HomeBlogSecurityTop 30 Ethical Hacking Forums to Hangout in 2024

Top 30 Ethical Hacking Forums to Hangout in 2024

03rd Jun, 2024
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    Top 30 Ethical Hacking Forums to Hangout in 2024

    Ethical hacking is an important tool for keeping sensitive and personal data safe. By identifying vulnerabilities in systems, ethical hackers can help to prevent data breaches and protect the sensitive information of users. While there are many online resources available for ethical hackers, forums can be especially helpful for finding information and connecting with other like-minded individuals. 

    Forums provide a platform for like-minded individuals to share information and discuss topics related to their field. With so many ethical hacking forums out there, it can be hard to know which ones are secured and worth your time. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the best hacking forums for 2024. These forums offer a wealth of information on everything from hacking tools and techniques to career advice. 

    Moreover, you will also learn about hacking and its types and how to know if sensitive or personal data is available via hacker forums. In the end, we have also answered a few mostly asked questions from enthusiasts all over the world. This will help you understand various concepts revolving around ethical hacking. 

    Types of Hacking Techniques

    • SQL injection: This type of attack involves injecting malicious code into a website's database in order to extract data or take control of the site. 
    • Denial of service (DoS): A DoS attack is designed to overload a system with requests, preventing legitimate users from accessing it. 
    • Cross-site scripting (XSS): An XSS attack involves injecting malicious code into a website in order to execute attacks against other users who visit the site. 
    • Phishing: Phishing attacks mean sending fraudulent messages or emails that appear to be from a legitimate source in order to trick users into giving up sensitive information such as passwords or credit card numbers.

    Types of Hackers
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    What are Ethical Hacking Forums?

    Ethical hacking forums are websites or online discussion boards where people discuss various aspects of ethical hacking. The forums provide a platform for users to share information, ask questions, and collaborate on projects.

    Many forum members are experienced ethical hackers who are willing to share their knowledge with others. In addition to discussing hacking techniques, the forums also discuss the ethical and legal implications of hacking.

    Some best hacking forums also offer courses and tutorials on ethical hacking. The courses typically cover topics such as network security, web application security, and penetration testing. By offering a wealth of information and resources, ethical hacking forums can be an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning more about ethical hacking. 

    What Can be Found on These Hacker Forums?

    Ethical hacking forums are a great place to find information on various hacking techniques. You can also find helpful discussions on the latest news in the world of hacking, as well as advice from experienced hackers. 

    In addition, ethical hacking forums are a great place to find tools and software that can be used for hacking purposes. However, it is important to remember that not all information on ethical hacking forums is reliable. Always do your own research before attempting any type of hack, and never reveal personal information on these forums.

    List of Top Ethical Hacking Forums in 2024

    1. Torum
    2. Breaking Bad
    3. KickAss
    4. Hack This Site
    5. Hack Forums
    6. BHF
    7. Hack5 Forums
    8. Exploit.in
    9. 0x00sec
    10. HackerPlace
    11. Exploits Database
    12. 0Day
    13. SecList
    14. Nulled
    15. BiTSHACK
    16. Carding Team
    17. Jean Valjean forum
    18. Dark Web Forum
    19. Tinkernut
    20. Exploit Database
    21. HackADay
    22. The Evil Zone
    23. MalwareTips
    24. Root-me
    25. Capture The Flag
    26. Kali Linux Forums
    27. Darknet Forums
    28. SecuriTeam
    29. Reddit
    30. Offensive Security

    1. Torum – Non Profit Cyber Security Forum

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    Torum is a Non Profit Cyber Security Forum, and its mission is to promote cybersecurity awareness and education, as well as to provide resources and support for victims of cybercrime.

    Torum has a wide range of members, from individual users to large corporations, and offers a variety of services, including a 24/7 help desk, training and certification programs, and lawyer referral services.

    In addition to its work in supporting victims of cybercrime, Torum also provides a critical analysis of current trends in the cybersecurity landscape and conducts research on emerging threats. The best part is you can even get an insight into the most sought CEH v12 certification from this forum. 

    2. Breaking Bad

    Breaking Bad is an ethical hacking forum that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The forum is dedicated to helping people learn about and explore the world of ethical hacking.

    Breaking Bad members share their knowledge on a wide range of topics, including how to bypass security systems, how to find vulnerabilities in websites, and how to protect yourself from cyber-attacks.

    The forum also has a section devoted to discussing the ethical implications of hacking. This is an important topic, as it can help people understand the potential consequences of their actions. As more and more people become interested in ethical hacking, Breaking Bad is likely to continue growing in popularity. 

    3. KickAss

    KickAss is an ethical hacking forum that was founded in the early 2020s. The forums are used by hackers and IT professionals to discuss a wide range of topics, including security vulnerabilities, malware, and hacking techniques.

    The forum's moderators take a strict stance against illegal activities, and they have been known to cooperate with law enforcement to track down and prosecute criminals. KickAss also offers a wide range of resources, including tutorials, tools, and articles. In addition, the forum provides a platform for members to share their own knowledge and experiences. 

    4. Hack This Site

    Hack this site

    Hack This Site is an ethical hacking forum that helps people learn how to hack in a safe, legal environment. The site provides a variety of challenges and tutorials on various topics, like web security and network security. Members can also earn points and badges by completing challenges, which encourages them to keep learning and growing their skills.

    In addition to the challenges and tutorials, the site also has an active community of members who are always willing to help others learn and improve. The community is open and supportive, making it a great place for anyone interested in ethical hacking to learn and grow.

    5. Hack Forums

    Hack Forums is an ethical hacking forum that has been operational for over many years. The forum is dedicated to helping members learn about hacking, share knowledge, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry.

    The forum is used by thousands of people from all over the world, and it is a great place to learn about hacking and network security. The forum has an extensive database of tutorials and tools, and the community is always willing to help out with any questions you may have.

    Hack Forums is also home to many famous hacking groups, such as Anonymous, LulzSec, and GhostSec. If you are interested in learning more about ethical hacking, then Hack Forums is definitely the place for you. 

    6. BHF

    BHF is an ethical hacking forum that strives to provide a respectful and constructive environment for security researchers and enthusiasts from all walks of life. The community is closely moderated to ensure that discussion remains on topic and respectful while also providing a space for newbies to ask questions and learn from more experienced members.

    In addition to discussions, the forum also hosts events such as monthly webinars and an annual conference. The forum's members are passionate about keeping the internet safe for everyone, and they work hard to share their knowledge and expertise with the wider community.

    7. Hack5 Forums

    Launched in the 2000s, Hack5 Forums is one of the oldest and best ethical hacking forums on the internet. The forum is home to a passionate community of security professionals and enthusiasts who come together to discuss hacking techniques, share resources, and collaborate on projects.

    Hack5 Forums is also well-known for its strict ethical code, which prohibits members from using their skills for illegal or harmful purposes. As a result, the forum has become a trusted source of information for both security researchers and corporate IT departments. 

    Hack5 Forums has also become a platform for industry news and analysis, with experts from all over the world sharing their insights on the latest trends in cybersecurity.

    8. Exploit.in

    Exploit.in is a popular ethical hacking forum that has been active for over a decade. The site is home to a thriving community of security researchers and developers who share their knowledge and expertise on a wide range of topics.

    Recent discussions on the site have ranged from the latest security vulnerabilities to the best tools and techniques for ethical hacking. The forum is also a great place to find resources and code snippets for your projects. Whether you're a seasoned security professional or just getting started in the field, Exploit.in is an excellent place to learn and network with other like-minded individuals. 

    9. 0x00sec


    0x00sec is an ethical hacking forum that was created with the goal of providing its members with the knowledge and tools they need to be successful in the field. The community is made up of security professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world who come together to share their knowledge.

    The forum covers a wide range of topics, from basic security concepts to advanced exploitation techniques. 0x00sec is also home to a number of popular projects, such as the pen-testing platform Glastopf and the web application security scanner Wapiti. In addition to its forum discussions, 0x00sec also offers a variety of resources, such as podcasts, videos, and articles. For a better understanding of various concepts, enroll in cyber security classes online

    10. HackerPlace

    HackerPlace is an ethical hacking forum that is dedicated to helping people learn about and improve their hacking skills. Just like XSS forum, HackerPlace is also divided into several sections, each of which focuses on different topics. There is a section for general discussion, a section for tutorials, a section for news and events, and a section for resources.

    The forum also has a private area for members only. To access the private area, you must first be a member of the forum. To become a member, you must complete a short application process and agree to abide by the forum's rules.

    All in all, HackerPlace is a great resource for anyone interested in ethical hacking. It is full of helpful people who are willing to share their knowledge and experience.

    11. Exploits Database

    The Exploits Database comes under the list of best hacking forums that enable penetration testers, security researchers, and students to share and discuss exploits, research, and establish contact with other members of the IT security community.

    The site provides a searchable database of public exploits as well as a comprehensive library of white papers, HOWTOs, and reference material. In addition, the Exploits Database offers a mailing list and IRC channel where members can discuss exploit development, intrusion detection, and other topics related to IT security.

    12. 0Day

    0Day is an ethical hacking forum that was created in order to provide a safe and secure place for like-minded individuals to share information and collaborate on projects. The forum is moderated by a team of experienced security professionals, and all members are required to abide by a strict code of conduct.

    In addition to being a resource for hackers, 0Day also offers several services designed to help businesses and organizations improve their security posture. These services include vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and training courses. 

    In recent years, 0day has become increasingly popular with law enforcement and government agencies, who use it to track down malicious actors and investigate cybercrime.

    13. SecList 

    Latest Hacking News

    SecList is an ethical hacking forum that focuses on security and technology. The site aims to provide an open community where people can discuss and share information on a variety of topics related to security. In addition to general discussion, the site also features sections on specific tools and techniques, as well as news and announcements.

    While some of the content on SecList is freely available, access to certain sections is restricted to registered members. However, registration is free and only requires a valid email address. It is dedicated to helping people learn about and improve their skills in ethical hacking. 

    14. Nulled

    Nulled is an ethical hacking forum that has been around for many years. It is one of the most popular forums in the world for discussing and sharing information about ethical hacking and cybersecurity. The forum has over two million members and is growing every day.

    The forum is absolutely essential for anyone who is interested in ethical hacking or cybersecurity. It is an invaluable resource for finding information, sharing ideas, and staying up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry. Nulled is an essential part of the ethical hacking community, and it is one of the best hacking forums in the world. 

    15. BiTSHACK 

    BiTSHACK community is dedicated to sharing information and resources on hacking techniques, tools, and best practices. Members of the community include security professionals, researchers, and students from all over the world.

    The forum has a strict code of conduct that prohibits the sharing of illegal or offensive material, and it takes a proactive approach to moderate content. In addition to its forums, BiTSHACK also offers a range of other resources, including educational articles, video tutorials, and an online store.

    BiTSHACK also hosts regular events and training courses on ethical hacking. In addition to its forums, the site also features a blog, a library of resources, and a directory of ethical hackers.

    16. Carding Team

    Forum websites provide a great platform for people with shared interests to connect and discuss various topics. They offer a sense of community and can be a valuable resource of information. One such forum is Carding Team, an ethical hacking forum that is dedicated to discussing carding or the unauthorized use of credit cards.

    The forum includes many different sections, including a marketplace where members can buy and sell stolen credit card information. While the forum does not condone illegal activities, it does provide a space for open discussion and exchange of ideas. For those interested in ethical hacking or carding, Carding Team is an essential stop. 

    17. Jean Valjean forum

    Jean Valjean is a forum for ethical hackers and security researchers. The goal of the forum is to promote cooperation and collaboration within the ethical hacking community. The forum hosts discussions on a wide range of topics, including hacking techniques, security research, and computer science.

    Jean Valjean also offers a variety of resources for members, such as a library of hacking tools and a searchable database of vulnerabilities. In addition, the forum provides a platform for members to share their knowledge and experience with others. As a result, Jean Valjean is an essential resource for anyone interested in ethical hacking or security research. 

    18. Dark Web Forum

    The Dark Web Forum is an online community for ethical hackers and computer security enthusiasts. The forum provides a safe space for users to share information and collaborate on projects. A forum is also a place where users can buy and sell hacking tools and services.

    The Dark Web Forum is unique in that it caters to a wide range of users, from beginners to experts. The community is friendly and welcoming to new members, and the staff is always willing to help.

    In addition, the Dark Web hacking Forum offers a variety of resources, such as tutorials, books, and articles. The forum has been praised for its commitment to ethics and its positive impact on the hacker community. Moreover, learners who want to do Knowledgehut CEH v12 certification also look for this forum for suggestions and new ideas. 

    19. Tinkernut

    Tinkernut is a well-known forum for ethical hacking and information security. The site is home to a vibrant community of tech-savvy users who are passionate about keeping the internet safe.

    In addition to providing discussion forums, Tinkernut also offers a wide range of resources, including articles, tutorials, and tools. One of the most popular features of the site is a section dedicated to hacks of the day, which showcases innovative ways to use technology for good.

    To learn more about ethical hacking or simply want to stay up-to-date on the latest security news, the Tinkernut is an excellent resource. 

    20. Exploit Database

    Exploit Database is an ethical hacking forum that provides information on vulnerabilities, exploitation techniques, and tools for various platforms. The forum also offers a platform for discussion and collaboration between security professionals.

    The site has been a valuable resource for the security community. It has become increasingly popular, with over thousands of followers worldwide.

    The site features a searchable database of exploits, as well as a library of articles and tutorials on topics such as network security and penetration testing. Exploit Database is an essential resource for anyone interested in keeping up with the latest in security research. 

    21. HackADay

    Hackaday is one of the world's largest communities of hackers, makers, and engineers. The site is dedicated to sharing information and resources about hacking, with a focus on education and knowledge sharing.

    HackADay is a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about hacking and security. The site offers a wide range of resources, including tutorials, tools, and news articles. HackADay also hosts regular challenges and competitions, which offer members the chance to test their skills and win prizes.

    In addition to its educational resources, HackADay also provides a platform for discussion and debate on ethical hacking topics. The site's forums are a great place to share ideas and learn from other members of the community. HackADay is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in hacking or security. 

    22. The Evil Zone

    The Evil Zone is one of the best hacking forums that is dedicated to providing resources and information for ethical hackers, and its members are active in many areas of the security community.

    The Evil Zone has a strict code of conduct that prohibits any illegal or malicious activity, and members are expected to follow the forum's rules and guidelines. The forum is also home to a number of popular hacking tools, including Nmap, Metasploit, and Wireshark.

    In addition to its extensive resources, the Evil Zone also offers a wide range of services for members, including training and certification programs. 

    More Hacking Forums

    1. MalwareTips
    2. Root-me
    3. Capture The Flag
    4. Kali Linux Forums
    5. Darknet Forums
    6. SecuriTeam
    7. Reddit
    8. Offensive Security

    Secure Yourselves Before Accessing These Hacker Websites

    There are many reasons why people might want to access hacker websites. Maybe they're curious about how hackers operate or want to learn more about cybersecurity. Whatever the reason, it's important to take some basic precautions before accessing these sites.

    First of all, make sure you have a good firewall and antivirus program installed on your computer. This will help to protect you from any malicious software that might be contained on the site.

    Secondly, don't click on any links or download any files unless you're sure they're safe. Many links are deliberately designed to look benign but lead to malware downloads or phishing sites. Finally, remember that not everything on a hacker's website is necessarily true. Make sure you verify everything thoroughly. 

    How to Know If Your Organisation Sensitive or Personal Data is Available via Hacker Forums?

    Organizational data is becoming increasingly sensitive and personal. At the same time, hacker forums are becoming more prevalent and accessible.

    When it comes to the safety of your organization’s sensitive or personal data, you can never be too careful. Even if you have the most robust security measures in place, there’s always a chance that someone could find a way to access your data. 

    One of the best ways to stay on top of potential threats to your data is to monitor hacker forums. Let’s understand why: 

    1. What are hacker forums?

    Hacker forums are online communities where people with a shared interest in hacking congregate. These forums are used to discuss various topics related to hacking, such as methods, tools, and resources. 

    Many hacker forums also have a marketplace where users can buy and sell hacking services or exploits. In some cases, these forums may also be used to coordinate attacks. 

    2. Why monitor hacker forums?

    Monitoring hacker forums can be a valuable part of your security strategy for several reasons. 

    First, it can help you keep tabs on the latest trends in the world of hacking. This way, you can be sure that your security measures are up-to-date and effective against the latest threats. 

    Second, monitoring hacker forums can help you identify potential threats to your organization. If you see chatter about your company on a forum, you can take steps to investigate the threat and mitigate it before it becomes a serious problem. 

    And lastly, monitoring hacker forums can also help you build up a picture of the hacking landscape. By understanding how hackers operate and what they’re interested in, you can better protect your organization from future attacks. 

    How to monitor hacker forums?

    There are several different ways to monitor hacker forums for threats to your organization. Here are some of the most effective methods: 

    1. Use Google alerts

    One of the simplest ways to monitor hacker forums is to set up Google Alerts for your organization’s name. This way, you’ll be notified any time your organization is mentioned on a forum or other website. 

    To set up a Google Alert, visit google.com/alerts and enter your organization’s name in the “Search terms” field. Then, select “Create alert.” 

    2. Use social media monitoring tools

    Another option is to use social media monitoring tools available online. These tools allow you to track mentions of your organization across various social media platforms, including any black hat hacker forum. 

    3. Use a dedicated forum monitoring service

    If you want a more comprehensive solution, you can use a dedicated forum monitoring service like HackMonitor. These services crawl various forums and report back any mentions of your organization. 

    4. Monitor individual forums manually

    Finally, you can also choose to monitor individual forums manually. This option requires more work, but it can be effective if you know which forums are popular among hackers. 

    Some popular hacker forums include: 

    • Breaking Bad
    • KickAss
    • Hack This Site
    • Hack Forums
    • BHF
    • Hack5 Forums
    • Exploit.in
    • 0x00sec
    • HackerPlace 

    Monitoring these and other forums for mentions of your organization can help you stay one step ahead of potential threats. By keeping an eye on these forums, you can see if there’s any chatter about your company or its data. 

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     As the cyber security landscape changes, so too must the methods and places we use to discuss and learn about ethical hacking. We have compiled the best hacking forums list that you should check out in 2024. These ethical hacking forums are frequented by some of the best hackers and security researchers in the world. So, these forums are great places to learn about new techniques, find collaborators, and discuss current trends in the world of ethical hacking.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the best hacker forum for beginners?

    There are many best hacking forums for beginners, including the Jean Valjean forum, Dark Web Forum, Tinkernut, Exploit Database, HackADay, and The Evil Zone. These forums are filled with experienced hackers who are more than willing to help newcomers learn the ropes. 

    2Which website is best for ethical hacking?

    There is no one "best" website for ethical hacking. However, some great resources for ethical hackers include 0x00sec, HackerPlace, Exploits Database, SecList, Nulled, BiTSHACK, among many others. These websites offer a wealth of information on hacking techniques and tools, as well as provide a forum for experienced hackers to share their knowledge with others. 

    3What are the top ethical hacking forums?

    There are many top ethical hacking forums out there. A few of our favorites include KickAss, Hack This Site, Hack Forums, BHF, among many others. 

    4What are the best forums, websites, or YouTube channels to learn about networking and ethical hacks?

    There are many great resources for learning about networking and ethical hacking. You can check out forums like HackerPlace, Exploits Database, and SecList. In addition, there are many great YouTube channels that offer instructional videos on ethical hacking, such as The Hacksmith and LiveOverflow. 

    5What are the things I need to know in order to learn ethical hacking?

    If you want to learn about ethical hacking, there are a few things you should know. First, you should have a basic understanding of computer networking. Second, you should be familiar with common hacking tools and techniques. Lastly, it is also helpful to have an understanding of the law as it relates to hacking (i.e., what you can and cannot do without breaking the law). 


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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