HomeBlogDevOpsDevOps Engineer Salary in India

DevOps Engineer Salary in India

24th Apr, 2024
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    DevOps Engineer Salary in India

    A DevOps engineer holds a vital position in software development and operations. They are a crucial link between development and operations teams within a company. Perceiving the significance and versatility of their role, DevOps engineer's salary in India is good across diverse national and multinational organizations.

    Owing to their varying responsibilities and representation in changing organizational hierarchy, DevOps engineer salaries often tend to vary based on region, organization, skills, and more. With the right DevOps tools training course, you can also achieve a well-paid position to persevere in this field. Let us explore more about the roles and responsibilities of DevOps experts as well as DevOps engineer salary in India in this article.

    Who is a DevOps Engineer? 

    A DevOps engineer is an essential figure in the software development and operations field. They are responsible for connecting development and operations teams within a company. DevOps engineers possess technical expertise and collaboration skills.

    They monitor processes and manage tools along with overall infrastructure to facilitate smooth operations in software development. They are also responsible for connecting development and operations teams within a company.

    DevOps engineers possess technical expertise and collaboration skills. Their focus is enhancing software development's overall effectiveness and reliability by embracing DevOps principles and utilizing various tools and methodologies.

    In addition to connecting development and operations teams, a DevOps engineer serves as a catalyst for cultural and organizational change within a company. They promote collaboration, communication, and transparency among different teams, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

    They possess extensive knowledge and experience with a diverse set of tools and methodologies to empower organizations to expedite their time-to-market, enhance output quality, and scale efficiently. Their expertise and dedication significantly contribute to optimizing processes and fostering efficient development practices within the organization.

    Furthermore, DevOps engineers assume a crucial role in upholding the security and stability of systems and applications. They collaborate closely with security teams to implement robust security measures, ensuring the protection of critical assets. The valuable contributions of DevOps engineers significantly impact the overall success and competitiveness of organizations, which is why they are in high demand.

    If you are starting out in your career in this field, you will be pleased to know that a DevOps fresher salary is significantly higher than others. Enroll yourself for hands on DevOps training course to enjoy the benefits of being a DevOps engineer and a high DevOps average salary in India.

    Various Roles and Responsibilities of DevOps Engineer

    DevOps engineer has a range of responsibilities and roles within the software development and operations domain. Some of their responsibilities include:

    • Playing a crucial part in establishing continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
    • Automating infrastructure management
    • Ensuring consistent configurations
    • Monitoring performance
    • Promoting collaboration
    • Addressing security and compliance
    • Managing cloud resources
    • Resolving complex issues.

    DevOps engineers possess a diverse skill set that combines technical expertise, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities. Their primary goal is to enhance efficiency and continuous improvement in software delivery processes. To achieve success and get a substantial DevOps engineer salary in India, you can start by enrolling in DevOps Foundation certification course.

    DevOps Engineer Salary Range in Different Indian Cities

    DevOps engineer salary in India can vary across various cities in India due to factors like demand, cost of living, and industry presence. Here is a summary of the salary ranges in major cities:

    1. Bangalore: DevOps engineers in Bangalore generally receive higher salaries compared to other cities, with average annual earnings starting from INR 9,00,000 per year.
    2. Pune: Salaries for DevOps engineers in Pune typically fall between INR 7,00,000 and INR INR 24,00,000 per year.
    3. Hyderabad: In Hyderabad, DevOps engineer salaries commonly start from INR 7,00,000 per year.
    4. Chennai: DevOps engineer salaries in Chennai, on average, start from INR 5,55,000 per year, offering a slightly lower range compared to other major cities.
    5. Mumbai: DevOps engineers in Mumbai can expect salaries starting at INR 6,66,801 per year.
    6. Delhi/NCR: Salaries for DevOps engineers in the Delhi/NCR region typically start from INR 8,00,000 per year.

    DevOps Engineer Salary by Industry 

    Let us look at the average salary of DevOps engineer in India based on the type of industry they work across:


    Average Annual Salary


    INR 9,46,116


    INR 12,28,049


    INR 6,15,501


    INR 24,90,000


    INR 11,31,655

    Factors Affecting Average DevOps Salary in India 

    The average DevOps engineer salary in India is influenced by various factors, including:

    1. Experience: The level of experience a DevOps professional possesses affects their salary, with more experienced individuals typically earning higher pay due to their advanced skills and knowledge. For example, the DevOps engineer salary in India for 2 years of experience is INR 6,50,881. Compared to that, the DevOps 3 years experience salary in India is around INR 12,89,871. On the other hand, with significant experience, DevOps engineer salary in India for 10 years of experience is around INR 19,94,507.
    2. Skills and Specializations: Salaries can be influenced by specific skills and specializations within the DevOps field, especially in popular tools like AWS, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, and CI/CD pipelines, which can contribute to higher earning potential. For example, a cloud DevOps engineer salary in India reaches around INR 17,50,000, implying the significance of cloud skills in today’s world.
    3. Industry and Company Size: The industry and size of the company impact salaries, with industries that have a high demand for DevOps engineers and larger companies often offering higher compensation.
    4. Location: Geographical location within India plays a role, with metropolitan areas and tech hubs like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi tending to provide higher salaries due to increased demand and living costs.
    5. Certifications and Education: Obtaining relevant certifications and advanced degrees can positively affect salary prospects, as certifications from reputable providers like AWS, Microsoft, and Google demonstrate expertise and can lead to higher earnings.
    6. Demand and Supply: Salary levels can be influenced by the demand and supply of skilled DevOps engineers in the job market. The scarcity of talent may result in higher salaries to attract and retain professionals.
    7. Company Culture and Benefits: Factors like company culture, work-life balance, and additional benefits also play a role in salary considerations as organizations strive to attract and retain top talent.

    Top Companies Hiring DevOps Engineers in India 

    Prominent organizations in India are actively seeking DevOps engineers for recruitment. Let us look at some of these notable companies and explore what salary figures they offer to their DevOps engineers in India on an average.


    Average Offered Salary (Per Annum)

    Amazon Web Services

    INR 12,25,112


    INR 6,40,655


    INR 11,65,828

    Tata Consultancy Services

    INR 5,05,452


    NR 5,92,208


    INR 12,00,000


    INR 6,88,598


    INR 7,60,000I

    Key Reasons to Become a DevOps Engineer

    Other than aiming to achieve a gainful DevOps engineer salary in India, there are other compelling reasons to consider this career path and pursue this field. Here are some key reasons:

    • Thriving Job Market: The demand for skilled DevOps engineers continues to grow rapidly as organizations increasingly adopt DevOps practices. This presents abundant job opportunities and long-term career prospects.
    • Bridge the Gap: DevOps engineers uniquely connect development and operations teams, facilitating collaboration and efficient communication between these traditionally separate departments.
    • Automation and Efficiency: DevOps engineers work with automation tools and practices, streamlining workflows and reducing manual effort. This enables organizations to achieve faster time-to-market, improved efficiency, and increased productivity.
    • Continuous Learning: The field of DevOps is dynamic and ever-evolving, providing continuous learning opportunities. DevOps engineers stay at the forefront of technological advancements, enhancing their skills and staying relevant in the industry.
    • Increased Collaboration: DevOps engineers foster a culture of collaboration by breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional teamwork. They work closely with developers, operations teams, and other stakeholders, enhancing communication and synergy.
    • Problem-Solving: DevOps engineers tackle complex software development, deployment, and infrastructure management challenges. They employ analytical thinking and problem-solving skills to troubleshoot issues and ensure reliable and scalable systems.
    • Competitive Advantage: Organizations that adopt DevOps practices gain a competitive edge by delivering high-quality software products with shorter release cycles. DevOps engineers contribute directly to this advantage through their expertise and contributions.

    Tips for Negotiating DevOps Engineer Salaries

    Here are some tips to consider when negotiating DevOps engineer salary in India:

    1. Conduct Market Research: Gain knowledge about the prevailing trends for DevOps engineer salary in India in your industry and location, ensuring you have a realistic understanding of the market value.
    2. Highlight Your Skills and Experience: Emphasize your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments to demonstrate the value you can bring to the organization during salary negotiations.
    3. Quantify Your Achievements: Whenever possible, provide quantifiable evidence of your contributions, such as specific projects, improvements, or cost savings achieved through your work.
    4. Evaluate the Compensation Package as a Whole: Look beyond just the base salary and evaluate additional benefits, bonuses, stock options, and growth opportunities that are part of the overall compensation package.
    5. Justify the Salary you Expect: Present your reasons behind suggesting your requested salary and justify it based on your experience, skillset, and how you can help the company grow.
    6. Practice Effective Communication: Communicate your salary expectations confidently, actively listen to the other party, and maintain a professional demeanor throughout the negotiation process.
    7. Leverage Your Strengths: If you have multiple job offers or possess in-demand skills, leverage your position to negotiate for a more competitive salary.


    Opting for a career as a DevOps engineer presents an enriching and stimulating path for aspiring professionals in addition to a substantial DevOps engineer salary in India. The flourishing job market, the chance to bridge the gap between development and operations, and the ability to streamline processes through automation and efficiency enhancement all contribute to the allure of this journey.

    As DevOps engineers, individuals can anticipate personal and professional growth, with prospects to assume more advanced roles and responsibilities. As a DevOps engineer, you will gain knowledge on how to use a variety of tools and implement practices to make a noticeable impact in the realm of software development and operations. To kickstart your career as a DevOps engineer, you can join KnowledgeHut DevOps Tools training course online.


    Mayank Modi

    Blog Author

    Mayank Modi is a Red Hat Certified Architect with expertise in DevOps and Hybrid Cloud solutions. With a passion for technology and a keen interest in Linux/Unix systems, CISCO, and Network Security, Mayank has established himself as a skilled professional in the industry. As a DevOps and Corporate trainer, he has been instrumental in providing training and guidance to individuals and organizations. With over eight years of experience, Mayank is dedicated to achieving success both personally and professionally, making significant contributions to the field of technology.

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