HomeBlogAgileScaled Agile Framework Enablers: Types, Examples

Scaled Agile Framework Enablers: Types, Examples

17th May, 2024
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    Scaled Agile Framework Enablers: Types, Examples

    For those who are unfamiliar with SAFe, it is a framework that includes a flow of documents that provide methods, concepts, and competencies for achieving business agility through Lean, Agile, and DevOps. Enablers are generally popularized with SAFe framework (sometimes gets other names as well), which brings an answer for teams looking for solutions to make their “user-stories” independent.

    Enablers in SAFe supports activities needed to extend Architectural Runway so as to provide future business functionality. There are four main types of enablers in SAFe which you will be made aware of in the article below. Take Leading SAFe training and stay ahead of the crowd in terms of learning and knowledge.

    What Are Enablers in SAFe®? 

    Scaled Agile Framework Enablers are items that support activities needed to establish a solid Architectural Runway and provide future business functionality by creating a backlog. Enablers help by bringing visibility to all the work that is required to support efficient development and delivery of any future business requirements.

    This is done by involving Enablers for exploration, evolving the architecture, and infrastructure and compliance activities. They are treated as visible, value-added development activities subject to estimating, visibility and tracking, work-in-process (WIP) limits, feedback, and presentation of results. Treated as “Infrastructure Upkeep”, Enablers enable a team to build large-scale solutions which are easily extendable and maintainable.

    The role of enablers in the scaled agile framework can be visualized like a regular and timely servicing of a car that ensures its smooth running, safety, and sustainable performance, increases its life span and prevents any major breakdowns and if not done regularly, invites the potential of serious problems.

    Enablers in scaled agile framework are like small periodic investments that pay off in the long term by preventing some inevitable expensive costs in future. Unfortunately, businesses often do not find any immediate customer value, therefore do not consider investing time in scaled agile Enablers and treat them as low-priority items. Just like many do not understand the worth of regular servicing of their vehicles until a breakdown happens.

    Popularized with the SAFe framework, the Enablers bring an opportunity to observe all the activities that are needed to develop and meet future business needs effectively by making product backlog items (PBIs) that backup the activities required to make an Architectural Runway & build business future functionality. SAFe training online and earning the Leading SAFe® 5.1 certification places an owner at the helm of Agile transformation in enterprises, with more than 70% of US Fortune 100 companies actively employing SAFe® professionals.

    Features of SAFe Enablers

    1. Enablers scaled agile framework supports the activities that are required to extend the Architectural Runway to provide future business functionality.
    2. They bring visibility to all the work that is required to support efficient development and delivery of any future business requirements.
    3. They are visible, value-added development activities and are subject to estimating, visibility and tracking, work-in-process (WIP) limits, feedback, and result presentation.
    4. The activities that Enablers support are Exploration, Architecture, Infrastructure, and compliance.
    5. Enablers occur throughout the Framework.

    Types of Scaled Agile Framework Enablers 

    Enablers in scaled agile are used for:

    1. Exploration
    2. Infrastructure Evolution
    3. Compliance
    4. Architecture Evolution

    Alt- Categories of enablers 

    Accordingly, there are these four types of Enablers. Their functions are as follows:

    1) Exploration

    1. Helps to conduct research.
    2. Builds prototypes.
    3. Perform other activities required for comprehending the end-users requirements better.
    4. Explore possible solutions or identify alternatives wherever required.

    2) Architecture  

    Helps create a better architecture for more consistent and faster development 

    3) Infrastructure   

    Facilitate to create, improve, and automate development, test and deployment environments 

    4) Compliance   

    Enablers in safe agile help to manage specific compliance activities including verification, validation, documentation, approvals, regulatory approvals, and submissions. 

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    Create and Manage Enablers

    Developing Enablers

    The scaled Agile Framework role of Enablers is felt as throughout the Agile Framework the Enablers exist. They are written and prioritized to pursue the same rules as their commensurate epics, capabilities, features and stories. 

    They are often created by the architects, engineers or the Enterprise Architects supporting the portfolio backlog; or System and Solution Architects/Engineers supporting ARTs and Solution Trains. Using the Kanban systems, Architects drive Enablers and provide guidance on how to analyze them and the information to estimate and implement them as well. 

    SAFe Enablers

    Enabler Epics  

    Written in the same way as business epics these are written in ‘Epic Hypothesis Statement’ format and generally surpass Value Streams and Program Increments (PIs) and need to be sized. A ‘Lean Business Case’ is used to support their implementation and they are identified and tracked through the Portfolio Kanban system. 

    Enabler Features and Capabilities  

    Being a type of Feature or Capability, they share the same attributes, including a short phrase, benefit hypothesis and acceptance criteria and are defined by Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and Solution Trains. They need to be sized to fit within a single Program Increment (PI). 

    Enabler Stories  

    These Enablers exist at the team level to guide team-work and assist in carrying out iterations. They may not require the user voice format, but they must fit in Iterations like any Story, their acceptance criteria clarify the requirements and support testing. 

    Some Enablers, in order to improve the existing solution, might emerge locally from the needs of the Agile Teams (with the members who have received Agile training), Solution Trains or ARTs to make sure that enough emphasis is placed on progressing the solution and extending the Architectural Runway. 

    Those coming through the Kanban systems are subjected to capacity allocation in the Program and Solution Backlogs either to work as a whole or differentiate between different types of enablers. 

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    Applying Enablers 

    1) Exploration   

    It often happens that at an early stage of development there is hardly much clarity about the user’s need and how to develop correctly meeting the requirements. Even the clients often do not know exactly what they actually want. Only by repeated trials, demos and development everyone gets to have the clarity and is able to define the solution as well that is required. 

    Also, when the solution is concerned, there could be a variety of technical options that would meet the need, and these need to be evaluated, analyzed and also assessed through modeling, and prototyping. It even requires developing simultaneous solution options. This is where Enablers help and are used. 

    2) Architecture  

    To implement the concepts behind Agile Architecture architectural runway to create a backlog in order to hasten the development of business initiatives on an appropriate technical footing. Since the runways get used up by business epics, features, capabilities, and stories, they need to be maintained. However, after implementation, these enablers may turn into Non-functional Requirements (NFRs) with the possibility of being considered as constraints on new development. 

     3) Infrastructure  

    How Infrastructure enablers are used as backlog items to advance what kind of work is mentioned below: 

    i) As Agile development requires frequent integration, Agile Teams integrate their work with other teams on the ART at the System Demos in every iteration.

    ii) The trains (a part of a Solution Train) integrate every PI as part of the Solution Demo.

    iii) Companies often implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment to make sure that the solution keeps running as it not only reduces the risk at the integration points but also permits deployment and early release value. 

    Infrastructure enablers are used both to support new user scenarios and also to increase the agility of a business. 

    4) Compliance  

    Here is how the Compliance Enablers help: 

    i) Build the necessary artifacts incrementally in the Solution Intent over a series of PIs, to support continuous verification and validation.

    ii) As part of the normal workflow (e.g., backlog items or Definition of Done or DoD), verification activities are implemented

    iii) Though the artifacts satisfy the objective evidence needed at the end of development, they get created iteratively throughout the life cycle. 

    iv) When Product Owners, customers, and end-users participate in ART planning and system demos, validating fitness for purpose, validation happens.

    An Example of a Compliance Enabler in Action 

    Assuming that regulations often require design reviews and that all actions need to be recorded and resolved, the design review enabler backlog item offers evidence of the review. It’s DoD (definition of done) ensures that actions are recorded and resolved according to the Lean Quality Management System (QMS). The actions themselves could be tracked as Enabler stories if required. 

    Again, regulations may also need all the changes be reviewed and this is addressed by a compulsory peer review DoD for all stories. 

    Planning the Enablers:Strategies 

    Having understood the scaled agile framework Enablers role here are the strategies that Agile organizations can go for Enabler scaled Agile Framework. 

    Step:1 Finding 

    Use fixed blocked capacities or a Spike story to research any Architectural or possible adaptations required for future support by paying close attention to weak areas of the product that would later become a blocker. 

    Step:2 Impact Analysis 

    i) Perform a detailed analysis (including how the proposed enabler can positively impact by removing the risks or immediate threats).

    ii) Include any available data about cost reduction, removing blockers that could restrict the product delivery or any immediate risk imposed by not having the Enabler.

    iii) Other teams may also be consulted to give expert feedback about the proposed Enabler. 

    The data gathered from impact analysis will be an important input for the next step. 

    Step:3 Ranking / Prioritization 

    i) Collaboration with PO, Architects to refine the information gathered and provide a high-level estimation to make the efforts and the gain transparent. Finally present to stakeholders.

    ii) Based on all the details and inputs received from the team and stakeholder’s input, the PO will prioritize the Enabler.

    Step:4 Evaluate 

    After completion of the Enabler, it is time to evaluate the overall execution of the Enabler. The evaluation happens in the following stages: 

    i) The teams need to closely inspect the learnings they had while implementing the Enabler.

    ii) Note the value created vs what was projected.

    iii) Any other findings that would help to take the necessary measures for future development. 


    Hope this article has provided clarity on the Enablers, their importance, and their possible way of implementation. Though many leaders and stakeholders push aside Enablers in the “low priority” zone, Enablers help to avoid issues or save long-term costs and are highly beneficial. The Developers need to present the outcome of investing the efforts on the Enablers later to the management on the benefits received, for example by way of cost saving, improving customer experience or measurable improvements in the product quality. KnowledgeHut Leading SAFe training will help you get hands-on with SAFe terminologies and further understanding.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the 4 levels of Scaled Agile Framework?

    Team level, Program level, Portfolio level, and Large Solution level. 

    2What are technical SAFe enablers?

    Product backlog items (PBIs) that facilitate the activities needed to make an Architectural Runway & build business future functionality.

    3How many types of enabler stories does SAFe recommend?

    Exploration, Infrastructure Evolution, Compliance, and Architecture Evolution. 


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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