HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentComputer Science Jobs Salary in 2024 [Complete Earnings]

Computer Science Jobs Salary in 2024 [Complete Earnings]

28th Dec, 2023
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    Computer Science Jobs Salary in 2024 [Complete Earnings]

    In today's digitally driven world, computer scientists play a vital role in shaping the future. From developing innovative software solutions to exploring artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, the opportunities in this field are boundless. But it's not just the exciting projects and groundbreaking advancements that make Computer Science an attractive career choice. The salary potential is impressive too, with professionals in high demand and commanding competitive salaries.

    The average computer science salary worldwide is quite attractive. It comes with a whole lot of challenges as well as responsibilities. It is so much in demand that even an entry-level computer science salary is high compared to other professions So, if you're ready to embark on a path of endless growth, lucrative rewards, and a chance to revolutionize the world, let's dive in and explore the roles and salary expectations that you can hold in the realm of Computer Science. If you are interested in pursuing a career in computer science, taking the best Web Development online course can be a great place to start.

    Computer Science: Overview

    Computer science is a discipline of computing technology that deals with the efficient management of challenging modern-day challenges. It covers a wide range of topics, including algorithms, coding, AI and ML, and computer architecture. The purpose of computer science is to teach and practice the theory and techniques of designing, building, and deploying computer systems.

    What Does a Computer Scientist Do?

    Computer scientists are the brilliant minds entrusted with important tasks in the digital world. They engage in various functions, including:

    • Developing new computer algorithms
    • Creating innovative computing tools
    • Implementing theoretical and practical applications in computer systems
    • Conducting research and tests in advanced areas like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and robotics
    • Collaborating with software developers to invent cutting-edge technology.

    These skilled individuals play a crucial role in shaping the ever-evolving landscape of technology, pushing boundaries, and unlocking new possibilities.

    Average Computer Science Salary

    The CS Salary on an average varies from place to place. Here is an overview of computer science salary per hour, per month, and per year:

    Per Hour

    Computer science jobs salary per hour is USD 45.1.

    Per Month

     Computer science jobs salary per month is USD 7439.

    Per Year

    Computer science jobs salary per year is USD 105,064.

    Computer Science Salary in 2024

    The CS salary has increased with the advent of advanced technology. However, the offered pay widely differs based on location, experience, skillset, qualification, and company.

    Here is a guide for you to understand the salary expectations you must have based on your current position and tips to increase your salary multi-fold:

    1. Computer Science Salary: Based on Experience

    Seasoned professionals have the added ability to take on challenges in projects and responsibilities, ultimately increasing their worth to any organization. As a result, businesses are often ready to pay a higher wage premium for experienced employees that get concrete results and help achieve company objectives. A CS starting salary is also quite high when compared to other professions.

    According to PayScale, the following are the average salaries for computer science experts at various levels of experience.


    Avg. CS Salary per year

    0-1 Year 

    USD 69,000  

    1-4 Years 

    USD 76,000 

    5-9 Years 

    USD 100,000 

    10-19 Years 

    USD 111,000 

    20+ Years 

    USD 118,000 

    2. Computer Science Salary: Based on Location

    The location of your job plays a vital role in determining your salary as a computer science expert. Larger cities tend to pay their employees more in order to meet the sky-high expenses that it has. The salary that a city pays also has to do a lot with the availability of labor and other resources in the area concerned. Check out the cities in the most advanced countries across the world that offer the best CS salary.

    A. India

    Top Cities in India

    Avg. CS Salary per year

    New Delhi 

    INR 14,00,000 


    INR 22,50,000 


    INR 26,06,553 

    B. US


    Avg. CS Salary per year


    USD 85,699 


    USD 74,667 


    USD 95,000 

    C. UK


    Avg. CS Salary per year


    GBP 83,472 


    GBP 50,995 


    GBP 45,110 

    D. Australia


    Avg. CS Salary per year


    AUD 185,617 


    AUD 163,993 


    AUD 177,372 

    E. Canada


    Avg. CS Salary per year


    CAD 84,152 


    CAD 76,719 


    CAD 55,322 

    F. Singapore


    Avg. CS Salary per year



     3. Computer Science Salary: Based on Job Roles

    In-demand job roles tend to offer higher salaries than skills that become obsolete with time. The tasks they perform require sound expertise and affect the position of the company in the job market. The role of a software engineer, a security engineer, and a computer network architect involves highly specialized skills. Hence, they are paid the highest salary when compared with other computer science major salary.

    Job Roles

    Avg. CS Salary per year

    Software Engineering 

    USD 107,287 

    Security Engineering 

    USD 132,495 

    Computer Network Architect 

    USD 132,762 

    4. Computer Science Salary: Based on Education

    As you enhance your qualifications in any field, your salary has the potential to soar to new heights. This principle holds true in the dynamic world of computer science. While computer science degree salary is quite attractive, it become even more substantial as you advance your qualifications. To provide you with a clearer picture of the correlation between qualifications and salaries, here is an illustrative table:


    Avg. CS Salary per year

    B.Sc in Computer Science  

    USD 91,000 

    M.Sc in Computer Science 

    USD 109,000 

    P.hD in Computer Science 

    USD 120,884 

    5. Computer Science Salary: Based on Skills

    Computer science experts need to possess a number of skills. Here is an overview of the salary that a computer science expert would receive based on the skills they have:


    Avg. CS Salary per year


    USD 83,615 

    Systems Engineering 

    USD 89,302 


    USD 91,059 

    Factors Affecting Computer Science Salary

    Factors like location, company, experience, demand and supply, certifications, and skills largely affect the salary of a computer science expert. Here is a detailed account of how these factors can help a computer science expert excel and bag lucrative paycheques:

    1. Location 

    Location largely affects the salaries of computer science experts. In the USA, some states offer way higher salaries when compared to others. Places like San Jose, California, Baltimore, Florida, and Maryland offer salaries higher than other locations in the USA. For example, the average computer science salary in Florida is USD 145,513 per annum, whereas computer science experts in Tampa get paid lesser. Computer scientists in Tampa get around USD 110,930 per annum.  

    2. Company 

    The salary of computer science experts also depends on the size of the company and their area of expertise. Giants like Google, Apple, and Amazon, among others, offer salaries that are higher than other smaller companies. It is obvious that smaller companies have budget constraints, and they will not be able to shell out as much as these giants. Apple pays a whooping USD 134,947 to its employees, which is 10% above the national average.

    3. Experience 

    As one gains more experience in a particular field or industry, their proficiency and skill level naturally increase. This enhanced expertise invariably leads to improved productivity and efficiency, directly translating into increased revenue and profitability for the business. Computer science starting salary is a little low but as your experience increases, your salary increases. A junior computer science expert earns around USD 77,792, whereas a USD 152,413.

    4. Demand and Supply 

    The demand and supply of a job are essential components that can have an impact on a computer science job salary per month. Sometimes, employers may need to offer higher salaries to attract and retain their desired workforce. On the flip side, employers often pay lesser salaries when there is an excess volume of employees for a limited number of positions.  

    5. Certifications 

    You must take up additional certificate courses to increase your salary as a computer science expert. You may take up certifications such as the Full-stack Java Developer course by KnowledgeHut if you want to increase your salary. This course is specially designed to give you hands-on experience as a computer scientist and also get guidance from industry leaders.

    6. Skills 

    As a computer science professional, it's essential to excel not only in academics and internships but also in a few other areas. One must have skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, and conflict resolution. These abilities are critical since you'll engage with diverse verticals, clients, and stakeholders.

    Skills such as coding, database management, networking and security, knowledge of data structures, and AI & ML are essential, and all computer science experts must possess these skills. They largely affect the salary of an individual.

    How to Improve Computer Science Salary?

    It will take a lot of hard work to improve your salary. As a computer science expert, the more degrees, certifications, and experience you gather, the more will be your chances of a better salary.  

    1. Skills 

    Competence in programming languages like Python, C++, Java, and others is imperative for any computer science expert. Cybersecurity and database administration proficiency are equally essential. Moreover, they must have knowledge of agile concepts and DevOps, which ensures efficient development of software.  

    2. Certifications 

    As discussed, there are a number of factors that affect the salary of a computer science expert. If you want to improve your job prospects and salary, constantly upskilling yourself is imperative. Companies want to recruit individuals who constantly upskill themselves. KnowledgeHut’s Web Development course syllabus has been designed to enhance your chances of bagging a handsome pay package and a better job position in any company.  

    3. Degrees

    It is true that more qualified individuals tend to bag better jobs with better pay packages. If you have done your bachelor’s degree in computer science, consider going a notch higher by doing a master’s in the same. This will increase the probability of securing a handsome pay package in renowned companies.  

    4. Experience 

    Experience goes a long way in helping people bag lucrative pay cheques. Obviously, an entry-level computer science expert will not earn as much as a senior-level computer science expert. When one starts gaining more industry experience, they get promoted to better positions and ultimately get better pay packages and exposure.  

    Why are Computer Science Experts Paid So Much?

    Computer science is on the rise because of the increased reliance on technology in virtually all industries. It will also be pertinent to mention that the skills that a professional computer scientist must have, are highly specialized. It takes years of experience to become a qualified computer scientist.  

    For several enterprises and market niches to thrive, tech professionals have a major part in the design, evolution, and management of progressed computer frameworks. That is why computer science specialists are paid so well across the globe.

    Wrapping Up!

    A university degree is not enough to thrive as a computer science expert. One must have a unique blend of soft skills and certifications mandated by the current job market. If you want to become a sought-after data scientist along with a lucrative pay package, you must take up the Web Development courses offered by KnowledgeHut. With the guidance of KnowledgeHut experts, you will be able to establish a bright career in the field of computer science and remain competitive in today’s dynamic job environment.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the highest-paid job in computer science?

    The highest paying computer science job is of a Principal Software Engineer. There are other jobs that pay equally well. But principal software engineers are always in demand. 

    2Is computer science a good career?

    Being one of the most prominently growing fields of study, computer science is an excellent career choice for learners. While providing you with the opportunity to keep up with the latest tech advancements, it also enables you to bag a highly lucrative career.  

    3What is the lowest computer science salary?

    It is difficult to pick the lowest-paying computer science salary. All computer science jobs come with a handsome pay cheque, provided you have the necessary skills and qualifications.  

    4Are there any certifications or skills that can increase a computer science professional's earning potential?

    Yes, certifications in full-stack development and web development, among others, increase a computer science professional’s potential to earn better.  

    5What soft skills do computer scientists need?

    Soft skills like communication, adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and time management are a few soft skills that computer scientists must possess.  


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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