HomeBlogBusiness intelligence and VisualizationTop Benefits of Earning Tableau Certification

Top Benefits of Earning Tableau Certification

03rd May, 2024
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    Top Benefits of Earning Tableau Certification

    What is Tableau? 

    Tableau is a business intelligence and data visualization software. It can create interactive visualizations, dashboards, and reports from any data. Tableau is available in both cloud and desktop versions. The cloud version is subscription-based, while the desktop version is a one-time purchase. Tableau has been recognized as the leading BI and data visualization tool by Forbes, Fortune, and Gartner. It is used by some of the world's largest organizations, including Google, Facebook, Wells Fargo, and Salesforce.com. Tableau was founded in 2003 by Christian Chabot and Chris Stolte. Chabot is the CEO of Tableau Software, while Stolte is the Chief Development Officer and Co-founder. As of March 2017, Tableau had over 58 thousand customers worldwide.

    For a business, big or small, data analysis is one of the crucial aspects contributing to taking things to the next level. Data sets help understand accounting, profitability, operations, consumer behavior, and almost every other factor that helps design effective strategies. That is why business intelligence and data analytics has become a significant part of the growth strategy.

    Companies hire the best experts who understand the domain well and got comprehensive knowledge of the tools that can help. Most companies look for professionals with Power BI Certification to prove their skills and be worthy of the best salary packages. One of the tools that every professional in the data visualization domain should know thoroughly is, Tableau. The promising tableau benefits have made it the highlight. So, if you know it, you have a secure career. Let us dig deeper and get to know the tool better.  

    Why learn Tableau?

    It is one of the fasted growing and most reliable tools in business intelligence that turns raw data into segregated and sorted bits of information. The tool converts the text, numbers, and other details into visual worksheets and dashboard tables that are much easier to understand. Moreover, you don’t need technical knowledge or programming skills to create these tables, as the tool will take care of it. The key features of this tool are:

    • Data Collaboration 
    • Real-Time Analysis 
    • Data Blending 

    The entire tool works on these features and the pace and efficiency with which it works to make it the best available option in the market. So let us dig deeper into tableau features and benefits to understand its effectiveness and contribution to data visualization.

    benefits of earning tableau certification

    Benefits of Tableau

    1. Faster analysis

    The industry is fast-paced, and to keep up with the competition, you should be swift in your actions. Tableau can help you with that by providing faster analytic reports. It takes the raw data chunks and converts them into useful information. Then, you get the worksheets that are interactive with visualizations that make it easier to understand the information. With the drag-and-drop options, it will only take a few minutes to generate reports that can help prepare strategies.

    2. Intuitive dashboards

    One of the benefits of using Tableau is that it takes you away from boring worksheets. Instead, you get segregated data sets in tables that have columns separate with varied colors, designs, chart options, and other elements. The tool also offers visual retreats that make the boring worksheets engaging and interactive.

    3. Easy to Use

    The choice of visualizations this tool offers emphasizes making it easy for the end user to use. Unlike other data visualization tools, it doesn't require much effort to understand and learn this tool, and you can conveniently infer it from the lower learning curve. In addition, the tool design is so simple that neither a developer nor a user would have to deal with the frustrations.

    4. Increased organizational efficiency 

    When the tool you use is easy to learn, provides the results swiftly, and can segregate the data units into reliable pieces of information, efficiency comes as a by-product. None of the resources would have to focus on these tasks, and they can use the time saved for planning strategies and other significant aspects. 

    5. Data-driven business decisions

    You cannot discount the role of data in making business-related decisions. Especially if the domains are like e-commerce or product development, data is the pillar on which you can build a sturdy structure. Tableau help generates data reports that talk about consumer behaviors, buying patterns, and other information, using which you can plan your next moves. However, if these reports are unavailable or you get them in an unsorted manner, your decision-making will get affected due to the lack of clarity.

    6. Improved customer experience

    Data help find your target audience, and you can reach more relevant people with that information. You can identify the people who would be interested in your business and will know what you can provide to engage them and keep them glued to your brand. Tableau helps with it by providing you with all the information about their interests and purchase patterns.

    7. Improved employee satisfaction 

    Employees are at ease when they get a tool that cuts their effort in half! A tableau is a similar tool that helps in data visualizations by automating the tasks involved. There are plenty of benefits of learning Tableau or providing employees with training programs teaching them to use this tool. In addition, it will generate highly engaging and interactive reports with a few clicks, saving a lot of time and effort.

    8. Trusted and governed data

    There are multiple internal databases in an organization that the concerned teams from various departments need to access. However, digging into each data set is tedious, and it gets even more challenging when there is a link between two data sets. Tableau solves this issue by bringing all the data sets under a single unit from where the entire organization can access it. Thus, it offers a trusted, centralized data source, saving you from the trouble of moving across multiple sets.

    9. Increased competitive advantage 

    If you want to stand out and be ahead of your competition, you need to hold an edge over them. Knowing every little detail about your consumer, market, areas of improvement, and more will work in your favor as it will keep you informed. You will know your target market better than your competitor, and it will help you move ahead of them!

    10. Mobile Friendly 

    You can also enjoy the Tableau dashboard benefits on your mobile phone! There is an android and IOS app available with all the features that the tool offers. Using this app, you can get this data visualization tool on the go to generate reports or access data sets and interactive worksheets wherever and whenever you want.

    11. Device Support 

    The reports generated by this tool are responsive and adapt to the screen on which you view them. For example, if you check the data reports or the dashboard on the mobile screen, there will be no viewing disparity. Instead, it will look similar to how you see it on the bigger screen, saving you from frustration due to improper viewing.

    12. Data Handling 

    One of the significant Tableau online benefits is that it can handle large data sets with utmost efficiency and convenience. Even millions of rows of data can get managed and sorted by this tool without disturbing the dashboard performance. Hence, it is ideal for organizations having millions of data rows to handle.

    These are the fundamental advantages of this tool that make it an ideal option for making data-driven decisions. Owing to all these perks, organizations always prefer hiring professionals who have taken Business Intelligence training programs to prove their skill set. Thus, getting a secured job and a promising career is one of the significant benefits of tableau certifications.

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    How Does Tableau Work?

    The primary task that you need to perform in this tool is to connect data sets and extract the reports. It can fetch data sets from any platform, like excel, PDF, or amazon web services. Then, you can connect the extracted data to the tableau desktop, and the data analyst works on the data sheets from there.

    The dashboards created by the tool get shared with the users in the static file format. These files are viewable with the help of a tableau reader. The two primary tools involved in the working of the tool are:

    Developer Tools: These tools help design worksheets, reports, charts, and dashboards under this category. Two primary products in this category are Tableau public and desktop.

    Sharing Tools: As suggested by the name, these tools are for sharing the dashboards, reports, and visualizations created by the development team. Products under this category are online, reader, and server.

    Reasons to Invest in Tableau

    There are multiple reasons for investing in this tool, like its spontaneity in generating reports, interactive charts, and trusted data set generation. This tool is useful if you run an organization and make data-driven decisions regularly. Some of the perks it can offer are: 

    1. It offers interactive visuals that make the boring data reports utterly engaging. Hence, making it easier to work on them. 

    2. The tools generate the reports within a few clicks, and the segregation is efficient. You wouldn't have to fetch individual sets from different places, combine them and create a single report. Instead, just give commands, and the task will complete. 

    3. The user interface is simple and easy to learn, so you wouldn’t have to spend much on training your employees for it. Moreover, you can also choose to hire candidates with KnowledgeHut Power BI Certification who are already aware of the tool! 

    4. It has fair integration with different development languages. So, your employees can start using it without having to struggle with complex calculations on multiple screens.  

    There are countless reasons why an organization should invest in this data visualization tool and hire employees who understand it well. It will automate multiple tasks and save a lot of time and effort, increasing the efficiency level of the organization.  

    How Does Tableau Compare to Alternatives?

    The market has many other options for data visualization tools. Some of the alternatives to this popular tool are Zoho Analytics, Sisense, BigID, Looker, and the list goes on. Though all these tools have their perks, Tableau is still the most preferred and opted-for tool. Listed below are some of the factors that help it stand out. 

    1. It can handle a copious amount of data at the same pace! The tool can handle millions of rows of data with utmost efficiency.  

    2. It is an easy-to-use tool that a professional can learn within no time! Furthermore, you would not need technical knowledge or programming skills to understand this tool.  

    3. The tool can work on the go as you get a mobile app that offers features similar to the desktop view.  

    4. The speed with which this tool generates reports is exceptional, and no other option matches that level and efficiency.  

    Benefits of Having Tableau Certification

    Certification courses are of great use for professionals who want to extend their careers. It improves their skillset and helps them keep up with the changing trends to support their professional growth. Tableau certifications are similar courses that train professionals in using the most preferred data visualization tool.

    Every business makes data-driven decisions these days as it helps curate effective strategies that support growth. Thus, there is a requirement for an expert who can manage the data sets and use the information to make decisions for business growth. They prefer hiring experts with proven expertise, and the added certification in your resume will increase your chances of getting hired. The hiring authorities would get an idea about your knowledge and hands-on experience with the tool, and they are likely to offer you a job. Hence, by opting for the certifications, you automatically sign up for a promising and secured professional career.

    Our Final Thoughts on Tableau

    A tableau is an efficient tool that is better than its alternatives in multiple ways. First, it works fast and generates data reports within a few minutes. Additionally, it is easy to learn and adapt to get reliable data sheets for effective decision-making. Hence, it is fair to say that this tool should get incorporated into every company to make decisions supporting company growth.

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    Knowing the advantages of this efficient tool, it is evident that a professional working in this domain should understand it well. If you also find this domain promising and want to start a career in this, you should opt for the certification program to understand the tool. Complete the certification and start exploring your options to grab the best jobs with an excellent salary package. Make sure you take the certification course from a reliable course provider to see how it supports your career growth. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. Why is Tableau so popular?

    Tableau is famous for its pace, efficiency, interactive charts, and multiple other options. Moreover, its ability to sort the data rows is also a reason behind its popularity.

    2. How many types of Tableau are there?

    There are multiple tableau product types in the market, namely: 

    • Server 
    • Reader 
    • Online 
    • Desktop 
    • Mobile 
    • Prep builder 

    3. Is Tableau easy to learn?

    You do not require technical knowledge or programming skills to learn this tool. However, a professional certification course would be apt to gain a thorough understanding.

    4. How much does it cost to learn Tableau?

    The cost of learning a tableau is somewhere around INR 20000. However, it can vary depending on the course provider and other factors.

    5. What is the use of Tableau?

    Tableau is a data visualization and analytic tool. It fetches the data sets from multiple sources and puts them under one unit for the entire team to assess.


    Utpal Kar

    Blog Author

    Utpal Kar, a seasoned Corporate Trainer, excels in conducting training programs encompassing Advanced Excel, Power BI, Python, SQL Server, and Unix/Linux technologies. Notably, he holds a Python Certification from LinkedIn, showcasing his proficiency in the domain. Currently serving as a Corporate Trainer at Innovative Technology Solutions, Utpal specializes in Python, VBA Macro, Advance Excel, Power BI, and PostgreSQL, along with a breadth of other languages like .Net and Java. Prior to this role, he made significant contributions at NIIT Ltd., providing technical support and solutions to Franchisee Centres. With over 4 years at Innovative Technology Solutions, Utpal remains dedicated to enhancing skill sets and driving performance for professionals across various industries.

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