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Data Structures and Algorithms Using C: A Complete Guide

30th Apr, 2024
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    Data Structures and Algorithms Using C: A Complete Guide

    The C programming language plays a crucial role in Data Structure and Algorithm (DSA). Since C is a low-level language, it allows for direct memory manipulation, which makes it perfect for implementing complex data structures and algorithms efficiently. Its portability guarantees cross-platform code execution, while manual memory management maximizes resource utilization. Furthermore, C's adaptability enables customized solutions, and its fine-grained control over program execution promotes performance enhancement. Overall, C is still essential for creating reliable and effective software systems in DSA.

    This blog will provide you with a strong foundation in DSA using C. It is ideal for beginners who want to improve their grasp of basic ideas or experienced developers who want to improve their problem-solving abilities. 

    What is a Data Structure?

    Data structures let programmers organize data for efficient usage by enabling computers to perform operations like insertion, deletion, searching, and sorting to efficiently arrange and store data in memory. Stated differently, it delineates the potential modifications that can be implemented upon data elements and how they are retained in memory. Hash tables, trees, graphs, queues, stacks, linked lists, arrays, and queues are common types of data structure examples in C. If you want to gain expertise in data structures programs using c, you can go for Data structure course online.

    Data Structure Programs using C - Environment Setup

    It is necessary to set up the environment for Data Structures and Algorithms using C programming language before you can start coding and experimenting with different ideas.

    The procedures needed to set up your local development environment on various operating systems are covered in this section.

    Local Environment Setup 

    Before you begin coding, you must first set up an appropriate development environment. This involves installing a C compiler and choosing a text editor.

    Text Editor

    Select a text editor with features that help you code in C and that fits your tastes. Popular choices include the following:

    • Visual Studio Code
    • Sublime Text
    • Atom
    • Vim
    • Emacs

    Since choosing a text editor is a personal decision, go ahead and experiment with several options until you discover one that suits your needs and has the features you want.

    The C Compiler

    A C compiler is necessary to compile your C code into executable programs. The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a widely used compiler suite that supports C and many other programming languages.

    Installation on UNIX/Linux

    If you're using a UNIX-like operating system such as Linux, installing GCC is straightforward using the package manager of your distribution.

    $ gcc -v

    Installation on Mac OS

    On macOS, you can install GCC (including the required developer tools) using Xcode Command Line Tools. Open the Terminal app and run the following command:

    xcode-select --install

    Installation on Windows

    For Windows users, installing GCC can be done through MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) or Cygwin, which provides Unix-like environments on Windows.

    • MinGW: Download the MinGW installer from the official website and follow the installation instructions. During installation, make sure to select the option to install GCC.
    • Cygwin: Download the Cygwin installer from the official website and run it. Select GCC and other development tools during the installation process.

    DSA using C – Algorithms


    An algorithm is a methodical process or collection of rules that must be adhered to solve a certain issue. In a finite length of time, it describes a series of instructions that transform incoming data into the desired output.

    Algorithm analysis

    Analyzing algorithms in data structures using c entails determining how effective they are in terms of time and space usage. It seeks to comprehend how an algorithm functions as the size of the input increases and to evaluate other solutions for the same task.

    Asymptotic analysis

    Asymptotic analysis is a strategy for characterizing an algorithm's efficiency as the input size gets closer to infinity. Its main goal is to comprehend the rate at which the time or space complexity of the algorithm grows with the size of the input.

    Asymptotic Notations

    Asymptotic notations, such as Big O, Big Omega, and Big Theta, are used to represent the upper bound, lower bound, and tight bound of an algorithm's time or space complexity, respectively.

    DSA using C – Concepts

    An effective method of organizing data for usage is using data structures. The terms listed below are fundamental to data structures.

    Data Definition

    The features listed below are used by data definition to characterize a specific data set:

    • Atomic
    • Traceable
    • Accurate
    • Clear and Concise

    Data Type

    Data types are used to classify various types of data, including integers, strings, and so forth. Additionally, they outline the kinds of operations that may be performed on each type of data as well as the values that can be utilized with it. Two types of data exist.

    Built-in Data Type

    Built-in Data types are those data types that are supported by a native language. For instance, the following built-in data types are available in many languages.

    Built-in data types

    Derived Data Type

    Derived data types are those that can be implemented in a variety of ways and are therefore implementation independent. Typically, a combination of core or built-in data types and related actions are used to create these data types.

    Derived Data types

    Data Object

    Data Objects are objects that possess data.

    DSA using C - Arrays

    An array is a container that has a set capacity for a fixed number of identically typed objects. Most data structures require arrays to carry out their algorithmic implementations.


    DSA using C - Linked List

    An item containing a series of connections is called a linked list. Every link has a connection to another link within it.

    Linked List

    Types of Linked List

    These are the various kinds of linked lists:

    • Simple Linked List
    • Doubly Linked List 
    • Circular Linked List

    DSA using C - Doubly Linked List

    Doubly linked lists are a variant of linked lists that allow for easier navigating both forward and backward when compared to single linked lists.

    Doubly Linked List

    DSA using C - Circular Linked List

    A variation on a linked list where the first member points to the last and the last element points to the first is called a circular linked list. Circular linked lists can be created from both singly and doubly linked lists.

    Doubly Circular Linked List

    DSA using C - Stack

    A stack is a type of data structure where data operations are only possible at one end. Only the most recent data inserted is accessible. Because of the relationship between the push and pop operations, only the last item pushed (added to the stack) can be popped (taken from the stack), which is why stacks are also known as LIFO (Last in First Out) data structures.


    DSA using C - Parsing Expressions

    There are two steps that an algorithm can take to parse an arithmetic expression.

    • Convert the given arithmetic formula to postfix notation.
    • Evaluate the notation.

    DSA using C - Queue

    A queue and a stack are similar data structures, but the main distinction between the two is that a queue follows the First in First Out (FIFO) principle, whereas a stack follows the Last in First Out (LIFO) principle.


    DSA using C - Priority Queue

    The Priority queue arranges items based on key value, with the item with the lowest key value at the front and the item with the highest key value at the back, or vice versa. Thus, the item has been given priority depending on its key value. Priority is higher when the value is lower.

    Priority queue

    DSA using C - Tree

    A tree contains nodes with edges connecting them. A unique data structure for storing data is called a binary tree. Each node in a binary tree is only allowed to have a maximum of two children. A binary tree combines the advantages of a linked list and an ordered array since it can do insertions and deletions as quickly as a linked list and search as quickly as a sorted array.

    Binary tree

    DSA using C - Hash Table

    Data structures called hash tables are used to store key-value pairs and provide quick insertion, deletion, and lookup functions. They use a hash function to map keys to indexes in an array, enabling constant-time average-case performance.

    Hash table

    DSA using C - Heap

    A Heap is a unique tree-based data structure that can be used for heap sorting or as a priority queue.

    DSA using C - Graph

    A graph is a type of non-linear data structure made up of vertices, also known as nodes, and edges, which join pairs of vertices. Graphs can be used to show relationships, networks, or connections between different items.

    DSA using C - Search Techniques

    Search is the process of locating a desired element with certain qualities within a group of objects.

    Commonly used search algorithms are:

    Types of Search Algorithms 


    Linear Search

    A simple search technique called linear search, sometimes referred to as sequential search, iteratively examines each entry in a list until the target element is located or the list's end is reached.

    Binary Search

    Binary search is an efficient search algorithm applicable to sorted arrays. It works by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half until the target element is found or the interval is empty.

    Interpolation Search

    An effective technique for locating a target element in a sorted array is interpolation search. In the average and worst situations, this search strategy has a time complexity of O(n), and it performs best with uniformly distributed data.

    DSA using C - Sorting Techniques

    An algorithm for sorting data describes how to put the data in a specific order. An algorithm for sorting data describes how to put the data in a specific order.

    Types of Sorting Algorithms 


    Insertion Sort

    Insertion sort builds the final sorted array one element at a time by repeatedly taking the next element and inserting it into its correct position in the already sorted part of the array.

    Selection Sort

    Selection sort divides the input array into two parts: The sorted part and the unsorted part. It selects the minimal (or maximum) element from the unsorted portion and starts (or ends) the sorted portion with it.

    Bubble Sort

    Bubble sort repeatedly compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.

    Merge Sort

    Merge sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that creates the final sorted array by recursively dividing the input array into two halves and sorting each one separately.

    Quick Sort

    Another divide-and-conquer technique is quick sort, which takes an array and chooses one "pivot" element, then divides the remaining items into two subarrays based on whether the pivot is bigger or less than the other components. It then recursively sorts the subarrays.

    Heap Sort

    Heap sort uses a binary heap data structure to build a heap from the input array and then repeatedly extracts the maximum (or minimum) element from the heap to produce the final sorted array.

    DSA using C - Recursion

    Recursion is the process by which a function calls itself in a computer language.



    Learning data structures and algorithms through C—two core ideas in computer science—is necessary to become a competent programmer. The fundamentals of DSA using C have been addressed in this comprehensive blog, offering a strong basis for comprehending and putting effective solutions to a variety of issues into practice. To get a solid understanding of these concepts check this Knowledgehut's Software Engineering Fundamentals course. Through a thorough understanding of the ideas covered in this guide and practice with real-world data structure examples in C, readers can improve their ability to solve problems and advance as software engineers.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Why is DSA important in programming?

    Programming relies heavily on DSA because it offers effective methods for data organization and manipulation, which maximize software development performance and resource utilization.

    2How does DSA relate to C programming?

    DSA and C programming are closely associated because it makes it possible for programmers to write resilient and scalable software by allowing them to implement a variety of data structures and algorithms in C in an efficient manner.

    3Can you explain the concept of stacks and queues in C?

    Stacks are a type of linear data structure in C that conforms to the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle, whereas queues follow the First In, First Out (FIFO) logic. To handle data sequentially, stacks and queues are frequently constructed in C using arrays or linked lists.

    4Can you provide examples of DSA applications in real-world scenarios using C?

    Using DSA in C can be useful in managing dynamic data sets in memory-constrained situations, sorting algorithms for data organization, and pathfinding algorithms for navigation systems.

    5How do you handle dynamic memory allocation in C for data structures?

    The efficient memory management of dynamic data structures, such as trees and graphs, is ensured by dynamic memory allocation in C, which uses functions like malloc (), calloc (), and realloc () to allocate memory dynamically based on runtime requirements.


    Geetika Mathur


    Geetika Mathur is a recent Graduate with specialization in Computer Science Engineering having a keen interest in exploring entirety around. She have a strong passion for reading novels, writing and building web apps. She has published one review and one research paper in International Journal. She has also been declared as a topper in NPTEL examination by IIT – Kharagpur.

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