HomeBlogSecurityHow to Become a Cloud Security Engineer in 2024? [Step-by-Step]

How to Become a Cloud Security Engineer in 2024? [Step-by-Step]

12th Mar, 2024
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    How to Become a Cloud Security Engineer in 2024? [Step-by-Step]

    Companies across domains have switched their operations to the cloud for multiple reasons. It offers them more data storage space and easy operations across networks, and the list is never-ending. This increased reliability has also raised the probability of intruder attacks, due to which there is a need to ensure cloud security. Hence, every company working in a cloud environment hires a cloud security engineer. These professionals identify and assess the potential risks to design secured cloud architecture that is safe from any vulnerabilities. The demand for these professionals is high, and the best part is that it is projected to grow exponentially in the near future. So, if you have plans to build a career in the cloud security domain, rest assured that your professional journey will be secure and monetarily sound. This article will be helpful for those of you who wonder how to become a cloud security engineer. From my personal experience, I have shared all the details you should know about becoming a cloud security engineer and tips to help you plan your journey well.

    Who is a Cloud Security Engineer, and What Do They Do? 

    A Cloud Security Engineer designs, implements and manages security practices for cloud-based environments. They are an integral part of any organization due to an increased inclination towards switching data and applications to the cloud environments. Their roles and responsibilities usually include:

    • Identifying and assessing the security risks in the cloud environments.
    • Designing and implementing safe and secure cloud architectures that align with the company's requirements.
    • Implementing encryption mechanisms to protect sensitive data in transit and at rest.
    • Researching and framing disaster management response plans for cloud-based systems to address and mitigate security incidents.

    Though the roles of a cloud security engineer may vary for different organizations, the fundamental responsibilities remain the same. So, the path to becoming a cloud security engineer is all about learning the right skills to play these roles efficiently. There are Cyber Security training programs that can help you in the process, and once you are ready, the sky is your limit!

    How to Become a Cloud Security Engineer in 5 Simple Steps 

    The job market is competitive these days, especially in areas that are high in demand and offer excellent salary packages. You will find multiple candidates competing for the same job title, and your preparation will help you sail through. I have listed the step-by-step process to help you figure out how to be a cloud security engineer and enjoy a fruitful career.

    Step 1: Master Skills

    Like any other domain, you would have to learn the relevant skill set to excel in your career as a cloud security engineer. When I mention skills, it includes soft and hard skills. The soft skills are associated with personality traits, while the hard skills are all about your technical proficiency. Let me segregate these categories and list skills you should develop while designing the roadmap to become a cloud security engineer.

    Top Skills Needed to Become a Cloud Security Engineer 

    A. Soft Skills 

    There are certain personality traits that the aspirants should develop in order to become successful cloud security engineers. These are the soft skills your employer will look for while hiring you. Some of these skills are:

    • Communication Skills: Learn to communicate complex security concepts to technical and non-technical stakeholders, as it is crucial for sorted operations.
    • Collaboration: Collaborative skills are essential as they help integrate efficient security measures.
    • Adaptability: The cloud industry is constantly evolving, so you should learn to be adaptive to keep up with the pace. 
    • Critical Thinking: Another skill that all Cloud Security Engineers should learn is critical thinking. It helps evaluate risks and make decisions that are fruitful for the organization.

    B. Hard Skills 

    Technical proficiency is inevitable, and gaining it is one of the crucial steps to becoming a cloud security engineer. Some of the skills under this category are:

    • Cloud Platforms: Gain in-depth knowledge of at least one major cloud platform, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
    • Network Security: Get a thorough understanding of network protocols, firewalls, VPNs, and other network security concepts.
    • Encryption: You should get knowledge of encryption algorithms, techniques, and tools. It includes both data in transit and data at rest encryption methods. Opt for a reliable program, like Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Certification to develop these skills.

    Top Cloud Security Engineer Certifications / Degree

    The most effective way to develop soft or hard skills is to complete the certification programs that teach you the right skills and develop soft skills that can help you inch closer to your dream job. Some of the certifications you should opt for are:

    • CEH v12 training online 
    • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Certification 
    • Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer 
    • KnowledgeHut's cyber security training courses 
    • Microsoft Certified Azure Security Engineer Associate

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline

    Every aspirant has a different grasping power and would have a unique learning path. So, when you explore how to become a cloud security engineer after the 12th, know that having a well-crafted strategy is a must.

    Start Learning in a Format That Suits You 

    Before I get into details and tell you how long it might take you to become a successful cloud security engineer, it is crucial to mention that you have to follow your own path. Never follow anyone else’s footprints; do your own research, create a learning path that caters to your learning pace, and design your learning path toward success.

    How Long Does It Take to Become a Cloud Security Engineer? 

    If you ask me how to become a cloud security engineer without a degree, I will say it takes around 4 to 5 years. The steps involved in this process are:

    • Complete a bachelor's degree in computer science and information technology.
    • Enrol in an add-on certification program that trains you in the latest tools and software systems. You can explore the KnowledgeHut's cyber security training courses and check the time it takes to complete the one you want. 
    • Though it is optional before you start your professional journey, you can look for an internship program that can help you get an idea of the market situation.

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio / Resume 

    Once you are ready to explore the job market, give special attention to curating a resume. You can seek assistance from a reliable online resume builder and customize a pre-defined resume according to your requirements. Understand that it is your first impression of your potential employer, so make sure it's an effective one.

    Portfolio Example or Resume Template in PDF 

    Step 4: Where and how to find a job 

    On your cloud security engineer roadmap, it is helpful if you know where and how to find the right kind of jobs. I have listed the top seven companies that offer excellent job offers in the cloud domain for your reference.

    Top Companies Hiring Cloud Security Engineer


    Job Outlook for Cloud Security Engineer 

    The job market for cloud security engineers is positive and is expected to grow exponentially for a long time. Organizations are switching to cloud platforms swiftly, and the transition will continue. So, the demand for a security engineer in a cloud network will also keep increasing. As per research, the projected growth in this job market is around 32% for the upcoming years. 

    Step 5: Ace the Interview 

    To start working as a cloud security engineer, you have to crack the interview. The interview process may vary for different organizations, so you should research and learn about the process to prepare well. A few tips for your preparation are:

    • Make sure you go through the interview questions for cloud security engineer. It will give you an idea about what you will be asked.
    • Present yourself well and make sure you stay confident during your personal interview.

    Who can Become a Cloud Security Engineer?

    Before exploring how to be a cloud security engineer, you should know if you can actually work in this domain. Understand that proficiency in a specific industry is essential to plan a successful career. So, all those who wish to plan a career as a cloud security engineer should have the following:

    • A bachelor's degree in computer science or information technology.
    • An add-on certification course that proves your skillset and worth as a cloud security engineer.

    If you meet these requirements, you can certainly start working in the domain and expect a fruitful career.


    I have stressed a lot about how fruitful it is to plan a career in the cloud domain. However, you might wonder what are the perks that make it so beneficial. Let me list a few benefits to help you get clarity.

    • This job role is in high demand, which means you get countless job opportunities in this industry.
    • The demand for a cloud security engineer is global! So, you can plan to move to another city or country without any confusion.
    • Another benefit is an excellent salary package. You can earn handsome monetary perks if you prove your worth as a cloud security engineer.

    What’s the Demand for Cloud Security Engineers? 

    The demand for cloud security engineers is high, and the best part is that the requirement is across domains. So, while curating your cloud security engineer roadmap, you can decide the industry in which you wish to work, and the opportunities will be limitless. The table below lists the countries that offer the best salaries for people working in this domain.

    Salary details for the top 5 countries 

    UKEuros 129K


    In this article about how to become a cloud security engineer, I have covered all the aspects you should know before planning a career in this domain. If you plan everything strategically, rest assured that your professional journey will be smooth, and you will enjoy countless monetary perks. Start by completing a bachelor's degree in computer science and enroll yourself in a certification program that helps develop the right skills. Once you are well-prepared and confident enough to start your professional journey, curate an impressive resume and get ready for an interview. Understand that these simple things will help make your professional journey smooth and help you inch closer to your desired job role.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do I get a job as a cloud security Engineer? 

    To get a job as a cloud security engineer, you should sharpen your technical skills, like understanding the cloud platforms, network security, and incident response-ability. Moreover, work on developing personality traits like excellent communication skills and critical thinking. 

    2What is the future of cloud security engineers? 

    The future of cloud security engineers is bright and extremely promising. As per research, the growth in the job market related to this domain is projected to be around 32%. So, if you want to build a career in this domain, you will have countless opportunities to explore. 

    3What are the typical job responsibilities of a cloud security engineer? 

    Typically, the job responsibilities of a cloud security engineer include assessing the system vulnerabilities and building safe cloud architecture. Their roles also include implementing safety practices and having a disaster management strategy ready in case of any incident. 

    4How can I stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in cloud security? 

    The simple way to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies is to enroll in the add-on certifications. Choose a certification program based on the technologies you want to learn and keep up with the pace! 

    5How can I prepare for interviews for cloud security engineer positions? 

    You can refer to the sample interview questions to prepare for the cloud security engineer positions. Furthermore, work on your technical skills to qualify for the technical rounds. 


    Vitesh Sharma

    Blog Author

    Vitesh Sharma, a distinguished Cyber Security expert with a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in the Telecom & Networking Industry. Armed with a CCIE and CISA certification, Vitesh possesses expertise in MPLS, Wi-Fi Planning & Designing, High Availability, QoS, IPv6, and IP KPIs. With a robust background in evaluating and optimizing MPLS security for telecom giants, Vitesh has been instrumental in driving large service provider engagements, emphasizing planning, designing, assessment, and optimization. His experience spans prestigious organizations like Barclays, Protiviti, EY, PwC India, Tata Consultancy Services, and more. With a unique blend of technical prowess and management acumen, Vitesh remains at the forefront of ensuring secure and efficient networking solutions, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the cybersecurity landscape.

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