HomeBlogBig DataBest Data Processing Frameworks That You Must Know

Best Data Processing Frameworks That You Must Know

18th Jan, 2024
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    Best Data Processing Frameworks That You Must Know

    “Big data Analytics” is a phrase that was coined to refer to amounts of datasets that are so large traditional data processing software simply can’t manage them. For example, big data is used to pick out trends in economics, and those trends and patterns are used to predict what will happen in the future.  

    Diving into Big Data Analytics has really been an eye-opener for me. It has changed how we look at and understand data. Using these high-tech tools, I can explore economic trends, figure out patterns, and predict future events. It's an exciting journey into the data world, where dealing with huge amounts of information needs special tools to get the most out of it. Check here for more information about types of Big Data

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    What Are Big Data Frameworks? 

    Big data frameworks are instruments that simplify the processing of big data. They are made to analyze big data rapidly, effectively, and securely. Big data frameworks are often open-source, which means they are generally free with the option to purchase support if necessary. 

    Frameworks offer organization. The main goal of the Big Data Framework is to give corporate companies a framework so they can take use of the potential of Big Data. Big Data demands structure and skills in addition to talented personnel and cutting-edge technology in order to be successful over the long run. 

    The Big Data Framework was created because many businesses struggle to integrate a successful Big Data practice into their business, despite the fact that the advantages and business cases of big data are clear. The Big Data frameworks offers businesses a strategy that takes into account all organizational capabilities necessary for a fruitful Big Data practice. Everything from the formulation of a Big Data strategy to the technical equipment and skills a company needs.

    1. Hadoop

    This open-source batch-processing framework can be used for the distributed storage and processing of big data sets. Hadoop relies on computer clusters and modules that have been designed with the assumption that hardware will inevitably fail, and the framework should automatically handle those failures.

    There are four main modules within Hadoop. Hadoop Common is where the libraries and utilities needed by other Hadoop modules reside. The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the distributed file system that stores the data. Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is the resource management platform that manages computing resources in clusters and handles the scheduling of users’ applications. The Hadoop MapReduce involves the implementation of the MapReduce programming model for large-scale data processing.

    Hadoop operates by splitting files into large blocks of data and then distributing those datasets across the nodes in a cluster. It then transfers code into the nodes for processing data in parallel. The idea of data locality, meaning that tasks are performed on the node that stores the data, allows the datasets to be processed more efficiently and quickly. Hadoop can be used within a traditional onsite data center as well as through the cloud.

    2. Apache Spark

    Apache Spark is a batch-processing framework with the capability of stream processing and making it a hybrid framework. Spark is most notably easy to use, and it’s easy to write applications in Java, Scala, Python, and R. This open-source cluster-computing framework is ideal for machine learning but does require a cluster manager and a distributed storage system. Spark can be run on a single machine, with one executor for every CPU core. It can be used as a standalone framework, and you can also use it in conjunction with Hadoop or Apache Mesos, making it suitable for just about any business.

    Spark relies on a data structure known as the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). This is a read-only multiset of data items that are distributed over the entire cluster of machines. RDDs operate as the working set for distributed programs, offering a restricted form of distributed shared memory. Spark is capable of accessing data sources like HDFS, Cassandra, HBase, and S3, for distributed storage. It also supports a pseudo-distributed local mode that can be used for development or testing.

    The foundation of Spark is Spark Core, which relies on the RDD-oriented functional style of programming to dispatch tasks, schedule, and handles basic I/O functionalities. Two restricted forms of shared variables are used: broadcast variables, which reference read-only data that has to be available for all the nodes, and accumulators, which can be used to program reductions. Other elements included in Spark Core are:

    • Spark SQL, which provides domain-specific language used to manipulate DataFrames.
    • Spark Streaming, which uses data in mini-batches for RDD transformations, allows the same set of application code that is created for batch analytics also to be used for streaming analytics.
    • Spark MLlib, is a machine-learning library that makes large-scale machine-learning pipelines simpler.
    • GraphX, which is the distributed graph processing framework at the top of Apache Spark.

    3. Apache Storm

    This is another open-source framework that provides distributed, real-time stream processing. The storm is mostly written in Clojure and can be used with any programming language. The application is designed as a topology with a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) shape. Spouts and bolts act as the vertices of the graph. The idea behind Storm is to define small, discrete operations and then compose those operations into a topology, which acts as a pipeline to transform data.

    Within Storm, streams are defined as unbounded data continuously arriving at the system. Sprouts are sources of data streams that are at the edge of the topology, while bolts represent the processing aspect, applying an operation to those data streams. The streams on the graph's edges direct data from one node to another. These bolts and sprouts define sources of information and allow batch, distributed processing of streaming data in real-time.

    4. Samza

    Samza is another open-source framework that offers nearly a real-time, asynchronous framework for distributed stream processing. More specifically, Samza handles immutable streams, meaning transformations create new streams that other components will consume without any effect on the initial stream. This framework works in conjunction with other frameworks, using Apache Kafka for messaging and Hadoop YARN for fault tolerance, security, and management of resources.

    Samza uses the semantics of Kafka to define how it handles streams. Topic refers to each stream of data that enters a Kafka system. Brokers are the individual nodes that are combined to make a Kafka cluster. A producer is any component that writes to a Kafka topic, and a consumer is any component that reads from a Kafka topic. Partitions are used to divide incoming messages in order to distribute a topic among the different nodes.

    Flink is a hybrid, open-source framework and stream processes, but it can also manage batch tasks. It uses a high-throughput, low-latency streaming engine written in Java and Scala, and the pipelined runtime system allows for the execution of both batch and stream processing programs. The runtime also supports the execution of iterative algorithms natively. Flink’s applications are all fault-tolerant and can support exactly-once semantics. Programs can be written in Java, Scala, Python, and SQL, and Flink offers support for event-time processing and state management.

    The components of the stream processing model in Flink include streams, operators, sources, and sinks. Streams are immutable, unbounded datasets that go through the system. Operators are functions that are used on data streams to create other streams. Sources are the entry points for streams that enter into the system. Sinks are where streams flow out of the Flink system, either into a database or a connection to another system. Flink’s batch-processing system is really just an extension of the stream-processing model.

    However, Flink does not provide its own storage system, so you will have to use it in conjunction with another framework. That should not be a problem, as Flink is able to work with many other frameworks.

    Data processing frameworks are not intended to be one-size-fits-all solutions for businesses. Hadoop was originally designed for massive scalability, while Spark is better with machine learning and stream processing. A good IT services consultant can evaluate your needs and offer advice. What works for one business may not work for another, and to get the best possible results, you may find that using different frameworks for different parts of your data processing is a good idea.

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    With the help of storage technology and software, high-speed parallel processors, APIs, and open-source software stacks, big data is an emerging field of study that takes the idea of enormous information sets and crunches it. Being a data scientist at this time is thrilling. In the Big Data ecosystem, there are not only more tools than ever before, but they are also getting more reliable, user-friendly, and cost-effective to use. As a result, businesses can extract more value from their data without having to invest as much in infrastructure.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which framework is used to develop data processing applications?

    The five best frameworks to develop data processing applications include:  

    1. Hadoop 
    2. Apache Spark 
    3. Apache Storm 
    4. Samza 
    5. Flink 
    2What are the 3 types of processing data?

    There are three basic types of data processing: mechanical, electronic, and manual. 

    1. Manual Data processing  

    This type of data processing is done manually. Without the aid of any technological equipment, the whole process of data collecting, filtering, sorting, calculating, and other logical activities are carried out by humans. 

    2. Mechanical data processing 

    Machines and tools are used to mechanically process data. Simple tools like calculators, typewriters, printing presses, etc. are examples of them. 

    3. Electronic data processing  

    The program is given a set of instructions to process the data and provide results. 

    3Is Hadoop better than SQL?

    Here are some key points to decide on if Hadoop is better than SQL. 

    1. Processing Data Volume: SQL performs best with little amounts of data (Gigabytes). But with regard to big data. Hadoop, on the other hand, was created for huge data. As a result, it can effectively handle and store a large quantity of data, which is what is required right now. 
    2. ACID property: The RDBMS ACID qualities of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability are all supported by SQL. But this is not a standard feature of Hadoop. Therefore, all possible circumstances for implementing commit or rollback during a transaction must be coded. 
    3. The Way of Data Mapping: In the case of SQL, we want information that identifies the mapping tables' structure in advance. On the other hand, Hadoop does not need us to adhere to any rules when we write operations on data, i.e., on the Hadoop Distributed File System. 
    4. Performance of Hadoop vs. SQL: Hadoop performs better when taking into account a big collection of data.

    Any relational database can differ from Hadoop or MySQL, and this does not necessarily mean that one is superior to the other. 

    4What are the 5 methods of data processing
    • Single-user programming: Programming by a single individual often for their own use is referred to as single-user programming. 
    • Multiple programming: This method enables the Central Processing Unit (CPU) to concurrently store and run multiple-programmed. 
    • Real-time processing: This method makes it possible for the user to communicate directly with the computer system. This method makes data processing simpler. 
    • Time-sharing processing: Another method of processing data online that enables several users to share an online computer system's resource is time-sharing processing. This method is based on time, just as its name implies. 
    • Distributed processing: It is a specialized kind of data processing in which a network of computers is created by connecting several computers, some of which are situated far away. 

    Blake Davies

    Blog Author

    Blake Davies is an IT specialist and a growth hacker. He often writes on topics of IT services support and general implications of IT in business. He's been in the industry for over five years.

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