HomeBlogCloud ComputingWhat is a Cloud Server? Types, Features, Process, Benefits

What is a Cloud Server? Types, Features, Process, Benefits

05th Sep, 2023
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    What is a Cloud Server? Types, Features, Process, Benefits

    Simply described, a cloud server is a virtual server that resides on the cloud. It performs the same functions as a physical server but is housed in a cloud computing provider's virtual architecture. To provide organisations and people with on-demand access to computing resources, cloud servers are built to be extremely scalable, adaptable, and cost-effective. Web apps, databases, and other software can all benefit from being hosted on a cloud server, as they can be accessed from any location with an internet connection. The popularity of cloud servers has risen in recent years because of their superior dependability, performance, and security for a fraction of the cost of traditional dedicated servers. In this article, we will discuss what is cloud server, its concepts and their benefits. If you are new to cloud computing or looking to extend your knowledge, check out our comprehensive training on Cloud Computing

    What is a Cloud Server?

    Cloud servers, also known as virtual servers or virtual private servers (VPS), allow access to computing resources like processing power, storage, and applications over the internet. Cloud servers are housed in remote data centers and are not hardware-dependent.

    Cloud servers divide a physical server into several virtual servers with specialized CPU, RAM, and storage. Users can access a fraction of the server's resources without expensive hardware or infrastructure. Businesses save money and have flexibility by scaling cloud servers up or down.

    Cloud servers let organizations store and analyze data on-demand and access apps from anywhere with an internet connection. They host websites, execute programs, and store data securely and scalable for enterprises of all sizes. 

    Why is it called a Cloud Server?

    Cloud servers get their name from the ubiquitous "cloud" icon for the web and other networks. The internet is often referred to as "the cloud" as a metaphor for its pervasiveness and breadth, just as clouds in the sky are often constant and spread out over wide areas. Computing resources such as processing power, storage space, and application software can be accessed via the internet from "cloud servers," a special form of a distant server. Like clouds, which can be seen from nearly anywhere on Earth, cloud servers are accessible from anywhere in the world because to the internet's role as a delivery mechanism. The term "cloud" can also allude to the fact that cloud servers' underlying physical infrastructure is hidden from the user, giving the impression that one can access computing resources from an immaterial, amorphous pool. 

    How Does a Cloud Server Work?

    • A cloud server is a computer system housed in the cloud and run by a third-party service provider. With virtual infrastructure, numerous physical servers are networked together and made to function as a single entity.  
    • Any time a user needs to connect to a server hosted in the cloud, the request goes through the provider's network. A cloud provider spins up a virtual computer by allocating computing, memory, and storage space.  
    • Depending on the OS and software being used, the user can then connect to the virtual machine or instance through the internet via a remote desktop protocol (RDP) or a secure shell (SSH) protocol.  
    • Servers in the cloud can be tailored to each user's needs by installing and configuring only the programmes, services, and settings they want. The user is only charged for their resources, as the cloud server can be scaled up or down as needed.  
    • The cloud service provider handles the hardware, software, and security updates behind the scenes. Users can stop worrying about managing the underlying infrastructure and instead concentrate on their data and apps.  
    • Cloud servers, in general, provide a convenient, scalable, and inexpensive way to tap into computer power whenever needed. 

    More technically,  
     A cloud server is, at its core, a VM hosted on top of a real server in a datacenter. A physical server is a powerful computer configured to accommodate numerous virtual servers. 

    A hypervisor, a type of software that controls virtual machine formation, deletion, and resource allocation, is often installed on the server to make this possible. The hypervisor acts as an intermediary between the underlying hardware and any virtual computers that may be installed on it.  

    When a server is formed in the cloud, the hypervisor copies the server's operating system and hardware components into a virtual computer. The hypervisor also provides the VM with a virtual network interface card (NIC) that facilitates its interactions with other VMs and the outside world.  

    The virtual machine then starts up and loads the operating system and any other programmes that have been loaded, just like a real computer. The virtual machine (VM) appears to the software installed on it as if it were a standalone computer with its own set of hardware and resources.  

    As far as the datacenter is concerned, however, the VM is merely one of many instances operating on the actual server. The hypervisor is responsible for allocating resources fairly among the virtual machines (VMs), and it can adapt to fluctuating demands in real time.  

    Cloud companies often employ a cluster of actual servers, each hosting many virtual machines, to guarantee high availability and fault tolerance. Without any downtime for end users, virtual machines can be immediately moved from one failing physical server to another in the cluster by the hypervisor.

    Storage arrays, network switches, and load balancers are all part of the datacenter's infrastructure that contributes to providing a dependable, high-performance setting for the virtual machines.

    In general, the cloud server concept eliminates the need for the management and upkeep of physical hardware while providing a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective means of providing computing resources to customers.

    Key Features of Cloud Servers

    Cloud servers have the following key characteristics:

    • Scalability: refers to the ability of cloud servers to easily scale up or down in response to changing demand. Users can avoid the costs associated with over-provisioning by paying for only the resources they require.
    • Flexibility: Cloud servers are highly configurable and can be tailored to specific needs. Users can create a server that meets their needs by selecting from a variety of operating systems, software applications, and configurations.
    • Cost-effectiveness: Cloud servers are typically less expensive than traditional physical servers because they do not require expensive hardware or maintenance. Users only pay for the resources they use, which helps to reduce overall IT costs.
    • Reliability: Cloud servers are built to be highly available and redundant, ensuring that applications remain accessible even if hardware fails. Many cloud service providers provide service level agreements (SLAs) that ensure uptime and availability.
    • Security: Because advanced security features such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, and data encryption are available on cloud servers, they are typically more secure than traditional physical servers. To ensure the security of their infrastructure, cloud providers typically have dedicated security teams and resources.
    • Accessibility: Cloud servers are accessible via the internet from anywhere in the world, allowing users to work remotely and collaborate with team members in different locations.

    Overall, cloud servers are a highly flexible, cost-effective, and dependable way to access computing resources on demand.

    Cloud Server vs Traditional Server

    The infrastructure, scalability, cost structure, maintenance needs, availability, and reliability of cloud servers are not the same as those of conventional servers.

    Traditional servers are physical servers owned and maintained by an enterprise, while cloud servers are virtual servers hosted in a cloud computing environment. In contrast to traditional servers, which require manual upgrades and maintenance to scale, cloud servers can be quickly expanded or contracted in response to fluctuations in demand. Because they don't require any special hardware or ongoing maintenance, cloud servers are often more cost-effective than conventional ones. Unlike traditional servers, which must be maintained and updated by in-house IT staff, cloud servers are managed by the cloud provider. While using a cloud server, you don't need to be in the same physical place as the server to access its contents. While traditional servers may go down due to hardware failure or other difficulties, cloud servers are built to be highly available and provide redundancy.

    Cloud servers are a more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective alternative for many businesses, but traditional servers offer more control and protection.


    Cloud Server 

    Traditional Server 


    Virtual servers hosted in a cloud computing environment 

    Physical servers owned and managed by an organisation 


    Easily scalable up or down to meet changing demand 

    Manual upgrades and maintenance required to scale 


    More cost-effective, as they eliminate the need for expensive hardware and maintenance costs 

    Expensive, as organisations need to purchase and maintain hardware and software 


    Maintained by the cloud provider 

    In-house IT resources required to maintain and update 


    Accessible from anywhere in the world over the internet 

    Physical access to the server location required 


    Designed to be highly available and offer redundancy 

    May experience downtime due to hardware failure or other issues 

    Pros and Cons of a Cloud Server

    Cloud Server Advantages:

    • Scalability: Because cloud servers can easily scale up or down to meet changing demands, businesses can only pay for the required resources.  
    • Cost-effective: Cloud servers are typically less expensive than traditional physical servers because they do not require expensive hardware or maintenance.  
    • Flexibility: Cloud servers are highly configurable and can be tailored to specific needs.  
    • Reliability: Cloud servers are built to be highly available and redundant, ensuring that applications remain accessible even if hardware fails.  
    • Security: Cloud servers provide advanced security features like firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, and data encryption.  
    • Accessibility: Cloud servers are accessible via the internet from anywhere worldwide, allowing users to work remotely and collaborate with team members in different locations.

    Cons of Using a Cloud Server:

    • Internet reliance: Cloud servers require a dependable and fast internet connection, and downtime or slow connectivity can impact productivity.  
    • Control: Organizations may need more control over the infrastructure and software on a cloud server, which can concern some businesses.
    • Concerns about data security: When using a cloud server, organizations may have concerns about data privacy and security, especially if data is stored outside of the organization's data centers.
    • SLAs: While cloud servers are designed to be highly available, they can occasionally experience performance issues due to sharing resources with other users on the same infrastructure.
    • Unpredictability of costs: While cloud servers can be cost-effective, they can also be unpredictable if usage patterns shift, resulting in unexpected costs in cloud server pricing.

    Overall, the benefits of using a cloud server outweigh the drawbacks, and many businesses have successfully transitioned to cloud-based infrastructure. However, before deciding whether to use a cloud server, organizations should carefully evaluate their needs and consider data security, control, and cost predictability. 

    Types of Cloud Servers 

    Here are a few examples of cloud servers:  

    1. A public cloud server is hosted and managed by a cloud service provider and is shared by multiple organizations. These servers are usually accessed via the internet and provide excellent scalability and cost-effectiveness.  
    2. A private cloud server is a cloud infrastructure dedicated to a single organization and not shared with others. Private cloud servers provide more control and customization options than public cloud servers, but they may be more expensive.  
    3. A hybrid cloud server combines public and private cloud servers that enable businesses to store sensitive data on private servers while using public servers for less sensitive data and applications.  
    4. A community cloud server is an infrastructure shared by several organisations with common interests, such as regulatory compliance requirements.  
    5. A multicloud server is a cloud infrastructure that employs two or more cloud service providers to increase flexibility and avoid vendor lock-in.  

    The best cloud server for an organisation will be determined by security and compliance requirements, the need for customization and control, and budget constraints. 

    Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Cloud Server

    Before selecting a cloud server, it is critical to consider several factors to ensure that it meets your organisation’s specific needs and requirements. Here are some important factors to consider:  

    • Security: Consider the security protocols and measures in place to protect your data on the cloud server. Look for firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection and prevention features.  
    • Reliability: Assess the cloud server's and its infrastructure's dependability. Look for uptime guarantees and service level agreements, among other things (SLAs).  
    • Scalability: Consider how easily the cloud server can be scaled up or down to meet fluctuating demand. Auto-scaling and flexible pricing models are desirable features.  
    • Performance: Assess the cloud server's performance, including speed, response time, and resource allocation. Look for things like dedicated resources and load balancing.  
    • Cost: Think about the cloud server cost and whether it fits your budget. Look for pricing models that are both flexible and transparent.  
    • Support: Assess the level of service provided by the cloud service provider. Consider 24-hour support, multiple support channels, and quick response times.  
    • Compliance: Consider whether the cloud server satisfies any regulatory compliance requirements that your company may have, such as HIPAA or GDPR.  
    • Integration: Determine how well the cloud server integrates with other tools and systems used by your company, such as databases, APIs, and third-party applications.  

    By taking these factors into account, you can select a cloud server that meets the specific needs and requirements of your organisation. You can also consider cloud server for small businesses and these cloud servers are not only for enterprises. 

    Best Cloud Servers

    There are numerous cloud servers on the market, each with its own set of unique features and benefits. Here are some of the best cloud server providers, along with descriptions of each:  

    • Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS is a popular cloud service that provides various computing, storage, and databases. It is well-known for its dependability, scalability, and flexibility, making it an excellent choice for companies of all sizes. To learn about AWS and its amazing ability to handle heavy loads and explore its services, join our AWS Certified Solutions Architect course. 
    • Microsoft Azure: Microsoft Azure is a cloud service that provides various services such as computing, storage, and analytics. It is well-known for its compatibility with Microsoft products and services, as well as its flexibility and scalability.  
    • GCP: Google Cloud Platform is a cloud service that provides various services such as computing, storage, and networking. It is well-known for its performance and scalability, making it an excellent choice for businesses that require high-performance computing.  
    • IBM Cloud: IBM Cloud is a cloud service that provides computing, storage, and security services. It is well-known for its advanced security features and a high degree of customisation, making it an excellent choice for businesses with complex security needs.  
    • DigitalOcean: DigitalOcean is a popular cloud server among startups and developers. It provides various services such as computing, storage, and networking and is known for its ease of use, dependability, and affordability.  
    • Vultr: Vultr is a cloud server that provides computing, storage, and networking services. It is well-known for its performance and dependability, as well as its flexibility and scalability.  
    • Linode: Linode is a cloud server that provides computing, storage, and networking services. It is popular among startups and developers due to its simplicity and ease of use.  

    These are only a few of the best cloud servers list on the market. To find the best fit for your business, consider your specific needs and requirements when selecting a cloud server. 

    Scale up Success with Cloud

    Cloud servers have fundamentally altered the way in which businesses function by providing solutions that are adaptable, scalable, and reasonably priced for storing, managing, and processing data. Cloud servers allow organisations to gain access to and make use of computer resources whenever they need them without requiring those businesses to make costly investments in infrastructure or hardware. Because of this, companies can quickly and effectively scale up or down depending on their requirements. In spite of the fact that there are some drawbacks associated with using cloud servers, this type of hosting provides various advantages. It has emerged as an indispensable instrument for companies of all sizes in the modern digital world. Check out our KnowledgeHut courses on Cloud Computing to learn more about the cloud and its benefits. After all, everything is in the cloud now, including water.  

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is meant by cloud server?

    The term "cloud server" refers to a certain kind of virtual server that resides in a cloud computing infrastructure. Cloud computing is the practice of making available to users over the internet the capabilities of computers such as processing power, storage space, and memory. With cloud servers, scalability, adaptability, and the ability to quickly provide and release resources as needed are all at the user's fingertips. 

    2What is an example of a cloud server?

    To illustrate the concept of a cloud server, use Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers several different cloud computing services, such as virtual servers, cloud storage, and cloud-based data stores and databases. Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and DigitalOcean are also instances of cloud server providers.

    3Which Cloud Server is Best?

    Users have varying requirements, hence there is no "best" cloud server. Many factors, including price, features, and capabilities, determine which cloud server is best for any given workload. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and DigitalOcean are just a few examples of well-known cloud server providers. When deciding on a cloud server, it's vital that you take into account your unique set of circumstances, including financial constraints and system prerequisites.

    4What are Cloud Server Types?

    Cloud servers are classified into three types: 

    Public Cloud Servers: These are cloud servers owned and operated by third-party providers that are accessible to the general public. 

    Private cloud servers: These are cloud servers owned and maintained by a single company or corporation and utilized solely by that organization.

    Hybrid cloud servers: Cloud servers that combine characteristics of both public and private clouds are known as hybrid cloud servers. 

    5Is Google Cloud a Server?

    Instead of being a physical server, Google Cloud refers to the company's suite of cloud computing services. Virtual computers, storage, networking, databases, and machine learning are just few of the many services offered by Google Cloud. Users can access these features via an internet connection and services hosted on Google's servers. Although Google Cloud provides virtual machines that can function as cloud servers, it is in fact a much more comprehensive platform than a single server.

    6How Do I Setup a Cloud Server?

    To set up a cloud server, follow these steps: 

    • Choose a cloud server provider that fits your needs and budget.
    • Select the server's configuration based on your storage, processing, and memory requirements. 
    • Pick a geographic location for your server based on your audience or compliance demands. 
    • Configure and set up the server using a web interface or command-line tools provided by your provider. 
    • Install the necessary software and configure the server to run your applications. 
    • Test and deploy the server to make it accessible to the public. 

    Note that the exact procedures may vary depending on your provider and configuration. Consult their documentation and support resources for complete instructions. 


    Vishruth Harithsa


    Vishruth Haritsa is a technologist who wishes to code innovation with quality of passion. He is currently working as a Program Manager at Dynatrace. By hobby, he is a reader of self-improvement books, a Podcaster, a YouTuber and a Teacher who loves to teach the younger generation about technology. His mission statement is to help others get the best out of themselves.

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