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What are the Features of Big Data Analytics

26th Apr, 2024
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    What are the Features of Big Data Analytics

    One of the industries with the quickest growth rates is big data. It refers to gathering and processing sizable amounts of data to produce insights that may be used by an organization to improve its various facets. It is a wide idea with many benefits. Due to this, businesses from a variety of industries are concentrating on implementing this technology. You must become familiar with the fundamental elements of big data to comprehend it effectively. You'll be better able to comprehend the complex ideas in this field if you have a solid understanding of the characteristics of big data in data analytics and a list of essential features for new data platforms. The definition, traits, types, components, benefits, and most recent discoveries of big data will all be covered in the article that follows. 

    What Are the Different Features of Big Data Analytics? 

    Instead of being a single process, big data analytics is a collection of numerous business-related procedures that may also involve data scientists, business management, and production teams. The only component of this huge data analytics is data analytics. Numerous tools are employed in the Big Data for Beginners analytics paradigm, and each one of them needs to meet specific requirements.

    These technologies are necessary for data scientists to speed up and increase the efficiency of the process. The main features of big data analytics are: 

    1. Data wrangling and Preparation

    The idea of Data Preparation procedures conducted once during the project and performed before using any iterative model. Contrarily, Data Wrangling is done during iterative analysis and model construction. At the period of feature engineering, this idea. 

    2. Data exploration

    The initial phase in data analysis is called data exploration, and it involves looking at and visualizing data to find insights right away or point out regions or patterns that need further investigation. Users may more quickly gain insights by using interactive dashboards and point-and-click data exploration to better understand the broader picture. 

    3. Scalability

    To scale up, or vertically scale, a system, a faster server with more powerful processors and memory is needed. This technique utilizes less network gear and uses less energy, but it may only be a temporary cure for many big data analytics platform characteristics, especially if more growth is anticipated. 

    4. Support for various types of Analytics

    Due to the big data revolution, new forms, stages, and types of data analysis have evolved. Data analytics is exploding in boardrooms all over the world, offering enterprise-wide commercial success techniques. What do these, though, mean for businesses? Gaining the appropriate expertise, which results in information, enables organizations to develop a competitive edge, which is crucial for enterprises to successfully leverage Big Data. Big data analytics' main goal is to help firms make better business decisions.

    Big data analytics shouldn't be thought of as a universal fix. The best data scientists and analysts are also distinguished from the competition by their aptitude for identifying the many forms of analytics that may be applied to benefit the business the most. The three most typical categories 

    5. Version control

    Version control, often known as source control, is the process of keeping track of and controlling changes to software code. Version control systems are computerized tools that help software development teams keep track of changes to source code over time. 

    6. Data management 

    The process of obtaining, storing, and using data in a cost-effective, effective, and secure way is known as data management. Data management assists people, organizations, and connected things in optimizing the use of data within the bounds of policy and regulation, enabling decision-making and actions that will benefit the business as much as feasible. As businesses increasingly rely on intangible assets to create value, an efficient data management strategy is more important than ever. 

    7. Data Integration

    Data integration is the process of combining information from several sources to give people a cohesive perspective. The fundamental idea behind data integration is to open up data and make it simpler for individuals and systems to access, use, and process. When done correctly, data integration can enhance data quality, free up resources, lower IT costs, and stimulate creativity without significantly modifying current applications or data structures. Aside from the fact that IT firms have always needed to integrate, the benefits of doing so may have never been as large as they are now. 

    8. Data Governance

    Data governance is the process of ensuring that data is trustworthy, accurate, available, and usable. It describes the actions people must take, the rules they must follow, and the technology that will support them throughout the data life cycle. 

    9. Data security

    Data security is the technique of preventing digital data from being accessed by unauthorized parties, being corrupted, or being stolen at any point in its lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses all elements of data security, including administrative and access controls, logical programme security, and physical hardware and storage device security. Also data security is one of the key features of data analytics. Also data security is one of the key features of data analytics. Also covered are the policies and practices of the organization.

    10. Data visualization

    It's more crucial than ever to have easy ways to see and comprehend data in our increasingly data-driven environment. Employers are, after all, increasingly seeking employees with data skills. Data and its ramifications must be understood by all employees and business owners.

    Characteristics of Big Data Analytics
    characteristics of big data analaytics

    The characteristics of big data analytics are as follows: 

    • Volume:

     The dimensions and volumes of large data that businesses handle and examine 

    • Value:

    Value is the most crucial "V" from a business standpoint, and big data typically has value in the insight and pattern recognition that result in more efficient operations, stronger customer relationships, and other tangible and measurable corporate advantages. 

    • Variety:  

    Unstructured data, semi-structured data, and raw data are only a few examples of the variety of data kinds that exist. 

    • Velocity:

    The rate at which businesses acquire, retain, and manage data, such as the amount of social media posts or search queries that are made in a day, hour, or other period of time, is known as velocity. 

    • Veracity: 

    The "truth" or accuracy of data and information assets, which frequently affects the level of confidence at the executive level, is known as veracity.

    Importance of Big Data Analytics

    Big Data analytics is the driving force behind everything we do online today, across all sectors. 

    As an illustration, consider the music streaming service Spotify. Each day, the company's 96 million users generate enormous amounts of data. This information is used by the cloud-based platform to generate new music automatically using a smart recommendation engine that considers likes, shares, search history, and other criteria. This is made possible by the techniques, tools, and frameworks created as a result of big data analytics. 

    If you use Spotify, you've probably seen the top recommendations area, which is based on your preferences, prior usage, and other factors. It is effective to use a recommendation engine that makes use of data filtering technologies that gather data and then filter it using algorithms. What Spotify does is this. 

    Applications of Big Data

    There is a lot of data across the globe today. After learning about the key features of big data analytics, let's look at the applications of big data. This data is used by large corporations to expand their businesses. In many situations, as stated below, a useful conclusion can be reached by examining this data: 

    1. Monitoring Customer Spending and Shopping Behavior 

    Management teams of large retailers (such as Amazon, Walmart, Big Bazaar, etc.) are required to maintain data on customer spending habits (including the products they purchase, the brands they prefer, and how frequently they do so), shopping patterns, and their favorite products (so that they can keep those products in the store). Based on data about which product is being searched for/sold most frequently, manufacturing and collection rates for that product are fixed. 

    2. Recommendation

    Big retail stores give recommendations to customers by studying their purchasing patterns and shopping behavior. Product recommendations are made on e-commerce sites like Amazon, Walmart, and Flipkart. They keep track of the products that customers are looking for and, using that information, recommend those kinds of goods to them. 

    3. Smart Traffic Systems

    Data regarding the flow of traffic on various roads is gathered using cameras placed along the side of the road, at points of entry and exit to the city, and a GPS device installed in the car (Ola, Uber cab, etc.). All of this data is examined, and the least time-consuming, jam-free methods are suggested. Big data analysis can be used to create a smart traffic system in the city. Reduced fuel usage is an additional benefit. 

    Big data analysis enables virtual personal assistant tools (like Siri on Apple devices, Cortana on Windows, and Google Assistant on Android) to respond to a variety of customer questions. This program keeps note of the user's location, local time, season, and other information pertaining to the query asked, etc. It offers a solution after analyzing all of this data. 

    4. IoT

    To gather operational data, manufacturing companies embed IOT sensors inside their machines. By analyzing this data, it is possible to forecast how long a machine will function normally before needing maintenance, allowing a corporation to take appropriate action before the machine develops a number of problems or ceases to function altogether. As a result, it may not be necessary to replace the entire machine. 

    Big data is playing a crucial role in the healthcare industry. 

    5. Energy Sector

    Every 15 minutes, intelligent electric meters communicate data about power consumption to a server, where it is analyzed and utilized to identify when the city's power load is lowest. Using this strategy, it is suggested for an industrial facility or a household to run its heavy machinery at night, when power demand is lower, in order to cut its electricity expenses. 


    The information above makes it quite evident that the big data sector is expanding quickly. The purpose and basic features of big data analytics tell us that every day we produce enormous amounts of data, and businesses are beginning to appreciate their value. As a result, utilizing Big Data technology can aid numerous industries in accelerating their expansion. The greatest courses to grasp are offered by KnowledgeHut's Big Data for Beginners section. 

    Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)

    1What are the different features of big data analytics?

    1) Simple result formats 2) processing of raw data  3)Identity management software or prediction apps 4) Security Features. 5) Reporting Feature. 

    2What are the 4 features of big data?

    IBM developed the four Vs system to acquire a deeper understanding of Big Data. The four Big Data dimensions are represented by these Vs: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. 

    3What are the different features of big data analytics quizlet?

    Different features of big data analytics quizlet include: 

    • Data preparation and wrangling. 
    • data investigation 
    • support for several forms of analytics. 
    • Ability to scale. 
    4What are the three characteristics of big data?

    Big Data is defined by three factors: volume, diversity, and velocity. These traits collectively characterize "Big Data."

    5Which of the following are examples of big data?

    Big data is derived from a variety of sources, including customer databases, transaction processing systems, documents, emails, medical records, clickstream logs on the internet, mobile apps, and social networks.


    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain

    International Corporate Trainer

    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain is an accomplished author, international corporate trainer, and technical consultant with 20+ years of industry experience. He specializes in cutting-edge technologies such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, generative AI, prompt engineering, Industry 4.0, web 3.0, blockchain, RPA, IoT, ML, data science, big data, AI, cloud computing, Hadoop, and deep learning. With expertise in fintech, IIoT, and blockchain, he possesses in-depth knowledge of diverse sectors including finance, aerospace, retail, logistics, energy, banking, telecom, healthcare, manufacturing, education, and oil and gas. Holding a PhD in deep learning and image processing, Dr. Jain's extensive certifications and professional achievements demonstrate his commitment to delivering exceptional training and consultancy services globally while staying at the forefront of technology.

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