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Comprehensive AWS Study Guide for its Services and Exam Prep

20th Nov, 2023
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    Comprehensive AWS Study Guide for its Services and Exam Prep

    An AWS Solutions Architect assists a company in deploying sophisticated applications on the AWS platform. Since the rise of cloud computing, businesses all over the world have begun to shift their physical infrastructure to the cloud.

    This has also led rise to increased job opportunities, and the competition is high. Being fully prepared for the Amazon cert helps you pass the exam with good scores and adds credit to your career. If you're attempting to operate on the cloud and are acquainted with AWS, you'll probably find it incredibly intimidating. There are also other things you should know if you want to pass the AWS-certified cloud practitioner test. This AWS study guide will teach you all you need to know about AWS cloud practitioners. You must be aware. 

    AWS Core Services

    Before dwelling into AWS study material, you need to have an understanding of AWS Core Services, which will help you understand the role better:

    1. Amazon S3: Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object-level storage solution that provides scalability, availability, and security for content. It is one of the oldest AWS services. Can store various things of varying sizes in specialised storage buckets known as S3 buckets.
    2. Amazon EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is one of the earliest services provided by AWS Cloud. AWS allows users to rent virtual machines that may be spun up or down with a set of resources at any moment. It provides instance types to accommodate any sort of task.
    3. Amazon ECS: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a container management service that aids in the deployment, management, and monitoring of applications. AWS Fargate uses serverless technology to relieve customers of the burden of managing add-ons and nodes. Amazon ECS also allows organizations to create apps quickly.
    4. Amazon Lambda: Lambda is an AWS cloud serverless environment that allows customers to run code without the requirement for creating or maintaining servers to manage workloads. AWS Lambda will scale up or down on your behalf by creating computers on your behalf and spinning up your application 'just in time' to service incoming traffic.

    AWS Certification Exam Preparation

    Now that I have explained to you the important things you should know, the main struggle lies in the preparation. You can leverage the use of the AWS cloud practitioner certification cheat sheet, which will help you retain your knowledge. Below are other important preparation tips you can follow:

    1. Learn about cloud essentials

    First and foremost, you must research and understand the specific AWS cloud practitioner learning materials and topics. Furthermore, you must be aware of the curriculum of the desired certification test, as well as several other critical criteria such as exam style, time duration, exam fee, and so on. It is advised that you consult the official test guide provided by AWS on its website to obtain the most up-to-date curriculum and other exam material.

    2. Schedule study time on your calendar

    Earning credentials while working full-time might be time-consuming. Unfortunately, you must set aside time during the day to study AWS certification material. You must also ensure that no requirements or domains are missing. So, the ideal approach is to create a calendar, split the curriculum and skills evenly, and stick to it faithfully.

    3. Learn AWS concepts and skills

    After completing the preceding steps, you must now master AWS concepts and abilities of AWS-certified cloud practitioner study material in order to prepare for the certification test. To be successful, you must have a deep comprehension of the principles.

    4. Use a to-do list.

    At this point, you should have a basic understanding of the core information necessary for the AWS certification book exam. So, you can now make a to-do list of the tasks you can complete and the skills you still need to learn. Once you have a brief understanding of the scenario, you can use the study guide to delve deeper into the intricacies of AWS infrastructure and service solutions.

    5. Complete practice papers

    It is one of the most fundamental yet underappreciated aspects of AWS Certification test preparation. You must complete as many practice papers as possible in order to become familiar with the test structure and the types of questions commonly asked in the exam.

    I strongly advise you to use an AWS-certified solutions architect associate cheat sheet to retain and help you remember concepts easily. It also allows you to assess your degree of preparation for the certification test.

    Advanced AWS Topics

    Now we hop onto the advanced topics that are covered in AWS solution architect material and that you should definitely cover for your exam. You can prepare for these topics by enrolling in the KnowledgeHut Cloud Computing course learning path, which will help you ace your learning faster and better.

    • Serverless Computing: Advanced serverless computing entails creating complicated apps without having to manage servers utilising AWS Lambda and other services.
    • Containers with Kubernetes: This refers to the use of Amazon ECS and EKS to manage containers and the applications that run within them, making deployment and scaling easier.
    • Advanced networking: entails configuring sophisticated network setups, such as safely and effectively linking several VPCs.
    • Advanced IAM and Security: Securing your AWS resources with advanced user rights and extra security layers such as Multi-Factor Authentication is the focus of this section.
    • AWS CloudFormation: Discover how to use code to generate and manage AWS resources, making it easier to deploy and maintain complex infrastructures.
    • Advanced EC2: Learn about more specialised EC2 instance kinds as well as cost-cutting measures such as auto-scaling and reserved instances.
    • High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Using sophisticated AWS services, you can ensure that your applications are always accessible and that they can recover from errors.
    • Advanced Storage choices: Look into other storage choices, such as long-term archiving and scalable file storage.
    • Big Data and Analytics: Discover how to use AWS services such as EMR, Redshift, and Glue to handle and analyse massive datasets.
    • Advanced DevOps: Use advanced DevOps practices to speed up software development and deployment.

    Networking in AWS

    The next significant topic of any AWS-certified cloud practitioner book is networking. Over 1 million brands are using AWS network services to optimise their cloud computing operations, and they are available in 20 geographic locations across the world. Before starting your preparation to understand AWS cloud practitioner study material, you need to have an overview of the following networking in AWS:

    1. AWS Direct Connect: This solution enables AWS users to establish a consistent network connection for an on-premise data centre. With AWS Direct Connect, you'd link your AWS cloud to a data centre, office, or workstation, lowering the overall cost of a single connection.
    2. Elastic Load Balancing: As the name indicates, it performs operations that balance network traffic load. Elastic load balancing spreads network traffic over different destinations, such as EC2, to reduce the vulnerability of applications to network problems caused by high inbound traffic to your network.
    3. Amazon Gateway: A gateway is a service that operates as a network gatekeeper. All requests submitted from one end are routed through a gateway to the other end. Simply said, it connects two networks to allow interaction among the devices on them.
    4. Amazon Route 53: Route 53 is a highly accessible cloud Domain Name System (DNS) that connects verified domain names with IP addresses of cloud servers to provide developers and companies with a means to route users' interactions with online applications.

    AWS Identity and Access Management 

    AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is an internet service that allows you to regulate access to AWS services securely. IAM allows you to centrally manage permissions that govern which AWS resources users have access to. This topic is important to have a clear understanding of the AWS exam. Furthermore, you can join a Certified Cloud Engineer training to get well-versed in the topic.

    AWS Security and Compliance

    AWS Security capabilities help to protect your data, accounts, apps, and infrastructure from unauthorised access. It enables the creation of the most secure cloud architecture for data flow management and encrypts critical data. AWS compliance connects governance-focused, audit-friendly services to relevant security compliance requirements and audit standards, enabling any organisation to operate inside an AWS security control environment.

    The AWS shared responsibility model empowers customers to choose the security measures to install to secure their content, platforms, applications, systems, and networks, just as they would in an on-premises data centre.

    1. Excellent service visibility and control: AWS assists you in tracking stored data with availability and resources spent by your apps. It also enables identification and access control, as well as real-time continuous security information monitoring. It guarantees that the appropriate resources have appropriate access to the data, regardless of where it is kept.
    2. Simple Integration: By integrating AWS services with your current solution, you may improve existing workflows, expedite operations, and simplify compliance reporting.
    3. Regular Monitoring: AWS assures that they have an outstanding team of security specialists monitoring systems and services over time to secure your application and data.

    AWS Storage Services

    Another topic is AWS storage services, as they are widely used by businesses worldwide. Below are some of the most prominent types of storage in AWS:

    • Object storage: First, the AWS storage type is the vast scalability and metadata features of object storage, which are often used by cloud-based applications. Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon Glacier are great object storage alternatives for designing modern applications that demand scale and agility from the bottom up.
    • File Storage: Another form of AWS storage has several programs that require a filing system in order to access shared files. This form of storage is often supported by a Network Attached Storage (NAS) server.
    • Block Storage: Other corporate applications, such as databases and ERP systems, usually require dedicated, minimal latency storage for each host. This is sometimes compared to a cargo area network (CAN) or direct-attached storage (DAS) (SAN). Cloud storage alternatives based on blocks, such as Amazon EBS's Elastic Block Store and EC2 Instance Storage.

    AWS Monitoring and Management Tools

    AWS monitoring allows you to monitor the condition, efficiency, and reliability of Amazon Web Service cloud resources and application workloads. It is a collection of practices that you may use to validate the security and performance of your AWS services and data. These practices acquire, analyse, and provide data insights using a variety of technologies and services. These insights may then be used to discover vulnerabilities and faults, anticipate performance, and optimise setups.

    • AWS CloudWatch: AWS CloudWatch is AWS's most basic and vital service. CloudWatch is mostly free to use, although it does include certain advanced monitoring tools for which you may have to pay.
    • Amazon EC2 Dashboard: The Amazon EC2 Dashboard is a tool for monitoring the virtual machine service Amazon EC2. This dashboard may be used for keeping track of your EC2 instances and architecture. examine instance statuses and service health, control alerts and status reports, examine planned events, and analyse volume and instance metrics using the dashboard.

    Final Thoughts

    Earning an AWS Certification is not easy, and it takes a lot of dedication and diligent effort from your side to succeed in these exams. Using a study guide can help you break down your topics into smaller parts and then understand them better. This helps you to have command of each important topic without the risk of leaving another. The exam is well- worth it because you will not only be eligible for various exciting job possibilities, but employers will also prefer you because of your credentials and experience.

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Are there any recommended prerequisites before using the study guide?

    The AWS study guide has no required requirements because it is intended for users of all skill levels. However, having a basic grasp of cloud computing ideas, as well as some experience with AWS services, will help you study more effectively.

    2Is the study guide available in digital or print format?

    To accommodate varied tastes, many AWS study aids are offered in both digital (eBook) and paper editions. It is recommended that you verify with the publisher or the official AWS website to verify the formats available for the specific study guide you are interested in.

    3Does the study guide include real-world scenarios and case studies?

    The use of real-world situations and case studies in an AWS study guide varies based on the guide's unique objective. Real-world situations and case studies are used in several AWS study guides to give practical context and examples for the concepts covered.

    4Are there any interactive elements in the study guide, such as videos or simulations?

    To enhance the learning experience, certain AWS study materials, especially online courses or multimedia-based resources, may contain interactive features like as instructional videos, hands-on laboratories, and simulations.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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