HomeBlogWeb Development15 Stunning React JS Projects for Beginners in 2024 [Source Code]

15 Stunning React JS Projects for Beginners in 2024 [Source Code]

24th May, 2024
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    15 Stunning React JS Projects for Beginners in 2024 [Source Code]

    Web Development is the category of software development process which involves the design, development and maintenance of a full website or mobile website for the Internet. Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, social network services, and many more business use cases. Today, Websites are the essential part of any business to showcase the online presence and provide availability of products across the globe. 

    Web developers are software engineers who create and maintain websites including React.JS projects. They are also responsible for the site's technical aspects, such as user interfaces(UI), designs and wireframes, user experiences(UX), performance and capacity, which are measures of a website's speed and how much traffic the site can handle. In addition, web developers may create content for the site as well.

    If you are a beginner in Web Development and wanted to learn the finest technology for developing new websites or beginner react projects or apps, React.js is the best JavaScript library and a Front-End framework in 2024 . In this article, we will try to explore 15 cool and beginner-level React js projects in order to understand React.js and start our journey as Front-End Developer. But before that, let’s try to learn React online

    List of React JS Projects for Beginners

    Explore a curated list of beginner-friendly React JS projects, designed to help you learn and practice essential skills in web development. These projects offer hands-on experience in building interactive and dynamic user interfaces using React JS. Here is a list:

    1. To Do App
    2. Calculator
    3. Snapshot
    4. E-Commerce
    5. Emoji Search
    6. Blog App
    7. Weather App 

    Stunning Beginner-Level React Projects With Source Code

    Before we start working on our React js projects for beginners, it’s important to know why we are developing several small projects. So the answer is quite simple. Being a naive developer of any technology, the best way to learn React is by building some projects on the technology. We will learn how to develop 7 cool React projects for beginners in this article, which will allow us to expand our understanding of the web framework.

    In order to develop all the projects, the prerequisite is you have to be comfortable with 2 software on your computer. First is VSCode - an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and Browser preferably Google Chrome.

    Most of these beginner react project topics are available on GitHub (online version control software) for demonstrations.

    1. To Do App

    A app that keeps track of your to-do actions, you can add any number of tasks to it, search those tasks, click on the checkbox to complete the task, and filter using buttons like active tasks, completed tasks and all the tasks. This is another great project for you to add to your portfolio as a beginner React developer. 

    Source Code: To-Do List - GitHub

    To Do App – Simple React Project | react js projects

    2. Calculator

    A simple to use calculator with an appealing user interface. A virtual calculator built with React is another good project idea for you to try as a beginner. 

    We have seen various calculator apps on our mobile phones, computers and different devices as well. Here we have an input box which takes user input as numbers and then try to do operations like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication etc. Here we will learn to create a web app with all the features of the calculator on UI. 

    Source Code: Simple Calculator

    Calculator – React JS project

    3. Snapshot

    It’s a simple gallery react project where we can search the photos by keywords, change the category based on given options as Mountain, Beaches, Birds, Food. Once you hover on the images, you will get the zoom-in images. 

    This react project has been developed using React Hooks, Context API and React Router. The Routes were set up for four default pages and a search page. Also, the images were displayed using the Flickr API and Axios to fetch data as given in the description of repository. 

    Source Code: Snapshot - GitHub

    Try here: yog9.github

    Snap Shot – Beginners React Project

    4. E-Commerce

    An e-commerce website built using React and Typescript, where we can filter clothes products using their customer preferred sizes as M, L or XL etc. We have a button called “Add to cart” below each product shown on the web page, once user selects any product, it will go to cart. At the end it can be used to checkout. These terms must be familiar to everyone now-a-days since it tries to mock popular e-commerce websites like Amazon, Flipkart and Myntra etc.

    Complete Source Code: E-commerce - GitHub 

    Simple React Project - Ecommerce

    Do you like Emojis? 

    5. Emoji Search

    We are using several emojis on daily basis while chatting with our friends and colleagues on messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat etc,

    A cool searching app where you can type and search any emoji from the given list of emojis.

    Complete Source Code: Emoji-search  

    Emoji Search – React.js Project

    6. Blog App

    A simple Blog App which has features like articles list based on most commented or most liked, author profile page and article page with comment section and reaction button. Basically this app has 3 different filters, based on filter chosen, the listing component renders 3 different pages. It has been developed using React Hooks, React Routing, Pagination and other sorting techniques. 

    Source Code: GitHub - Blog App

    Try here: react-blog-website

    Blog App – Simple React Project

    7. Weather App

    A weather application that provides detailed weather details for a location specified by the user. Built using React and Open Weather API for showing latest weather data. Here we have search options with city and country for which we would like to see weather forecast. We will use the fetch method to fetch the API calls along with the React hooks and conditional rendering.

    Source Code: GitHub Weather App

    Weather App

    Other Top React JS Projects for Beginners 

    Here is a list of a few more top react project ideas for beginners:

    React JS Project IdeasComplexitySource Code
    Recipe FinderEasySource Code
    Quiz ApplicationEasySource Code
    Personal PortfolioEasySource Code
    Flashcards for LearningEasySource Code
    Expense TrackerEasySource Code
    Social Media DashboardEasySource Code
    Tic-Tac-Toe GameEasySource Code
    TimerEasySource Code

     What Makes a React Open-source Project Good?

    1. Best Practices in The Industry

    A few of the best practices are given below 

    • Write Good Documentation. 
    • Automate Repetitive Tasks. 
    • Always Address Issues. 
    • Spread the Word About Your Project. 
    • Attract Helpful Contributors. 

    2. Improve Your Skills

    • You have to keep learning and improving your skills in order to grow career in web development. It will help you in getting new jobs and getting promotions as well.
    • If you know plethora of tools and frameworks, you might take less time in comparison to your peers at work, resulting in higher productivity. 
    • We have to work on both personal and professional skills as well in order to be competitive.

    3. Networking And Self-Promoting 

    • Communication is one of the important aspect of any part of life, if you communicate well, you can reach to the maximum number of people, be it writing tech articles, speaking or attending tech sessions.
    • Attending several online sessions, virtual and public conferences, speaking at public forums, tech talks will give you an edge and help in networking and self-promoting. 

    4 Reasons Why React.js can be the Best Choice for Your Project

    • React has the largest dynamic community of developers and engineers. 
    • Unidirectional Data Flow makes Debugging and Error checking easy. 
    • Unopinionated, no architecture imposed, offers a lot of flexibility. 
    • JSX or JavaScript extension combines HTML syntax with JavaScript making it easier for developers to interact with the browser.

    Also, React has launched it’s latest version React v18 that has exciting new features like:

    • useId is a new hook for generating unique IDs on both the client and server, while avoiding hydration mismatches. 
    • startTransition and useTransition lets you mark some state updates as not urgent. Other state updates are considered urgent by default.
    • useDeferredValue lets you defer re-rendering a non-urgent part of the tree. It is similar to debouncing but has a few advantages when compared. There is no fixed time delay, so react will attempt the deferred render right after the first render is reflected on the screen. 
    • useSyncExternalStore is a new hook that allows external stores to support concurrent reads by forcing updates to the store to be synchronous. It removes the need for react useEffect when implementing subscriptions to external data sources and is recommended for any library that integrates with state external to React. 

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    What is React JS? 

     React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. It is maintained by Facebook (now Meta) and a community of individual developers and companies. React.js is used to develop Single-Page Applications (SPAs). Single-Page Applications are where all the web processing happens at the Client’s end in basic Client-Server model architecture, so we can consider it as Client-Side Rendering. All the React components interact with each other, fetch the data from server, and render the data within a single file generally named as index.js file (single page).

    React is based on 3 major principles:

    1. Declarative: React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. Declarative views make your code more predictable and easier to debug. 
    2. Component-Based: Build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs. Since component logic is written in JavaScript instead of templates, you can easily pass rich data through your app and keep state out of the DOM. 
    3. Learn Once, Write Anywhere: We don’t make assumptions about the rest of your technology stack, so you can develop new features in React without rewriting existing code. React can also render on the server using Node and power mobile apps using React Native. 

    React.js is the most popular web framework today, and it is depicted in the graph below from the latest Stackoverflow Developer Survey. 

    React JS Developer Survey

    The world’s most popular and finest web applications are built using React.js like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Reddit etc. For more details, you can opt for a well-curated online courses on React js and Full Stack Development which is available on KnowledgeHut.


    To summarize, we learned what is React.js, What are it’s key properties and standout features, we witnessed 15 stunning beginner level projects built using react, their features, use cases along with the live demo, and at the end the newly launched features of react 18, also the reasons why it is best suitable for Open-source contributions.

    We expect any individual who is an aspiring Front End Developer or Web Developer to go through all these react js projects once, try to build you own implementations after tweaking them and showcase all of these in your Portfolio. You can share this to your prospect hiring manager or add links on your Resume that will increase your chances of cracking the next big job! 

    If you are a beginner and want to learn more about entry-level React.js projects, you can go for KnowledgeHut’s React.js online course.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Should I Use React for Small Project? 

    Yes, we can use it from small to medium to large projects. Facebook and Instagram are live projects built using React. 

    2How Do You Make a simple React.js Project?

    We can use “create-react-app” utility on command line interface (CLI) in your computer machine to create new react app. It will add most of the scaffolding and basic project structure. For more info go to the official React website.

    3How Do I Run an Existing React.js Project? 

    We can use the command “npm run start” or based on run command configured in the package.json file. 

    4What are the list of top react js projects for beginners?

    Some easy React js project ideas for beginners include:

    • To Do App
    • Simple Calculator
    • Snapshot
    • E Commerce
    • Emoji Search

    Kapil Raghuwanshi


    Full Stack Web, and Multiplatform Mobile App Developer with more than 7+ years of experience in various industries like Telecom, Healthcare, Digital Marketing, and Internet technologies. I am an avid Tech Writer and Public Speaker. Technology craving and Software Enthusiast. Likes to play Cricket and Badminton.

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