HomeBlogCloud ComputingCloud Computing Technologies: An Ultimate Guide for 2024

Cloud Computing Technologies: An Ultimate Guide for 2024

05th Mar, 2024
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    Cloud Computing Technologies: An Ultimate Guide for 2024

    Cloud Computing is the latest technology that has made it easier for organizations to sort their data and give seamless access to their remote employees. It also helps in cost-cutting by eliminating the need for any hardware devices and storage setup. You get a safer cloud network over which every member in the team connects with another and continues working collaboratively irrespective of their geographical location.

    There is a need for various cloud technologies to work on a safer cloud network. Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF) hosts all these critical components and providers infrastructure for the developers, technical team, end-users, and everyone associated with the process.

    Introduction to Cloud Computing Technologies

    Cloud Computing technologies are the different hybrid compute functionalities that help in the successful implementation of cloud services. Every organization has varied needs, and to meet all the requirements, one has to make changes in the architecture of cloud computing. The customizations that the cloud experts bring are cloud technologies based, which only an expert can help do.

    So, it has become a market full of opportunities for those who wish to grab the best salary packages in the IT field. If you also have plans to take up the specialized courses, you will find these technologies are a significant part of the cloud computing course syllabus. Moreover, as data intrusion threats are constantly rising, there is an increasing demand for cloud computing security features. That is why you can even find the certification course in Cloud Computing in Hindi. People from different backgrounds can understand it well and grab the best career opportunities.

    The experts have a deeper understanding of which cloud technology would work best for a different cloud application. They have a thorough knowledge of each type and can help with quick implementation. Let us dive deeper and understand the technologies that every cloud expert would learn and implement in a professional career.

    List of Technologies

    Following are the cloud computing technologies that companies can use while designing their cloud architectures.


    It is a process of creating a virtual environment to enable multiple activities to run on a similar server. It can be a virtual version of storage devices, cloud network, and servers. However, it can also be a combination of these resources. This way, you can share a single physical source amongst multiple virtual applications, giving access to a set of customers. The physical application is the host machine, and the virtual networks it creates get referred to as a guest machine. Virtualization works well for all computing cloud types and is a popular technology amongst cloud users.

    Uses of Virtualization

    • There are plethoras of perks that virtualization offers, some of them are:
    • Reduces the cost involved in setting up and managing an IT infrastructure
    • Makes it possible to run different operating systems on physical and virtual machines.
    • It gives remote access to the employees, helping with smoother functioning of the company.
    • It ensures efficient division of resources, which contributes to scalability.

    Types of virtualizations

    Hardware Virtualization

    Installation of a virtual machine directly on the hardware system is known as hardware virtualization. Once you do the hardware virtualization, it is possible to install a different operating system and run various applications.

    Operating System Virtualization

    Installation of a virtual machine manager on the host operating system gets popularly termed operating system virtualization. The primary purpose of this technology is to test different applications.

    Server Virtualization

    Install the virtual machine server directly on a server system gives you the server virtualization setup. The purpose is to divide a single server into multiple servers to balance the load.

    Storage Virtualization

    It is for backup or recovery purposes. Under this, different physical storage from multiple servers gets grouped together.

    Service-Oriented Architecture

    SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, is a technology that allows a user to get cloud services as per the requirements of a business. For example, as the organizational data increases, the company needs more space, different analytic approaches, and more to adjust the expansion. SOA does the same by catering to the requirements of a team and providing them with tailor-made solutions. This technology type provides you with a new delivery model. It is an advanced version of your existing architecture, covering all the latest requirements.

    It is a perfect example of elastic cloud computing, wherein you can expand the services as and when required. Moreover, this elasticity also helps save a lot of money as the company only pays for services it accesses.

    Popular applications of SOA technology

    • The mobile applications keep updating themselves. For example, a gaming app keeps expanding due to new features.
    • In the healthcare industry, the patient data increases every day!
    • In forces, especially the Air Force, there is a need to deploy a situational awareness system
    • Basically, service-oriented architecture is an apt option for any field or business where there is a scope for expansion.

    Basically, service-oriented architecture is an apt option for any field or business where there is a scope for expansion.

    Grid Computing

    It is a technology type in which you connect different servers from multiple resources to achieve a common goal. These servers get placed in a grid, connected by the parallel nodes to form a cluster, which the user can access from a laptop, supercomputer, or a PC. It is feasible to run these clusters on any operating system, and its famous implementation is in the ATMs. Moreover, these clusters are also helpful in market research operations, where the user wants to analyze the data in different ways to figure out the market trends.

    Utility Computing

    As the name suggests, it is a utility-based IT model that follows a pay-per-use method. The company or the business would only pay for the services they use, and the cost gets adjusted with the addition or elimination of certain features. As the service requirement of a business decreases, they use fewer resources, and their billing amount will also reduce. Similarly, if their needs change and they see an increase in the number of resources, the billing amount will also increase. This technology clearly signifies the scalability of cloud computing, as it helps the organizations sort all their data sorting and security issues without burning a hole into their pocket. This technology option is another reason behind the scalability of cloud computing.

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    Different technology options in cloud computing make it a productive solution for companies that want to scale and keep up with the latest trends. But, for a company to ensure fair and smooth implementation of these technologies, it is essential to hire competitive experts! So, it is an opportunity for students and professionals who want to grab attractive packages in the IT field. They can check out the KnowledgeHut cloud computing course syllabus, enrol themselves in the renowned and globally recognized certification course, and try their luck in this field. There will be umpteen opportunities, and it will secure your professional career for life!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the meaning of technologies in cloud computing?

    Technologies are different methods to implement or design a cloud infrastructure in an organization. The choice depends on the particular requirements of a company.

    2What are the major cloud computing technologies?

    There are four major cloud computing technologies- Virtualization, Service Oriented Architecture, Grid Computing, and Utility Computing.

    3Which one is the best cloud computing technology?

    Every technology type has its own perks, and they all cater to different requirements of an organization. However, virtualization is a popular option as it offers more scalability. Many other technologies are under a test, and which one is the best depends on the requirements.

    4Which cloud platform is most used?

    There are different platforms of cloud computing, like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, IBM Bluemix, Alibaba, Google Cloud Platform, and the list goes on. The most popular and commonly used platform is Amazon Web Services. It is much more secure and has plenty of data centres across the globe.

    5Who is the cloud computing leader?

    Amazon has been winning this title continuously for over a decade now! As a result, organizations all over the globe trust their cloud computing security features and the flow with which they work.


    Kingson Jebaraj

    Multi Cloud Architect

    Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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