure allows companies to back up their data across various Azure data centers or regions.

    Moreover, Azure allows businesses to maintain up to six copies of their data. This helps businesses maximize their data availability to 99.9%, reducing their chances of data loss to a bare minimum. 

    Cost Effective

    Microsoft Azure is a pay-as-you-go system. Thus, there are no expensive subscriptions, and companies can scale up or down their resources as per their needs. Additionally, Azure ensures that there are no upfront costs for small-scale investments.

    What's more, companies opting for contracts get heavy discounts, making their adoption of the Azure platform a cost-effective move. 

    Use Cases of Azure 

    One of the best ways to assess the effectiveness of Azure benefits is through real-life use cases. Here are some of them:


    The Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG) is a global leader in the hotel industry. It has approximately 5200 properties around the world, spanning several nations.

    The organization uses state-of-the-art software to give the best possible experience to its clients. Additionally, it has long been a user of the Azure cloud computing platform. Now, the company uses several tools which need Agile practices.

    Thus, they decided to use Azure DevOps. This move made their software and data handling processes seamless, along with ramping up their security and processing principles.

    Being an international hotel chain, there is no doubt that the organization has to handle large volumes of data each day. To streamline this process, IHG leverages Azure StorSimple, which is the platform’s hybrid cloud storage system for enterprises.

    It enables the business to save up to 70% of its data storage expenses and simplify the overall data management process. Additionally, the company can easily back up its data, thus minimizing its data loss risks.


    AkzoNobel is a multinational Dutch company that deals in paints. It offers services in over 100 nations and thus needs superb 24/7 connectivity. Thus, it uses Azure IoT services in order to enhance its connectivity and take its business to new heights. 

    University Of Toronto

    The University of Toronto is the largest educational institution in Canada. It is also a forerunner in the field of research in the international arena. Thus, to mitigate hardware renewal costs, the university has migrated a part of its activities to the Azure cloud. This also enables the institution to transform its IT processes, which saves a significant amount of time.


    Given the vast range of Azure benefits, the use of this cloud computing platform will sustainably increase in the long run. This will create a demand for Azure professionals, creating lucrative career opportunities for individuals belonging to computer science and IT backgrounds.

    Thus, going for KnowledgeHut Computing certification can be a doorway to a high-paying career. However, clearing these certification exams will require proper study material and guidance.

    Our live instructor-led training courses, guided hands-on exercises, mini projects, and assignments enable you to gain the required skills and knowledge, which can help you ace the certification exams. Additionally, our industry experts provide four mock interviews, which can help you attain your desired job role at your dream company.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is Azure better than AWS?

    Azure offers its services in more than 140 nations and has a dominating position in the hybrid cloud market and a wide range of integrated products. On the other hand, AWS is ideal for handling big data, allows long-term data archiving and retrieval, and offers independent machine access. Thus, companies can choose a platform as per their requirement. 

    2What are the best features of Microsoft Azure?

    Microsoft Azure comes with an extensive range of benefits. Some of the notable ones are on-demand scalability, a pay-as-you-go subscription system, AI automation, and a superb data backup system. 

    3How does Azure ensure the security of my data and applications?

    Microsoft Azure is FIPS 140-2 compliant and uses 256-bit AES encryption. Additionally, Azure Key Vault provides server-side and client-side encryption to help store data keys on-premise or in any other secure location.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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