HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentWhat is Binary Heap? Types, Operations, Implementation

What is Binary Heap? Types, Operations, Implementation

16th Apr, 2024
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    What is Binary Heap? Types, Operations, Implementation

    Efficiency is paramount in computer science. From massive datasets to complex tasks, quickly accessing and organizing information is key. Enter the Binary Heap, a powerful data structure used for everything from algorithms to priority queues. This article dives into Binary Heaps, exploring their types, operations, and implementation. Programmers of all levels will benefit from understanding this fundamental data structure. 

    What is a Binary Heap?

    A Binary Heap is a full binary tree-based data structure that has the heap property. In layman's words, it's a tree structure in which each parent node has at most two children and the tree is filled on all levels except the lowest, which is filled from left to right. 

    Binary heaps are especially handy for priority queue implementations, and they are widely utilized in algorithms like Dijkstra's shortest path method and the heap sort algorithm. Their ability to insert, delete, and retrieve the minimum or maximum element makes them helpful in a variety of applications requiring fast data organization and processing.

    Here's an example that will help you understand better. Consider a hospital emergency room with a long line of patients. The priority queue can be modelled as a binary heap in the following way.

    • The patient with the most urgent health need (highest priority) is placed first (at the root of the tree).
    • Other patients (nodes) are placed so that a patient's (node's) state is more critical or equal to that of the succeeding patients (node's children).

    Structure of Binary Heap

    How is Binary Heap Represented?

    Binary heaps are expressed as arrays. Arrays are containers that hold elements in a predefined order that satisfies the attribute. Below is the binary heap example, an ascending array stores values in ascending (increasing) order.

    Because heap elements are kept in an array, you'll require an index. The root or initial value is stored in the first place. For any other element 'i' in the array:

    • The left child is in 2*ith position.
    • The parent node of the i th element is located at ⌊1/2⌋.
    • The right kid is in the 2*i+1 position.

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    Characteristics of Binary Heap

    The attributes of a binary heap are as follows:

    • Binary heaps are especially handy for priority queue implementations, and they are widely utilized in algorithms like Dijkstra's shortest path method and the heap sort algorithm. Their ability to insert, delete, and retrieve the minimum or maximum element makes them helpful in a variety of applications requiring fast data organization and processing.
    • Binary Heaps follow the heap order property, which specifies the relationship between parent and child nodes. In a min-heap, each parent node's value is less than or equal to that of its offspring. In contrast, in a max heap, every parent node's value is larger than or equal to that of its offspring. This parameter ensures that the minimum and maximum elements can be accessed efficiently from the heap's root.
    • Binary heaps are frequently utilized as the fundamental data structure for implementing priority queues. Priority queues order elements according to specific criteria (e.g., numerical value, priority level), providing for quick access to the highest or lowest priority element. Binary heaps can efficiently enable priority queue operations like enqueue (insertion) and dequeue (removal of the highest or lowest priority element).
    • Binary Heaps can be constructed with arrays, taking use of the underlying link between array indices and tree nodes. This array-based representation saves space compared to linked structures and allows for cache-friendly memory access patterns, resulting in increased speed in practice.

    Types of Binary Heap

    Binary heaps are classified into two types: max and min-heaps.

    • A max-heap's root node always contains the maximum element. Each node's descendants have a value that is less than or equal to its parent. As a result, the root node has the most value in the heap.
    • Min-Heap: In a min-heap, the root node always contains the minimum element. Each node's descendants have a value that is greater than or equal to its parent. As a result, the root node has the smallest value in the heap.

    1. Min Heap

    In a minimum binary heap structure, for each node 'x' (other than the root), the key (value) stored in children is less than or equal to x's key (values). In other words, the root always contains the smallest element, and the value of each parent node is less than or equal to the values of its children.

    2. Max Heap

    In contrast to a min-heap, every node 'x' (except the root) should have a key (value) that is less than or equal to the keys (values) contained in its offspring. Simply put, the greatest element is always at the root, and the value of each parent node exceeds or equals the values of its children.

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    3. Binary Min Heap vs Binary Max Heap


    Binary Min Heap

    Binary Max Heap


    For any node ‘x,’ the key (value) in ‘x’ is less than or equal to the keys (values) in its children.

    For any node ‘x,’ the key (value) in ‘x’ is greater than or equal to the keys (values) in its children.

    Root Key (or Value)







    A new element to be inserted is placed at the appropriate position to maintain the min-heap property.

    The new element is placed at the appropriate position without disturbing the max-heap property.


    The minimum value (root value) is removed and the last element in the heap replaces it.

    The entire heap is then accommodated to satisfy the min-heap property. The maximum value (root value) is deleted


    It uses where the minimum is to be assessed

    It is uses where the maximum is to be assessed.

    Operations of Binary Heap 

    When evaluating the minimum/maximum and priority in sorting-based applications, binary heaps are frequently utilized. Consequently, you may perform a wide range of operations on binary heap arrays. The heap operations that are most frequently utilized are listed below.

    1. GetMin() and getMax()

    The minimal value, or root element, of a binary min heap is returned by the getMin() function. On the other hand, a binary max heap's maximum value, or root, is returned by getMax().

    2. Insertion via insert() 

    The insert() function allows you to insert new items. To preserve the entire tree property, the new element is often placed at the bottom right of the heap. Once the newly inserted value has been compared with its parent, the order property is restored through suitable swapping.

    3. Deletion via delete()

    The root (min in min-heap and max in max-heap) is deleted during this process. After that, the heap's final element is shifted to the root location, and the heap is modified to meet the necessary order property. By contrasting the new root value with its children's value, the adjustment is made. 

    4. ExtractMin() and extractMax()

    To eliminate the root, or minimum element, from a binary min heap, use the extractMin() command. On the other hand, to remove the maximum (root) from a binary max heap, use the extractMax() command.

    Applications of Binary Heap

    Binary heaps are very important because they improve the efficiency with which sorting and prioritizing algorithms may be implemented. These are a few typical uses.

    1. Priority Queue

    Priority queues, in which items have corresponding priorities and must be handled in accordance with those priorities, are one of the most popular uses for binary heaps. Task scheduling, event simulations, graph algorithms like Dijkstra and Prim's, and other applications employ these queues.

    2. Heapsort Method

    Binary heaps are used by the effective sorting algorithm known as heap sort. Using the input array, this algorithm creates an ascending max-heap and a descending min-heap, from which the corresponding max and min are extracted. There is a sorted array as the result. Heap is frequently utilized in situations that require in-place sorting with a worst-case performance guarantee (where items must be sifted along the whole heap's length).

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    Implementation of Binary heap 

    Here are some of the common ways to implement Binary Heap:

    1. Array Representation

    Using arrays is the most effective technique to express binary heaps. These properties apply to a binary heap represented as an array:

    • Parent-Child Relationship:
      • A left child of any element at position i (with the root at 1) is at 2*i, and a right child is at 2*i +1.
      • On the other hand, the parent of any element in the array at index j (j > 0) is found at index floor((j-1)/2), where floor() is the floor division operator.
    • Heap Order:
      • Each parent node's value is less than or equal to the values of its offspring nodes in a min-heap.
      • Max-Heap: Each parent node's value is greater than or equal to the values of the nodes it descends from.

    2. Heapify Algorithm

    Heapify algorithms must be used if you have an array and want to transform it into a proper binary heap. In order to construct a heap or to restore the heap property following an insertion or deletion, this step is crucial. Sift-down and sift-up are the two main variants of the heapify algorithms, often known as heap sort.

    • When an index (often the root of any subtree) violates the heap property, Sift-Down (also known as Bubble-down) is employed. Sift-down methods begin at a random node and move the value down the tree by comparing it with the smaller values of subsequent children to make sure the subtree satisfies the heap order property. The process continues until a point is reached where the subtree root is smaller than both of its offspring.

    Real World Examples of Using Binary Heap

    There are many applications for binary heaps in the real world. Here are a few illustrations.

    • Job Scheduling: Binary heaps provide the ability to plan jobs or tasks according to due dates. Prioritizing tasks ensures that those having an earlier deadline are completed first. Every work has a priority, and the highest priority job is tracked using a max heap. As new jobs come in and the ones that are already there are finished, the heap is updated regularly.
    • Memory Management: Memory Management: Binary heaps are used to dynamically allocate and deallocate storage units. Heaps employ functions like free() and malloc() to keep track of the memory blocks that are still available.
    • Dijkstra’s Algorithm: The well-known traversal algorithm Dijkstra's is used to determine the shortest path between nodes. Heap data structures are frequently used to build Dijkstra's algorithm priority queues. The method effectively extracts the node that is closest to a source node by using a min heap.
    • Operating System Process Scheduling: Binary heaps are frequently utilized in operating systems' scheduling strategies. Each process has a priority, and a min-heap is used to track the process with the highest priority. The heap is updated as jobs are finished or new ones are added, and the scheduler selects and launches the process at the top of the heap.
    • Median Computation: The median is computed using binary heaps. by looking at two heaps: one for elements whose values are higher than the current median and the other for elements whose values are lower.

    Advanced Topics in Binary Heap

    1. D-ary Heap

    An evolved form of binary heaps known as D-ary heaps allow each internal node to have up to 'D' children rather than just one or two at most. Especially for big D values, they provide lower tree height and better cache performance when compared to binary heaps.

    2. Fibonacci Heap

    A more sophisticated type of heap data structure that allows for more complex operations like key merging and key shrinking is called a fibonacci heap. These operations now have a constant time complexity that is much lower, which makes them compatible with some algorithms, such Dijkstra's algorithm.

    Advantages of Binary Heap

    • Effective addition and deletion: When adding or removing an element from a binary heap, O(log n) time is required, where n is the total number of elements in the heap.
    • Easy access to the element with the maximum or minimum: The root node can be visited in O(1) time since it has the highest or lowest value.
    • Organizing effectively: Sorting a binary heap takes O(N logN) time.

    Disadvantages of Binary Heap

    • Inefficient when searching: Since each element in a binary heap needs to be looked at, finding an element takes O(n) time.
    • Not appropriate for dynamic data: Binary heaps are inappropriate in scenarios where the data is dynamic, as they require ongoing maintenance of the tree structure.


    Binary Heaps are a cornerstone of data structures, providing a tremendous combination of efficiency, adaptability, and simplicity. Their complete binary tree structure and adherence to the heap order property keep them balanced and capable of enabling quick operations such as insertion, deletion, and retrieval of the minimum or maximum element. 

    Binary Heaps' efficiency makes them ideal for building priority queues, which provide quick access to elements based on their priority level or value. Furthermore, their space-efficient array-based representations and capacity to allow modifications such as d-ary heaps contribute to their extensive use in a variety of computational applications.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1What is the difference between memory heap and binary heap?

    A memory heap is a region of a program's memory for dynamic memory allocation, whereas a binary heap is a specific data structure used for implementing priority queues. The former manages memory allocation, while the latter organizes data in a hierarchical manner for efficient priority-based operations.

    2What is heap size in binary heap?

    A heap size in a binary heap refers to the maximum number of elements that can be stored in the underlying array representing the heap structure.

    3What is the use of binary heap?

    The use of a binary heap is for implementing priority queues, where elements are stored in a hierarchical order based on their priority, allowing for efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval of the highest (or lowest) priority element.

    4What is the runtime of a binary heap?

    The runtime of common operations in a binary heap, such as insertion, deletion, and retrieval of the highest (or lowest) priority element, typically achieves logarithmic time complexity, O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the heap.

    5Can a binary heap have duplicates?

    Yes, a binary heap can contain duplicate elements.


    Prateek Singh

    Blog Author

    Prateek Singh is a highly-skilled at building front-end interfaces. He loves JavaScript ecosystem and have designed & developed multiple products in his career. He has worked in Fintech, E-Commerce, Healthcare & Semi-conductor industries. Prateek enjoys conversation on Programming, Sports, Art, and Space Science. He is fascinated about origin of the universe, the existential reality & the design around us. 

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