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What is Data Structure? Types, Features, Applications

28th Mar, 2024
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    What is Data Structure? Types, Features, Applications

    Have you ever wondered how large amounts of data are organized and accessed by computers? This magic lies in the world of data structures. Now you might be thinking about what a data structure is, well it is the specialized way of storing and arranging data in the computer’s memory, allowing for efficient retrieval, manipulation and utilization. Learning data structures is like understanding computer language. This will give you an idea of how the programs are processed effectively. In this post, we will understand many core data structure concepts.

    What is Data Structure?

    A data structure is a method for organizing, processing, retrieving, & storing information. There are several basic and advanced types of data structures for arranging the information for specific purposes. Data structure makes it very easy to maintain data as per your requirements. Most importantly, data structures frame the organization of data so the computer system and humans can better understand it.

    Why are Data Structures Important?

    The basic data types like numbers, while essential, lack the structure needed for real-world applications. Processing information often requires a specific organization to understand its meaning and manipulate it efficiently. Enter data structures - they act as organizers for your data. By logically arranging individual pieces of information, data structures enable us to effectively use, store, and share data. They function like blueprints, defining how data elements are joined together, forming the foundation for building more complex applications. Imagine a "customer" as a data type, combining individual elements like "first name," "middle name," and "last name" into a single, meaningful unit. Understanding and utilizing data structures unlocks the full potential of information processing in computers.

    How are Data Structures Used?

    In general, abstract data types are physically represented using data structures. When creating effective software, data structures are a must. They are crucial to the development and application of algorithms in computer applications.

    The ability to design custom data structures was granted to programmers using early computer languages such as C, Fortran, and C++. Today, many programming languages contain many built-in data structures for organizing code and information. Common coding structures for storing and retrieving information include Python lists and dictionaries, as well as JavaScript arrays and objects.

    Some examples of how data structures are employed are as follows:

    • Keeping data. Data structures are used to ensure efficient data persistence, such as establishing the properties and structures used to store records in a database management system.
    • ·Managing resources and services. Core operating system (OS) resources and services are available through data structures such as linked lists for memory allocation, file directory management, and file structure trees, and process scheduling queues.
    • Data exchange. Common data structures organize information shared between applications, like TCP/IP packets.
    • Ordering and sorting. Binary search trees, also known as ordered or sorted binary trees, are efficient ways to sort things like character strings used as tags. Programmers can manage objects grouped by priority using data structures like priority queues.
    • Indexing. More advanced data structures, such as B-trees, are used to index objects stored in databases.
    • Searching. Indexes generated with binary search trees, B-trees, or hash tables improve the ability to locate a specific desired object.

    Characteristics of Data Structures

    Data structures are frequently classed by their properties. The three features listed below are examples:

    • Linear or nonlinear. This characteristic specifies whether the data pieces are placed sequentially, as in an array, or in an unordered sequence, as in a graph.
    • Homogeneity or heterogeneity. This attribute indicates if all data items in a given repository are of the same type. One example is an array of items, or a collection of different types, such as an abstract data type described as a structure in C or a Java class specification.
    • Static or dynamic. This feature explains how data structures are assembled. Static data structures have predefined sizes, structures, and memory locations at build time.

    Objectives and Key Features of Data Structures

    Here are the objectives & key features of data structures:-

    Objectives of Data Structures

    • Organization: Data structures allow you to organize data in computer memory in an efficient manner for storage, retrieval, and manipulation. This can boost the performance of programs that use this information.
    • Abstraction: Data structures give a layer of abstraction over the underlying physical storage of data. This implies that programmers may concentrate on the logical operations that need to be performed on the data without worrying about the specifics of how the data is kept.
    • Reusability: Data structures are intended to be reused in various settings. This saves programmers time and effort because they don't have to reinvent the wheel every time they work with a specific sort of data.

    Key Features of Data Structures

    Here are some other key characteristics of data structures:

    • Efficiency: Data structures are intended to be efficient in terms of time and space complexity. This means they should be able to perform data operations fast and efficiently without requiring excessive memory.
    • Flexibility: Data structures should be adaptable enough to handle diverse types of data and activities.
    • Maintainability: Data structures should be simple to comprehend and manage. This is significant because data structures are frequently utilized as the foundation for developing huge and complicated software systems.

    Types of Data Structures

    The data structure type utilized in a given situation is decided by the types of operations or algorithms that will be performed. The data structure types include the following:

    • Array. An array is a group of things stored in adjacent memory regions. Items of the same type are stored together, allowing an index to simply calculate or obtain the position of each piece. Arrays can have set or adjustable lengths.
    • Stack. A stack keeps a set of elements in the linear sequence in which operations are performed. This order may be last in, first out (LIFO) or first in, first out (FIFO).
    • Queue. A queue is similar to a stack in that it stores a collection of things; however, the operation order is limited to first in, first out.
    • Linked list. A linked list is a collection of things organized in a linear manner. Each element, or node, in a linked list, has both a data item and a reference, or link, to the next item in the list.
    • A tree is a collection of elements organized in an abstract, hierarchical manner. Each node has a key value, and parent nodes are linked to child nodes (also known as sub nodes). There is a single root node that is the ancestor of all nodes in the tree.
    • Heap. A heap is a tree-based structure in which the associated key value of each parent node exceeds or equals the key values of any of its children.
    • Graph. A graph maintains a collection of elements in a nonlinear order. Graphs are made up of a finite number of nodes (vertices) and the lines that connect them (edges). These are useful for modelling real-world systems like computer networks.

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    Basic Terminologies in Data Structures

    Let's look at these key building blocks:

    • Data is the raw information that needs to be organized and manipulated. It could be numbers, text, graphics, or any mix of these.
    • A data item is a single piece of information stored in a data structure. It could be a single integer, a character from a string, or a specific property in a record.
    • The data type defines the category and attributes of data. Integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and booleans are among the most often used data types.
    • Abstract Data Types (ADT): A conceptual model that defines the operations that can be performed on a data structure without disclosing its internal implementation specifics. Consider it a template for what can be done with the data, rather than how it is kept.
    • Operation: Actions taken on a data structure, such as adding, removing, searching, and altering data elements.
    • Time Complexity: Measures the time required for a data structure's operation, which is frequently described in mathematical notation and influenced by factors such as the structure's element count.
    • Space Complexity: The amount of memory required for a data structure to store its members and conduct operations efficiently. 

    Major Operations of Data Structure

    Here's a look at some of the most common and critical operations:

    1. Traversal: This fundamental operation requires viewing each element in the data structure once in a certain order. This lets you process or access all the data items sequentially.
    2. Insertion: Adding new data pieces to the structure is critical for creating and managing data collections. Different data structures have unique insertion rules and places, which affect efficiency.
    3. Deletion: Eliminating unnecessary or outdated data is critical for keeping the structure current and efficient. Deletion rules, like insertion, are particular to the data structure and may entail relocating pieces or updating pointers.
    4. Searching: Locating a specific data item within the structure is critical for a variety of applications, including retrieving a record in a database. Search algorithms use the structure's arrangement to find the desired data quickly.
    5. Sorting: Organizing data pieces in a given order (ascending, descending, or using custom criteria) is frequently necessary for tasks such as efficient searching, data processing, and visualization. Different sorting algorithms operate on different data structures and have differing temporal complexities.
    6. Modification: Existing data inside the structure must be updated to ensure that information is accurate and reflects changes. Different data structures may have different rules for altering data depending on their underlying organization.

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    Applications of Data Structures

    Data structures are utilized in a variety of computer systems and applications, including

    • Databases employ data structures to organize and store data, allowing for efficient retrieval and modification.
    • Operating systems use data structures to manage system resources like memory and files.
    • Computer graphics use data structures to represent geometric shapes and other graphical features.
    • Artificial intelligence relies on data structures to represent knowledge and information in its systems.

    How to Choose a Data Structure?

    When selecting a data structure for a program or application, developers should evaluate the responses to the following three questions:

    • ·Assisted with operations: Which procedures and functions are necessary for the software? 
    • Complexity of computation: What is the appropriate level of computational performance? A data structure that uses Big O to speed up operations that take time proportional to the number of things handled Notation: O(n)— will operate more quickly than a data structure whose operations take square root of the number of items maintained.
    • Programming elegance: Is the data structure's organization and functional interface user-friendly?

    Advantages of Data Structures

    The use of data structures has various benefits, including:

    • Efficiency: Data structures provide efficient data storage and retrieval, which is vital in applications that require high performance.
    • Flexibility: Data structures are a versatile way to organize and store data, allowing for simple change and manipulation.
    • Reusability: Data structures can be reused across various programs and applications, avoiding the requirement for duplicate code.
    • Maintainability: Well-designed data structures can help programs become easier to comprehend, modify, and maintain over time.

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    Data structures serve as the foundation for organized and efficient data handling in computer systems. They offer a systematic way of storing, retrieving, and manipulating data, which improves program performance and functionality. Understanding these essential building pieces allows programmers to select the most suited data structures for their individual requirements. This enables the best use of resources and effective information processing.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1Why is data structure used?

    Data structures efficiently arrange data, allowing for faster access, manipulation, and storage, resulting in improved program speed and usefulness.

    2What are the 4 types of data structure?
    • Linear: Sequentially organized elements.
    • Non-linear: Elements are connected hierarchically (trees, graphs).
    • File Structures: Prepare data for storage and retrieval (on disk).
    • Hash Tables: To access data quickly, use a key-value pair.
    3What is data structure Stack?

    A stack, like a stack of plates, does the "Last In, First Out" (LIFO) principle. You can only add and remove components from the top. It's handy for keeping track of function calls, browser history, and undo/redo options.

    4What is data structure in real life?

    Consider a library catalogue (linked list), a family tree (tree), or a telephone directory (hash table). These are real-world instances of data organization, analogous to the data structures used in computer science.

    5How to create data structure?

    The procedure is determined by the programming language and its structure. Generally, it entails defining the data type, allocating memory, and carrying out the desired actions such as insertion, deletion, and search. Many computer languages include built-in data structures for convenience.


    Prateek Singh

    Blog Author

    Prateek Singh is a highly-skilled at building front-end interfaces. He loves JavaScript ecosystem and have designed & developed multiple products in his career. He has worked in Fintech, E-Commerce, Healthcare & Semi-conductor industries. Prateek enjoys conversation on Programming, Sports, Art, and Space Science. He is fascinated about origin of the universe, the existential reality & the design around us. 

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