HomeBlogDevOpsBest Devops Certifications in 2024

Best Devops Certifications in 2024

11th Jan, 2024
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    Best Devops Certifications in 2024

    In my experience, I've witnessed the growing significance of DevOps certifications in the IT sector. As companies increasingly grasp the advantages of integrating DevOps practices to optimize software delivery and operational efficiency, these credentials gain prominence. Recognized organizations offer certifications that validate an individual’s adeptness in adopting DevOps principles, technologies, and methodologies, carrying substantial industry recognition.

    For instance, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer certification, which focuses on implementing DevOps practises in the cloud utilising AWS services. The Certified DevOps Engineer Expert certification from Microsoft confirms abilities in building and implementing DevOps practises utilising Microsoft Azure technology. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation's (CNCF) Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification emphasises knowledge in Kubernetes, a prominent container orchestration framework. The Jenkins project's Certified Jenkins Engineer credential indicates competence. One can access the online DevOps certification for best curriculum and learning path. 

    For those interested, I've found that accessing online DevOps certification programs can provide an optimal curriculum and learning path. This approach has been instrumental in my continuous growth and development as a professional in the field of DevOps and I hope this will be as helpful for you too. Let’s dive in!

    What is DevOps?

    DevOps is a collaborative approach to creating and delivering software more quickly and with fewer difficulties. It's like a team in which developers, who create the software, and operations personnel, who put it into effect, work closely together. It is used to automate activities, detect errors early, and update software smoothly. DevOps also monitors how the software operates and learns from any problems that occurred in past. This collaboration speeds up software delivery, increases quality, and enhances confidence. In essence, DevOps is about collaboration, automation, and learning to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software development and delivery. Embracing DevOps is becoming increasingly crucial in today's fast-paced and competitive digital landscape.

    What are DevOps Certifications?

    DevOps certifications validate expertise in applying collaborative DevOps principles, bridging software development and IT operations for efficient, quality software delivery. Offered by diverse organizations, these credentials cover cloud computing, automation, containerization, configuration management, and CI/CD. Notable certifications include AWS Certified DevOps Engineer (AWS focus), Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert (Azure focus), and Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CNCF's Kubernetes expertise).

    The Certified Jenkins Engineer spotlights Jenkins' CI/CD proficiency, while Puppet's Certified Puppet Professional and Red Hat's Certified Ansible Automation Engineer emphasize specific tools. Certifications signify continuous learning, displaying prowess in sought-after tech. They open doors to roles and advancement, bolster confidence, and bring a sense of accomplishment. However, hands-on experience remains vital. DevOps certifications complement practical application, preparing individuals to drive successful transformations. In summary, DevOps certifications affirm skills, enhance employability, and contribute to effective DevOps adoption.

    Importance of DevOps Certifications

    DevOps certifications hold significant importance in today's tech-driven world, and you must take the training before moving into this field. These certifications validate a professional's expertise in implementing DevOps principles and practices, making them more appealing to employers seeking skilled DevOps practitioners. Here are some key reasons why DevOps certifications are crucial:

    • Credibility: DevOps certifications enhance an individual's credibility as they demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and proficiency in relevant technologies. They provide tangible proof of your skills, which employers value.
    • Career Advancement: DevOps certification can open doors to new job opportunities and career advancements. Certified professionals are more likely to be considered for leadership roles or promotions within their organizations.
    • Industry Recognition: Certifications from reputable organizations are recognized and respected in the industry. They showcase that a professional has met established standards of competence in DevOps practices.
    • Competitive Edge: In a competitive job market, having a DevOps certification can give candidates an edge over others with similar qualifications but without certifications. It can make a resume stand out and increase the chances of getting hired.
    • Skill Validation: Earning a DevOps engineer certification requires mastering specific skills and tools. The certification process validates that a professional can effectively implement DevOps methodologies and technologies.
    • Keeping Up with Trends: Best DevOps certifications often cover the latest trends and best practices in the field. Pursuing and maintaining certifications helps professionals stay up to date with the rapidly evolving DevOps landscape.
    • Organizational Benefits: Employers benefit from having certified DevOps professionals on their teams. Certified individuals can contribute to efficient software development, improved collaboration, and faster time-to-market.

    While certifications are essential, it's important to remember that practical experience is equally vital. Real-world projects and hands-on application of DevOps principles complement certifications, ensuring professionals can effectively apply their knowledge to real scenarios.

    Best DevOps Certifications in 2024: (skills, requirement, duration and cost)

    In 2024, DevOps certifications provide valuable skills and enhanced career opportunities for professionals in the tech industry. Let's take a brief look at some of the best DevOps certifications along with their skills, requirements, duration, and DevOps Certification cost: 

    1. Docker Certified Associate 

    • Overview: The Docker Certified Associate certification validates your proficiency in containerization and Docker technology. This credential demonstrates your capability to design, build, and manage Docker containers efficiently.
    • Skills: Containerization, Docker technology. 
    • Cost: Approximately $195 USD. 
    • Requirements: Basic understanding of Docker concepts. 
    • Duration: Varies based on preparation. 
    • Website: Docker Certified Associate

    2. CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator 

    • Overview: The CKA certification is a testament to your expertise in Kubernetes administration and orchestration. It verifies your ability to deploy and manage containerized applications within Kubernetes clusters. 
    • Skills: Kubernetes, container orchestration. 
    • Cost: Approximately $300 USD. 
    • Requirements: Practical Kubernetes experience. 
    • Duration: 3 hours (exam). 
    • Website: CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator

    3. CKAD Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 

    • Overview: The CKAD certification is tailored for developer's adept at Kubernetes application development. It attests to your skills in designing and building applications using Kubernetes resources
    • Skills: Kubernetes application development, YAML configuration. 
    • Cost: Approximately $300 USD. 
    • Requirements: Practical Kubernetes experience. 
    • Duration: 2 hours (exam).
    • Website: CKAD Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

    4. AWS Certified DevOps Engineer

    • Overview: The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer credential validates your ability to design and implement DevOps practices on AWS. It emphasizes your skills in automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery. 
    • Skills: AWS services for DevOps, CI/CD, and automation. 
    • Cost: Approximately $300 USD.
    • Requirements: Knowledge of AWS cloud and DevOps practices. 
    • Duration: Varies based on preparation. 
    • Website: AWS Certified DevOps Engineer

    5. Azure DevOps Solution Certification Exam 

    • Overview: The Azure DevOps Solution certification demonstrates your proficiency in implementing DevOps practices using Microsoft Azure. It focuses on streamlining workflows and enhancing collaboration. 
    • Skills: Implementing DevOps practices using Microsoft Azure. 
    • Cost: Approximately $165 USD. 
    • Requirements: Experience with Azure and DevOps principles.
    • Duration: Varies based on preparation. 
    • Website: Azure DevOps Solution Certification Exam

    6. Puppet Professional Certification 

    • Overview: The Puppet Professional certification validates your mastery of Puppet configuration management, showcasing your ability to automate and manage complex IT infrastructure effectively. 
    • Skills: Puppet configuration management.
    • Cost: Approximately $300 USD. 
    • Requirements: Familiarity with Puppet tools. 
    • Duration: Varies based on preparation. 
    • Website: Puppet Professional Certification                   

    7. Architecting with Google Cloud Platform 

    • Overview: The Architecting with Google Cloud Platform certification underscores your proficiency in Google Cloud architecture and DevOps practices, enabling you to design and implement scalable cloud solutions. 
    • Skills: Google Cloud architecture, DevOps in GCP. 
    • Cost: Approximately $200 USD. 
    • Requirements: Familiarity with Google Cloud Platform. 
    • Duration: Varies based on preparation. 
    • Website: Architecting with Google Cloud Platform

    8. Microsoft Certified Azure DevOps Engineer Expert 

    • Overview: The Microsoft Certified Azure DevOps Engineer Expert certification validates your ability to design and implement DevOps practices on Azure. It emphasizes your expertise in driving collaboration and automation on the Azure platform. 
    • Skills: Designing and implementing DevOps practices on Azure. 
    • Cost: Approximately $165 USD. 
    • Requirements: Proficiency in Azure and DevOps. 
    • Duration: Varies based on preparation. 
    • Website: Microsoft Certified Azure DevOps Engineer Expert                      

    10. Google Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer

    • Overview: Google Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer validates mastery in deploying applications on Google Cloud using DevOps, ensuring efficient software development, automated deployment, and secure, scalable solutions.
    • Skills: Cloud-native DevOps on Google Cloud. 
    • Cost: Approximately $200 USD. 
    • Requirements: Experience with Google Cloud and DevOps. 
    • Duration: Varies based on preparation. 
    • Website Google Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer

    11. Hashicorp Certified Terraform Associate DevOps Certification 

    • Overview: The Hashicorp Certified Terraform Associate certification validates your expertise in Infrastructure as Code using Terraform. It confirms your capability to provision and manage cloud resources efficiently. 
    • Skills: Infrastructure as Code using Terraform. 
    • Cost: Approximately $70 USD. 
    • Requirements: Familiarity with Terraform. 
    • Duration: Varies based on preparation. 
    • Website: Hashicorp Certified Terraform Associate DevOps Certification                        

    12. DevOps Foundation (DOFD)

    • Overview: The DevOps Foundation certification provides a comprehensive understanding of DevOps principles and practices. It is perfect for those new to DevOps, focusing on fundamental concepts of modern software delivery. 
    • Skills: Fundamentals of DevOps practices and principles
    • Cost: Varies based on training provider. 
    • Requirements: None. 
    • Duration: 16 hours (course). 
    • Website: DevOps Foundation (DOFD)              

    Each certification has specific prerequisites, you should learn about their skills and experiences before choosing the most suitable option for yourself from the best DevOps certification for beginners or make a list of DevOps certifications you'd be interested in. 

    The duration of preparation varies depending on my existing knowledge and dedication to study. Many certifications require passing an exam, while others may involve hands-on tasks or practical assessments.

    Investing time in various types of DevOps certification can significantly boost your career by validating your skills and knowledge in this ever-growing and essential field.

    What are the Skills required for DevOps Certifications?

    To pursue DevOps certifications successfully, you need a specific set of skills that align with the principles and practices of DevOps. These skills are essential for implementing and managing DevOps workflows effectively. Here are the key skills required for DevOps certifications:

    • Basic Understanding of Software Development: DevOps involves collaboration between development and operations teams, so you should have a fundamental understanding of software development concepts, programming languages, and version control systems like Git, Bitbucket, JIRA.
    • System Administration: Knowledge of system administration and networking is crucial to manage infrastructure and maintain seamless operations.
    • Automation Skills: DevOps heavily relies on automation to streamline processes. Proficiency in scripting languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell is valuable for creating automation scripts and tooling.
    • Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): One should be familiar with CI/CD concepts and tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or Azure DevOps to enable automated code integration, testing, and deployment.
    • Containerization: Understanding containerization technologies like Docker and container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes is essential for scalable and portable application deployments.
    • Configuration Management: One should have knowledge of configuration management tools like Puppet, Ansible, or Chef, which facilitate consistent and automated infrastructure setup.
    • Cloud Computing: Familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud is essential as DevOps often involves deploying applications in the cloud.
    • Monitoring and Logging: Skills in monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or ELK stack are important for tracking system performance and detecting issues.
    • Security Awareness: One must be aware of security best practices and how to integrate security into the DevOps workflow (DevSecOps).
    • Collaboration and Communication: Effective communication and teamwork are critical for DevOps success, as it involves collaborating with multiple teams and stakeholders.

    These skills form the foundation for a successful DevOps career and are essential for preparing for and obtaining DevOps certifications. One should continually expand their knowledge, practice hands-on with real-world projects, and stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the ever-evolving field of DevOps.

    How to prepare for a DevOps Certification

    DevOps certification Training can be a rewarding journey. Here's a simple guide to help you get started:

    • Know the Certification: Begin by researching the specific DevOps certification you want to pursue. Understand its objectives, prerequisites, and the topics it covers.
    • Identify Your Key Skills: Evaluate your current knowledge and experience in DevOps practices. Identify areas where you need improvement and focus on those.
    • Enrol in Online Courses: Enrol in DevOps certification online courses or training programs that align with the certification's content. Look for reputable platforms offering DevOps-related courses like KnowledgeHut DevOps certification course online.
    • Learn by Practicing: Practical experience is essential. Work on real-world projects to apply DevOps principles, use automation tools, and implement CI/CD pipelines.
    • Read Documentations and Guides: Study official documentation and guides of the tools and technologies covered in the certification to deepen your understanding.
    • Take Mock Exams: Many certifications offer practice exams. Take advantage of them to familiarize yourself with the exam format and assess your readiness.
    • Join DevOps Communities: Engage with DevOps communities, forums, and social media groups to learn from others, share experiences, and gain insights.
    • Review and Revise: Regularly review your notes, course materials, and practice through mock exams to reinforce your learning.
    • Learn Time Management: Plan your day and set aside time for each topic. Write down quick notes to remember.
    • Be Confident: On the exam day, stay calm, read questions carefully, and trust your preparation.

    DevOps certifications are more than just passing an exam – they also showcase your practical abilities. Only by combining your theoretical and practical knowledge, you can become a skilled DevOps practitioner. The more you put what you've learned into action, the better you'll become at mastering DevOps tasks. 

    Resource and Study materials for DevOps Certifications

    There are several tools and study materials available to help you prepare for DevOps certifications, I’ve curated this list of resources to help you: 

    • Official Websites: Exam information, curriculum, and study aids can be found on the official websites of certification organisations.
    • Online Courses: Take online DevOps training courses on sites such as KnowledgeHut for DevOps Foundation Certifications.
    • Documentation: Examine the official documentation and user guides for the tools and technologies included in the certification
    • Practise examinations: Use practise examinations to become acquainted with the exam structure and to assess your preparation.
    • Books: For in-depth understanding of DevOps and related technologies, look for suggested books.
    • Blogs and Forums: Read blogs and join DevOps forums to learn from others' experiences.
    • YouTube Tutorials: Watch video tutorials on YouTube for practical demonstrations of DevOps concepts.
    • Hands-On Practice: Work on real-world projects to apply DevOps principles and technologies.
    • Study Groups: Join study groups or communities to discuss topics and share knowledge on Slack channels.
    • LinkedIn: Connect with highly skilled professionals who have already obtained the certification for tips and guidance to ace this field.

    Always check multiple resources and check your study plan based on the specific certification that you want to take a call for. Daily practice and hands-on experience will enhance your confidence and you will be able to ace in certification exam.

    How to choose a DevOps Certification

    While choosing the best DevOps certification course online, please consider these points so that it would be easier to pick which one to invest your time in:

    • Reputation: Find certifications from reputed organizations that are well-recognized in the industry.
    • Relevance: Pick a certification aligned to your interests, current skills, and career goals.
    • Prerequisites:Check if the certification requires specific work experience or prior certifications.
    • Content: Review the certification's topics and ensure they cover areas you want to specialize in.
    • Format: Consider whether the certification involves exams, hands-on tasks, or a combination of both.
    • Cost: Evaluate the certification's cost and compare it with your budget.
    • Study Materials: Ensure sufficient study materials and resources are available to prepare for the certification.
    • Community: Check if there are study groups or online communities that can support your preparation.
    • Employer Recognition: Research if the certification is valued and sought after by employers.
    • Career Impact: Assess how the certification can boost your career prospects and opportunities in finding your job.

    By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and can choose the most suitable DevOps certification courses to enhance your skills and advance your career in the DevOps domain.

    DevOps Salary and Career

    DevOps careers offer high growth and good pay. Salaries vary based on location and expertise. Professionals in entry-level roles typically earn between Rs. 10,00,000 and Rs. 14,00,000 per year. Mid-level positions can yield salaries between Rs. 15,00,000 and Rs. 30,00,000 annually, while senior positions can offer over Rs. 35,00,000. DevOps engineers can progress to roles such as managers or architects. Due to robust demand in the sector, DevOps certification can bring several benefits. The enduring value of DevOps in software delivery and operations ensures its ongoing relevance in the IT market. A career in DevOps may lead to a rewarding, exciting future with strong earning potential and long-term prospects.


    DevOps certifications hold significant value for individuals aspiring to advance their careers in the DevOps field. These certifications not only offer recognition and enhanced credibility but also provide a distinct competitive advantage. Moreover, they contribute to organizational growth by nurturing a proficient and adept workforce.

    Engaging in DevOps certification programs opens doors to exciting and promising prospects. By acquiring these credentials, professionals position themselves for success in an ever-evolving industry landscape. These certifications serve as a testament to one's commitment to excellence and proficiency in DevOps practices.

    Furthermore, organizations benefit from certified DevOps experts who possess the latest knowledge and skills to drive efficiency and innovation. A certified workforce ensures smoother collaboration between development and operations teams, leading to streamlined software delivery and enhanced operational effectiveness.

    In conclusion, pursuing DevOps certifications is a strategic move that not only enriches personal career trajectories but also empowers organizations to thrive in a rapidly changing technological environment.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which certificate is best for DevOps?

    Choosing the right DevOps certification depends on skills, career goals, and tech preferences. Consider AWS Certified DevOps Engineer (AWS), Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert (Azure), or Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA). Certifications in Jenkins, Puppet, Ansible, Docker can help; real-world experience alongside is key for DevOps career growth.

    2Is DevOps certificate worth it?

    Yes, DevOps certifications are valuable, validating your skills and boosting marketability. They show commitment to learning, enhancing credibility for better career prospects in the fast-growing DevOps sector. Alongside experience, certifications can unlock job opportunities and higher-paying roles in IT operations and software development.

    3Is DevOps certification easy?

    DevOps certification difficulty varies based on your background and chosen certification. Some demand hands-on experience and tool knowledge, making them tougher. However, with preparation and dedication, achieving certification is feasible, validating your skills in DevOps practices. Effort in learning and applying concepts shapes the ease or challenge of the process.

    4Which is the highest DevOps position?

    The top DevOps role is typically the "DevOps Manager" or "DevOps Director," overseeing the process, teams, and aligning practices with business goals. They drive DevOps culture, manage resources, and enhance processes. Collaborating with various teams, they ensure efficient software delivery and smooth operations.

    5What are the five levels of DevOps?

    The DevOps journey progresses through five levels of maturity:

    1. Siloed Development and Operations: Isolated teams, slow delivery.
    2. Acceptance of DevOps Principles: Improved collaboration and tool sharing.
    3. Automated Delivery and CI: Focus on automation and CI for integration.
    4. Continuous Deployment: Automated, frequent releases.
    5. Data-Driven Improvement: Metrics-driven optimization for enhanced delivery.

    Advancement signifies improved efficiency, quality, and collaboration.

    6What are the 7 Cs of DevOps?

    The 7 C's of DevOps are core principles that guide the implementation of DevOps practices in organizations:

    • Collaboration: Encouraging cooperation between development and operations teams to work together seamlessly.
    • Communication: Promoting open and transparent communication to share ideas, feedback, and information effectively.
    • Culture: Fostering a DevOps culture that values continuous learning, innovation, and collaboration.
    • Continuous Integration (CI): Automating code integration and testing regularly to detect and fix issues early in the development process.
    • Continuous Delivery (CD): Automating the deployment process to ensure smooth and reliable releases.
    • Configuration Management: Using tools and processes to manage and automate infrastructure and application configurations.
    • Containerization: Using container technologies like Docker to package and isolate applications for easy deployment and scalability.

    These principles work together to streamline software delivery, enhance collaboration, and drive continuous improvement in DevOps environments.

    7What is the future of DevOps in 2025?

    In 2025, DevOps will continue to grow and evolve, remaining vital in software development and IT operations. It'll embrace trends like AI-driven automation, security-focused "DevSecOps," and expansion into diverse sectors. DevOps will foster a culture of improvement, enhancing product delivery across industries.


    Gagan Baheti


    Gagan Baheti, a Google Cloud Professional Architect working as a SAP Consultant at IBM for Heineken with more than 2 years of experience in IT and have experience in architecting cloud solution, developing highly scalable PaaS solutions using both Azure and GCP. I am author of multiple blogs that talks about latest technologies and solutions to challenges faced by cloud developers.I have worked on a lot of domains including MEAN Stack, SAP and Cloud.

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